Saiful – The chronology (updated)


Updated to include dates of Anwar taking refuge in the Turkish embassy, his arrest and forced medical checks in Hospital KL and the Permatang Pauh by-election. All very fascinating.

I was getting a bit confused and mixed up with all the dates and times and the sequence of events in the Anwar trial.

So I thought it would be best to come up with a chronology of events gleaned from publicly available information especially news reports of the witness testimony at the trial, Saiful’s blog, etc.

Dec 2007/Jan 2008

Saiful, a former student leader at Uniten, meets Najib’s special officer at Najib’s office to get a letter of support for training as a pilot.

But Utusan on 1 July 2008 quotes Najib as saying on 30 June that the meeting took place three months earlier (i.e. March/April 2008?)

March 2008

Before 8 March 2008 – Rahimi introduces Saiful to Anwar. Saiful becomes a PKR volunteer: he’s a BN supporter but campaigns for PKR’s Sivarasa and Elizabeth Wong and votes for PKR candidates.

After March 2008 – Saiful becomes an aide to Anwar

May 2008

Early May – Hongkong trip (per Saiful’s blog)
End May – Bangkok trip (per Saiful’s blog)

June 2008

16-18 – Singapore trip (per Saiful’s blog)

Saiful says he was sodomised during these trips.

24 (Tuesday):

8.00pm: After Maghrib prayers, Saiful is accompanied by Najib’s ex-aide Khairil Anas to meet Najib at the DPM’s residence in Taman Duta. Denies that it was Mumtaz that took him. Najib’s initial sceptism turns to shock and he tells Saiful he can’t do anything as it is Anwar’s personal problem and it involves Saiful’s future. Saiful says he overhears an unknown person giving the IGP’s phone number to Najib. Saiful records the number. Meeting with Najib lasts 20-30 minutes.

Muhammad Shafee Abdullah was present in Najib’s house at the time of the meeting, according to Karpal. But Shafee says just because he was in the house doesn’t mean he was involved in the meeting: “Just because I was present at one corner of the house, to say that I must be involved in the meeting is a mere allegation and pure conjecture.”

Saiful catches a glimpse of Rosmah on his way out but doesn’t speak to her. Khairil drives Saiful home.

Saiful receives call from SAC Rodwan (then Deputy Director of Criminal Investigation Dept). After a few hours, meets Rodwan the same night in a room at Hotel Melia. (Was it 8.00pm or closer to midnight?) Rodwan requests a second meeting at Concorde Hotel the next day.

25 (Wednesday)

Morning: Saiful contacts IGP and speaks for a minute to tell him about his problems. But is scolded by IGP who thinks it is a crank call. Second meeting with Rodwan did not materialise (?)

26 (Thursday)

Morning: Has a bath.

1.45-2.45pm: Drives from PKR office to condo to send file to Anwar.

3.01-4.30pm: Alleged sodomy takes place at Desa Damansara Condo owned by Hasanudin. (Saiful later told the court he felt angry and scared…)

Saiful complains to Tuah Mohd after this.

27 (Friday)

3.01am*: Saiful submits resignation email to Anwar citing his indiscipline, lack of punctuality and lack of qualifications which might embarrass Anwar later. (*per email scanned on Saiful’s blog).

“After a few hours, Anwar called me (on the phone) and scolded me and told me to meet him at the office at Section 16 that afternoon.” Saiful testifies Anwar persuades him not to resign and tells him to be more discplined. “He counter-offered (saying) he would sponsor my education.”

6.28am*: Anwar then responds to the email (* per email scanned on Saiful’s blog).

9.30am: Saiful goes to PKR office

Afternoon: Performs Friday prayers after just a light rinse.

5.00pm: Attends Anwar Ibrahim Club event with bloggers in Anwar’s house, serves coffee/tea to about a dozen or so people.

11.00pm: Meets Ezam until early morning in Rawang at a park in Bandar Tasik Puteri. He is accompanied by Rahimi Osman and uncle Tuah Mohd Ali. Tells Ezam he has been abused. Rahimi also took him to meet Mumtaz earlier in the day.

28 (Saturday)

Meets Tuah and religious teacher Atuk. Later, meets Rahimi. Goes to Tawakal Kuala Lumpur Hospital, but is told that they work only half day there today.

2.00pm: Saiful, accompanied by Tuah, sees Dr Mohamad Osman Abdul Hamid at Hospital Pusrawi complaining of pains.

