Bkt Gantang: Pakatan confident but cautious


2046: This afternoon, I checked out a Pas briefing session at Kampong Boyan aimed at activists who have volunteered. Among those represented there was the group opposing the teaching of Maths and Science in English. The language issue is likely to feature prominently in the Pas campaign.

At the same time, the party is also touting its “Pas for all” makeover  aimed at making the party more acceptable to other groups in the spirit of “constructive engagement”.

1940: Just had dinner after earlier tucking into some cool Taiping cendol from a road-side stall, which advertises itself as “generasi ketiga” (third generation), so I’m pretty stuffed! Covering these by-elections is hard work…

Forgot to mention that the PKR MP told me the BN’s main issues in Bukit Gantang were about derhaka and Pakatan’s land titles to non-Malays.

According to him, Mahathir was expected to be in Bukit Gantang today, but the PKR MP said the Pakatan is not worried as his presence in town would actually help the alliance. It would be interesting to see how Mahathir reconciles the derhaka issue with his earlier constitutional amendment affecting the royalty. Moreover, the MP added, people still remember Mahathir’s divisive role in Umno during the party split in 1987. He said Mahathir’s influence in Umno is overestimated and reminded me that Muhkriz finished last among the three Umno Youth candidates vying for the top post.

It’s pouring cats and dogs now; I am not sure how it’s going to affect the ceramahs tonight featuring Nizar, Azmin Ali, Abdullah Sani and DAP politicians.

1828: As expected by campaigners in Bukit Selambau, where 30 per cent of voters are ethnic Indians,  a couple of Hindaf detainees are among the 13 ISA detainees released ahead of the by-elections. And as predicted, Hindraf leader Uthayakumar isn’t among those released.

1813: The PKR MP I spoke to this morning predicts that PKR will win Batang Ai by 1,000 votes, and Bukit Selambau and  Bukit Gantang both by 3,000-vote majorities. Much will depend on the turnout of the Chinese voters in Bukit Gantang.

I asked him whether he was aware of the nature of Anwar’s “Big Shock” announcement tonight.

“Yes,” replied. But he was not telling. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a big surprise, would it.

“Is it really going to be a kejutan besar (big shock)?” I asked.

“Yes, a big one,” he replied knowingly.

We shall see.

1741: Blog reader Karma reports:

The people here until now seem to favour Pakatan candidate more. Eight out of 10 people talked to wanted Nizar to win. Nizar is a very popular personality here. He is popular among all races. Not much has been mentioned about the BN candidate. Towering Nizar has overshadowed him.

The racial card played by some campaigners here did not favour many residents in this constituency. They felt its the same old story used only to get votes. A man in his 30s said, “Kita tetap miskin. Tengok apa yang dibuat mereka. Tengok mereka berkereta besar, berpakaian hebat. Tengok kami; tengok rumah kami; tengok anak-anak kami. Miskin dari dulu sampai sekarang.”

Issues based on race and religion have not swung people’s liking for Nizar. They are more concerned with the price of essential things that have gone up, unemployment and social problems among the youth. They feel that governance should focus more on the poor. The presence of well-dressed BN campaigners in big expensive cars has not made the people here happy. Most are poor people and they feel the big gap between them and those in power.

Looks as if the support for Nizar has tremendously increased among all the races. Out of 10 interviewed, eight preferred Nizar, one the BN candidate and one was undecided.

Asked about Mahathir’s support for the BN candidate and that he is going to campaign for him, many quipped, “Kita tak nak dengar dia lagi. Zaman dia dulu pun banyak memberi masalah kepada rakyat. Kami ingin perubahan besar. Kami tak nak dia lagi. Kami tak suka cara dia kutuk Pak Lah. Pak Lah tu orang baik.

Seems like, Mahathir is not going to have any impact on the outcome of this by-election.

1309: Greetings from Taiping. Ran into a PKR MP who is leading the campaign in BN stronghold of Trong and he told me he is confident that Pakatan will get at least 57 per cent of the votes in Bukit Gantang.

He estimates support from the Malays to be at least 40 per cent while Chinese support to be around 70-80 per cent. Stay tuned.  Mahathir is due to make an appearance this afternoon in Taman Kaya.

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6 Apr 2009 5.42pm


Matter of opinion.
We’ll know how they vote by tomorrow evening.

Provided there is no cheating !

6 Apr 2009 3.10pm

I would like to think that Tun M is not going to help pushing for votes in any of the tri-by elections, infact, making people hate BeeEnd more. By the way, not heard of KJ of late? Not even in MSM is shown. Cold storage?

6 Apr 2009 2.03pm

Anil I hope you will be more objective in your reporting though I have no problem with your PR-slanted views. The number of attendees for the ceramahs and making highly biased “random” sampling is hurting your credibility. Your reports and data are totally out of sync with most other media (alternative ones that is). By keep saying that PR candidates are leading in BS and BG and it has a fighting chance in Batang Ai is not most observers are reporting or seeing. Most nuetral political observers predict a BN win in BS and BA while BG is a close… Read more »

4 Apr 2009 11.06pm

Anil, great reporting.

