DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng debates MCA president Chua Soi Lek for the second time.
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DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng debates MCA president Chua Soi Lek for the second time.
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Ng Yen Yen has openly told the whole world that she became an Australian PR with absolutely no intention of staying there, but with the sole intention of getting cheap education for her son.
Such behavior is worrying for Malaysians since she is a Minister.
… (and) Pempena in RM13 million debt?
Her son, who according to her is a “very successful lawyer” should be able to explain to her (whether her) application for Australian PR (was above board).
Yennie has demonstrated to us 3 sespicalbe acts:
1) She does not trust her own goverment;
2) She (took advantage of) the Australian goverment for free education;
3) She does not trust Malaysian Education, and so are most of the minister the PM included.
She got away with (that) and even have the audacity to say that she has no regrets. sigh!
Please teach me what is ‘sespicalbe’. My concise oxford university dictionary also dont know what is that word means. New word kah ???
Despicable. A description that should be shared by you.
GK, who said blogging must be in perfect Queen’s English?
Leave that distress chore to a particular species of headmistress in the garden!
Kopi-O kau kau, Cheers!
Agree ~
Tu specimen tak patut di layan, hanya buat bising …
Kopi-O kau kau kau, Cheers!
Finally we see tunglang succumbed to the dark side, after realising that Gerakan K is his father!
About time for tunglang to use his GPS system to guide him to Jalan Kembali!
Don’t just assume a thing or two of opposition as the end all of Tunglang to the Darth Vader side. I am a reasonable man. And I don’t pull all weeds just for the distressed garden to look sooo good but not for long. In blogging, there’s bound to be some disagreement. On certain issues, not all issues, I have to disagree (bravely without fear, favor or herd mentality) with state gomen handling. So, what’s the herd hysteria? I am no demigod lah! Just a simple folk with no YB at the front of my name for others to kowtow… Read more »
GK has a new sidekick. Yippee.
Discredited and silenced, TL is reduced to defending bad grammar and poor English. Quite a climb down from his heydays. Poor fellow.
As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together.
Are you sure you are using perfect English all the time in anil blog ??? Do you double check it with MS WORD each time you post ??? Or do you have PhD in English ??? You know you can get one at IIUM (http://www.iium.edu.my/irkhs/programmes/postgraduate/doctoral/phd-english-language-studies) Don’t show off your so so command of English. If you are so GOOD at English, show me your PhD in English cert now or 3 years later !!! I want to ensure you that I will follow anil blog until you get the PhD in English cert in 3 years time. BTW, so sorry… Read more »
GK, don’t give a damn to this Chow Kia. Typical hustler @ Jalan Alor … When you refuse him, he will bark explicits unheard of in Putrajaya corridors! The more you (do so), the more ‘it’ works up a noisy scene. Good for nothing but attack others with no proof even of his own IC named Sze Tho…
Midnight Kopi-O kau kau, GK. Cheers.
BTW, I hope Anil will not censor my expression like this CK headmistress of distressed garden in Taman Pakatan, SS2, PJ!!! (Just for this time!)
I have no command of Hokkien but even I can recognise certain words 😉 At this rate, I will be fluent in Hokkien in no time!
Anil, TQ.
This is Penang, not PJ where resides one Penang Lang wannabe CK speaking perfect PJ English & acting perfect ‘skirting’ headmistress of distressed garden!!
Soon you will learn more Penang Lang Hokkien + Canto style Niamah (PT famous sign off).
You made my day! (No need Clint Eastwood bang bang).
Kopi-O kau kau kau for what a good morning. Cheers!!!
anil can learn more hokkien watching Astro 333 Hua Hee Dai.
May you not succumb to the dark forces of TL & GK combo without the true Jedi Bersih spirits.
GK & TL. Dumb and dumber!
A couple of loyar buruks with pasar malam grammar demanding to see a PHD?
– my kids in primary school write better than you! Don’t need a Phd, geniuses….
TL is lost as usual. Outsmarted and whipped. Your pathetic retort: wannabe Penangite?
– I guess with idiotic people like yourself blabbering aimlessly, outside opinion is urgently needed!
If you have no ability to engage me directly, at least show the decency to bow out.
Cheer leading for GK is just pathetic.
Sycophant thinking is more deadly & unhealthy for Penang as a showcase of development & progress.
Pikirlah Dahulu.
We don’t want to go down the road of North Korea.
