Mahathir, Anwar exchange greetings after all these years

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Mahathir and Anwar are in opposition ranks - but will their truce hold?

Eighteen years, three days ago to be precise. That was when Anwar was unceremoniously booted out of government on 2 September 1998.

Mahathir turned up in court unexpectedly today to witness Anwar’s legal challenge against the draconian National Security Council Act, which gives Prime Minister Najib and an unaccountable council enormous security powers.

mahathir greets anwar in court 5 Sept 2016 top view

So it looks as if we have come full circle: both former adversaries-turned-allies-turned-adversaries – who formed a formidable team in the 1980s and 1990s – seem to be burying the hatchet and, who knows, joining forces once again, this time against Umno-BN.

Never discount these two. Just when mainstream media analysts had practically written off Mahathir and his new party, he pulls something out of the hat.

The realignment of political forces against Umno-BN continues to evolve. Things just got a little bit more interesting.

But we must insist on something different this time around from the entrenched system of neoliberal, crony, rent-seeking capitalism that privatises profits and socialises costs.

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David Loman
David Loman
28 Sep 2016 8.58am

Najib Razak may be inclined to call for an early general election (GE14) in light of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia’s (PPBM) formation, a political analyst with a Singapore think tank said yesterday.

According to Ooi Kee Beng, PPBM, led by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and former deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin, may look like further dividing the Malay votes but they instead pose a more real threat to Umno than Amanah, which did reasonably well in twin by-elections held in June.

Meng Fei
Meng Fei
21 Sep 2016 2.09pm

Malays must wake up!
Umno is bringing us to bankruptcy with huge debt, mismanagement and corruption. Also sacrificing Malay culture by adopting Arabic practices.

10 Sep 2016 1.19pm

Remember, Anwar supported the Mad Hatter fully until he was booted out. He has never listed out all the policies that must be reversed, except for half-hearted statements on reversing racial discrimination. As “opposition leader”, the only subject that elicits his attention is taking over the government.

Here is an article giving a good slap to both of them:

gk ong
gk ong
8 Sep 2016 11.37am

Mahathir-Muhyiddin-Anwar is the MMA (mixed martial art) blow to Umno Baru.

8 Sep 2016 1.23pm
Reply to  gk ong

Melayu bersatu bangkit turunkan MO1.

11 Sep 2016 4.54pm
Reply to  Alif


Sora Zhen
Sora Zhen
9 Sep 2016 12.12pm
Reply to  gk ong

Umno is so afraid for the new party to be called Bersatu.

8 Sep 2016 7.54am

Umno sudah nyawa2 ikan apakah nasib najib seterusnya..??? Sumber terdekat dengan Tun Dr. Mahathir memaklumkan bahawa bekas Perdana Menteri itu bersedia untuk membawa usul pembebasan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim dalam pertemuan dengan YDPA tidak beberapa lama lagi.Pertemuan asal bertujuan membincangkan tentang Deklarasi Rakyat yang sekian lama tertangguh itu, akan turut membincangkan tentang soal pembebasan Anwar.Dibawah pentadbiran Dr. Mahathir, pernah seorang bekas Menteri Kabinet yang didapati bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman mati kerana membunuh seorang ahli politik lain di Negeri Sembilan, diberikan pengampunan diraja pada tahun 1991 dengan sokongan Dr. Mahathir.Itu kesalahan membunuh, pun boleh lepas, apa sangat nak dibandingkan dengan kesalahan… Read more »

Calvin Sankaran
Calvin Sankaran
7 Sep 2016 10.03am

These two chaps should just fade away and retire and allow the younger ones to take over. One is a racist anti-democrat and the father of cronyism. Another is the immoral politician with flexible principles. To paraphrase Churchill loosely, “never so much damage was ever caused to the nation by so few” . No one has done so much to damage the country than these 2 old timers. Unless PH allows some of their younger and untainted leaders to lead the party and challenge BN, I don’t see any way the current status quo will be changed. As I see… Read more »

David Loman
David Loman
7 Sep 2016 6.38pm

The NYT report posed the question as to whether this handshake could alter the political balance in favour of the opposition. It quoted Anwar’s daughter Nurul Izzah as saying Mahathir’s conciliatory gesture was a “good start”.

Ibrahim Suffian of the Merdeka Centre was quoted as saying while Anwar’s base was urban, Mahathir was popular among traditional Umno voters in rural areas. “Partnering with Mahathir could enable the existing opposition to get more votes from Malay voters than they have been able to in the past 60 years,” Ibrahim said.

7 Sep 2016 7.22pm
Reply to  David Loman

Also now many people losing jobs, business facing tough time, you and me finding things expensive. All this point to the collapse of UMMO and gangs.

Calvin Sankaran
Calvin Sankaran
7 Sep 2016 9.52pm
Reply to  David Loman

Wishful thinking from PH as usual….Mahatir is not popular among the Malays as the recent by-elections have shown. This incident only showed one thing – that in politics there is no such as principles or permanent enemies.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
7 Sep 2016 9.24am

Financial and economic damage to the nation (because of
our kleptocratic ruling elite and their hangers-on) and its
hard-working, tax-paying and law-abiding citizens will be significant.

