Batang Ai: Taib “the Glue” to lead 5,000 BN supporters


Sarawak Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Taib Mahmud is expected to lead some 5,000 BN supporters to the nomination centre at the Lubok Antu Mini Stadium this morning, reports the Borneo Post.

Among the BN big guns expected to join him in the show of support for their candidate, Malcolm Mussen Lamoh, are Umno vice-president Shafie Apdal, Joseph Pairin Kitingan and Parti Rakyat Sarawak president James Masing.

On the opposing side, Khalid Ibrahim and other PKR leaders will accompany their candidate, Jawah Gerang.

Meanwhile, James Masing has praised Taib sky-high, referring to the chief minister as the “glue” that binds the Sarawak BN coalition together.Ā  For an ‘entertaining’ read, click here.

Masing gets ‘extra points’ for sycophantic comments such as these:

Pehin Sri, in spite of all the half truths and half lies, and some criticisms that are down right lies, you have carried the burden of leadership with pride and you have kept the coalition going despite the challenges you were and are made to face.

Some of these challenges are man-made – and I was one of those who made them at one stage – while others are natural disasters.

To avoid the dangers of these political pitfalls and come out shining is not an easy task. You have done it, sir, with flying colours.

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30 Mar 2009 7.21am

The STARS tells that Malcom is going to loose by 2000 votes as per this blog. The Might Of The PenMarch 29, 2009 MALCOLM WILL LOSE IN BATANG AI BY 2000 VOTES NUMEROLOGICALLY! The Barisan Nasional candidate for the Batang Ai state by-election, Malcolm Mussem Lamoh, finds great comfort in the number nine. ā€œIā€™m 49 years old, born in 1959, resigned from government service on the 19th (of March). The nomination day is today, March 29 while Batang Ai is state constituency number 29,ā€ he told reporters after he was confirmed as candidate for the April 7 by-election. Incidentally, number… Read more »

29 Mar 2009 6.02pm

sarawakian, especially Dayaks, the real bumiputra go on keep on voting for BN & live a stone age lifestyle…

Dayaks, what say you?!

Samuel Goh Kim Eng
Samuel Goh Kim Eng
29 Mar 2009 12.56pm


For each sticking purpose you must have the right glue
You may have to try several kinds before you get the right clue
It’s no simple matter to get it suddenly out of the blue
Knowing too well that many things flow through the old flue

(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng – 290309
Sun. 29th Mar. 2009.

29 Mar 2009 11.43am

sarawakian it’s the time to stand up against the evil or you will forever be owned!!!

29 Mar 2009 11.28am

Hahahahahahaha so many kaki bodek. Wa ampu sana wa ampu sini.

29 Mar 2009 10.43am

Heard that Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan will be there to support BN candidate. Remember 1985 in Tambunan. Yeap, he is NOT RELEVANCE anymore. Time comes, he will be forget. Sabah untuk orang Sabah is mere bulls….

29 Mar 2009 8.33am

What a glowing and flowery speech by a running… I could puke!
The beautiful thing in life is, when you have crumbs to throw,
there are bound to have stray … sniffing around…in the kingdom of the blinds the one eyed is the king…king of …
Maybe, he can tell his righteous when the time comes to his Maker how
clean and good a man he was…and may God save his soul!

29 Mar 2009 8.29am

A good leader is the one vho lives and mangle with his fellow Malaysians. An exemplary leader is Tuan Guru Nik Aziz who just live in a simple house together with his Kelantanese. A useless leader is the one who goes around in their own Rolls and Merce and own mansions and houses as bid as a palace with ill gotten gains… while their people lives in downright dilipidated houses …some even without the basic necessities attach.

Belacan Factory, Sarawak
Belacan Factory, Sarawak
29 Mar 2009 7.27am

Good …-polisher, Mr.James Masing
That is all he is good at and a most coward man in Iban history. Ha ha. Next year, Pehin will award him Best … & B… Polisher Year 2009 and let him overtake his good brother Jabu
His struggle in politic is to get himself taken care of – but his people?

Anak Kuching
Anak Kuching
29 Mar 2009 2.30am

… Pray all my one and all to the God whatever HE may be call for the demise of Ybs in the hope of new roads, schools, allocations, etc!!!!

Take care now and leave the rest in GOD’s hands. May peace be upon you.