Development and progress works for those with entrepreneurial spirit and quick wits.
Dinosaurs like yourself fail to adapt, falling flat instead.
Whine and moan all day , blame the world for your pitiful troubles?
I am glad you found your niche here, TL.
Part time hawker food connoisseur, part time GK cheerleader/ lackey.
Suits your talents ( low IQ, big mouth)
Happy writing. 🙂
Hanya bertiup udara hangat-hangat PJ/SS2. Kosong bukit langsung jua apa pun. Mulut busuk, kurang ajar.
Walau bagaimana pun, Brand Pisau Mati tak sesuai untuk dibeli tanpa kebenaran Pulo Panang.
Not in Ground Zero, still want to act like ground hero with this & that unproven here!!!
More like headmistress skirting issues in distressed garden!!!
What a shame!!!
Blah, Blah, Blah!!!
Show us your IC.
Cannot understand why CSL continued to tell old MCA tales. he was saying that Chinese should be thankful for their citizenship because of MCA. Young Chinese do not care about the past accomplishment of MCA. Do not dwell on the past, like TV2 keeping recycling old P Ramli movies (no disrespect to the great works of the legendary seniman). We all know that MCA today is unlike the MCA of the past. MCA today cannot make decision and policies, as they only kow tow to Umno. For example, MCA have to wait for Moohideen’s approval for the setting up of… Read more »
Precisely MCA got no new policy for the Chinese.
MCA has to depend on Umno to please the chinese nowadays, eg. recognition of Southern College in Johor, recognition of K TAR degree.
You want empty promises from BUKU JINGGA kah ???
Apa boleh buat kalau anda salah tafsir dan baca buku jingga yang salah (edisi Utusan)?
Mungkin buku betul, tapi orang yang baca, otaknya tak betul.
Or you want PAS hudud ???
Pathethic from MCA. Relying on so called past glories to justify their current existence. The issue of KTAR illustrates how out of touch MCA has become from everyday Malaysians. If we had sufficient places and fair placement in local public universities, they would be no need for KTAR. After all, why are we sending them to KTAR when our hard earned tax money was used to build those public unis?
To tout KTAR as a proud accomplishment just takes the cake!
The USA, UK, CHINA, EU don’t have private colleges and Universities kah ???
You should ask Yen Yen why her son did not enrol for K Tar but went to Asutralia for free education with her Australia ‘TR’ (Temporary Residence).
Why busybody ??? It is their choice….
Private colleges in the states and Europe is a matter of choice. Over here, it is a poor consolation for families whose kids were denied a rightful place in public Uni.
The key word is RIGHTFUL.
Ada paham? Next time , pay attention.
Wee Ka Siong talked big.
Moohideen told him to wait long long for the approval of the Kuantan independent chinese school.
Now CSL started to say he did not say approval is soon.
Ha Ha Ha.
Mahathirism still controls Moohideen’s decision and MCA can do nothing!
What you know about actually ??? Lawlessness is your principle. No need to payback PTPTN loan, right ??? Open new school no need EDUCATION MINISTRY approval, right ??? You can open new clinic or hospital without HEALTH MINISTRY approval, right ??? You can open law firm without approval, right ??? You can open restaurant without premise license, without BOMBA approval, without commercial ventilation system, right ??? That is only in your dreamland offered by pakatan in your dream. In reality, you have to fulfill all requirements in any places including pakatan states. In China also same. Taiwan too. USA also.… Read more »
Gerakan K, it seems you are not just dense but also blind and deaf. KTAR was build from public donations because deserving students were denied places in public universities. Public universities built using OUR tax money.
Ada faham?
Bersih was about our basic right to peaceful assembly. To air our grouses regarding the flawed electoral system.
Ada faham?
Dreamland? Look at Penang. Big budget surplus, open tender, and efficient state gov. All the things that BN (supporters) like you said were IMPOSSIBLE.
Ada faham?
Now please crawl back under the rock from whence you came. Thank you.
