BN election workers missing in action: A tell-tale sign


No one home…

Last night, while I was in Seberang Jaya, I couldn’t help noticing a number of BN road-side ‘operations centres’ that were deserted. No one home. Mind you this was in BN candidate Ariff Shah’s stronghold, his Penang state assembly seat area.

Of course, there were a few BN booths that did have volunteers staffing them. But the number of BN stalls that lay empty suggests that the ruling coalition clearly over-estimated the response it would receive from volunteers.

The first three of these photos were taken near the site of an Anwar ceramah in a residential area (near Jalan Siakap 12), which saw a crowd of around a thousand turning up to listen. It was between 10.30pm and 11.00pm, when many people were on the streets checking out what was going on.

Where is everyone? At Anwar’s ceramah?

These booths have been turned into storage and garage space

The following two stalls stood directly opposite each other on the Seberang Jaya mainroad:

Another BN stall lies deserted…

… but directly across the road, PKR volunteers are beavering away

Blog reader Ah Pek BM, who says he is an MCA life member from Bagan in Butterworth, predicts a majority of 18,500:

You are right, spot on. My house is just a few roads away from the Seberang Jaya Siakap BN Operations centre. BN morale is truly down and most of their so-called workers are paid…

As for winning majority, based on my neigbourhood walk, my stretch target for Anwar is about 18,500 majority. I will be doing my morning walk in Cherok Tok Kun hill on Sunday, able to get more grassroot feedback.

I look forward to your feedback, Ah Pek!

Another blog reader Karma says sentiment among Umno members in Permatang Pauh is at a low ebb:

Prices of essential goods have increased by more than 15 per cent for the past 5 months. Low- income earners are feeling the pain more than the rich. The rich or poor, they all want a complete change to the management of the country now. This is the sentiment in Permatang Pauh now.

Tonight again we see thousands flocking to listen to PR ceramah. Unfortunately, ceramah conducted by BN could not attract much crowd yet. Each ceramah comprises less than about 100 people. Quite a disppointment for BN.

Speaking to the people here… they cited a few reasons why they are not happy with BN: the candidate (Ariff cannot be accepted by many disgruntled Umno members), media abuse, Saiful’s conduct, the price of commodities, high-handed approach of BN government towards PR-ruled states. At this point, Anwar is still able to win by a bigger majority. That is the scenario.

The local Umno and BN machinery is not functioning well. Many I spoke to are half-hearted to go all out to campaign. They have basically surrendered. Many Umno members are not happy with the BN candidate, Ariff, and Umno leaders.

MCA, MIC and Gerakan members feel that they just cannot convince the people to vote for BN anymore. To the Chinese, the Lim Guan Eng factor plays an important role. Most are happy with him. The Indians feel that they are neglected by Umno, quoting a few incidences such as poverty, religion, racial harassment and the Hindraf issue.

Thanks, Karma, do send more feedback from the ground.

A reporter from the mainstream Chinese press told me just now that he heard that the predictions of the PKR majority have been slashed to 5,000.

On the evidence of the above photos, I found that hard to believe. If the BN cannot even find volunteers to staff all their booths, how are they going to reduce the PKR majority of 13,000-plus? The only way the BN can achieve a lower margin of defeat is if voters are unable to turn up because Tuesday, polling day, is a working day.

A friend of mine said I shouldn’t raise expectations too high, because if the PKR’s majority is lower than expected, it would be a moral victory for the BN. What do you think?

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20 Mar 2009 9.05pm

Thanks Megat Nasarudin Megat Ayob for highlighting the Indian problems in Malaysia, they have been outcast, marginalised for the past 50 years. Its a nice Malaysian gesture. It may look like indians are doing well as painted by the professional group; i.e Doc and lawyers yet the majority are still struggling to make a decent living

hahaha just like a tamil movie.come this is malaysia not india.wake up!

20 Mar 2009 8.03pm

dethrow on August 27th, 2008 at 2.48am pls 4gv me for writing in malay…hehehe…well 1stly i would like to say Alhamdulillah to Allah The AlMighty for prayers answered….dis Victory is not DSAI’s alone….it’s The Rakyat’s Victory….we Bangsa Malaysian have long understand each other but dat dirty B(angsawan)N(egara) always sakit hati tgk kita living among others in harmony so they say macam2 to make us suspicious with each other…so they can control us…but theyre wrong!!! Tuesday 26/8/8 proved it clearly to them what Rakyat really wants….lets all pray dat evrything will go on smoothly without any “kacau” from them cos knowing… Read more »

20 Mar 2009 8.01pm

sunwayopal on August 23rd, 2008 at 3.28pm
I think the UMNO gangsters are turning even more racist and virulent in their campaigns going by what I have heard Ezam and KJ spouting (can see their speeches in MalaysiaKini also). Much as I hope that Malaysians and Malays can raise above these kind of racist idiots, I do fear among simple kampong folk , they can be easily ‘misguided’ by these people.

yeah rite…i intend to agree with u, but in the other manner, dsai who are real gangster and always misguide this kampung folk..

