Don’t allow democracy to be hijacked: The challenge before us

Fishermen at work in the morning with Penang Island in the background - ANIL NETTO/ALIRAN

The outcome of the 2022 general election held the promise of a new era for Malaysia.

A quarter of a century of Reformasi struggle culminated in the Anwar Ibrahim-led Pakatan Harapan winning power in alliance with, surprise, surprise, the Umno-led Barisan Nasional and coalitions in Sarawak and Sabah.

It was a mixed outcome with Pakatan Harapan joining forces with establishment coalitions and parties to form a “unity government”

We pay tribute to all those who struggled in those dark years – remembering those arrested, those who paid a heavy price, those who did not live to see the results of the struggle. Full article on the Aliran website

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23 Jan 2024 12.34pm

The wife of embattled tycoon Daim Zainuddin has claimed trial for failing to abide by an MACC notice to disclose her assets.

Na’imah Abdul Khalid was charged under Section 36(2) of the MACC Act 2009 at the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court this morning.

22 Feb 2024 10.53am
Reply to  Munah

She is a member of MUDA despite her old age. In other words, not wrong to assume that MUDA is [linked to] Daim and Mahathir. Now we know.

7 Jan 2024 11.49am

KL with state of art skyscappers but majority in B40 or even M40 feel the pain of price inflation.

Something is wrong somewhere resulting unfair nation income distribution.

About time to dismantle cronied godfathers schemes controlling the wealth of nation.

9 Jan 2024 11.02am
Reply to  Mike

Very clear. Rich becomes richer. Who wants to gives up what they have been receiving the past 60 years? Rich still get housing benefits and enters colleges.

23 Jan 2024 7.50am
Reply to  Shriek

Following the MACC probe against his son Datuk Mirzan Mahathir, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir says he too is prepared to be investigated by the authorities.

Derrick Gan
Derrick Gan
27 Jan 2024 12.12pm
Reply to  luca

Second son also investigated now. Marina and Mukhriz should be investigated too by MACC!

27 Jan 2024 2.31pm
Reply to  luca

Madani is speeding up the charging of Tun Daim in court, as well as the investigations on Tun Mahathir’s sons. This is really a good news for Bossku. [In my opinion,] He is going to be released soon. Bossku can only be released after Madani is being seen serious about going after prominent and rich Malays as part of the promised anti-corruption drive. Otherwise the people would be angry. But now that Madani looks so good that they can afford to have Bossku walk out of prison a free man.

17 Feb 2024 12.41pm

Singaporean engineer pivots from oil rigs to ‘fish farm of the future’

Eco Ark, a giant aquafarm, is part of Leow Ban Tat’s plan to offer diners in the city-state cleaner, healthier seafood. The Eco Park facility harvests 30,000 tonnes of fish a month.

A Rakyat 8
12 Feb 2024 11.20am

“Anwar: Govt to focus on peace, culture while strengthening economy” By Arfa Yunus dd Saturday, 10 Feb 20242:33 PM MYT ======== Unless you remove many of those “check points and road blocks” that has been set up previously by those elite old guards for their and their crony’s benefits, you will not make much headway (progress toward a goal) in your endeavor to improve our Nation’s economy.  Just look at the yearly budget presentation. We started off well with nil deficit, less on cost allocation and more on Nation development cost. Believe since the eighties it has been the opposite… Read more »

A Rakyat 8
12 Feb 2024 11.19am

The National debt has also risen steadily now standing at about 1.5 trillion, maybe more. Sometime ago, the government claimed that they could clear the national debt by 2050 if all goes well according to plan. As we can see, they will never be able to achieve it, if those road blocks are not removed and friendly economic polices are not introduced for the private sector and also the removal of incompetent people in your economic team. In the last 100 days or so since the PH unity government took over, they have said to have secured over 250 Billion Ringgit… Read more »

A Rakyat 8
12 Feb 2024 11.18am

The elimination of pensions marks a promising beginning, representing the first modest stride towards revitalizing our nation’s economic health. Actions, indeed, will carry more weight than mere words in this endeavor. We Rakyat are watching, hoping that you will do the right thing.

Religion if one must know is all about righteousness.