During examination, informs Dr Osman he was sodomised but doesn’t say by whom. Dr Osman advises him to go to the govt hospital (KL) nearby.

3.00pm: At Hospital KL, registers at outpatient ward. Sees female Indian doctor but is shy, is then referred to a Dr Daniel. Tells him he has been sodomised by Anwar. He is then referred to the Emergency Ward at the One Stop Crisis Centre. Doctor advises him to make a police report.

Two police personnel, a male and a female, come to him with a form.

5.45pm: Saiful makes police report in the ward that he has been allegedly assaulted/sodomised (non-consensual) by Anwar several times over the previous two months. (But the same Utusan report says the police report was made on 29 June. A Malaysiakini report at 11.03pm on 28 June said the police report was lodged at the Jalan Travers police station.)

7.00pm: Dr Razali receives call at home and is informed of a sodomy case.

9.00pm: Dr Razali arrives at emergency unit, where he meets two specialists, Dr Khairul Nizam Hassan and Dr Siew Sheue Seng (in charge) and a few police personnel. Saiful is examined by these three specialists at the GH, in the presence of IO Jude Pereira. Saiful also mentions a pregnant female doctor being present.

Saiful stays in Hospital until midnight (or spends the night in the hospital?)

29 (Sunday)

12.35am: Dr Siew labels the samples and hands them over to Jude.

Saiful makes more statements to Jude.

Anwar takes refuge in the Turkish embassy at the invitation of its ambassador. He says he will stay there until the government can guarantee his safety.

30 (Monday) – Anwar leaves the embassy.

Najib says Saiful came to his Ministry three months earlier and met his aide regarding a scholarship application (Utusan).

July 2008

2-4 – Hospital receives Pathology lab reports.

3 – Najib admits meeting Saiful at his residence: “I wouldn’t dare say… I thought he (Saiful) looked genuine because he was afraid. His hands were cold. But I am not brave enough to make a conclusion. I told him to make his own decision.”

8 – Saiful starts his blog.

11 – Chemistry reports received by the Hospital indicate presence of semen and mixture of DNA types from two males.

13 – This is the date shown on the medical report next to the signatures of the three Hospital KL doctors.

27 – Anwar says he plans to return to Parliament in a by-election near or around Permatang Pauh.

31 – Wan Azizah announces resignation from Permatang Pauh parliamentary seat, paving the way for Anwar to stand as a candidate in the by-election.


6 – Election Commission fixes nomination day and polling day for the Permatang Pauh by-election.

15 – Saiful swears on Qur’an that he was sodomised on 26 June. (Says in court it is just “coincidence” that this oath takes place on the eve of nomination day for the Permatang Pauh by-election.)

(The Star reports:

Asked whether this was the first time he was sodomised, Saiful said: “Yes, it was.”
Reporters: Do you love Anwar?
Saiful: “No.”
Reporters: Are you straight?
Saiful: “Yes.”)

(Saiful clarifies in court that what he meant was “every time I was sodomised, it was Anwar who did it to me”.)

16 –

1.25pm: Anwar is arrested and taken to police headquarters.

8.45pm: Anwar is taken to Hospital KL for medical checks.

10.25pm: Anwar leaves Hospital KL.

26 – Anwar’s secures landslide victory in Permatang Pauh by-election.

If there are any errors or corrections to be made in the above chronology, let me know in the comments below.

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Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
14 Jun 2010 8.10am

Thanks, Gerakan K

I’ll follow your advice.
Like Socrates, I’ll continue “corrupting the youth of
Athens” (err .. I mean “naive kids” of Malaysia).

Meanwhile, as you continue your attacks on the
Chief Minister of Penang, I’ll continue advising
his administration. Why not contribute more constructively to your beloved Penang?

Ahmad Syafiq
15 Jun 2010 7.23pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Lol, nice one.

12 Jun 2010 1.33am


ya you are no fool. go enjoy the BN dirt….

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
11 Jun 2010 8.15am

Dear Dr Param

People like “Gerakan K” and “K” (probably one and the same person) are just BN propagandists whose job is to disrupt the serious discussions in Anil’s blog.

It’s not worth using up valuable electrons to debate intellectually dishonest people like these.

We should debate genuine conservatives and not “hired guns” from the BN.

11 Jun 2010 2.37pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Dr Phua

Serious discussions and intellectual debates ? Please scan through the comments by others before accusing Gerakan K and myself.

