An unexpected twist in Sabah polls outcome? Let’s live in hope!


Gabungan Rakyat Sabah, with 38 seats, may look like it has won the Sabah state election over Warisan Plus, which had 32 seats. But there could yet be an unexpected twist.

The problem is GSR is not a registered party: it is a loose pact comprising Barisan Nasional, Perikatan Nasional and PBS – and hardly a cohesive one at that, looking at how they competed against each other in a string of seats. BN and PN could not even agree on a candidate for chief minister ahead of the election. Full article on Aliran website
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8 Oct 2020 6.01pm

Recommend you to watch latest Netflix documentary on how to sustain biodiversity of natural life on earth.
Many in the world has watched it since debut this month. World nature caring community will no doubt boycott Palm Oil as its landscape has immensely destroyed rainforest of Borneo as depicted in the documentary. Vision of orang utan hanging pitifully on a tree in barren and chopped land will continue to drive Felda share downwards!

Influencer like Anil can help to save the fragile world by communicating strong message to save our rainforests.

9 Oct 2020 8.19am
Reply to  Anil Netto
12 Oct 2020 11.39am
Reply to  Ray

Why the poors are dying of climate change

9 Oct 2020 2.01pm
Reply to  Ray

This is propaganda comes from the hypocritcal blood-thirsty “advanced” West that
:- destroyed 95% or more of its own biomes
:- ravaged its colonies until forced out
:- practices destructive and poisonous agriculture and animal farming
:- refuses to accept any related advice
:- continues to be selective and opportunistic in calling out faults elsewhere
:- imposed the globalism that made trade essential – requiring environmental degradation through cash crops, mining, etc. – through leaders they corrupted.

13 Oct 2020 11.49am
Reply to  glissantia

Veterinarians and farmers have begun culling at least 2.5 million minks in northern Denmark, after coronavirus was reported in at least 63 farms.

Westerners condenm Asians eating wildlife but they can cruelly kill wildlife for fur. Double standard? PETA care to explain?

2 Oct 2020 5.11pm

Coronavirus: How pandemic sparked European cycling revolution

From Bucharest to Brussels, and from Lisbon to Lyon, the coronavirus pandemic has triggered unprecedented investment in cycling around Europe.

More than €1bn (£907bn; $1.1bn) has been spent on cycling-related infrastructure and 2,300km (1,400 miles) of new bike lanes have been rolled out since the pandemic began.

7 Oct 2020 11.47am
Reply to  Enola

Unexpected twist is Sabah brought covid19 to peninsular malaysia via politicians. Moohideen worried his proud record now tainted. Minister also kena hit!

1 Oct 2020 11.38am

Felda lives in fear as The United States has banned imports of palm oil from Malaysian company FGV Holdings following an investigation into allegations it uses forced labour, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency said on Wednesday.

10 Oct 2020 12.54pm
Reply to  Enola
12 Oct 2020 4.17pm
Reply to  Enola

Because of Felda we pay high price for butter and have to use margarine as substitute instead. Sigh!

22 Oct 2020 4.50pm
Reply to  enthiran

Same with butter. Cows give off gas which increase the CO2 in the world. Settlers fell trees like Australia, Europe in the past and in recent time in Amazon to raise cattle.

30 Sep 2020 1.42pm

Fitch Solutions said any effort to upgrade the Malaysian economy may be hampered by political uncertainty and stalling reform momentum amid a shift toward populism, which is likely to present serious risks to its success.

The populist approach taken by politicians in order to shore up their popularity could also lead to a worsening business environment over time as more protectionist measures are implemented.

1 Oct 2020 6.32pm
Reply to  Enola

Now Felda does not have Teresa Kok to help them.

Westerners prefer olive oil, not palm oil.
Just look at the cooking shows on Astro.

7 Oct 2020 11.49am
Reply to  Enola

See Indonesia is doing wage reform not afraidof union protest to keep the nation competitive. Wage increase must be justified by productivity increase, no easy money. Malaysia must learn. Else we cannot attract foreign investment.

7 Oct 2020 10.06pm
Reply to  Nanba

why worry robin hoof says malaysia is no 1 in asean and advanced way better than indo, thais, viet congs etc

12 Oct 2020 4.20pm
Reply to  Nanba

Indonesia is changing its labour law to attract investment of firms relocating out of China. Vietnam and Cambodia is getting more foreign investment this way but our PN ministers are still sleeping because most of them give excuse self quarantine at home (except the two ignorant PAS ministers ke sana ke sini spreading covid virus) after the Sabah expedition.

