Anwar speaking in Bagan Datoh, Perak last night
Anwar Ibrahim has rejected criticism by BN politicians that he opted for a by-election in Permatang Pauh because it was a safe seat for him. He said he was willing to contest in any Umno stronghold including Kepala Batas, Abdullah Badawi’s parliamentary seat, which is just 15 minutes’ drive from Permatang Pauh.
He said he was confident that he could revive the Malaysian economy because he had received assurance from Saudi rulers that they would invest heavily here and uplift the local economy should Anwar and PR come to power.
Meanwhile, we have a new blogger in town – a certain former “coffee-boy” by the name of Saiful. I guess blogging can be a therapeutic way of dealing with his recent – how shall I put it – ‘trauma’.
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about this guy saiful, when he accuse being sodomize by ANWAR ,how shamful he is, still can laugh after being sodomize if he did …
no matter what they do hear already clear that they are trying to put donw ANWAR cos afraid if ANWAR win then they all have troble to be investigate,so pls ppl overther vote for ANSWER, ANSWER
sokong sepenuhnya kepada PAS fanatic.
skyangel, siapa di dunia ni x de agenda sendiri. namun, kita harap DSAI meletakkan agenda negara dan rakyat sebelum agenda sendiri. apakah kita x setuju kalau DSAI dapat gaji tinggi kalau beliau boleh memajukan kita seluruh rakyat malaysia. apa bangsa asing. pergi USA pergi europe……tak kira bangsa cina, india, kadazan, iban ke melayu, apakah kita tidak dikategorikan sebagai malaysian? apakah passport mu warna merah, passport kaum india warna hitam?
1.skyangel, kau bangang sangat kah atau buta hati, 10% quota itu sikit saja dibanding kan dgn kebaikan yang akan diterima.Kau tengok negara2 lain macam mana mereka boleh maju?, kerana mereka dapat bersaing dgn bangsa2 lain. Jgn jadi katak lah. MB selangor tu nak naikkan martabat bangsa melayu ,engkau marah pulak, tapi kamu diperbodoh2kan olih penjajahan kau sokong. 2.Tau kah kau negara kita ni masih dijajah olih bangsa sendiri serupa dgn bangsa British dan Japon dulu.Tak baca sejarah kah? Berapa banyak wang diselewingkan, dipindahkan secara sistemitik selama ini untuk persiapan mereka bila tersingkir dan migrated nanti. Anwar saja yang dapat menyelamatkan… Read more »
psl pengakuan bersumpah plak.. ckp byk x mau.. kalu x buat, g la buat pengakuan sumpah plak.. jgn dolak-dalih la.. wa sudah penat dgn mainan lu…
ckp berapi2.. tp.. bila suruh buat, mcm2 alasan bg.. apa kes…
x kisah kalau nk biarkan anwar jd PM.. tp..dia tu ada agenda sendiri..
apa punyer org Melayu la.. kuota masuk UITM pun dia sokong nk bg 10% kt bangsa asing.. lps ni.. apa lg hak2 keistimewaan org Melayu yg dia nk share dgn bangsa lain?
First let me say this:- 1. Anwar on Permatang election. Since the BN … are saying thet he is standing on a safe seat, Anwar now challenged our sleepy flip flop PM to stand against him in KP. If keeps quiet or dare not stand, then he is NOT fit to be our PM. He can be called a hypocrite too. Come on PM dont just talk and sleep, walk the talk and sleep also. Do not be a run away scary chicken. Hey, what about Mamak great son who opened his big mouth and our great Oxf… graduate. Dont… Read more »
PKR- 58,000 votes
BN – 2020 votes
Though BN lost but they still achieve their Vision 2020.”Let’s celebrate” says Pak Lah.
Satu juta turun ke PP menyokong DSAI. Let’s have fiesta in PP and make the town busy with biz. The croynism, corruption, direct negotiation, stupid policies and flip-flop administration make Malaysia – the land of abundance not possible to achieve wawasan 2020. It’s time for UMNO/BN to take a break and you can come back in PRU13. With God’s willing, it’s PR turn to bring Malaysia to greater height.
Dear Anilneto.
I suggest u ask Mukhriz to contest in Permatang Pauh. After all he is the one challenged Abdulah to step down end July 2008. If not Mukhriz and his suppoters will quit BN/UMNO by end July 2008.