You are being modest, for your tireless advocating of the Pakatan’s cause has been well noted. In particular you had been time and time again, been out-debated has not been forgotten.

BTW, everyone here knowns Gerakan K and myself are different persons. Perhaps it is best that you stick to fooling naive kids at your university. Not all of us here are fools to fall for your lecture.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
11 Jun 2010 8.11am

Chua Jui Meng’s datukships from Johor gets stripped.

I won’t be surprised if this Saiful fellow gets a datukship soon. (Remember Hee from Perak?)

Almost anything is possible in this increasingly surreal, even crazy country called Malaysia under the leadership of an empty, propagandistic regime.

Dr Param
Dr Param
10 Jun 2010 11.54am

In my humble opinion K is immature and his views are not relevant nor makes sense at all.

You don’t know law but you think you know law. Karpal is entitled to the report. It is in Evidence Law….

11 Jun 2010 11.14am
Reply to  Dr Param

But its exactly the kind of mentality that makes more Malaysians to want change. Let K and BN continue with their logic.

11 Jun 2010 2.31pm
Reply to  Dr Param

Dr Param Your right to call your opinion as humble for you are indeed modest in your knowledge if not IQ. The fact that you had quoted the “Evidence Law” shows that your knowledge of law has been gained solely via the Pakatan’s propaganda portals like MK and MI. I almost fell out of my chair when I read your post. FYI, there is no such thing as “the Evidence Law”. There is however, the Evidence Act 1950″. However, in this case it is less relevant. The real source for this question is the CPC (Criminal Procedure Code). In particular,… Read more »

11 Jun 2010 2.33pm
Reply to  K


Here’s the link.

9 Jun 2010 9.59pm

hahahah………..thats saifool’s idea….

Habib RAK
Habib RAK
9 Jun 2010 7.53pm

Anil, updates of the flip-flop of Najib would be useful too. When did najib deny and when he admitted to seeing saiful. Saiful had also gone to Mindef to see Najib.

9 Jun 2010 6.12pm

Dear K,

In all court case the police or public prosecutor would have given to the accuser the police report made by the victim to enable them to prepare for the trial. Why isn’t this been applied to Anwar? Are they afraid if they give the police report, it might turn out later that the building (has not even been built yet as in the case of sodomy 1)?

I rest my case for people that is as blind as you. You are one hopeless dude…

9 Jun 2010 11.16pm
Reply to  Shamadz72


Give police report to the accused ? Based on what law ??? Karpal’s on a fishing expedition and he has no legal standing for this request. Please lah, don’t just buy the nonsense put up by the propaganda machine of Mkini or MalaysiaIndsider.

10 Jun 2010 12.40pm
Reply to  Shamadz72

Some people, like Shamadz72, want to SEE Anwar (and all M’sian for that matter) HAVING A FAIR TRIAL IN COURT.

Some people, like K, want to REJECT Anwar HAVING A FAIR TRIAL IN COURT.

11 Jun 2010 2.39pm
Reply to  onlooker


Yes, let’s have a fair trial. So please ask Karpal and Anwar to get on with it instead of finding every opportunity to delay it. Takut ke ? Why so scared ???

9 Jun 2010 6.01pm

GohBA, If you follow RPK website, you will know that Anwar knew that Saiful is (allegedly) a mole from the beginning and the only reason why Anwar put him where he is, so that he can feed UMNO with false information (pertaining to Sept 16 take over etc). In fact, if I am not mistaken, the time and date given by Saiful as the alleged time when the supposedly sodomy occurred is the time when Anwar is having a meeting with a few important person (probably with BN guys who want to defect or with a person related to the… Read more »

9 Jun 2010 11.12pm
Reply to  Shamadz72

That RPK’s (is allegedly) a conman…. Only a fool would bring an (alleged) UMNO mole to overseas meetings. In any case that Sept 16 was a joke of the century that no amount of disinformation would salvage. I can tell you this lah. Even during Pak Lah’s time, they are not stupid not to be aware of his movements. A sharp observer would have easily can track this. I can share one interesting nugget of info. Our dear Cheap Minister (allegedly) took part in one of these meetings on the pretense of going on an investment trip in HK. So… Read more »

9 Jun 2010 2.20pm

Lets get this straight (excuse the punt) – Anwar is charged for sodomy, not rape. Big difference.