News of the old man that refuses to retire making a comeback? What are they saying on the ground?

4 Apr 2009 10.11pm

bangsa Cina Malaysia on April 4th, 2009 at 6.48pm
we need a change of federal government.
vote MB Nizar for Parliament.

enough is enough…

too bad u are not voting here in bukit gantang!and the lastest news here in bukit gantang, nizar are losing teribbly.

4 Apr 2009 10.10pm

Kita tetap miskin. Tengok apa yang dibuat mereka. Tengok mereka berkereta besar, berpakaian hebat. Tengok kami; tengok rumah kami; tengok anak-anak kami. Miskin dari dulu sampai sekarang.”

u never ask the person why he still poor?even when nizar namrud rules, nothing happen to him.DAP?huh they wont help malay people….

4 Apr 2009 8.49pm

Excellent reporting from Ground Zero as usual, Anil. THANK YOU! 🙂

4 Apr 2009 8.31pm


what do you expect from someone who has nightmares about his own roots.

he has cause so much division in this country. …he will have to answer to his Almighty for his reign.

4 Apr 2009 8.22pm

where is exactly the ceramah tonite oin bkt gantang?

Check this out:

4 Apr 2009 8.19pm

Thank you Anil, I await the announcement in earnest. Possibly Zaid Ibrahim masuk PKR!?

4 Apr 2009 7.53pm

Getting an OLD ENGINE to carry the rubbish load but be a pretty desperate move by BN…better have a toll truck follow behind, just in case the old engine breaks down!
I have yet to hear any policies made by the ruling party to impress me, except trying to win elections by using dirty means…that’s UMNO.

4 Apr 2009 7.17pm

Is the election commission going to use the indelible ink this time?

Pakatan should insist on it as I predict BN might be cheating big time.

4 Apr 2009 6.53pm

kakaka.. Pakatan sure got confident that Altantuya will invited them all to go for a ghost festival dinner!!!

4 Apr 2009 6.49pm

who is scarier, M or N?

bangsa Cina Malaysia
bangsa Cina Malaysia
4 Apr 2009 6.48pm

we need a change of federal government.
vote MB Nizar for Parliament.

enough is enough…

4 Apr 2009 6.24pm

We urged all voters to VOTE FOR CHANGE !!!! MAKKAL SAKTI !!! HIDUP PR !!!!

4 Apr 2009 5.41pm

The people here until now seem to favour Pakatan candidate more. 8 out of 10 people talked to wanted Nizar to win. Nizar is a very popular personality here. He is popular among all races. Not much has been mentioned about the BN candidate. Towering Nizar has overshadowed him. The racial card played by some campaigners here did not favour many residents in this constituency. They felt its the same old story used only to get votes. After that, its the same old story. A man in his 30s said, ‘Kita tetap miskin. Tengok apa yang dibuat mereka. Tengok mereka… Read more »

toon mamakthir
toon mamakthir
4 Apr 2009 5.25pm

Additional referendum in Perak: Mahathir will save umno?

4 Apr 2009 4.32pm

Should take Mahathir for a detour to Kamunting Camp and see how the ISA prisoners live. He was also one of those culprits who made people’s lives miserable just because they have different political stands. What about their loved ones? Everyday their families have to live in agony for not being able to be with them and not knowing when they get the chance to see them again.

4 Apr 2009 4.05pm

viva PR !!

4 Apr 2009 3.46pm

Expect Mahathir to play the racist card like:

1) Perak govt was a Chinese govt.
2) Nizar was a DAP stooge
3) Perak Malays were marginalized
4) Malay rights are being threatened

Nothing new. He may even play the royalty card of treason to the Sultan which would be rich coming from him. Overall, Mahathir may have a positive effect by pushing more non-Malays to PR than Malays to BN.

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
4 Apr 2009 3.40pm


Do voters vote for parties or personalities?
Do voters vote for principals or on principles?
Do voters vote for politicians treated as ‘deities’?
Do voters vote for policies or treats given as ‘apples’?

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 040409
Sat. 4th Apr. 2009.

4 Apr 2009 2.28pm

If you turn off the North South Highway at Changkat Jering and drive in the direction of Pantai Remis or Lumut , Trong is the first little town you pass by. Very rural. Was (is?) an UMNO stronghold.
The Chinese there are very clanish. PR needs to get to their community leaders it wants to get their votes. MCA used to be very strong here , but on March 8,08 the community very much swung against BN. I’m a bit doubtful how they will vote this time.

4 Apr 2009 2.26pm

what a man of vengeance?.he rejoined unmo a day after badawi surrenders his pm .please learn to respect the previous pm badawi.what are bad example to the younger generations.bersih cekap dan amanah.we all got fooled and once again he is trying his old tricks. i hope he goesinto oblivion

4 Apr 2009 2.22pm

Very appreciate of your blog, Anil.