BERSIH 3.0 => police car attacked by PROTESTERS = peaceful assembly ??? Iraq and Afghanistan must be two of the safest living places !!! Nothing new from pakatan because RM250 000 = affordable housing !!! Duh, lots of new definitions after 308. Big budget surplus ??? CSL have busted your myth !!! Just replay the debate and check the figure with AG. Please, jangan tipu lagi, OK ??? Gentleman sikit, boleh ??? efficient state gov ??? Huh ??? Unless you meant approving endless hillslope and other high end housing projects !!! Finally, nobody can answer a simple question, that is:… Read more »
More than 30,000 people at Bersih. One isolated incident of damaged police car makes it mayhem? How about the unprovoked tear gas and beatings by PDRM? – perhaps you were lucky” enough not to get a beating as an innocent bystander. I watched the debate, GK. the reply was simple. If Pakatan can achieve it, why couldn’t BN do it in 53 years? – I await your answer GK. Don’t strain your little mind thinking too hard. Hill slope development? – blind, deaf, or senile? BN approved, BN supported projects , kawan. – buka mata, pakai otak sikit. Buku Jingga?… Read more »
We don’t read BUKU JINGGA for ‘song’ (i.e. fun/shiok sendiri). We STUDY, ANALYZE, do meetings, RE-THINK, DEBATE, EXAMINE the pros and cons, and more importantly evaluate the VIABILITY of BUKU JINGGA. The final outcome is BUKU JINGGA is a mission impossible. The key question is: How do you get those BILLIONS in order to implement all promises as stated in BUKU JINGGA ??? Here is Malaysia and not North Korea. You have to pay even though you are the gomen of the day. LGE have given the golden opportunity to answer and defend the BUKU JINGGA in front of a… Read more »
Based on your track record of tall tales, exaggeration and outright lies, no one will put much faith in your claim of such.
Billions? Impossible?
Well, a lot can be achieved thru clean governance and competitive bidding. Add that to plugging of leakages, I am sure the $$$ needed for PR’s pledges will be there.
Compared to your mindless support for the current regime?
Laughable , GK.
Scaremongering again, is that the best you can do?
Sze Tho, kamu memang BODOH.
BODOH ini bukan ‘personal attack’ tetapi satu penilaian jujur terhadap kamu berdasarkan jawapan yang diberikan.
Jumlah pendapatan cukai Malaysia tidak mampu membiayai rancangan-rancangan seperti dijanjikan dalam BUKU JINGGA.
Biarpun jika GST dan cukai tambahan diperkenalkan kepada individu-individu and perniagaan, ia juga tidak mungkin membolehkan kita melaksanakan janji-janji dalam BUKU JINGGA.
BUKU JINGGA adalah janji kosong yang tidak mungkin ditunaikan oleh sesiapa.
Sila insaf dan hentikan perbuatan penipuan kamu segera.
GK, kamu tidak layak menilai saya . IQ kamu rendah. Pengetahuan cetek tapi mulut besar. Jadi ,silalah diam kan diri.
Kalau tak paham isu, jangan berlagak. Komen kamu begitu memalukan.
The present MCA and The Star are different from the past.
They are both irrelevant now.
Shame on those who still read The Star, the newsletter of MCA helmed by Tan Sri wannabe Wong Chun Wai.
The debate should touch on the DEBTS of the nation and how the government can overcome that. It’s alarming to read the young Msians are seriously in debt to cope with life these days ….. Young workers falling into debt 8 July 2012 http://www.thesundaily.my/news/428418 A SURVEY of financial behaviours and habits of young workers by the Consumer Research and Resource Centre (CRCC) on behalf of Era Consumer showed 47% of young workers were in serious debt with monthly debt payments of 30% or more from their gross income and 37% lived beyond their means. It found 15% had no savings;… Read more »
The O’Blady banks will not like it (the timely survey).
With unaffordable housing & yet aspiring for Cosmopolitan excesses, some of these living on credit are to blame themselves. Even some of the rich but sensible money-wise know where’s the limit to splurge – as if there is no tomorrow (2012 mah!).
For free education on money matters go to AKPK website or Consumers Association of Penang.
Free from debts or indebted to banks is the way to go for A Freedom Life of Mastering One’s Own Destiny.
Thanks Tung Lang,
Please share your contacts at AKPK with us.
BTW Did they help you a lot with your card debts?
Without AKPK, many will fall under the O’Blady banks’ chopper board.
Have some semblance of sympathy for those in dire straits. Not laughing matter as you would love to make fun out of it.
You will have children, remember this point.