… Saiful (could have been) planted…

If indeed Anwar sodomised him, it was planted.

Which means sex was consensual… which means if Anwar is guilty, Saiful should be charged and jailed too.

If Anwar is found NOT guilty, i think there are quite a few charges (false report, for a start) and personal lawsuits in line.

Either way – Saiful is screwed.
Bet nobody told him that… hahaha

9 Jun 2010 11.06pm
Reply to  delCapo


I think you are getting away ahead of yourself with your (il)logical thinking.

It is up to the AG to charge Saiful if he has done any offense. The AG has the authority not to charge anyone in return for his testimony. Even a non lawyer like me raised on a diet of court room drama know this.

If Anwar is found not guilty, it would not mean that AG or the police would charge Saiful either.

Sometimes these Pakatan supporters’ complete lack of commensense just beggers belief.

10 Jun 2010 1.57pm
Reply to  K


It is not only UP TO THE AG TO CHARGE Saiful if he has done any offense. It is also UP TO THE HIGH COURT JUDGE TO DENY Anwar A FAIR TRIAL. That explains why Saiful had to meet so many BIG GUNS…
That also explains why CSL has not been charged till now even with concrete evidences (vedio recordings) and self-confession.

11 Jun 2010 2.41pm
Reply to  onlooker


I see that you are uncomfortable in expressing yourself in English so your posting looks like a meaningless ramble to me. As such, may I make a humble suggestions that you keep yourself the Chinese blogs and steer clear on English ones so not to make a fool of yourself ?

16 Jun 2010 3.16am
Reply to  K

I notice that whenever you are out-debated, you will drop the subject and try to side-track by turning to personal attack with extremely arrogant tone. But I am not intimited by you, not at all.

9 Jun 2010 12.41am

2 different dna profiles in his rear end. It was later put as DSAI’s and someone else. Or could it be Saiful’s? if it was his, how does it enters his own rear end? Any penis could never enters his own rear i suppose. Unless it was a really long one..

Aiya! The dna was found at which part? At the opening? 2 inches inside?…

8 Jun 2010 10.25pm


9 Jun 2010 11.01pm
Reply to  karma


I agree.

Let me add to that.

This is the first time the Opposition leader has been charged with sodomy in Malaysian history,heck, perhaps even in the world history.

As such Anwar is indeed deserves a place not only in the Guiness Books of Records but also the history books.

10 Jun 2010 1.03pm
Reply to  karma

What Anwar indeed deserves is A FAIR TRIAL IN COURT. the past History shows that he (does) NOT (appear to be) having a fair trial.

A place in the Guiness Books of Records or World Hitory Books are just unimportant side-tracks.

8 Jun 2010 9.53pm

“2.00pm: Saiful, accompanied by Tuah, sees Dr Mohamad Osman Abdul Hamid at Hospital Pusrawi complaining of pains.”

later the four doctors said

“There is no penetration mark or wound found because lubricant has been used. ”

The big question to the four doctor is ! How someone will feel pain if there is no wound or and damage happen in particular area? Very clearly Saiful in his statements he declared of pains in his ass.

9 Jun 2010 10.59pm
Reply to  hmd

hmd The answer is simple on why there is no penetration mark. I don’t want to be blunt so let me put this way…the answer is very unflattering to Anwar. There is no much issue been made on this issue. Do you think it will be reasonable for us to demand the same from a woman who has been raped ? That Saiful did not resist doesn’t make it consensual because violence is not merely restricted to physical strength. I wonder why these Pakatan cybertroopers don’t use the a rape case as a guideline in discussing this case. If a… Read more »

8 Jun 2010 8.40pm

perhaps, the above chronology should also mention the dates of the following events:
1) when Anwar’s wife officially announced her resignation as MP of Permatang Pauh;
2) when the Election Committee announced the nomination day of Permatang Pauh by-election and the official polling day;
3) when PR officially announced Anwar as candidate for PKR in Permatang pauh by-election.

9 Jun 2010 9.43am
Reply to  Anil Netto


Don’t forget to include how Anwar asked for “political asylumn” in the Turkish embassy claiming death threats. And don’t forget that he didn’t lodge any police reports. Neither his PKR Youth wing which is extremely fond of lodging useless police reports, did.

10 Jun 2010 2.36am
Reply to  K

How can Anwar trust the police after the ‘BLACK EYE’ treatment by the chief of police when under detention some years ago? Anwar would rather go to his friends (Turkey ambassador) for help, not his enemies (many high-ranking M’sia police officers).

