A message from Anwar Ibrahim


We haven’t heard from Anwar for a while, so here is a message from him:

DS Anwar: “Rakyat Malaysia Perlu Bersatu dan Bertekad Untuk Selamatkan Negara Kita”

Berikut adalah perutusan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim kepada rakyat Malaysia yang disampaikan melalui peguam beliau pada 21 Julai 2015:

“Negara kita terus berada di dalam krisis yang semakin teruk, manakala kerajaan BN terus menafikan keadaan ini. Nilai mata wang ringgit merudum, tatkala rasuah dan skandal kewangan mencapai tahap yang belum pernah disaksikan sejak Merdeka lagi.

Di saat genting ini, rakyat Malaysia perlu bersatu dan bertekad untuk menyelamatkan negara kita.

Kita sedang berusaha mewujudkan muafakat politik yang lebih utuh, dan akan bekerjasama dengan semua gerakan progresif termasuk NGO seperti Bersih, Abim, Ikram dan Gerakan Harapan Baru yang baru sahaja diwujudkan.

Permuafakatan ini merupakan kesepakatan kumpulan-kumpulan yang komited kepada reformasi dan perubahan, yang akan memberikan pilihan yang benar-benar demokratik dan adil kepada Rakyat.

Marilah kita ketepikan segala pertimbangan dan perbezaan yang lain dan berikan fokus kepada perjuangan untuk menyelamatkan Malaysia.”

Fahmi Fadzil
Pengarah Komunikasi KEADILAN

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gerak khas
gerak khas
23 Jul 2015 4.31pm

Timely response by Mat Sabu to DSAI’s call:

“As what GHB said at our launch on July 13, the position of our country today is very worrying. The horrendous financial scandals and rising goods prices because of the goods and services tax, along with the ringgit crisis, have been pushing and engulfing people’s lives. So, for GHB, the formation of a new coalition, as mentioned (by Anwar and Lim), is very critical at this moment to lead the people and the youth on a mission to ‘save Malaysia’ from the crippling disasters brought by the failure of the Umno-BN administration,”

26 Jul 2015 11.58am
Reply to  gerak khas

GSB will be a platform for moderate Malays, both rural and urban.

gerak khas
gerak khas
26 Jul 2015 6.07pm
Reply to  Awie

As Gerakan Harapan Baru (GHB) moves to form a new political party, DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang has expressed hope that progressives in BN would join them in a new political coalition too.

He said he hopes that they could transcend political differences to save Malaysia from becoming a ‘failed state’ due to rampant corruption, socio-economic injustices, and lack of good governance.

22 Jul 2015 3.37pm

He enjoy free kari food. He enjoy free high standard medical treatment. He enjoy a room for himself. He has visitors every month. Apa lagi di mahu. Maybe Kee can visit and get him some Musang King. He should understand he is now fading into oblivion

Ed G
Ed G
22 Jul 2015 5.17pm
Reply to  Yang

How can he be ‘fading into oblivion’ if he is having visitors every month?

22 Jul 2015 6.02pm
Reply to  Yang

Soon those 1MDB crooks will check in to the Sungai Buloh Hotel.

Jamil bin Abu
Jamil bin Abu
23 Jul 2015 10.16am
Reply to  Yang

@Yang Please do control your envy.

25 Jul 2015 8.16pm
Reply to  Yang

If you are that envious maybe you can join him.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
22 Jul 2015 3.11pm

Unjustly imprisoned, but certainly not forgotten.

Take heart from the inspiring example of Nelson Mandela.

22 Jul 2015 2.03pm

Just enjoy your curry food. You are now obsolete

Jamil bin Abu
Jamil bin Abu
23 Jul 2015 10.18am
Reply to  iSupercally

@iSupercally You must be related to Yang. What is it with you guys and kari/curry?