Now is 3/8/2008 (Sunday)…where is Mukhriz and his suppoters..he is coward..we challenge him and his supporters to quit BN/UMNO right now…otherwise he is as bad as Saiful idiot and KJ …
Now we demand Mukhriz to quit BN/UMNO…
Now we demand Mukhriz to quit BN/UMNO…
Now we demand Mukhriz to quit BN/UMNO…
Son of Mahadhir…like father like son…liar..liar…liar
Looks like UMNO need the revert half Indian back to fight Anwar.
The warlords with power without skill/brain fighting with a wrong guy call ANWAR IBRAHIM.
rajraman.Never revert but force to but its will never happen ANIL.
DSAI is the people’s choice. what happens in one’s bedroom is not the rakyat’s concern. BN can cook up stories and the people are not interested in them anymore. the rakyat are more concerned with inflation, unemployment, crime, corruption and the blatant abuse of power by UMNO. Many BN politicians and their b***-carriers are corrupted to the core and many are abusing the power given to them. BN is using the media to bluff their way through. people believe them no more, we’re sorry. they can talk to themselves. so many skeletons are hidden in the cupboard and they use… Read more »
Belum pun umumkan tarikh penamaan calon, BN sudah mengalah.Bilanya Datuk Dr Wan Azizah membabankan rakyat dan membazirkan wang kerajaan.
Kepala otak BN, yang wang rakyat di sorok mereka…??Itu bukan pembaziran?Rakyat Permatang Pauh akan telanjang mereka yang lazim dan penhianat Bangsa!…
Kita mau Anwar ke Putrajaya untuk menghentikan wang kerajaan dan wang rakyat mengalir tidak henti-henti ke poket2 UMNOputra yang menyebabkan rakyat biasa derita!Kita mau KETUANAN RAKYAT!
kejaguhan DSAI akan terserlah di P.Pauh. BN tahu tapi tak nak mengaku.Saya akan turun kepadang untuk bersama2 berjuang.
That was a very GOOD charismatic response by Sdr.Anwar.! I truly and sincerely respect this man since his very FIRST day in UMNO. He is VERY RIGHT,if BN thinks he is playing safe with Permatang Pauh,resign from your seats BN MPs and challenge Sdr.Anwar to a by election,be it the seat of that Beruk Hitam or Pekan or even Kepala Batas.How about you,Mr.Botak with misai? Amacam ADA BERANI? Sdr.Anwar have spoken,your say now. BN won with less then 2/3 majority in the last GE, and those hypocrites were telling the Nation that we are NOT ready to GIVE FULL control… Read more »
Good one, Anil. Trauma. Don’t forget his loss of innocence as well. Is the MPO ready for the violin solo? Maybe Joshua Bell would be kind enough to give another moving performance of the theme from ‘Ladies in Lavender’.
I think we should brain storm on how to ensure DSAI win the Permatang Pauh By election.
as we well aware, BeeNd (may resort to) whatever dirty tricks! So what is our strategies for counter attack?
Like what I can see now, the … Saiful had start barking here and there and keep on emphasize his willingness to swear on Quran!
(He) is (allegedly) misusing the name of the Religion to turn the wrong things into right things!
So we have to tackle on this issue to all the Permatang Pauh’s voters!
The result of the by-election for the Permatang Puah seat is a far gone conclusion in favor of Anwar. The dirty tricks (could) be used by Bn is also, a far gone conclusion. Has the umno led govt, ever capable, of doing something decent? Anwar taking on the PM in his safe seat of Kepala Batas is both courageous and admirable. Well loud mouth BN…., put your money where your mouth is or else ZIP UP!!!
i suggest to our TPM to resign and callenge anwar at his place. since he had won big there i believe he will have great confidence.
So, do we see Dollah giving up his seat so that the wife can contest in Kepala Batas? LOL.
Komen mengenai ‘pendedahan’ Cik Saiful Budak ni mengaku dia mengatur pertemuan Anwar dgn MP BN kat kondo di damansara tu. Lepas tu buat lapuran kata dia diliwat kat kondo yang sama dimana anwar bertemu dgn para MP BN ni. So adakah dia bermaksud yang you telah dirogol ditengah ramai, in the middle of meeting? udahlah tu cik saiful, cukuplah dgn fitnah hangpa. tak de sapa nak percaya. Pasal sumpah ni, if you gilah mana2 penjara cakap kat banduan yg depa akan dibebaskan jika depa sanggup bersumpah dgn nama Allah & Al-Quran yg depa tidak melakukan jenayah yg dituduh, nescaya berduyun-duyun… Read more »
i voted for a Pakatan win but with a slightly smaller majority.
ONly because i am convinced BeeEnd will use all their dirty tricks postal votes… and intimidation to the fullest in the Permatang Pauh by election.