10 Jun 2010 4.29am
Reply to  K

Why Saiful did not immediately go for medical examination and make police report on 26 June, the day of the last alledged sodomy incident at the condominium, as it (appears) that his very intention to meet the Big Guns on 24-25 June was TO NAIL DOWN ANWAR? Instead, Saiful deliberately chose to preserve the evidence by NOT BATHING AND NOT PASSING MOTION FOR TWO DAYS. The LOGICAL ANSWERS are: 1) that THERE WAS SIMPLY NO SPERM AT ALL INSIDE SAIFUL’S ANUS ON THE ENTIRE DAY OF 26 JUNE(?) 2) that IT TOOK TWO DAYS (26-28 June) TO RETRIEVE AND INPLANT… Read more »

11 Jun 2010 2.48pm
Reply to  onlooker

Onlooker, Anwar’s lucky you are not his lawyer, otherwise his goose is cooked for sure. Rape victims do not report rape for months yet no one says the rape did not take place. What’s wrong if Saiful wanted to keep evidence and didn’t wash his rear for 2 days or 2 months ? If there is Anwar’s sperm on Saiful’s anus, then surely you can’t expect the police to manufacture it. If they can, then surely the person who did deserves a Nobel prize in biology. Instead of coming up with idiotic reasons and conspiracy theories, just get on with… Read more »

16 Jun 2010 2.18am
Reply to  K

The best way to prove that sperm belongs to Anwar is to perform a DNA TEST.

But, A SPECIFIC DNA SEQUENCE CAN BE RAPIDLY REPLICATED INTO MULTIPLE COPIES FROM JUST ONE MOLECULE OF A SAMPLE (OBTAINED MANY YEARS BACK) BY THE PROCESS CALLED POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR). Students from other countries are learning this piece of genetic technology in biology at the level of secondary school education.

K, you are really … DUMB…!!!!!!!

8 Jun 2010 7.43pm

I am wondering (is) saiful … lying (and) swearing on quran(?)…

8 Jun 2010 2.53pm

I think you guys are the ones who are confusing yourself.

If this is a “political conspiracy” as some of you accuse, don’t you think they would have created a much simpler story ?

The whole thing is confusing not because of Saiful but because of the alternative media and Karpal had muddled the story to undermine the case. That Saiful is not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed doesn’t help either.

9 Jun 2010 1.23am
Reply to  K

Darling, How can the whole thing be confusing? It is not confusing, but, the whole episode is very intimidating. A supposedly drop out, with all the connections of the top guns in the country. Even many MPs or Ministers do not have access to such contacts. Don’t play play la dear, you think it is easy for an ordinary person to walk in and out of the PM’s office,( again, PM denied as first) then admitted Saifool went to see him for a scholarship? Then Saifool again met him at his residence to tell him that his rear had been… Read more »

9 Jun 2010 10.00am
Reply to  O

O Can you stop this disgusting “darling” business ? When a grown man calls another “darling”, this seriously calls into question the caller’s sexual orientation or mental state or both. I sincerely hope you are none of these. It is a sign of confused mind to conclude that it is a political conspiracy just because Saiful met up with Najib and some key people. Let’s assume it is a political conspiracy. If this is the case, Saiful would have met Najib and other leaders months before the whole thing happened and not after. And Saiful would have gone to the… Read more »

Ivan Ho
Ivan Ho
9 Jun 2010 6.58pm
Reply to  K

Reason for all the confusion is because RPK exposed them. S… meeting so and so at what date and when. That’s why we get to know that this s… met with so many people. If no expose by RPK then straight and simple. Sodomized by A then – (rear) check up – then police report and viola! Guilty verdict. They may even change the date of the hospital visit I guess to make it more realistic if the good doctor will play ball. But I guess we have been lucky…..this time as we have the Good Doctor, Uncle Pete and… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
9 Jun 2010 9.04am
Reply to  K

A local version of a dumb blonde, you mean?