I love to see the debate between Anwar and Najib and its better to be live. If as CSL said that Najib has done a good job, then Najib should all the more debate to tell the nation of how good he is and what he has achieved. Anway CSL as always will be swiping the … of Najib and kowtowing to whatever Najib said. By saying that debate is not our culture, that is very a stupid and moronic statement from a leader especially a PM. From primary school to university level, we have always encourage the students to… Read more »
I just want hear Najib to reply what he think of Mahathir called him ‘stupid’ for approving TAR certicate…
He not only called Najib stupid and also the Malay.
From the Malaysiakini
Mahathir blames Malays for TAR College cert recognition
12:54PM Jul 8, 2012 | 224
NONEUPDATED 2.58PM He says the recognition of the certificates was a major concession caused by Malay ‘stupidity’.
Those who spend their money of that Dr Umum book, Shame on you!
What can you do if my 1Malaysia TRUE GENTLEMAN MALAY blue ocean strategist PM Najib refuse to waste time debating with anyone ??? I don’t see the job requirement for any PM or President is to debate with anyone. You can’t solve problems with debating. You can’t solve poverty by debating. In fact, you can’t solve anything by debating with anyone. Debate only needed by last GE loser, i.e. pakatan in order to gain some publicity. My 1Malaysia TRUE GENTLEMAN MALAY blue ocean strategist PM Najib has everything. He has the people support, civil servant support, media support, academician support,… Read more »
Wow, you must have spent a lot of effort composing that little fairy tale. Too bad it is an utter waste, because tak laku.
Try again perhaps? Tepi jalan.
Again, your pointless reply that don’t add value to our discussion. Attack my points not diverting our discussion. Your personal attack is so weak and I even malas mau layan.
Err….malas layan, but still layan?
Make up your mind , old boy. I was merely praising you on your brown nosing skills.
Can’t you take a little compliment?
Kopi-O kau kau, Cheers!
Like your style!
Well done TL!
Whipped into silence, and found a new idol?
Well done indeed. At least you learned to hold your tongue.
LGE : “Don’t go and talk about DAP forming a kindergarten. We are a political party to determine the future of Malaysia.TAR College is clearest example of failure of MCA. Why was it established? Because of unfair quota policies where qualified students cannot enter public universities. so you formed TAR College. Shame on you MCA.”
For once, with due respect TAR students/graduates, this is nothing but the truth !
LGE clearly won. CSL griping about this and that BEFORE AND AFTER the debate clearly shows he agreed.
The question really, did it really made any difference? PR got the Chinese votes clearly in their column..How many non-Chinese votes did LGE help bring in PR column? Not many given it was not even on Astro TV. Its too bad because LGE did a really smart thing by showing his fluency in Malay – he could have showed the Malays why is such a different type of Chinese leader than they are made to believe..
LGE’s bahasa is clearly broken unless you also GAGAL SPM in bahasa. I can’t imagine you are older than SPM standard. Replay the debate to check it, or ask any true Malay about it.
Oh really? Given your half past 6 command of English, best you keep your mouth shut.
Eh, I never say my English is good. Maybe I even cannot pass UPSR English exam. But so what ??? Are you going to sue me or ask anil to ban me for ‘my not so good English’ ???
Apart from diverting the focus of our discussion, what can you do ??? Answer me how pakatan going to get those BILLIONS in order to fulfill BUKU JINGGA promises ???
No one cares if your English is good or bad. But don’t go criticising others if your language skills are equally bad.
BTW your IQ not much better either.
🙂 Happy learning
GK, don’t respond to this headmistress distress in the garden!
Kopi-O kau kau, Cheers.
TL, you relegated yourself to cheerleader status?
Poor thing. Ran out of lame wildebeest analogies so soon?
Must be desperate , riding on GK’s coat tails.
erm… kenapa isu negera islam tidak disebut oleh CSL pulak???
kerana MCA Soi Lek sudah tahu pun isu Islam tidak boleh menakutkan orang Cina… Orang Cina sekarang lebih takut
isu corruption kerana corruption boleh menghancurkan negara tapi ia memperkayakan segolongan orang UMNO, MCA dan MIC, etc. Semua Rakyat pun tau la kecuali MCA supporters, bodoh, otak di punggung !!!
It is clear that both Aminah Sobri (hey, Ahmad Sobri clone ???) and kee tipu here and they don’t watch/listen/attend to the debate.
CSL also raised the PAS hudud issue in the debate.
