An early ‘tsunami’ as online petition draws over 120,000 responses

File photo of a Bersih rally

So polling day on 9 May, a Wednesday, will be a public holiday, the government has announced.

Did this have anything to do with the overwhelming response to an online petition on, which drew 123,972 signatories. This must be something of a record for an online petition relating to Malaysia, where a response of 10,000 would be considered good, 20,000 excellent and 30,000 outstanding.

Now, who says online petitions have no impact? Full article on Aliran website

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16 Apr 2018 5.53pm

There definitely at least a Malay wave. The crowd Mahathir gets is bigger each day. PH ceramahs in Malay heartland even PAS area is very significant. But are they at the 35% Malay votes they need? I do not think so.

Mah HS
Mah HS
19 Apr 2018 9.10am
Reply to  Bigjoe

Media Prima’s Profesor Hoo Ke Ping on TV3 last night said Tsunami Hijau from Hadi’s PAS will save MCA and Gerakan.

21 Apr 2018 2.28pm
Reply to  Mah HS

An idiot professor.

Ho Wan Lai
Ho Wan Lai
23 Apr 2018 11.26pm
Reply to  Mah HS

Prof Sivamurugan of USM also a regular on Media Prima TV and now Astro station.
After 509, many neutral analysts predict Prof Siva and How may have to sing diff tunes should they appear on TV again.

20 Apr 2018 9.43pm

Has the Registrar of Societies (ROS) illegally allowed Umno to postpone its party elections, which were due yesterday, meaning that the party is illegal as of today?

The ROS may not have such power, whether under the Umno constitution or the Societies Act, to grant such an extension.

21 Apr 2018 2.49pm
Reply to  Norman

Karma bites Najib.

Mah HS
Mah HS
19 Apr 2018 8.30am


Apabila ekonomi Malaysia muram, rakyat terpaksa berhijrah mencari kerja. Dalam masa tidak sampai lima tahun kebelakangan ini, jumlah rakyat Malaysia yang setiap hari berulang-alik ke Singapura melalui Tambak Johor meningkat daripada 200,000 kepada 300,000. Kebanyakan mereka terpaksa bekerja di sektor sukar, kotor, dan bahaya yang bergaji rendah.

21 Apr 2018 2.29pm
Reply to  Mah HS

Why no good paying jobs in Islander zone after 10 years?

13 Apr 2018 3.16pm

#BinaHarapan: Pakatan Harapan akan mansuhkan TOL!

Mah HS
Mah HS
20 Apr 2018 8.45am

Mahathir on Najib, as interviewed by Singapore TV show Focus, shown last night on Channel 8:

13 Apr 2018 7.24am

10 reasons why I’ll vote BN/Umno out

Enough reasons to vote them out this time.
You have the power of a vote to do this which nobody can interfere nor take away.

11 Apr 2018 9.31pm

Dedak gives excuses in the 50s and early 60s, election was held weekdays. That time, there were bullock carts and how rural migrants work in Kl, pg or hear Ipoh mari orang. Hiw many went to singland or Hong land to work, Ah pek tun lang can sleep on the roads as there are few cars. Times have changed with 0.5 million work south. Why work south? Something must be wrong with Dummo. How can gilakan and make chinese angry blame the people. Dummo wants to contest those seats. Time for reform. Our debts reach 700 billion and rest of… Read more »

15 Apr 2018 3.32pm
Reply to  shriek

In an interview with AFP, Mahathir warned the vote would be the “dirtiest” seen in Malaysia. The opposition has been angered by what they claim is gerrymandering and attacks on them by the government.

“In the history of Malaysian elections, we don’t have this kind of manipulation,” said Mahathir, who would be the world’s oldest premier if he won.

“Of course the opposition invariably complains about the election but this time around it is so obvious that even members of the governing party … are very unhappy.”

16 Apr 2018 9.35pm
Reply to  Sage

Pj utara with higher middle voters is few times in less value than pj putrajaya

21 Apr 2018 3.02pm
Reply to  Sage

Already Najib is playing cheat giving out goodies even though he is caretaker PM currently.