27 Aug 2008 2.48am

pls 4gv me for writing in malay…hehehe…well 1stly i would like to say Alhamdulillah to Allah The AlMighty for prayers answered….dis Victory is not DSAI’s alone….it’s The Rakyat’s Victory….we Bangsa Malaysian have long understand each other but dat dirty B(angsawan)N(egara) always sakit hati tgk kita living among others in harmony so they say macam2 to make us suspicious with each other…so they can control us…but theyre wrong!!! Tuesday 26/8/8 proved it clearly to them what Rakyat really wants….lets all pray dat evrything will go on smoothly without any “kacau” from them cos knowing their “hati busuk”!!! Congrats DSAI..Congrats PP voters…Congrats… Read more »

25 Aug 2008 8.53pm

my fren told me things one thing, tomm gonna be a havoc day in PP, and voters list might not be correct as per what happend during 2004. voters will be frustrated and turnout gonna be low at 48%. They gonna claim the poor attendance due to rowdy character of PKR supporters, wherelse they r not from PKR neither PR. So its gonna be a victory for arif by very slim majority, thats what I heard and hope it is not true, so lets all out go and tell our frenz and family memebers to make sure to vote. A… Read more »

william wong
william wong
25 Aug 2008 3.19pm

but here i would like to highlight that any how must alert n be careful ,those around the crowd might have UM people pretending support but in direct way they would arise some problem, so watch out for those ppl n catch them , look around n see who are suspicious then watch out of them,cos this kind of tactic Taiwan former pm had been used b4 to black listed … ok,,

25 Aug 2008 12.00pm

BN certainly are doing house-to-house campaigning, but the lack of activity at the Bilik Gerakan speaks volumes. For those who may be interested in the mechanics of organising for house-to-house campaigning. The Bilik Gerakan is an essential nerve centre. Large areas are divided into neighbourhoods which different teams are assigned to cover. The ethnic mix, economic status, past voting history etc of each neighbourhood is taken into account, and the appropriate pitch strategy is employed. After each team completes its task, they report back to the Bilik Gerakan for feedback And they get their allowances, meals etc. of course. So,… Read more »

The Avathar
The Avathar
25 Aug 2008 9.31am

Thanks Megat Nasarudin Megat Ayob for highlighting the Indian problems in Malaysia, they have been outcast, marginalised for the past 50 years. Its a nice Malaysian gesture. It may look like indians are doing well as painted by the professional group; i.e Doc and lawyers yet the majority are still struggling to make a decent living. That also applies to the Malays and Chinese. We need a strong government that would address poverty issues among the rakyat imaterial of race! Give opportunities to those who are qualified to run the ministry and the government department not based on race.It should… Read more »

Justice for All
Justice for All
25 Aug 2008 9.04am

Call to scrap mega projects PENANG: The state Umno will “persuade” the Federal Government to scrap all the mega projects in the state in view of the people’s clear rejection of Barisan Nasional. Since Penangites do not want development, the Federal Government should not force it on them, said state Umno liaison committee secretary Datuk Azhar Ibrahim. He said that this was not Penang Umno taking revenge “but we are actually giving the people what they want”. Struggle continues: Azhar (third from left), Abdul Rashid (left) and other Penang Umno leaders showing their fighting spirit after the emergency meeting on… Read more »

25 Aug 2008 2.24am

Latest Ground Zero Observations ; Just back from 4 hours of visiting all the BN & PKR stations; Its true that almost 95% of BN stations seems adandoned except the Trengganu UMNO center with their workers sitting, looking lost and exhausted. PKR stations had definitely captured huge crowds especially the locals were grouping there, with video speeches playing. Very motivated PKR workers busy working under the rain and high spirited, morale is definitely boosted. The Melaka PKR group of ladies and children were really enjoying themselves under the bus stand, waving and shouting along the roadside, a jovial group. I… Read more »

24 Aug 2008 11.05pm

A lesson from KL, to people of Permatang Pauh.
DISRUPTION!!!! by PDRM. Be weary of roadblocks.

24 Aug 2008 8.46pm

I was there too and again meet him for late evening prayer……seems strong enough….donno if he’s play acting or really sick….May God Show us the Truth….(For that sodomy case that stupid boy shldn’t overpower Anwar as both of them (allegedly) agree for that dirty action)…everyone knows that…..even his counterpart at PAS but most of them keep mum on this…Dont know why….maybe Politics are Dirty…..the rakyat always suffer..everywhere in thsi world….