A Rakyat 8
12 Feb 2024 11.18am

“Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the three main focuses – peace, culture and language proficiency – are the main ingredients in ensuring the country will always be the first choice for investments by local and foreign investors.” >>> Yes, you are right about this as they are the supporting factor in ensuring our economy progresses smoothly being part and parcel of a “coefficient economy”.  This means that peace, culture, and language proficiency play a crucial role in the growth and development of our economy. They are considered essential components of a well-functioning economy, working together harmoniously like the various coefficients in… Read more »

A Rakyat 8
12 Feb 2024 11.18am

Without peace, there can be disruptions and conflicts that hinder economic progress. Culture brings diversity, innovation, and creativity which are vital for economic growth. Language proficiency allows effective communication and collaboration, both domestically and internationally, facilitating trade and business opportunities. 

Therefore, these factors, when integrated seamlessly, contribute to a smooth and successful economy.

Can the Opposition understand what all these means? What about the economic minister and related officials, committees, etc?

A Rakyat 8
11 Feb 2024 12.31pm

“Mahathir is no storyteller, just a bitter man creating disunity” 
by Clement Stanley dd 10 Feb 2024, 11:24pm


The news people definitely have a knack for selecting the right photos to publish to suit the story. The show of bitterness on his face, but it’s also worth noting that he exhibits other facial expressions as well.

To promote diversity and cultural exchange, it is essential for journalists to actively seek out individuals and families similar to the Nazars, and share their unique stories that encompass their multiculturalism, diverse cuisine, languages, and more.

A Rakyat 8
11 Feb 2024 12.31pm

The cross-cultural cuisine has long been firmly established in our society, as people from different communities, wholeheartedly embrace and savor each other’s delectable dishes.

With the little time he has left, TMM should learn to venture outside of his cocoon, his ‘comfort zone’ of politics, to experience and learn about our nation’s rich multiculturalism, diverse languages, delectable cross-cultural cuisine, and the amazing diversity of our Rakyat.

A Rakyat 8
6 Feb 2024 2.32pm

Big opportunity for ECRL land-bridge to be a competitive transport route by
Murray Hunter


” Thai Kra land-bridge now dead in the water ”

Is it really dead in the water or Hunter Murray needs to have his blogsite re open again to public.

” The Thai Kra land-bridge proposal, linking Chumphon in the Gulf of Thailand with Ranong in the Andaman Sea has been criticized for undesirable environmental impacts, and is opposed by local residents along the route.”

Give us a link on the criticism.

A Rakyat 8
2 Feb 2024 12.58pm

“Cabinet to discuss abolishing pensions for politicians, says Anwar” by Bernama dd 01 Feb 2024, 9:44pm ======== ” He said that as a moral responsibility, the matter needs to be tabled and fully explained because it would be difficult to rationalise if politicians were excluded from pension reform.” >>> Maybe some politicians are not happy or in favor of such a proposal, now that they may lose their political multi perks they are getting being a politician. So far how many politicians from both sides of the divide, have come forward strongly in favor of this proposal? We Rakyat… Read more »

A Rakyat 8
2 Feb 2024 12.34pm

“Major changes to civil servants’ pensions, salaries, contracts can’t be rushed, require in-depth consultation” By Ong Kian Ming dd 3 hours ago

>>> What more in-depth consultation or study does one need on the changes to civil servants’ pensions, etc in order to bring back to health our sick economy? This is only a tiny little reform to more that needs to done. We are still deep in the woods trying to find our way out.

A Rakyat 8
2 Feb 2024 12.34pm

“Ensure no downsizing in civil service, Muhyiddin tells govt” 
by FMT Reporters – 24 Jan 2024, 10:38pm

>>> So, what is PN Opposition proposing to nurse back our economy which is not in good health? Any good ideas? We Rakyat are tired of political wayang.

A Rakyat 8
1 Feb 2024 9.57am

“Federal power ‘a daydream’ for PAS without non-Malay votes, says analyst”
by Nora Mahpar dd 01 Feb 2024, 7:30am


One group focuses on religion, while the other centers around race. Over sixty years have passed since then, but where do we stand as a nation now?

When it comes to voting, sentiment and practicality both play a role. However, in the upcoming GE16, practicality may outweigh sentiment, unlike in GE15.

Currently, PAS governs four states. If there is no progress in these states and the lives of the people remain unchanged, why should our Rakyat vote for them?

A Rakyat 8
1 Feb 2024 9.57am

If the Opposition PN is given a chance to govern our nation, it may lead to a situation similar to the states they currently govern, or possibly worse.

As Rakyat, we will use the performance of these four states as a benchmark to assess their governing capabilities. Unfortunately, we have not witnessed any progress through their ‘SG4’ initiative, nor have we heard of any other programs or policies being introduced.

