Keng Yaik spoke too soon


In yesterday’s entry, I highlighted several quotes from an Off the Edge interview with Gerakan adviser Lim Keng Yaik, including his comment about the dubious land deals in Penang:

(Koh Tsu Koon) was not strong enough to stop the Umno fellas. Let’s see the land cases coming up; you’ll find an Umno arm all over the place. Yes, and Guan Eng is saying, “You did not stop it.”

But check out theSun online today. In an article titled ‘Public land gone!’, Terence and Nades reported:

What was supposed to be land for facilities for the people in the up-market Bandar Utama township has ended up in private hands.

All it took was for the previous members of the Selangor Executive Council to agree and for the then mentri besar to alienate the land to individuals, bodies, corporations – and even political parties….

All in all, seven parcels of land meant for public amenities have been misused….

Political parties have also got into the action and hijacked some of them.

The land on which Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia (Gerakan)’s building is located was meant for a telecommunications exchange, while the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) now owns a parcel of land designated for a Tamil school.

Ouch! Perhaps Keng Yaik would like to clarify. (As for the MIC, that’s a lost cause.)

In the meantime, he appears to contradict acting party president Koh Tsu Koon. Keng Yaik had said that the mood among party leaders and members is to opt out of BN.

But in an NST report reproduced on the Gerakan website, we have Tsu Koon saying:

Certain quarters had made the call for the party to leave the ruling coalition. But it was only a small number that made the call.

The majority of members still want the party to stay in the BN and help to revive and strengthen the coalition.

So which is which?

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2 Sep 2008 9.35pm

…..and Koh Su Khoon says “the majority of members still want the party to stay in the BN to take all the s*** that is thrown on us and help to revive and strengthen the umnoputras”. Shame on you,Dr.Koh, Inspite of Ahmads recent remark you still want to stay on with UMNO. Anwar is not a bad leader.Try him for a change!

Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
2 Sep 2008 8.51am

MALAYSIA: Immigration Racket Turns Workers Into Commodities Thursday, 07 August 2008 By Baradan Kuppusamy KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 (IPS) – Like thousands of migrant workers Mir Hussein Wahab, 29, from Lahore, Pakistan, is a victim of a new phenomenon called ‘jual-beli’, a local Malay term that describes a human trafficking racket that rakes in millions for international syndicates. Literally, jual-beli means ‘bought-sold’ and is used to refer to the daily trading of goods in the local market. In recent months migrant workers have been persuaded to part with hard cash to enter the country only to learn that they… Read more »

Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
Dr. Hamid Ibrahim
2 Sep 2008 8.47am

MALAYSIA: Immigration Racket Turns Workers Into Commodities Thursday, 07 August 2008 By Baradan Kuppusamy KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 6 (IPS) – Like thousands of migrant workers Mir Hussein Wahab, 29, from Lahore, Pakistan, is a victim of a new phenomenon called ‘jual-beli’, a local Malay term that describes a human trafficking racket that rakes in millions for international syndicates. Literally, jual-beli means ‘bought-sold’ and is used to refer to the daily trading of goods in the local market. In recent months migrant workers have been persuaded to part with hard cash to enter the country only to learn that they… Read more »

2 Sep 2008 12.13am

Anil Please see below . DSAI is against the devil trying to secure enough defections to form the government. … …. Malaysiakini : Special Branch probes defection rumours: Sarawak MP A Sarawak parliamentarian has today spoken out strongly about the urgent need to end the long rule of the ‘arrogant’ Barisan Nasional government as rumours of potential crossovers pick up steam with Sept 16 only two weeks away. The MP, an Iban who asked not to be identified, called Malaysiakini to say that Special Branch police officers had contacted him to check whether his name was linked to rumours of… Read more »

1 Sep 2008 11.52pm

i hope all malaysians are having the guts this time… to voice up and act against all the evils and wrongdoings by the vicious BN. we must be united to kick them out!

1 Sep 2008 11.35pm

racist, no s…..

1 Sep 2008 11.13pm

So, what is the PR led government in Selangor going to do about it?
Taking the RAKYAT’s benefit for one’s own!
Let’s see action taken against the guilty ones!

1 Sep 2008 11.07pm

I really cannot understand why Gerakan and MCA and the rest are still with UMNO. They are being bullied in front of everyone and they are still kissing a****. Geez. Wake up and get out of Barisan. Join Pakatan. Think about the people and not support UMNO blindly. They don’t respect you.