24 Aug 2008 7.56pm

I am a voter in PP. Being a prudent voter, I thought that it was only right that I assess the candidate at least with my own eyes before casting my vote. So, I drove up to Anwar’s campaign HQ near Kubang Semang this afternoon to take a look. I waited among some PKR supporters for him to emerge from his office. Anwar came out @ 3.30pm, walking slowly down the 3-steps pavement. Looked like he was having some pain and an aide quickly held his right hand and guided him to enter the waiting car. It was just so… Read more »

24 Aug 2008 7.20pm

No…..most of Anwar speech followers were people from outside Permatang pauh….i think 70% of them…..don’t be too confident….Permatang Pauh people are more to PAS sentiment….and most will not be going out to vote on 26th Aug 08….wait n see….they don’t trust both UMNO and PKR (becoz of DAP attitude)…
well we’ll see next 2 days when results is out…..Anwar will win but with simple majority…..

24 Aug 2008 4.37pm

We know that Anwar would win this election, whether by big majority, does not matter. This is not a big issue. What is most important, Anwar need to be in parliment and thus lead our PR towards the new dawn for our beloved Malaysians Malaysia.

24 Aug 2008 4.09pm

I think its the replica of UMNO tactics at Permatang Pasir.
They do the same situation there.
They purposely abandon their post so that PR think that PR will win easily.
They are 100% believe door to door campaign is more effective.

Stand up all patriots… our fights should be more intense.

Humiliate them to the core of the earth.

James Kuick
James Kuick
24 Aug 2008 3.53pm

On 26th August, Justice shall prevail.
The road to Putra Jaya shall unfold for DSAI.A
And the circus and zoo entourage from BN shall be banished from PP.
We had enough! Long Live the ‘Rakyat’!

Satriya Suetoh
Satriya Suetoh
24 Aug 2008 2.27pm

There is a vast difference between people who work for pay against people who work for their beliefs and rights. The people working for Anwar’s campaign have a lot more heart and zeal compared to the other side. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out who will win big!

24 Aug 2008 2.10pm


mari lah undi
mari lah undi
24 Aug 2008 10.53am

They are attending to the “pengundi hantu” (phamton voters). They are counting on them and this being the month of the Hungry Ghosts, and the ‘hantus’ are most willing to oblige provided they are fed !!!

24 Aug 2008 10.52am

A win for Anwar is a win for a New Malaysia and the whole nation is waiting for a change in Management lead by the Permatang Pauh MP…So no matter what kind of majority he gets, we hope this is the beginning of a New Malaysia.

24 Aug 2008 10.33am

Let me not put a damper on the all the above positive views. But I think we should not raise our hopes of an easy victory for DSAI. Knowing the dirty tricks that BN is capabale of, every one concerned should be vigilant and be prepared for worst. People of goodwill from all religious faith let us continually pray that Almighty God will grant wisdom to the voters choose wisely and for the authorities to be fair to the voters to exercise their inherent rights.

bk, East Coast
24 Aug 2008 10.28am

Out-Station PP voters, pl make your way home to vote PKR. Malaysia need you badly for the CHANGE! Your EVERY vote counts!

24 Aug 2008 10.27am

Dear Anil and blog readiers,
Many thanks for the PP updates

I bought the New Star and Straits Times yeaterday ( Saturday ), but just for the PP News. But I just could not find motivation to read it !!!!! And it is already approaching Sunday noon. There is just no trust that the reporting is representative on what is happening on the ground.

It is so sad isn’t it ………..

I am based in KL, people I met still feel short changed about the just revised fuel price cut. Wonder the feedback from the folks from PP.

Hulubalang Malaya
Hulubalang Malaya
24 Aug 2008 10.25am

Mengapa Mesti Anwar? 1. Anwar pemimpin keluarganya. Sekiranya Anwar berperangai buruk, mana mungkin keluarganya dan anak2nya lebih terdidik, sopan, berwajah bersih, berterampilan baik berbanding pada anak2 kita sendiri. 2. Anwar satu2nya tokoh politik yang terus tegak berjuang walau disekat, ditindas, dihina, dimalukan, dipenjara, disingkir. Belum ada lagi tokoh sebegini dalam sejarah kita. Perjuangannya untuk rakyat, keadilan, kesejahteraan dan keharmonian semua kaum. 3. Sekiranya Anwar dilantik menjadi PM, maka beliaulah antara PM pertama yang dilantik oleh rakyat Malaysia. Bukan dilantik oleh UMNO-BN dan bukan juga atas penyerahan kuasa ala UMNO. 4. Rakyat yang melantik Anwar, maka andai kata Anwar tidak menepati… Read more »