The future lies with the younger politicians and the acceptance of ‘new politics’, says Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar, who burst onto the political scene as ‘Puteri Reformasi’ a decade ago.
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Sebagai orang Indonesia, saya bangga dengan anda…Ibu Nurul Izzah mengagumkan, politik cerdas, tetap berani ibu, jangan ragu…. Demi kebaikan di kedua bangsa Melayu..
The post-war Japanese generations rejected
World War Two-era fascism and militarism.
Likewise, Malaysian young people can reject the
ugly race-baiting politics the older generations have
constructed and dumped on them.
You are a gem of a lady. Soon the baton will be passed to you. Take it and bring PAKATAN to success. Your dad has suffered a lot. He has sacrificed a lot. He carries no wealth, no gold no diamonds. He has lived a simple life, with no air, no snob. He has lived his life for the people – for a struggle to give a better life to all Malaysians. The hurdles are well-placed for him to fall. If he falls, let not the flag and baton fall with him. Lift up the flag and carry the baton… Read more »
Nurul, you get my vote anytime!
What a priceless gem she is, Nurul Izzah! Anwar and Kak Wan are extremely blessed to have such an admirable and adorable daughter. Even at this early stage lof her political career it’s plain to see that Izzah is PM material.