1 Sep 2008 11.05pm

At the risk of being labelled rascist, if not for the fact that the Irish can have a good laugh at themselves, please let me share this joke with your readers. I thought it was hilarious. IRISH MATHS TEST An Irishman applied for a job on a construction site, but the site supervisor wouldn’t hire him until he passed a simple maths test. Here’s your first question: “Without using numbers, represent the number 9.” “Without numbers?” Tbe Irishman replies: “Dat is easy” and he proceeded to draw three trees. “What’s this?” the boss asked. The Irishman replied: “Ave you got… Read more »

1 Sep 2008 9.43pm

Gerakan need to be disolve and or crossover as the people(Rakyat) had connered them. No more credible as the past years where fool by LKY…..ooops sorry Lim Keng Yeik (KY) not LKY of S’pore. KY a stupid idiot (Bodoh Sombong) which hold Son of kutty b… makes the poor M’sian stupid. Now you get it KY, the M’sian son’s goin to trow you in hell. A living hell……and now you’re are living on it.

1 Sep 2008 9.42pm

Gerakan should have the power within BN .. like what SAPP is doing .. UMNO will not kick them out .

1 Sep 2008 9.32pm

im simply tired of all these jokers -wish we have laws to shoot ;like in china. …

Kenny Gan
Kenny Gan
1 Sep 2008 9.06pm

“Certain quarters had made the call for the party to leave the ruling coalition. But it was only a small number that made the call.” -Koh Youth leaders in Perak and Penang have made the call and top leaders like Toh and Tan have left Gerakan but he still calls it a small number. Being in denial is the best phrase to describe KTK. “The majority of members still want the party to stay in the BN and help to revive and strengthen the coalition.” – Koh Now, this is adding delusion to denial. KTK is still under the delusion… Read more »

1 Sep 2008 8.54pm

All this makes sickening reading. These people should reflect on their karma.

1 Sep 2008 8.10pm

“Koh Tsu Koon) was not strong enough to stop the Umno fellas. Let’s see the land cases coming up; you’ll find an Umno arm all over the place.” said Kheng Yaik. Lim Kheng Yaik, you ae simply ‘great’. You know Koh Tsu Khoon is weak and yet you kept him in Pg for such a long time allowing UMNO guys to party. You are partly to be blamed. So this further confirm waht LGE said is true. there are so many land scandals in Pg under the previous governmt. One thing, Koh Tsu khoon is a goodpoker player. even though… Read more »

1 Sep 2008 8.00pm

I see no differences between, Keng Yaik, Samy Vellu and
Mahathir. They are virutally jobless and wanted to be
heard. They time are over. Get out and look after your
grand children or start a mini zoo and take the animals
as your political toys.

james dean
james dean
1 Sep 2008 7.38pm

A sinking ship and a desperate crew. What do you expect. They want to save themselves and the …

1 Sep 2008 7.04pm

The Courage to Build a New Malaysia. (Keberanian Membina sebuah Malaysia Baru.) (Versi Bahasa Melayu dibawah) The year is 2008. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today. It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul… Read more »

malaysian niah ...
malaysian niah ...
1 Sep 2008 6.29pm

these f*****s should go to jail …. i hope the first course of action that the PR government takes is like all other countries in Thailand, Brunei and Phillipines is to horde all these plunderers to jail – and use the ISA on them for good measure

1 Sep 2008 6.13pm

Anil let this barking …. bark like i said redundant ex leader of a redundant party.

1 Sep 2008 6.12pm

Nyayuk guy Lah, leaving him alone Anil.

1 Sep 2008 6.09pm

Why worry and why waste time and breath.
Gerakan is dead. Bury it…so the only time we need to hear from them is when they face legal retributions.

1 Sep 2008 6.08pm

As I have said yesterday, if LKY still influential,just walk quietly to KTK and tell him pull out from BN or disband GERAKAN as DAP can do a better job not only in Penang but in Malaysia. And LKY can retire and enjoy whatever he has over the years in government and behave himself after all he is a dead wood. Selamat beristirehat and we know that you have not done the job you are suppose to do, nobody wants you to finish it just go away.

1 Sep 2008 5.56pm

The only thing I can say is that Keng Yaik is making a desperate effort to make up for his many, many sins of omission when he helmed the Gerakan fo 20 years, was a Senior Minister in the Cabinet, and NEVER did anything to right the many wrongs being committed by UMNO. Now, he speaks out! Well, perhaps, better late than never, I suppose. But this will not make up for his dreadfully misguided past. He is doomed when the political history of the last two decades is written, just as the MCA leaders of the recent past are… Read more »

1 Sep 2008 5.45pm

A case of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing. This usually is the case when the incentive is no longer there. All this while, the intimidation, the ostracism, and non stop propaganda worked their magic on a timid electorate, whose interest was successfully reduced to economic concerns. History has shown that it is the middle class that will push for change, not because that they have nothing to lose, but how much more they will gain from less corruption and less wobbly politicians. They are, after all, trying to justify all their hard work to… Read more »