8 Oct 2020 2.57pm

Another unexpected twist: PAS has an officially nominated assemblyman in the Sabah legislature.

Thanks KDM for supporting PBS and STAR.

Joe Exotic
Joe Exotic
9 Oct 2020 11.21am
Reply to  Enola

Thanks to Abah, PAS has made inroad to Sabah. KDM is to blame.

No chinese rep in the Sabah assembly – a slap to MCA.

PAS never contest yet got rewarded.
MCA paid tge price of 4-0 heavy defeat.

29 Sep 2020 1.44am

The left in this country still do not get it. Sabah and Sarawak are last defense against Malay Muslim hegemony. They needed to decide yesterday, not in the future

Once GE 15 happens, UMNO-PAS will rule the country. Bersatu is irrelevant. Sabah result becomes irrelevant too. GPS is not going to change.

Unless Bersatu take on UMNO head on, its not going to change.

29 Sep 2020 8.39pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

That’s the problem with the so called ‘liberals’ in Malaysia. They don’t mind MPs hopping so long as it favours whoever they are supporting. Hopping is wrong no matter which side does it. And so what if UMNO PAS get control in GE15? So long as they govern well and manage the economy and address corruption then give them a chance. Bigjoe Are you implying only non Muslims /Malays can govern well? Malaysians gave PH a chance. They failed miserably. From what Anil has posted on the environment/tunnels in Penang maybe DAP is not so good longer term as well.… Read more »

30 Sep 2020 3.08pm
Reply to  Robin

PH took some non-populist measures (like Cuttting Subsidies) and most Malaysian public, so used to freebies, subsidies, rebate, discount (on compound), free monies under BN regime were quick to respond favourably to Prihation Nation (PN), regardless of back door democracy.

30 Sep 2020 7.48pm
Reply to  Robin

60 years not enough? Give them a chance? When we start we are slightly ahead of Singland and Hongland. Our ringgit was 1.10 Singdollar. Now we … climb trees to get better reception. When dumno and Gerakan was running the show, land was plentiful and can be anywhere. Now all the flat land are gone. Sinkland has reclaimed to its limits and start digging underground to live and practise fish farming for food security whereas we are still hunting for fish like beginning of civilisation 5 thousand years ago

3 Oct 2020 10.44am
Reply to  shriek

SG was always more prosperous than Malaya. It was THE British crown colony and the 2nd richest country in Asia after Japan even in the 1900s. Anyway you also cannot compare MY with SG and HK that are city states. In 60 years Malaysia has progressed from a poor nation to a Middle income nation. Yes Taiwan and Korea has done better but Malaysia has done well too. BN has shortcomings but it does not take away that MY has done well in the past 60 years. Taiwan Korea SG are all mono ethnic countries (SG is more than 75… Read more »

5 Oct 2020 8.14pm
Reply to  Robin

Have you read Anil’s post about the conditions and waiting time in Gomen’s hospitals? What best health care? Any free Annual checkup for rakyat? Politicians orso died of high blood pressure and sweet urine disease. They are common health problem. Sinkapore city state but remember they do not have oil, palm oil, land, rubber, tin and even not enough of land. They have to sustain using limited and restricted resources, Wrong step, habis. Here can cin cai. Error and mistakes not problem. Why want to compare countries that is in bottom rung? Why not compare with PNG, Cambodia, Laos, East… Read more »

6 Oct 2020 1.09pm
Reply to  shriek

Agree, except where you mentioned politicians. After they “win”, they enjoy an “eat oso cannot finish” life. When one of them dies, it is “durian runtoh” time for the common people.

6 Oct 2020 3.51pm
Reply to  shriek

Shriek let’s not cherry pick. There are 10 countries in Asean. MY is in the top 3 in terms of GDP per capita. . There are 50 countries in Asia. MY is ranked 16. Above MY there are 3 city states (hk, macau, sg) and 7 countries that are oil rich on a per capita basis (qatar, brunei uae etc)

So MY has done well over the past 60 years but of course there is room for improvement.

6 Oct 2020 12.18pm
Reply to  Robin

Singapore’s public transport system has been ranked top in the world by a US-based travel website, Far & Wide, beating other cities like London and Hong Kong.

The website cited high commuter satisfaction rates and affordable charges even for tourists for the Republic’s top billing.

