Bkt Selambau: MIC pulling out all the stops


2350: Blog reader Karma reports:

On the ground it’s all out for PR. We see people of all races helping PR candidate win the election. This is history. Pas is giving undivided support to ensure victory for PR candidate. Malays, Chinese and Indians are carrying flags in support of Manikumar. Seemingly, all races are seen united for a common cause. When asked a Malay shopkeeper he said, “Kita tak kisah Melayu, India atau Cina. Kita mahu keadilan untuk semua. MB kami orang baik. Calon PR pun orang baik.”

Looks like the independents are not getting much support. An Indian professional quipped in Malay, “Kacau punya orang. Kita mahu satu orang saja. Ini Mani (Manikumar) baik punya orang. Kita mahu dia dalam kerajaan.

Unfortunately, BN candidate is not getting much support. Out of 10 people interviewed, eight were not happy with him winning the by-election. Neither are BN component parties aggressively campaiging for him. In contrast, PKR supporters are seen all out to ensure a big win for its candidate.

1743: Is it just me or are you all also experiencing slow Internet downloading speeds?

1738: Among the independent candidates, insurance agency owner T Chandrarajan appears to be the most visible in the poster war. He was also featured in an NST “online exclusive” interview. While I was in town, I noticed quite a few of his campaign workers plastering his posters with the aeroplane logo all over the place. But my contact tells me it is R Loganathan who commands a sizeable following among the independents.

The presence of these independent candidates has got the PKR campaigners a little worried about the votes being split. They are also worried that the BN will pull off a last-minute surprise to win votes. A few are speculating that several of the Hindraf detainees could be released soon.

PKR campaigners may have a few surprises up their sleeves as well. The Kugan custodial death issue could be highlighted in the campaign over the next few days.

1400: Back in Bukit Selambau again. It’s turning out to be a close contest here, according to a PKR ops centre chief. He says he expects a tough fight, with the PKR candidate possibly winning by a few hundred votes.

Although the rural voters appear to be leaning towards the PKR, the BN has been working hard on the ground to win back lost support. For example, an eye-witness told me Muhyiddin presented a mock cheque for RM350,000 to the Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (T) Sungai Tukang for renovation work, the funds said to be coming from the second stimulus plan. About 50 people – 10 parents, a few teachers and MIC members – were there to witness the handover.  The MIC candidate and Education Department officials were also present.

From what I hear, Samy Vellu seems to be getting a mixed reception.

Meanwhile, Pas has been working hard for the PKR candidate. Apparently, they have been going house to house to canvass for votes.

A media source tells me the name “Datuk Ravi” keeps cropping up in conversations with PKR party workers as someone who has some influence in PKR decision making pertaining to Indian Malaysians. Remember that name.

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2 Apr 2009 10.57pm

The people must rise above this corrupted government. We have to show them again and again the people’s power. Send Bn to BEnd.

Sivin Kit
2 Apr 2009 9.42pm

Thanks Anil for your hard independent work! 🙂

It’s strange how everytime some major news is coming, or there’s some big rally happening or near the elections, the internet service is mega slow . . .

2 Apr 2009 9.36pm

On the ground it’s all out for PR. We see people of all races helping PR candidate win the election. This is history. PAS is giving undivided support to ensure victory for PR candidate. Malays, Chinese and Indians are carrying flags in support of Manikumar. Seemingly, all races are seen united for a common cause. When asked a Malay shopkeeper he said, “Kita tak kisah Melayu, India atau Cina. Kita mahu keadilan untuk semua. MB kami orang baik. Calon PR pun orang baik.” Looks like the independents are not getting much support. An Indian professional quipped in Malay, “Kacau punya… Read more »

siew eng
2 Apr 2009 9.01pm

try this link whether it works: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Najib_Tun_Razak

bangsa Cina Malaysia
bangsa Cina Malaysia
2 Apr 2009 8.27pm

manikumar a graduate from UUM.

this is the kind of educated and model state assemblyman we want to represent us.

and also PR represent everyone regardless of race.

no more indian represent indian, chinese represent chinese, malay represent malay.

say no to race based party.

say no to MIC-MCA-UMNO.

Dalbinder Singh
Dalbinder Singh
2 Apr 2009 8.14pm

My comment was not all about goodies, but was about restoring the basic fundamentals of morality and ethics through PR.

2 Apr 2009 7.51pm

hindraf 5 are the real victims.they are languishing in jail for the rights of all indians and the hindraf supporters who are going against the pkr are the … who are taking advantage of the situation
i have loss all respect for hindraf,exceptfor the5 who are in kamunting

Ong Eu Soon
Ong Eu Soon
2 Apr 2009 7.01pm

My broadband speed is as slow as a snail for the last yew days. What’s up??? Is this the latest trick to sabotage the internet media???

2 Apr 2009 6.55pm

As Bukit Selambau is racially mixed with 50% Malay, 30% Indian and 20% Chinese, any candidate who has any chance of winning must have the support of all races. Indian independents appealing to the Indian vote or Malay independents appealing to the Malay vote just isn’t going to make it. Only PR or BN has a chance of winning. Arumugan’s victory was under special circumstances which do not exist now. In the 2008 general election, the PKR candidate was disqualified on technical grounds leaving a straight fight between Arumugan and BN. Due to the intense anti-BN sentiment at that time,… Read more »

2 Apr 2009 6.44pm

slow speed…normal lah.. Now is election time and all you bloggers is really getting to BN nerves. So scared are they that instead of total block….they practiced selective blocking…that is to frustrate net-tizen from enjoying the full show?

About Najib swearing in tomorrow as PM, can anyone tell me as to why no statement is forthcoming from the Palace like the one made when Zambry was appointed the MB. the only news we got is the invitation sent out ny the chief secretary to the Govt and not by the Palace. ….weird things happen in Bolehland.

Dalbinder Singh
Dalbinder Singh
2 Apr 2009 5.30pm

the people of bukit selambau must think of their future, they should be ready to go through the thick and thin to change the federal government (after all, i see a snap elections soon). If they have been willing to suffer for 50 years of cheat by BN. Just another 2 years my friends, and there is no suffering as the Kedah state government is a peoples government, PR government, thus i am very sure the MB of Kedah would work hard to help the people of Bukit Selambau. Dont be fooled by this April Fool gifts by BN. Anil,… Read more »

2 Apr 2009 4.46pm

Fairdinkum ,
I am still very baffled how the citizens in the Northern States are allowing this semi value to wander about….

2 Apr 2009 4.37pm

RM350k saja. sikitnya.

c’mon, Muhiddin,you should do better than N.
let’s do the lucky draws again!!! the people would like you more!!!

2 Apr 2009 3.17pm

Let’s hope the pople of Bukit Selambau will once and forever … send semi value to his permanent retirement.

I hope the indians in BS will not forget so easily Semi value for what he has done to the indian community.