Ahead of Semenyih by-election, a bombshell for Pas


Clare Rewcastle Brown’s revelation that Sarawak Report received RM1.4m (GBP260,000) towards it legal fees in an out-of-court settlement has put the spotlight firmly on Pas president Hadi Awang and his key party colleagues, who have been unflinching in their support for him.

The bombshell has come on the eve of the by-election for Semenyih, where the Umno candidate is banking on votes from Pas supporters in his bid to wrest the seat from Pakatan Harapan.

As they say, a week is a long time in politics. Only last week, Umno-BN was confident that momentum was on their side.

But yesterday, we heard that the MACC was seizing assets including luxury cars belonging to Pas leaders. This followed the allegation that Pas had received RM90m in bribes from Umno, made in a Sarawak Report article on 6 August 2016.

It remains to be seen what impact Rewcastle’s revelation will have on the outcome of the by-election, where Anwar Ibrahim had raised it as an issue. Hadi and other Pas spokesmen now have the proverbial egg on their face a day before polling.

I am guessing, it won’t win the unofficial Umno-Pas pact any new supporters. The question is, will existing Pas supporters just stay home?

The larger questions in the medium term are, will Pas supporters call into question Hadi’s leadership of the party and to what extent will there be a loss of confidence in a party which has touted its religious credentials?

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Black Mage
Black Mage
1 Mar 2019 11.04am

Certain group of people will still support thieves and liers in the name of R&R.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
1 Mar 2019 4.31pm
Reply to  Black Mage

RM90 million likely disbursed in cash by Mr Cash Is King aka MO1 laundered direct to the pockets of PAS fellows so no bank trace?

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
1 Mar 2019 11.17pm
Reply to  Black Mage

Yes + increasing cost of living. Where are the promises? Both sides are evil, I choose people like Uncle Kentang.

Xiang Long
Xiang Long
3 Mar 2019 12.56pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

Uncle Kentang lost his deposit.
What publicity he got?

2 Mar 2019 11.57am
Reply to  Black Mage

PH should not compete on Race and Religion.
Focus on reform and meritocracy.
In time economy will improve and rakyat canfeel it.

Xiang Long
Xiang Long
3 Mar 2019 12.55pm
Reply to  Black Mage

Umno PAS will continue their R&R tag team partnership. MCA still kau peh kau boh dare not eject itself from BN.

1 Mar 2019 2.33pm

Bomb no use all blind faith!

1 Mar 2019 12.11pm

With alleged unlawful and immoral income many of them can afford having second homes of Penang Luxury co dos for their legal extended families.

Black Mage
Black Mage
1 Mar 2019 5.22pm

SEMENYIH: A consumer rights group today protested against the increase in price of fast food items from KFC and McDonald’s, claiming a rise of 30% compared to 2014.

In a press conference at a KFC outlet here, the Malaysian Anti-Inflation Movement said greater transparency was needed in the revision of prices by large international franchises.

“Based on customer experiences, the percentage of price increase is more than 30% compared to 2014 when the goods and services tax was implemented.

“This is an unreasonable increase which really burdens the people,” the group’s legal adviser Ng Kian Nam said.

2 Mar 2019 11.58am
Reply to  Black Mage

Because fast food upprice, hawkers also do likewise.
PH should come hard on KFC and McD.

2 Mar 2019 12.52pm
Reply to  Black Mage

when did KFC and McD become necessity items ??

5 Mar 2019 12.42pm
Reply to  Wei

Hawkers see KFC price increase, they also follow. Chain reaction.

1 Mar 2019 2.37pm

SEMENYIH, March 1 — For the second time last night, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad once again took jibe against Datuk Seri Najib Razak, claiming only “slaves” would call people “bosses”.

The Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) chairman explained that the term “boss” originated from the United States of America between the 17th and 18th century where African slaves were brought into the country.

2 Mar 2019 6.26pm

Race & Religion (R&R) is a double edged sword. One, it can unite a race or different people with the same religion by abiding with good human principles. It can even cultivate tolerance & love for thy neighbours. OR – Two, it can be used by undesirable elements to cause enmity, hatred, distrust, profanity & mindless divide between people of different faith, cultures & lifestyle by deceptions, lies & emotional manipulations. Or worst, it may be hijacked by malevolent characters to bring about a warped thinking of supremacy & faultlessness of its R&R regardless of an individual conduct like stealing,… Read more »

Xiang Long
Xiang Long
3 Mar 2019 12.57pm
Reply to  tunglang

R&R a proven strategy fro Umno PAS.
….dare not take action against them with sedition act(?)

2 Mar 2019 12.28pm

it is demi bangsa, negara and agama lar…hehe…you NONs better look the other way..

Black Mage
Black Mage
2 Mar 2019 10.38am

SEMENYIH, Feb 28 — Umno acting president said Malays are being made to feel like visitors in their own country as there are too many ‘penumpang’ in Parliament.

“This government is not looking out for Malays and Muslim rights. Right now the ‘big house’ is full of ‘penumpang’,” said Mohamad alluding to the many non-Malays as ministers in office.


Umno continues to play race card.

1 Mar 2019 10.50pm

Survey shows the bombs by Mahathir and Anwar did not work.. Between the majority Malay of UMNO-PAS and the small number of impatient left wing voters, BN can actually take back Putrajaya..

PAS voters and UMNO hard core could not care less about these bombs and truth, they are RACIST AND RELIGO-BLINDED. If the left think they can indulge in not having their ideals ignored for a period, then they will have helped the racist and religo hegemonist get back in power and they will have nothing and even worst off than before.

1 Mar 2019 10.24pm

One can hide one’s lies from God BUT this same one cannot hide them from Sarawak Report!
Sungguh malu punya muka!!!
Religions will be held in high esteem without such born liars in our midst.

Black Mage
Black Mage
2 Mar 2019 9.45am
Reply to  tunglang

Sarawak Report had recently alleged that Maika Holdings passed millions of ringgit in cash and other forms of payments to companies linked to MIC’s leader Vell Paari. The whistleblower website claimed new documents from Maika’s liquidation proceeding suggested Vell Paari “extracted” millions from the fund in the years leading up to its collapse, with the money mostly diverted into several companies connected to the MIC leader. It claimed twenty cash payments totaling RM1.6 million were made out by the company to Vell Paari from 2003 to 2009, some under the guise of ‘promotional finder fees’, but most without anyone explanation… Read more »

3 Mar 2019 10.26am
Reply to  Black Mage

Before we have Semi-Value as a front of leadership, now we have Very Parasite who can suck the wealth much faster than the predecessor!
No wonder MIC is still sucked-up to BeeEnd to the end of the world!!!
MCA, you are wasting time talking to MIC about BeeEnd future.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
1 Mar 2019 4.26pm

Hadi fell into the trap by Sarawak Report?

1 Mar 2019 2.20pm

Kucing Alim.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
1 Mar 2019 4.33pm
Reply to  Hasnul

alim-alim kucing
Maksud : seorang yang berpura-pura baik dari segi tingkah laku dan peraturan.

Black Mage
Black Mage
2 Mar 2019 9.23am
Reply to  Don Anamalai

PAS is being attacked on all fronts and the way to deal with this is through munajat (worship), said PAS president Hadi Awang. Hadi urged supporters to show penance by praying, fasting, reciting the Quran and charity – “Seek tawassul (God’s favour) in that there will be retribution in this world and the hereafter”.


2 Mar 2019 12.00pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

Malays must remember this peribahasa.
Perhaps they forget because of arabisation?