TARC & UTAR indeed the biggest shame of MCA’s achievement….. I’m a 1st-class honours degree holder from UTAR. I still remember my first job in Intel Sdn Bhd Penang. I was not paid as a first class degree graduate salary simply because my university was not listed as “Tier 1” university by my employer. Nowdays both TARC & UTAR is already Tier 1 in Intel. This is because of hard work and great performance from the students & the graduates NOT because of MCA. MCA only started a publicly unrecognized college & university to start making money from it. I… Read more »
… you know that Star cowbyoy, Wong Chun Wai, he said the Chinese should be thankful to MCA for TAR colleges !!!
Why not ??? MCA’s TAR colleges fees are cheaper than many other institutions. Then how about scholarships offered by MCA ??? Many thanks to MCA for their effort in education.
Any rational people will not deny this.
You say cheap? As cheap as the public universities that they should have been admitted in the first place? Paying tax , yet denied a place, and having to pay again?
Go figure GK.
Do you know what are you talking about ??? Do you know what are the focus of the debate ??? Do you know what kee is talking about ??? Duh, manyak susah to talk to you. The key point is MCA via its college and university (thus MCA’s policy) contributing to education vs DAP nothing to offer. Do you get it ??? Your reply is totally off topic and not true. You know how many applicants for studying medicine (for example) at local universities ??? All applicants scored equally good As but there is only limited enrollment for each university.… Read more »
Oh my dear GK, lost again I see? Let me put it in simpler terms to match your simple mind. How can MCA honestly claim to have contributed to our education system when they are part of the problem? They supported an unfair quota system which denied thousands of our brightest children a place in uNiversity. 10% racial quota for non bumis when the non bumi population makes up 42% of the country. As a poor consolation, they set up KTAR, which produced diploma holders which were NOT recognised by gov PSD Neil recently. You Ada paham sekarang? Part of… Read more »
If you don’t know a thing about our CURRENT tertiary education, public university admission policies, quota, please refrain from commenting or commenting using outdated/secondhand information. Brightest children and quota ??? What quota are you talking about for brightest children??? What you know about the CHANGE initiated by my 1Malaysia PM Najib on the admission of public university ??? How about the new changes pushed by MCA particularly by Michael Chong ??? You can’t answer me because you are such an outsider that love to comment even though you don’t know a thing about the topic been discussed. You just rely… Read more »
Spare us your conceited lies, GK. You are just repeating the same pro BN propaganda . It is obvious you have no clue what goes on with our university admissions.
The yearly circus that goes on when deserving students are left out? The lobbying that goes on and on after that, as MCA and MIC try to play hero?
Don’t waste our time with your pro Najib boasts either.
Greeness? See my emptiness?
Please. Stick to simpler words , kawan, don’t embarrass yourself.
UTAR & TARC lecturers are paid half of what other institute is paying to lecturers
What are you understand about MCA, UTAR, TARC, Mandarin and SRJKs ??? It is universally understood by all chinese (ok except some DAP fanboys) that education (particularly mandarin education) is not about money and those involved in education will earn peanut.
It is all about to ensure the continuation of the language, culture and heritage of chinese from generation to generation.
Who talks about money in education ???
To say that MCA is making money from TARC is not true when TARC is charging such a low fees compare to private colleges / universities ( not comparing to public colleges / universities ). May be they can make money from UTAR but not from TARC. As for the lecturers’ pay in TARC, there are many lecturers working there for many years, that means they are happy with their salaries. In any industry, some will get higher pay than the other and it’s common to see employee hopping from one company to another for a higher salary if his… Read more »
Chor Chee Heung made a serious blunder admitting the corruption/leakages figures quoted by Guan Eng !
Going to retire Chor surely kena the stick from Ah Lek if not from the ambitious son Ah Yong.
LOL fully agree, my fav part of the whole debate….
You can’t see how LGE unable to answer the original question in front of millions of Malaysians ???
How to get those billions in order to implement BUKU JINGGA promises ??? LGE can’t answer. Anwar can’t answer and in fact nobody can answer because it is mission impossible.
Only in your dream it can be done. Don’t you feel cheated by those EMPTY PROMISES ???
aiyoh- chua s l– after some 30 years __ TAR certificates r now only ok with PSD,, why so late– GE 13 is coming__ shame on mca lah– no 2 partner but no say — takut of what — ha ha takut your BOSS lah
Its because of the coming election that they knew would lose thats why they have to do this. Now M … kutty is complaining.
the more kutty cakap ini bermaksub apanama cukup bimbang dengan situasi kroni-kroni-nya sekarang !
