Live – BN retains Balingian with larger majority


It is likely that BN will win the Balingian by-election. But we should watch closely whether Pakatan can reduce the 75 per cent of the popular vote clinched by the BN in this constituency in the 2011 state election.

The by-election today is between BN’s Yussibnosh Balo and Pakatan’s Abdul Jalil Bujang (PKR). Voter turnout at 11.00am was 53 per cent compared to the total turnout of 70 per cent in the 2011 state election.

In the 2011 state election, former-Chief Minister Taib Mahmud won the state seat with a reduced majority of 5,154 votes (2006 – 5,726 votes) in a three-cornered contest.

Back then, the area had 11,792 registered voters. It has 13,366 registered voters now, a rise of 13 per cent.

In the run-up to the buy-election by-election, a few prominent national PKR leaders were denied entry into Sarawak. PKR vice chairman See Chee How was reported (in FMT) as saying that millions of ringgit were being thrown around in Balingian since nomination day on 17 March – which he said was unprecedented and “more than the constituency has seen in decades”.

The 2011 state elections:

PKR (Suriati Abdullah) (PKR) – (871) (10.5 per cent of total votes cast)
BN (Taib Mahmud) (BN-PBB) – 6,210 (2006 – 6393) (75.2 per cent of total votes cast)
Independent (Salleh Jafaruddin) – 1056

Valid votes cast – 8137

Spoilt votes – 116

Total votes cast – 8,253

Registered voters – 11792
Turnout – 70.0 per cent

Majority (5154) (2006 – 5726)

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1 Apr 2014 10.19am

In this world, there are two categories of people beyond cure, one is lazy people and the other one is stupid people.
In Sabah and Sarawak, they belong to the latter group. Even heaven cries buckets of tears for these people

So in Sabah & Sarawak, Malays, Chinese,Indian, Kadazan, Murut, Iban, Melanau, Dayak etc etc and others are all stupid. And all these people are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Atheist and others and supporters of DAP, PKR, BN, Pekaka, PBS, USNO, UMNO, MCA, Gerakan, PAS and others etc etc.

No we really have one no brainer.speaking

31 Mar 2014 2.39pm

In this world, there are two categories of people beyond cure, one is lazy people and the other one is stupid people.

In Sabah and Sarawak, they belong to the latter group. Even heaven cries buckets of tears for these people.

By the way, Anil, i have received 5 copies of Major Zaidi’s books. I will send one for your reading at Aliran Office when i am free, ya.

Irene Fernandez just passed on, good people die young while the wicked ones just cant seem to disappear???

30 Mar 2014 7.10pm

Manupulate not manupulated .sorry

30 Mar 2014 7.08pm

Swk is underpopulated and people living sparely hence easy for bn to manupulated rural voters..

Ahmad Syafiq
29 Mar 2014 8.49pm

Anil, as long the EC or MACC doesn’t do anything about the dangling, there’s nothing much we can do it unfortunately.

29 Mar 2014 7.13pm

Pakatan Rakyat gonna lose their deposit

Ahmad Syafiq Mohd Amin
29 Mar 2014 7.06pm

Anil, I can tell you that PR will face a major uphill battle to win over the locals of Sarawak in the next state election. They may have won 6 parliament seats out of 31 on offer during GE13, but all of them are Chinese-majority seats. The only selected rural seats that PR has a chance of retaining is Krian (via Ali Biju – PKR) and Ba’kelalan (via Baru Bian – PKR). The rest of the rural seats are a shoo-in for Barisan Nasional, especially under their new CM. Hence, PR can no longer play the Taib card as he… Read more »

Ahmad Syafiq Mohd Amin
29 Mar 2014 7.28pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Anil, even if BN hadn’t made those promises, they would still have obtained a super comfortable majority (in the range of 6,000 – 6,500 votes). Most people in East Malaysia just want to get on peacefully with their lives and their traditions intact, regardless of the promises that have been thrown at them.

This is Sabah and Sarawak we’re talking about. Much different scenario from Peninsula Malaysia.

Ahmad Syafiq Mohd Amin
29 Mar 2014 7.53pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

That is a question that can only be answered by BN themselves. I’m just an interested observer of voting patterns and polling statistics. xP

29 Mar 2014 10.27pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

And I think its also wrong to influence voters with titbits of 100, 200 and 1000

29 Mar 2014 3.29pm

BN will win But opposition voters will increased

29 Mar 2014 2.04pm

Thats the projection. Its not quite clear what the breakdown of voters by ethnicity. There are many Dayaks, Ibans, who migrated to Balingian since early 1900’s. But Balingian is known for being Melanau.

Let’s see the votes movement.

29 Mar 2014 2.41pm
Reply to  watcha

60% melanau, 25% Iban & 10% chinese. Seriously anything below 4000 majority would be a disaster to PBB. Which is acheiveable. That PBB guys is a nobody anyway. Optimistically, it can go as low as 2000 to 3000 majority. By the way Alfred Jabu get as low as 1900 majority last time. Remember, Alfred is the giant slayer that “kill” Stephen Kalong Ninkang

29 Mar 2014 12.14pm

BN 1 – PR 1