7 Oct 2020 10.11pm
Reply to  Enola

robin hoof wants to compare countries from the back to for shiock sendiri and not those in front to us. that is why we never win gold as we do not look front but very happy as we are not in the last league

12 Oct 2020 11.35am
Reply to  shriek

Walking with dinosaurs in Singapre Jurassic Mile linking Changi airport to Singapore East Coast

Reminds Malaysians of Mimaland of yesteryears?

6 Oct 2020 1.05pm
Reply to  Robin

Self-praise. I don’t think the unemployanbles from the education factory, the retrenched, the bankrupted proprietors, the B40s, the “sons of the soil” ousted or suppressed despite ability, and other victims of 50 years of warped policies share your pride.

7 Oct 2020 9.57pm
Reply to  glissantia

That’s because i try to look at things objectively. Whereas people on this forum only want to find faults. Give credit where it is due. Not saying Malaysia is perfect or anything like that but the growth in incomes and the growth of middle class over the past 60 years has been real. Malaysia is a success story according to the world bank. Poverty has dropped to low levels also according to world bank. We love to run down our own country when it does not fit our narrative. See even quoting praises for other countries like enola’s mention on… Read more »

9 Oct 2020 12.00pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Did you watch Channel News Asia’s Insight on Poverty in Malaysia, shown last night?

11 Oct 2020 7.15pm
Reply to  Enola

should be asking Robin hoof. See what is he going to answer and defend moo or to convince we are doing better than the Thais and rank second after sinkapore

9 Oct 2020 2.07pm
Reply to  Robin

WHO lauded us in 1960s and asked Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to emulate us. We have gone down-hill since. Ask rural folk.

The purpose of WB, and most other international bodies, is to promote the most brutal capitalism for private profit. WB continues to finance coal-fired power plants. Maybe that is why Bolehland has just taken on yet another Independent Power Produccer despite our giant excess margin of electricity production.

9 Oct 2020 3.03pm
Reply to  Robin

Robin settles for mediocracy.
Shriek prefers meritocracy.
Different point of views.
Anil prefers what?

9 Oct 2020 7.12pm
Reply to  Robin

no cherry here but a lot palm oil seeds to pick. We began to industrialise since 1980 copy sinkapore style giving pioneer status to factories for 5 to 10 years. The factories are mainly ASSEMBLE. After 5 to 10 years, they pack and go to other places such as China. Our work force many imported from Bangla, Burma and Indo. … and we are still following industries in 1980s. We use chip labour from overseas as they are man by private sector. How much If you go overseas , the only thing you can see made in Malaysia is white… Read more »

10 Oct 2020 12.44pm
Reply to  shriek

The factories are mainly ASSEMBLE.

No technology transfer from MNC? The local supply chain could not evolve into efficient and effective manufacturing ecosystem? No incentive for local SMEs to adopt automation or flexible manufacturing to reduce wailao dependency? Companies could not move up value chain with R&D to produce innovative products (Pensonic still making table fans today?)

MIDA and BN failed us.

1 Oct 2020 6.33pm
Reply to  Robin

Adazan Dusun Murud (KDM) are now mostly converted to become muslim. So they respind well to Umno since the massive dakwah and propaganda.

12 Oct 2020 4.22pm
Reply to  Albert

KDM are mostly muslims now.
PAS tabligh will convert more now that they are in Sabah. Pairin please wake up.

2 Oct 2020 7.35pm
Reply to  Robin

how come pn with all the strict measures, the covid went sky rocketing again? mata was enforcing and poor people get fine whereas tak puas mp still no action taken and rakyat forget all about it.

29 Sep 2020 11.46pm
Reply to  Bigjoe

they forget ketuanan. Only the former CM rebutt the comment. Anyway those malayans can live with style and comfort whereas they can … get up to tree top for better reception

28 Sep 2020 1.19pm

In GE 14, EC barred a politician from nomination because he lacked some “permit” – Gotot-style creative bureaucracy in the service of “higher-ups”. If not being registered is an issue, then why did the EC accept candidates as under GRS? This is business as usual, no mystery.

27 Sep 2020 9.00pm

BN said ladt time Pakatan Harapan also a loose coalition but could be government.

Only possibility, though unlikely, is for PBS to later do a Chubby Checker’s “Let’s Twist Again”, if it could not get satifactory Exco positions. Shafie can wait for it to happen as katakracy is a hallmark tradition in Sabah politics. Then it will be Beatles’ “Twist and Shout”, surely Bung will shout.

1 Oct 2020 6.35pm
Reply to  Enola

DSAI will perform twist and some tainted Umno folks will turn to PH to get the “Get out of Jail” card for immunity from court prosecution and escape the stay at Bamboo River Resort?