Mesti takut, MCA hanya bini kecil dibawah naungan UMNO. Bini mesti kena dengar cakap suami ma ! So. do u think MCA can do something ? NO. All those right must come with automatically, not to “minta-minta” atau “tolong bagi ini itu..” konsep….
OK, lah LGE, summing up boleh jugalah.
But do not debat lagi lah!
Abang Sobri
Ini peluang rakyat (orang Sabah/Sarawak juga) dapat dengar secara terbuka dari media mainstream (Astro, FM radios) kata kata bernas pembakang. Saya kira peluang ini juga baik sekali. Sekarang rakyat mau Najib vs Anwar debate !
Wake up, Penang Pakatan – your achilles heels exposed & bruised: unsustainable land development that drives the poor & going to be poor middle class to the main land & beyond.
Most livable city in Malaysia? For the richie & famous only?
Wake up. Also no need of discreet videos for adult voters to see & hallucinate in hero-worshipping. Leadership is not for shiok-shiok sendiri euphoria post 308. The Penangites future counts.
if i am a poor penagite i am elated with the phase of development. as with more people more customers to my hawking business and i can earn more to upgrade my living standard to own a condo fro low cost housing.
so stop ranting. God only helps those who help themselves and not to shift blames to others !
if can’t stand bn or pakatan, i advise you to migrate – simple as that !
Land development has nothing to do with food customer base since Penang already attracts many. The real issue is affordable housing for the masses, not for the selective few. Creating surreal supply at surreal prices not only cause hardship, but in fact there will be a glut of properties which will cause more spiraling problems, so where is your logic of more customers. This also applies to shopping complexes. Even if you think so, these richie will prefer Papa Rich kopitiam than your no Bing Chui street stall. And empty unrentable properties will be free homes for hungry ghosts who… Read more »
tunglang and family should pack their bags and migrate to Belum forest asap. Certainly the monkeys there could appreciate his kau-peh-kau-boo type of ranting. His noise could prove to be a mating calls to encourage more procreation to improve the population of the wildlife in Belum forest. He should balme himself for believing too much in BN during his productive younger days, with little savings to afford the housing in Penang island. Obviously he could not cope with the development and the rising cost of living.. Cannot understand why he cannot remain contended with his cheap kopi-o. My guess is… Read more »
BN or PR no difference for people like him because he is too ignorant to cope with present day realities. Whilst most of us appreciate modern day facilities and improvements, disgruntled sounds like him will continue to rant and rave. Why? Probably because he can only look on in envy.
A bustling , prosperous Penang would be a cruel place for one who is broke and non the wiser.
We must empatise with tunglang. Perhaps he is frustrated that he could no longer withdraw his EPF in full as Subramaniam wants him to work longer?
We must not envy those people who could afford spending on luxuries and tech items. GenY nowadays upgrade new smartphone every year, each costing as much as RM2K.
If you choose to live in a city in Malaysia, you have to bear with the ‘inconvenience’ brought by rapid development.
tunglang should remember that everyone can exercise their options. He can choose to stay in Prai if he could not cope with the island’s urbanisation.
I got a home with a nice view, a family, creative multi-career, own business & a few dreams & pursuits to fulfill & keep me happy, busy & healthy. Also, I am not aversed to hitech as I am using a 24″ iMac for work & leisure & social media connectivity. Handled explorer’s GPS unlike the toys in urbanites’ MyVi. Why should I be jealous of others’ lifestyle? I leave that jealousy assumption to your opinion. I am sensible as I am, not coveting for things unaffordable. I am living moment by moment expecting challenges of life ahead. With no… Read more »
Dedicate this song to Tunglang to swing at Belum Trees (for environmental sake, use electirc car in heritage forest and no ego-binchui 4-wheel drive, ok ?)
You don’t know a thing about 4WD.
Electric car for off-roading, what a wet-in-the-ears joker!
Go ask any 4X4 club in Malaysia for your know how & goodness sake.
Why not you try one electric car on a rainy day just in a small construction site for your first time experiential 4×4 child’s play. Then come back & tell us your muddy story!
Oh, you better get a tow truck service on standby!!! Just in case!
That was SARCASM, TL. Go find a dictionary and try to understand the concept.
Some people are so slow, it’s tragic.
Don’t know a thing, yet still want to twist & turn to score points like boyscout. How to learn from others but from his own weeds in his own mind!
