Many Malaysians are outraged at this latest development while those who have squandered billions of the nations wealth are roaming free.

She has been taken to the Jinjang Police Station and could spend the night there, if she is not released later tonight.
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best democracy in the world?
must be some dreams
obama, your golf buddy?
yang, sleep well with the likes of ismail, nordin and ibrahim ali. your choice.
She has participated in an illegal rally. The police has the right to detain suspect for up to 24 hours. Now whats the problem when the law are being adhered. Does she think that she is greater then the others just because her father is the leader of the opposition or a former deputy PM.
Yang is like Big Show in WWE who sold out to the Authority.
Historically Yang Clan during Song dynasty in China was highly revered.
It just takes one to taint the image in this part of the world.
when is the igp going to remand ismail sabri for sedition? so far all we can see is that ismail sabri has been given special vvip treatment by the police. what about the apanama wanita umno who spewed lies about the burning of bibles in kedah?
THIS thing feels like a screw-up. The IGP got too full of himself and his opinion.. It makes absolutely no sense..The truth is PAS is equally to blame – the more they fight with PR including pushing Hudud, the bolder UMNO/BN and Najib gets..
Major Zaidi Ahmad said at the forum “Kes Mejar Zaidi: Padah kerana benar, bebas kerana salah” in Butterworth last night:
“Nurul Izzah made a speech in Parliament. Parliamentarians have immunity when speaking in the House except when they say something seditious touching on citizenship, the position of the Malay Rulers, the national language or special position of Malays and the Orang Asal. She did not touch on those matters, so what she did wasn’t wrong. It is like my case,”
There is a trend pointing to an increasing number of personalities/entities who are above public criticism/censure (within the the IGP/police/AG’s interpretation) in this self-proclaimed world’s best democracy. First, there is the PM whose portrait is so sacred that it cannot be stepped on or kicked at. Take note that these cases are personality based as the same standard of law was not enjoyed by a CM of an opposition held state. Then, there is the police chief who would act on those who pinned unflattering labels on him as a protest against his high handed action. This same police chief… Read more »
What sort of regime is this, jailing a woman who is trying to free her father for non violent protest. The last I heard Malaysia allows free speech? Najib is a bully!
Only Malaysian who are Pakatoon motivated are outraged. I am outrage that my Constitutional rights of freedom have been disrupted.
People like you overjoyed by Ismail Sabri’s racist remark on FB?
Which Constitutional rights of freedom are being disrupted?
Just like 505 in Batu Kawan , my freedom is being disrupted until 4 am in the morning.
Were you detained”
Yang, isn’t it time to sell sticky Elastoplast in Parliament?
This is killing basic rights of an MP who was trying to say the right thing at the right time in the right place.
Yang and SiaBoey4WD will ‘follow their conscience’ to support hudud like Umno?
1Malaysia looks more and more like a typical sub-Saharan Africa Third World regime.