Mah HS
Mah HS
17 Apr 2018 12.33pm

A Facebook group called ‘Jom Balik Undi (Car Pool)’ has since been created to provide transport for those who need a lift to return to hometowns to vote.
What a great initiative!

Read more at WOB:

14 Apr 2018 1.30pm

Former minister Rafidah Aziz has asked the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) to clarify if it had known about caretaker prime minister Najib Razak’s infamous RM2.6 billion donation, and how the department had dealt with it.

In an open letter to LHDN today on her Facebook, the veteran Umno member said she had once been asked about the alleged donation from the Arabs, and if the prime minister had ever been taxed on the amount that had been deposited into his private bank accounts.

21 Apr 2018 3.03pm
Reply to  Norman

Rafidah must appear in ceramah to tell her story.

16 Apr 2018 2.48pm

Malaysians eligible to vote can now find out where they can cast their ballots during GE14.

Information on voters’ polling stations and channels were placed online Monday, April 16 on the Election Commission website at

16 Apr 2018 8.45am

Rafidah resigns as Supermax chair, saying, ‘don’t fear intimidation’
Cheers Rafidah, your principles are more powerful than these scums of #1Pirate.
Sink them together with the #1Captain!

Mah HS
Mah HS
17 Apr 2018 12.31pm
Reply to  tunglang

JJPTR next to apologise to MO1 wirh press conference?

18 Apr 2018 12.27pm
Reply to  Mah HS

Orang Minyak next?
FYI: orang minyak is a bogeyman of Malay culture in the hinterlands of Malaya Nusantara.

23 Apr 2018 12.50pm

Malaysian regulators will look into the activity of automated accounts on Twitter, known as bots, in the run-up to a general election if they get complaints about them.

Reuters reported on Friday (April 20) that bots were flooding Twitter with tens of thousands of pro-government and anti-opposition messages, just weeks before Malaysia’s May 9 election.

The information technology bureau of Umno, said it was not behind the bots and it did not know who was.

23 Apr 2018 11.43am

Power tussle in seat allocation in PKR may derail Harapan in Selangor?

22 Apr 2018 3.27pm

Pakatan Harapan will call for another round of redelineation if it forms the government, says DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng.

He said this was to ensure that the principle of “one person, one vote” is upheld.

“We have to do a redelineation so that we can have one person, one vote, one value,” he said.

21 Apr 2018 2.58pm

Although I rejoice in the action taken by the Brave 16, but knowing the state of out country, it will all be in vain.MO1 has all the institutions of state under his thumb. How will an unscrupulous leader allow an insignificant constitution clause derail his claim to another term to plunder the country’s coffers!!

Mah HS
Mah HS
17 Apr 2018 5.04pm

EC could spring another surprise just before nomination day to disallow the use of PKR logo by non-PKR Pakatan members?

DAP and Bersatu must have contingency plan.

Ma jiji
Ma jiji
13 Apr 2018 2.00pm

Lately, looks like quieten down ? Or there is a calm before the storm ?

14 Apr 2018 5.23pm
Reply to  Ma jiji

Same as investigation into the tunnel case. Rottweiler unleash to bark. What happen to the Engineer and tan seri?

Mah HS
Mah HS
17 Apr 2018 4.39pm
Reply to  shriek

Liew Chin Tong has kept Wee Ka Siong busy ay Air Hitam, so Wee has no time to dwell on tunnel issue anymore?

Many chinese political observers are proposing Liew vs Wee live 王对王 (King vs King) debate.

Ho Wan Lai
Ho Wan Lai
13 Apr 2018 3.50am

The rakyat is more concerned with monetary relief tsunami like the Johor Royalty own version of Br1m at Aeon Skudai recently.

