Reformasi will go on, no matter outcome of Anwar trial


As the Sodomy II trial, reaches a conclusion, what will the outcome be? And how will it reflect on the judiciary and the administration of justice in the country?

Never before has someone’s rear end come under such intense public scrutiny.

Many can see the trial for what it is. No words are necessary.

As has been pointed out elsewhere, it is more than just Anwar who is in the dock.

The judiciary and the national leadership have come under the media spotlight, both from within the country and outside.

Has the reformasi movement evolved so that irrespective of the outcome, the process of seeking reforms, reformasi, will continue – no matter any setbacks or hurdles along the way? I would like to think so.

As we await the outcome of the trial, we should redouble our commitment to work together to build Malaysia on a foundation of Justice, Freedom and Solidarity.

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Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
4 Nov 2014 4.22pm

I think this is Najib’s “To Do” list : 1. Mahathir breathing down my neck again, how to come up with ways to placate him? 2. The wife not happy today, how to placate her? 3. UMNO warlords not happy with my allocations, I need to find more money! 4. Public support going down below 50%. Alamak! I need to find more money for BR1M programme, fast! 5. Anwar, Anwar, Anwar! How to neutralise him without upsetting more of the Malaysian public? 6. Guan Eng, Guan Eng, Guan Eng! He is doing too good a job in Penang. How to… Read more »

4 Nov 2014 2.48pm

I am just wondering how the highest court in the land can convict anwar when there are so much of discrepancy and inconsistency, and the prosecution’s submissions can laugh off one’s head… Indeed, a no malu land…

Anil is right, no word is necessary…

It is true as some say, the future of umno depends on one person’s a…

How sad, how despicable, kk land is indeed in deep s…

4 Nov 2014 4.24pm
Reply to  kee

wow wow Anil blogs seem to have lots of Pakatoon lawyers. The prosecution become UMNO lawyer and what about the defence team. Are they not Pakatoon lawyer. My goodness

4 Nov 2014 5.51pm
Reply to  kee

Palau Tikus got free bus shuttle Gurney to Paragon loop. Have u tried that?
Don’t drive solo to minimise carbon footprints ok?

4 Nov 2014 8.43pm
Reply to  siva

Thks siva, i will hop in the free shuttle when i go to ptikus. i always walk when i am in p.tikus.

Did you guys read about azmin, the new mb of selangor, he vows to make pj clean, etc. He even made public his mobile to hear grievances…

Penang is not that clean i think we need to flood the cm, the aduns’ and the mppp’s mail boxes with our suggestions to improve penang.

Aliran Kesedaran Negara
4 Nov 2014 1.19pm

test aliran

4 Nov 2014 12.27pm

Pakatan could not reform after more than a decade and they still want to talk of reformasi

Ed G
Ed G
8 Nov 2014 4.52pm
Reply to  Supercally

Try comparing the Auditor General’s audit report of the PR states and that of the BN states and other federal agencies.

4 Nov 2014 10.15am

I know most of the facts. I had been following the case for a very long time. My humble opinion is that Anwar Ibrahim had not been treated fairly. I feel so sad for you Anwar. You have all my support and BEST WISHES

4 Nov 2014 9.58am

The young malays have lost their faith on Umno. Time to change.

4 Nov 2014 9.38am

Latest poll results shows that Reformasi is PERMANENT. Its not going to change. If they don’t vote for PR, they won’t vote UMNO/BN. Among UMNO their biggest worry is that overwhelmingly young voters are voting against UMNO..Mahathir comment on this is “not all young voters hate UMNO” – meaning, their ideological god, has no answer to the change. OF all of Najib’s “act” or pretense, the biggest lie he tells is THAT TO UMNO Itself. The only reason UMNO has not gotten rid of Najib is that no one else has anything better to offer. UMNO is living on political… Read more »