Actually the damage is already showing — accelerating inflation, with prices
going up rapidly. Compare what you paid at the local kopi tiam and supermarket
just a few years ago and today.
Job losses and business failures (take note of the
number of shops closing in the shopping centres) are also rising.

7 Sep 2016 9.40am
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Najib will likely increase the BR1M payouts for next year to consolidate his position among his fixed depositors. Possibly GST rate could go up?

Sora Zhen
Sora Zhen
9 Sep 2016 12.13pm
Reply to  Joseph

Pak Lah gave civil servants 5.5 day working week.
Ah Jib is trying to be better by giving them only 6 hour working day.

7 Sep 2016 12.23am

Unless MadHatter asks for forgiveness & admits to all ills of his legacy to start anew on the alliance path to save this nation, nothing is going to happen as many have wished at the Langkawi wishing well.

6 Sep 2016 11.46pm

Mahathir shook hand with Anwar not as big an issue of another vanishing Penang heritage i.e. the demise of Penang Hokkien in 40 years time.

Local Penang-lang “boh chap” and let an Ang Moh warns us :

lal la li la tham pong, ah pek beh ah pong…..

David Loman
David Loman
7 Sep 2016 6.47pm

Hokkien: Kicap Nasi Ayam O 油

Sora Zhen
Sora Zhen
9 Sep 2016 12.15pm
Reply to  David Loman

Is that Rambo Chin and Xiao Hei? Good clip indeed.
Possibly from Jangan Ketawa?

Wendy Tan
6 Sep 2016 10.52pm

“Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer”!!

Surin Gnanalingam
Surin Gnanalingam
6 Sep 2016 3.52pm

Just a meet and greet handshake though I feel everyone here is was over speculating with wishfultheories though no deals allegiances or any statements of policies or even beliefs about the current status of politics or the country has been made or even speculated or hush ly spoken of don’t get me wrong I hope and pray this will bring an alliance of change though as I’ve stated its currently all just wishful thinking without any solid or even rumoured plans or even just thoughts yet by either gentlemen until then keep praying for the gushing falls or river of… Read more »

John Hilley
6 Sep 2016 3.09pm

Fully agree with the last line of your comment piece, Anil.

Surin Gnanalingam
Surin Gnanalingam
6 Sep 2016 3.16pm

Everyone’s reading way too much into this just a meet ad greet you two politicians no real plans allegiances or policies made or even announced that currently just wishful speculation in my mind

Henry Yap
Henry Yap
6 Sep 2016 1.13pm

Umno must be very afraid now. Muhyiddin has said Umno will lose 45 seats in the next GE. Ayuh Melayu Bersatu menjatuhkan MO1!

gk ong
gk ong
10 Sep 2016 8.30pm
Reply to  Henry Yap

Umno veterans in Johor are quiting Umno, possibly to join Muhyiddin to capture seats for Bersatu?

6 Sep 2016 12.46pm

MAHATHIR – ANWAR,BERSATU – PAKATAN.80-90 kerusi parlimen dalam genggaman pru14 nanti.ini belum campur parti shafie afdal yg di sabah nanti.parti shafie menang 10 kerusi parlimen sabah pun dah cukup dah bantu yg semenanjung tubuh kerajaan baru malaysia.PAKATAN BERSATU vs BARISAN NASIONAL.Saye yakin bn tumbang pru14,tengoklah nanti.

6 Sep 2016 8.26am

Desperate times call for desperate measures?
Karma has a way for a progenitor of a nation’s ills to clean up his legacies!

Krishna Superamaniam
6 Sep 2016 12.01am


5 Sep 2016 8.03pm

Mahathir cannot depend on scandalized Myhyddin (affair alleged with Chinese woman despite his Melayu first Malaysian second call) so now Bersatu with Harapan? Bolehland twist even Chubby Checker cannot match!

JS Pang
5 Sep 2016 7.18pm

Time for changing government

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
5 Sep 2016 7.05pm

The current pair of Double Trouble in putrajaya are truly stressed now as the former Double Trouble pair are re-grouping.
This is exciting. As exciting as viewing the Olympic badminton finals.

5 Sep 2016 8.13pm

Exciting to watch just make sure no more public fund exit the nation to create unimaginable troubles to the rakyat!

Zuwairi Md Yusof
5 Sep 2016 4.45pm

moral kami yang jatuh teruk sangat rendah akibat nafsu serakah najib, rosmah dan konco saka mereka kini kembali membuak buak melihat anwar dan mahathir berbaik semule selepas sekian lame.ayuh gempur ayuh tumbangkan … najib bn umno pru14.

5 Sep 2016 8.23pm

Ayoh orang kampung bersatu dengan orang
bandar demi masa depan yang adil, beranamah dan berdemoratik kalau tidak habislah semua rakyat tak kira bangsa agama dijahanam oleh yang tidak bersih.

5 Sep 2016 8.36pm
Reply to  Damien


Neon Wong
5 Sep 2016 3.56pm

Mighty river not enough. It’s got to be Niagara Falls kinda of justice flow!