Sarcasm is lost on the dim witted.
We need to lower ourselves to communicate more easily with TL.
Simpler words. Preferably with pictures too.
tunglang’s 4WD should have no problem negotiating rough terrain leading to those new landed properties above 250m that he could well afford to purchase. Surely good view from the top, although it could be too high up to smell the aroma from the kitchen of Ori-Maestros..
Knowing him, he’ll probably get lost midway and start ranting & blaming others for his misfortune.
Eg: why the road not straight? Why ni sign boards?
I don’t think he can afford anything other than a kopi O. Too much credit card debt.
Signboard in jungle for offroaders?
You must be driving in SS2 lorongs or Putrajaya estates!
Go ask the 4×4 clubs!
My God!
Know nothing but act smart alec!
My 4WDriving is for jungle exploration utility purpose, not Chiak Hong. Sorry, cannot afford luxury hill landed property which is against my principle.
BTW, thanks for khua eh ki.
Kopi-O kau kau, Cheers.
Now debate goes to English again, whereas CSL was consistent. LGE kalah!
Ahmad Sobri, Guan Eng was doing fine, he could handle the debate well. It is ok for the rojak debate so that there wll be less chances for mistakes in translation on Guan Eng’s part. Of course, the MSM will do it deliberately to misquote Guan Eng. Malaysiakini reported that Soi Lek was agitated and tensed throughout whereas Guan Eng was all smiling. Though i agree with Karpal that dont engage with that immoral person but Guan Eng triumps over Soi Lek la esp on this debate 2. Soi Lek kalah teruk this time. Anyway, i also hope that Guan… Read more »
OK lah bro Kee, if you feel LGE menang, LGE menanglah! But, LGE should not waste his time in such debates anymore. Fair, he bashed CSL, saya syiok juga, tapi, not nice to see him being accused of things by MCA which are utter lies. Do not give MCA a chance, not again! GELAKAN? Well, DAP do not have to finish GELAKAN, MCA will do it! It is time for MCA for revenge, 40 years later, 40 years of betrayal, 40 years of being played out by GELAKAN, it is now to finish them off politically, and the time is… Read more »
Ahmad Sobri.
You can learn to agree to disagree (to some extent).
No need to kowtow to mass hysteria sentiments.
Otherwise, the flow of justice in anilnetto mighty river is but a boy’s … in a school toilet of enforced reasoning of the ‘elite’.
We are not perfect yet, but use your God given brain & intelligence to advocate on issues close to your heart without fear or favor.
Selamat Pulo Panang (before Selamat Malaysia).
Haha, the Chinese Sex Legend needs to r and r a bit. Time for another vid perhaps. If they had porn channel in the hotel, he won’t need put lap top on his chest.
Cheapskate didn’t pay more for someone more his type so he had to resort to watching porn.
Very good question, Why bring my wife into it, is she the partner.
Then why bring Betty into it …
Why bring it to the Malacca state assembly when it concern the LGE Penang CM that has no concern with Malacca
Come on man, you are just a stupid adulterous pornstar who commit an immoral act … and protect some one who hide behind th skirt of a woman
Surely Najib is not as naive as you to grant DSAI a chance to debate him, as he knows, DSAI is the better orator, unlike LGE!
Just how to drum this into his head?
English debate becomes Bahasa Malaysia debate? Rojak debate, LGE!
You gotta maintain the standard LGE! Debate in English or Bahasa Malaysia?
LGE hormat Bahasa Jiwa Bangsa, also the language that could reach out to the rural folks!
LGE smartly use Bahasa Malaysia as one of the target audience is the rural folks of Sabah and Sarawak, who do not understand what CSL meant by ‘rhetorics’.
Aduh.. cannot tahan to see CSL contunuing to bash him and LGE looking like a lost man!
You are damn wrong to give MCA this chance and you gave them this chance to bash you publicly and to be jeered! Respect has got to be earned LGE, not being gungho!
You are being bashed infront of all Malaysians in your presence! Cukuplah LGE! Jangan debat lagi! You are no match! Karpal should represent DAP if the debate is in English, or Gobind Singh Deo or Tony Pua, certainly not you.