The Opposition’s dream of attaining federal power seems like a distant reality for the foreseeable future.

A Rakyat 8
20 Jan 2024 12.11pm

“AG must balance discretion with public interest, says lawyer”
by Faisal Asyraf dd 20 Jan 2024, 7:30am


>>> Common sense is essential. It implies making sound judgments without relying on specialized knowledge. It is the use of basic intelligence to comprehend and make good decisions or judgments.

By stating that the AG’s office has the prerogative to withhold reasons based on the laws of the federal constitution etc, in cases involving nationwide public interest, especially when it involves government officials, it opens the door for speculation and leaves the general public wondering if the office is compromised.

A Rakyat 8
17 Jan 2024 11.29am

“Zuraida reminds Chinese to be wary of DAP’s ploy to pit them against Malays to ensure continuous support” By FocusM 34 mins ago


>>> Rakyat know and are aware what PH unity and DAP are doing. So, PN can stop with their continues 2R rhetoric. This is all we hear from Opposition and nothing much else. The Opposition chances of winning GE16 is slim if they continue with 2R and nothing else.

The Opposition appointed official adviser to SG4 initiative is also no different, more so now involved in 2R issues than ever before.

A Rakyat 8
17 Jan 2024 11.29am

What is happening to the SG4 initiative? It was initiated sometime in September 15, 2023. Is it too early to ask? Does he still have his investor friends from countries like Japan and South Korea etc or have they grown old and passed away or no longer in business or in the government.

>>> What are PN / Opposition’s plan for the future of our Nation and for the well being of our Rakyat? Does it have any, other than 2R and the so called SG4 initiative?
Does the PN / Opposition actually know and understand anything else?

17 Jan 2024 11.24pm
Reply to  A Rakyat 8

CHINA is giving 1000 scholarships for science and tech. to Malaysia? Any advice as to any hidden agenda? FYI, although population is declining, China has embarked in AI and Industrial robots to reduce manpower unlike here where we spend $$$$ on chip chip overseas labour. AA everyone can fly and China says everyone can visit China for 14 days without visa. You can use high speed trains.They are ahead in building solar and wind power.

23 Jan 2024 12.35pm
Reply to  shriek

Better learn mandarin.

My kids studying SJK Cina.

25 Jan 2024 7.47am
Reply to  Munah

Fadhlina Sidek: Malay Parents Send Children To Vernacular Schools

22 Feb 2024 10.55am
Reply to  luca

She dare not say the same thing in malay to malay media. So do not be too happy.

A Rakyat 8
15 Jan 2024 6.36pm

“AG says not bound to explain withdrawal of criminal prosecutions”
by NURBAITI HAMDAN dd Monday, 15 Jan 20244:50 PM MYT


The Attorney General’s (AG) office has stated that it is not obligated to provide an explanation for the withdrawal of criminal prosecutions. While we Rakyat, the citizens of the country, understand and acknowledge the lawful discretion of the AG’s office to initiate or discontinue charges in criminal cases, this particular case has raised concerns due to it being, a major public interest.

A Rakyat 8
15 Jan 2024 6.35pm

This case involves the second-highest public official in the ruling government, making it a matter of significant importance. It is only natural for the public to expect the AG’s office to provide a valid reasons for their decision, showcasing their brilliance in exercising their lawful discretion. 

However, to the disappointment of many, the AG’s office has chosen to stand behind excuses such as having the lawful discretion to initiate or discontinue charges under the Federal Constitution and not being obligated to furnish any reasons to any parties.

A Rakyat 8
15 Jan 2024 6.35pm

Furthermore, the AG’s office also stated that the Public Prosecutor must be allowed to carry out their duties within the confines of the Federal Constitution and any written laws, without unnecessary external interference. While the AG’s office had the space and time to delve into the laws and constitutional aspects behind their decision, they did not find the time or the space to explain the valid reasons for concluding on DNAA . Given the nationwide public interest surrounding this case, it is important that the AG’s office addresses the concerns and provides a transparent explanation for their decision. The lack of… Read more »

12 Jan 2024 2.21pm
8 Jan 2024 5.41pm

Mr Anil,
Have you watched “Man on the Run”, now on Netflix?

13 Jan 2024 10.22am
Reply to  Anil Netto

The government is willing to consider Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s request for a removal and ban of the Man On The Run documentary on Netflix, says Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.