13 Apr 2018 3.17pm
Reply to  Ho Wan Lai

Ini Yang Terjadi Di AEON Tebrau Lepas TMJ Belanja RM3000 seorang:

12 Apr 2018 5.32am

The EC or I should say the government in power are plainly not using their brain by having an election on a working day which besides having to deal with taking leaves (before holiday announcement) they have to deal with availability of schools for the venue. I guess in their pursuit of attempts to reduce voting these facts do not cross their simple minds.

Stanley Ting
Stanley Ting
11 Apr 2018 7.53pm

There are better people to replace these five.

Kee Teh
11 Apr 2018 8.33pm
Reply to  Stanley Ting

Ha ha ha exactly i am just scared this five will eventually turn out to be frogs, then mati, you will never know n u cant trust anyone….

Ho Wan Lai
Ho Wan Lai
13 Apr 2018 3.52am
Reply to  Kee Teh

In the grapevine may be fake that one of the famous 5 is now more concerned with own business dealings rather than to embroiled in politics.

15 Apr 2018 2.18pm
Reply to  Ho Wan Lai

Businessmen now dare not openly support oppositions after what has happened to SuperMax?

16 Apr 2018 8.48am
Reply to  Norman

We may see a number of businesses relocating elsewhere.
The result is less tax collection. How stupid is this kleptocrat…!

16 Apr 2018 9.37pm
Reply to  tunglang

Like raja gula dan raja electronic chip relocate to singland

18 Apr 2018 3.20pm
Reply to  shriek

BN -Umno welcome PRC firms with GST exempt?

19 Apr 2018 5.14pm
Reply to  shriek

But Raja Bomoh is contesting at Bagan Datuk…, inspired by the success of Dukun at box office?

11 Apr 2018 9.18pm

What will happen if “pribumi”party of mahathir have enough seats to form a coalition government with Umno ?Could this be possible the end of Rocket,Guan Eng going to penjara and the downfall of Najib.Mahathir s tricks of killing 3 birds with 1 stone.Possible?.Mission accomplish .

Mah HS
Mah HS
12 Apr 2018 12.11pm
Reply to  kingmaker

Another attempt to promote undi rosak?

How likely for fragmented malays to be united under one coalition?

You might as well telling us MCA will shake hand and join force with DAP?

Please stay focus to vote for Harapan and not be distracted, free shopping or free makan or not.

12 Apr 2018 6.58pm
Reply to  kingmaker

Another dedak like ah teh? Asking a hypothical question.

12 Apr 2018 8.10pm
Reply to  kingmaker

This is an example of Twisting Art of War.
Very bad! Karma is watching you!

19 Apr 2018 1.34pm
Reply to  kingmaker

DAP strategist Liew Chin Tong has described Umno as the “real architect” behind the impending “elimination” of MCA. Liew said that at present, Umno and MCA were still squabbling over seat allocations, unlike Pakatan Harapan which has already completed their process nationwide. Moreover, the redrawing of electoral boundaries had also made it more difficult for MCA to win in elections, he said. “It is clear that Umno is the real architect behind the elimination of MCA. MCA members should realise by now who their real enemies are,” said Liew in a statement today. Liew was responding to recent claims by… Read more »

21 Apr 2018 2.30pm
Reply to  Norman

DAP can only lure aunties to its ceramah with free goodies.

11 Apr 2018 9.21pm

Oh by the way Ungrateful other Malaysians.Carefull who you vote for.

Mah HS
Mah HS
13 Apr 2018 7.36am
Reply to  kingmaker

10 reasons why must vote BN/Umno out

13 Apr 2018 2.49pm
Reply to  kingmaker

MAKE MALAYSIA GREAT AGAIN Once again the citizens have to decide who govern our nation for the next 5 years. I spoke to a respected senior and he came up with some questions to help us make this important decision. 1. Has the past government lifted the country to greater height or brought us shame? 2. Have your living standard improved or gone down? 3. Is the government transparent in its administration? 4. Is there righteousness in Leadership or Arrogance? 5. Is there separation of power? Does justice flow like an everlasting stream? These are important things for a nation… Read more »