Syiok sendiri or not, you know lah LGE!
by not giving chance for MCA to bash then it shows PR is not much better than BN because of having a leader that is being a scary cat hiding behind the bushes afraid of what others may be bashing on him & PR…….unlike N, LGE is a leader that do not turn down challenges….so I encourage him to continue to get bash…..by getting bash, only then he will learn how to speak with more confidence in public and be more prepared and gain the experienced of how to defence his party under such circumstances…..
besides, I don’t think CSL dares to challenge Karpal & others…..LOL
As I had said again and again, LGE should not debate CSL because the old fox is a much better orator! CSL is far more experienced, LGE is all brawn, he should have save himself the embarassments by taking Karpal’s advise. Again, it proves that LGE, is DAP. Ah.. after each debate, more damages! Just how will Pakatan supporters take it? He can go on and embarass himself, but, can the Pakatan supporters, in particular, DAP supporters take it? People like Yang, how do you like your hero to be bashed like that in public? Just what benefits will such… Read more »
don’t you get it? this debat is an opportunity for pakatan rakyat to voice in public….the only way that public media that are controlled by the government so tightly can air such comments by LGE…..all these while, all the ceramah and so forth held by pakatan rakyat, they are only able to attract those that already support them to attend. this debate is a forum to extend the facts to others who are only listening to / watching public media. although there’s been heavy bashing by CSL & MCA, I think it’s worth it for ppl to understand how corrupted… Read more »
This debate lgE won not CSL. With this debate lgE successfully diverted all the hill slope problems haunting his administration.
LGE was willing to stand up and be counted. Not like you hiding behind Jocelyn’s skirt and taking cheap shots.
The contrast is clear. Guts and conviction versus a petty coward.
Ah Soon Kor, i know you good intention but i think there is no perfection in this world. You cannot expect Pakatan/Guan Eng to lead Pg without error at all. What is important is, Pakatan government is willing to listen to the people, right? What else do you want, Ah Kor? Compared with BN government, if they want to do something they will do it regardless whether it is good for the nation or not – so long as they have commi$$$ion(?) We just cant have the cake and eat it too at the same time. We can only reach… Read more »
Hi, Kee.
I like your style of gentlemanly conversation.
Very encouraging, even to those others just hammer with umbrellas like ‘sensitive char bor’.
Not ‘cutting’ others to pieces like a weed puller headmistress in her distressed garden.
Let justice flow like a mighty river, not clogged up with foul smelling, polluting distress in the clear water of independent reasoning & give & take democracy.
Kopi-O kau kau, Cheers.
(This is bring some sense of cheerful discourse in anilnetto.com).
Again, don’t agree. It turned out CSL style is too ‘uncle’ – a lot of it was english translation of Chinese – it does not connect with the younger English speaking audience
You know how many people each year GAGAL ENGLISH in PMR and UPSR ???
Bahasa vs English, and bahasa wins in quantity. LGE win ??? Nobody knows as “your mileage may vary”.
I agreed with Karpal Singh that LGE should not debate with CSL who is such an immoral & adulterous person. So tainted that the only people and party such as N … & AUMMO would associate with.
LGE said “We know if we wipe out corruption, BN will die. But if we don’t wipe out corruption, Malaysia will die. The choice is clear,” .
this sure score points among the youths of today !
Maybe that is true before 308. After 308, the youth don’t believe in this myth anymore. They can see why there are endless property development in Penang, even hillslope is not exempted. No coincidence. Money is working hard and flowing STRONGLY. 30% to 60% in Kedah ??? Selangor sand ??? Talam ??? 3 billions ??? And many others that will be exposed during next election campaign time.
Actually in hindsight, don’t know why CSL agreed to debate in the first place. His style and method is so ‘old chinese’ its impossible for him to connect with the younger English speakers which it was intended for.
LGE even quoted K-pop to connect to the younger audience !
Also important live appropriat messages (hard to reach out with mainstream media total twisting of his words) were delivered in Bahasa Msia for target audience of Malay and East Msia native communities. Well done.
Malay and Indian voters listen to K-pop kah ???
my friendly neighbour kids (malay and indian n chinese) doing daily aerobic dance (muhibah ?) to the tune of T-ara’s Rolly Polly !
dedicate this song to Gerakan K (a team of cybertrooper can also dance like these cute n talentead Korean stars)
In posing qustions to LGE, Chor Chee Heung, a BN minister has admitted that the BN leakages and corruption is in the region of RM26 billion.
Don’t know why he is shooting his own foot.
I guess MCA flers cannot run away from facts.