Video courtesy of Sivin Kit
Weeks of anticipation culminated in the announcement that was long awaited by many Malaysians:
We, the leaders of Pakatan, jointly wrote a letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi – it was handed by our representatives today – seeking an immediate meeting to discuss the following: firstly, the immediate release of all political detainees including Raja Petra, Teresa Kok, Manoharan and the rest; and secondly, to discuss the smooth, peaceful transition of Power.
We have the numbers, and tonight on the eve of 916 – and tomorrow is D-Day – we are ready to form…(The crowd’s roar drowns Anwar’s words.)
“The process has begun,” confirms a senior PKR leader. “Tomorrow, emissaries are going to try and meet the PM, and if that doesn’t materialise, Anwar will start the process.”
Earlier I was on the phone with my contact inside the Kelana Jaya Stadium reporting ‘live’ from the scene:
Some 5,000 20,000 people have filled the Kelana Jaya Stadium in KL tonight. They are listening to speeches from Pakatan leaders.
Lim Guan Eng has praised Zaid for tendering his resignation on a matter of principle. Not many ministers would do such a thing, he said.
Anwar is speaking about nationalist struggles in Pakistan and india.
He praises Raja Petra, Teresa, Manoharan and the other detainees.
He quotes Pakistan’s Jinnah as saying there are two things that will destroy democracy: police and military interference, and corruption
“Look at the people’s reaction in Permatang Pauh. It was great. The leaders of Umno didn’t believe us. They were in a state of denial.”
Earlier, participants were given free Malaysian flags and wrist bands. A Sarawak flag is spotted in the crowd.
“Where does it say in Malay literature and annals that you can treat people like that?” continues Anwar, referring to the detention of the Chinese journalist.
He says that the Malay language would be upheld and protected much better than anything Umno could do. But he also guarantees the right to vernacular schools and education.
He is now talking about the economy and allaying fears of the marginalisation of Malays. He praises Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for being inclusive in his administration.
Anwar says, in a few days time, there will be “good news” from Zaid Ibrahim.
If Pakatan takes over, both 31 Aug (Independence Day) and 16 Sept (National Day) would be holidays – a common practice in many countries.
He announces that Pakatan leaders have handed over to the PM today a letter requesting negotiations (rundingan) so that the transition would be smooth.
“We, the leaders of Pakatan, jointly wrote a letter to Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi – it was handed by our representatives today – seeking an immediate meeting to discuss the following: firstly, the immediate release of all political detainees including Raja Petra, Teresa Kok, Manoharan and the rest; and secondly, to discuss the smooth, peaceful transition of Power.
“We have the numbers, and tonight on the eve of 916 – and tomorrow is the D-Day – we are ready to form…(The crowd’s roars drown Anwar’s words.)
“The test would be when we are able to discuss this with the Prime Minister – give him ample evidence – in order to respect the laws and the spirit of the Constitution and to ensure, again, a peaceful transition which is paramount in this country.
“There is no point in to harp on this racial card and religious extremism. Malaysians are now mature.”
“Yeah!” the crowd roars in approval.
“The crowd is distinctly multi-ethnic today,” observes my source.
“How can we be on track for 916 when they send the MPs to Taiwan and then they detain Teresa?” Anwar continues. “But I want to stress we have the numbers.”
“I want to guarantee that when we take over, we will not follow the law of the jungle or vengeance.
“The day we come to power, we will release all political detainees the same evening. We will reduce the price of oil and increase the oil royalty to 20 per cent (for the oil-producing states).”
He says the whole point of nationalist struggles is to be free from colonialism and exploitation.
My contact at the scene says the wrist band that was distributed is to be worn tomorrow as a sign of protest.
Eye-witness Messy Christian adds:
5000? No, 20,000 is a more likely number – I was there. It was quite a heady night, and Anwar was very convincing and confident about 916. Tomorrow he urges us to hang the Malaysian flag at our offices, homes or cars.
But James Marang isn’t convinced:
I hate to break up the Anwar love-fest in this blog which is more like a shrine to Anwar, but 916 or whatever you guys are calling is not going to happen. Get that in your heads, this guy is stringing you all for a ride. If he has the number, he’ll already be in Putrajaya. I can’t believe how pathetic you all are.
Agadam Magadam thinks some people just don’t get it:
I was there till the end… Some people just don’t get it…
Anwar explained it clearly… The numbers are there… The coalition has sent three delegates from each party with a letter signed by the three leaders to Putrajaya… for it to be handed to Badawi and also to seek an audience with him.
The request for the meeting was for the PR coalition to show proof to Badawi of the ‘numbers’ in hand and also to give Badawi an opportunity to hand over power in a peaceful manner. “A smooth transition of power”… In this sense, Anwar Ibrahim IS a gentleman….
Well, on that note, good night, folks!
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aduhai dsai….
if yesterday you say today it the day…
why today it became 2molo maybe the day???
people is losing the faith as the clock thick away…
i just hope RPK can still hang on there while the dates outside here keep on changing….
DSAI…we need it now….BADLY!!!! do it or else we might end up losing the 5 that we have…
BN is playing thier cards tooo….
Yup, I was there amongst the 20,000 MALAYSIANS yesterday. It was my first time going for a patriotic celebration. I was never interested in these kind of things until yesterday. Something just told me to be there. And there I was. Never in my 23 years of life have I sang the National Anthem so proudly and waved the Malaysian flag high with all my heart. It almost brought me to tears when I saw the crowd, people from all walks of life. People of all ages, all races stand together on 1 ground. Peaceful. On my left was a… Read more »
Just posted something similar on Anwar’s blog. D Day marked the turning point in WW2. The war didn’t end on the day itself.
