Full text of Anwar’s police report against IGP and AG


Check out the full text of the police report here.

Anwar is alleging that a thorough police investigation had revealed much earlier (by Oct 1998) that the former police chief, Rahim Noor, was the one responsible for the assault on the ousted deputy premier.

But the outcome of this investigation, Anwar alleges, was suppressed, withheld and “reconstructed” by top officials involved in the case – including those still in service today. The idea was to falsely demonstrate that “the pattern and nature of the injuries are not consistent with a direct blow” [“bentuk dan ciri kecederaan adalah tidak konsisten dengan pukulan secara langsung”], “accidental nature of the injuries could not be ruled out” [“kemungkinan kecederaan ini disebabkan oleh kemalangan tidak boleh ditolak”] and “self-inflicted nature of the injury should be considered” [kemungkinan kecederaan disebabkan perbuatan sendiri harus diberikan pertimbangan”].

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23 Jul 2010 6.58pm

This is a sad situation…. sad for the common people..

22 Jul 2008 11.37pm

Why is the Agong being so quiet? Does UMNO have something on him too? Why is he allowing (these leaders) to rape the country over and over? Is this what they call Ketuanan Melayu? Shame!!

3 Jul 2008 1.00pm

Any person with common sense will not do sodomy a second time, given the stake Annuar has in his political fight for survival. Does any one think he can still do at his age, even if he wants to? It is a disgrace to all Malaysians, bumi or non bumi for any one who has started it all.

Concerned citizen
Concerned citizen
2 Jul 2008 1.12pm

My a*** got the cramps after reading this (alleged) sodomite’s report

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
2 Jul 2008 12.17pm

Dear Anil Interesting item from the Singapore Straits Times: “Most M’sians believe Anwar is innocent: polls KUALA LUMPUR – OPINION polls showed most people believed Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim did not commit sodomy against a young aide after a similar charge landed him in jail for six years before it was overturned. A small survey by the independent Merdeka Centre research firm found just 6 per cent of respondents believed the allegations, and nearly 60 per cent viewed it as politically motivated. ‘It’s going to be an uphill battle for the government because you are facing a more cynical… Read more »

2 Jul 2008 2.48am

is this bitchy enough without the possibility of free rice and curry, Anil?

2 Jul 2008 2.43am

Well said, Reader. Notwithstanding some of the good men therein. But there remain doubts, like the Air Asia rags to riches fairytale. This is not the west and there can only be one Richard Branson. Similarly, one would not expect a denial a la Mahathir from a minister who is generally perceived as credible.

Meanwhile, one can notice a smile on the faces of those not so credible, as if a great weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Little do they realize, or wish to do so, that this is the last respite they will be enjoying.

1 Jul 2008 11.56pm

In the West there is much disdain and distrust of any Government or Ruling Party that has been in power too long. It is realised there is a constant need for perpetual vigilance and resistance to Governments which surreptiously if not overtly at times, works against its citizens in favour of the ruling party or the fat cats bureaucrats. Can you believe what the Government says most times? Most likely not. You have to read between the lines and find out what has been left unsaid or how it is said at all. But we are however, very civilised about… Read more »

1 Jul 2008 11.44pm

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1 Jul 2008 11.40pm

Blog anwar tidak dapat dilayari – kononnya nak didkatakan sabotaj lagi ke