8 Jun 2010 1.27pm

… and gay men all over Malaysia are giggling into their empty condom packets This whole farce is so far from reality that its amazing even the (alleged) script writers can still believe it I’ll give you two facts… Not withstanding the age and physical fitness difference between Anwar and Saiful, its virtually impossible for one man to rape another man against his consent There is no way that Saiful could have gone for two days with free semen in his rectum. The normal reaction is that semen is an irritant and would cause him to pass a motion within… Read more »

Sang Song
Sang Song
8 Jun 2010 1.20pm

How can I believe such a storyteller who is very bad at telling it ? Who in the world after being sodomised go and see the DPM, Ezam , Mumtaz Jaffar and all the other politicians first and then the IGP etc. These politicians and top police brass must be having a whale of a time for listening to a nobody like him. I can’t imagine when you are sodomised, you go and tell the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia first! Crazy isn’t it ? Can we imagine all those being sodomised and raped fix appointement to see the DPM… Read more »

8 Jun 2010 11.57am

I know women who get raped with clear-cut evidence and they don’t get any attention from the police. Who is to believe all these attention by police and AG on such flimsy evidence is not ALL about politics and the truth and justice is almost irrelevant.

Backside Specialist
Backside Specialist
8 Jun 2010 11.25am

The Malaysian weather is so hot that one has to wash his backside everyday. In the UK, where the weather is cold and dry, you don’t really sweat much. That is why you hear stories of white people not bathing for days or even weeks and yet, the backside, where the crack and anus is, is dry. But in Malaysia, you don’t wash your backside for few hours also, it will be moist and soggy. Nobody can deny that. Our weather is hot and moist, the exact word is humid. And if you don’t wash your backside a few days,… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
8 Jun 2010 10.10pm

Well, thank you for that rather insightful analysis of reardom. I’m not too sure about the UK part, though. During my student days, I’d pop round the local pub for a quick pint at lunchtime. That was until this heavy metal fan in his chains and black leather came up and started chatting with me whenever he saw me come in. His long hair was so oily that Shell might have started drilling there. And if Indah Water existed then, you could call him Indah Water on legs. Yes, it was that bad, even at four feet away. In our… Read more »

9 Jun 2010 1.39am
Reply to  Andrew I

That is how the word, “chow hai” was coined by the Hong Kees. Aiyoh, you just cannot believe the smell, I was once in New Orleans and this …. lady came in, and I was wondering what that pungent smell was, until my friend told me this is what we mean by “chow hai” or fried crabs. It is really a true case and arrgggh, want to vomit la, and think of Saifool’s not washing for two days. There may be those small white maggots, worms in there as well. Two days, extremely high possibility. And to say there are… Read more »

Alan Wong
Alan Wong
8 Jun 2010 11.23am

Common sense will tell that the sequence of the events is so misleading and confusing. It simply (suggests) that Saiful is just a … liar being manipulated… (NB : Najib’s statement that it is his personal problem … so … hard to believe for a PM to make such a statement) And if he is really a sodomised victim as reported , he wouldn’t be in the mood to meet so many VIPs before and after the sodomy. Would you imagine a female rape victim happily go around meeting so many people just before and after being raped ? Doesn’t… Read more »

8 Jun 2010 9.42am

‘Saiful overhears IGP’s no and records it’. He must be very attentive! I’m curious to know
1.Who asked for the no. and why did he ask for it?
2.Who gave the no.?

I’m sure whoever was in the room already knows the IGP’s no.

8 Jun 2010 2.32pm
Reply to  kkbboy

They probably had the no. all this while on their cell phones. Lousy story really.

8 Jun 2010 9.18am

thank you for this clarification!

poor chap… he (appears) caught in his own web of lies, and eventually UMNO will see him as a liability!

Goh FY
Goh FY
8 Jun 2010 8.35am

“Jully 11 2008 – Chemistry reports received by the Hospital indicate presence of semen and mixture of DNA types from two males.”

….Two males…sodomized by TWO MEN? Who is the 2nd male? Why no info or arrest on the 2nd male?

Is he having a gang bang or in a orgy party?

9 Jun 2010 2.07pm
Reply to  Goh FY

2 men present mah. the penis and the anus.

8 Jun 2010 8.16am

He was supposed to have been sodomised on Thursday, June 26. Yet, had gone for Friday prayers the next day ? and just after a slight rinse ? Just wondering if Islam Hadhari had taught him that he can perform his abadah that way !!! The Islam I know taught me to perform mandi junub to cleanse up after any hadas besar. And, MANDI JUNUB requires one to undergo it accompanied with a specific niat. Without the niat how could he consider CLEANSED to perform FRIDAY PRAYERS ? IF he doesn’t understand this basic requirement, how good had his sumpah… Read more »