The brilliance that is Anwar Ibrahim.
916 represents the aspiration of Malaysians for a change to a better Malaysia where there is real freedom, justice and equality for all Malaysians and good governance, transparency and accountability in government. It will inevitably be achieved.
It may not be on 16 September, it may not be 17 September, it may not even be 20 September but it will happen soon. 916 is inevitable.
to james marang
we are not pathetic. so what, if 916 is not realised. the agenda for change, which is for the better, is of utmost important. so what, if it takes longer than expected. Most important, either this present govt changes for the better or the rakyat will ensure that they will be changed!
James Marang, we might be pathetic, but we’re not as pathetic as you. We live in hope, you live in fear.
Yo Anil! At this rate, we won’t even need malaysiakini anymore. Way to go bro! The only blogger who posted a very relevant video for us all to see. Cheers bro! Keep up the great work. And to Pakatan – may God be with all of you. Free this country, free the people, MERDEKA! MERDEKA! Long live RPK! Long live our other heroes – manoharan, genga, treasa and all the others who have sacrificed so much for us all! United, we will be rid of the BN … very soon … come on people – stay together, pray and give… Read more »
go here for Anwar’s video clips last night:
Anwar is still a few sits short. But head counting already started. My reliable sources said Anwar still does not have a key group yet. They are still negotiating. A lot of big compromises are being made now even by UMNO, so its going to be an interesting couple of days. But Anwar is close to getting the numbers.
Do you smell the roses?
Early in the morning light
The clouds are cloudy
Sunny comes out late
The date has arrived
The destiny of the nation roars
Do you hear it in your mind?
Something good will come to night
The BN leaders say
There no such thing
The line seems divided
The truth will come
PR will take the seat
The glory for those who believe
Do you smell the roses?
Blooming right on time
The day of the new light
A new story to write
As promised, here is a short recording from the ground 🙂
I wonder if AAB is flying off to Taiwan for
an agricultural study tour very soon?
Oh, on the other hand, it could be off to
Zimbabwe to study their recent power-sharing
Malaysian are on the move…lets pray for a better future with Pakatan Rakyat.Blessing for DSAI and his coalition partners.Amin.
Well Done Anil! for the coverage and updates, CNN couldnt have done it any better, you deserve a datukship for all yr effort, you guys including all the MT diehard bloggers are the UNSUNG HEROES! you all deserve all the ‘Tuns & Datuks’, all these have to be earned, not bought my money!
I was there and I’m uploading the video of what Anwar said so all can hear and decide for themselves what to make of it :-)It’s going to take sometime before it’s uploaded. Once ready, I will give you the link!
I was there with 20,000 others. I heard it from the horse’s mouth! Putrajaya, here we come!
refer my prediction’Sept 16th Chronicles-The Last Scupper!
Let’s see what happens tomorrow. I will not be surprised Bodowi may even do the disappearing act, refuse to meet Anwar and his Pakatan Rakyat team. In Bolehland anything is possible. These ******* will think of anything to stay in power.
After 51 years in power, it’s difficult for reality to sink in that they are finally losing the grib.
!916! !916! !916!
True feeling of a National Day… Malaysia Day tonight at Kelana Jaya!!
Let pray for 916, the beginning of new Malaysia…
Cannot wait for DSAI to fulfil his promises, ESPECIALLY the release of RPK, St Teresa & the rest of ISA Detainees
We sleep to a new hope tomorrow… & deep thoughts for ISA detainees, esp stubborn goat RPK..
we lv anwar..4 sure it wil happen..sayonara bn..bye..bye
There was a dud from Timbuktoo
Who had nothing better to do
So he sat on the stairs
Counting his hairs
Poor James Marang the cuckoo
He lost his marbles and rudder
Carrying a chip on his shoulder
His baggage was too big
His soul too sick
Laughing at you and me brudder
He had logged into this site
A bruised ego posturing in the nite
So he carried a mirror
Showing his posterior
James Marang the BN parasite
There can be miracles, when you believe …
Keep dreaming, keep believing, dreams may just come true …
More updates ..
I was trhere till the end.. Some people just don’t get it… Anwar explained it clearly… The numbers are there.. The coalition has sent 3 delegates from each party with a letter signed by the 3 leaders to Putrajaya..For it to be handed to Badawi and also to seek an audience with him.. The request for the meeting was for the PR coalition to show proof to Badawi of the ‘numbers’ in hand, and also to give Badawi an opportunity to hand over power in a peaceful manner..’A smooth transition of power’.. In this sense, Anwar Ibrahim IS a Gentleman….… Read more »
I was there, I was here, I was everywhere. Our beloved Teresa & RPK are temporarily in the clutches of the Raksasas, but I know they will be released very, very soon… as soon as Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat take over the helm of this captainless ship. All day today I felt a lightness of heart – despite recent dark events orchestrated by sore loser toyols – and I KNEW 916 was a reality, even if the actual change of government may take some heavy-duty negotiations and some timely royal intervention, September is the month to remember! THANK YOU, ANIL,… Read more »
About 20000. The crowd was about only few thousands when the speeches started and quickly built before Anwar gave his speech. It’s only when people started to leave that you find that there were more people than what you have guessed initially.
Never feel so proud to sing the national anthem and flew the Malaysian flag.