Cross-examination of Saiful will have to wait


The cross-examination of key prosecution witness, Saiful, in Anwar’s sodomy trial will have to wait after the judge this morning adjourned proceedings to 25 March.

Anwar’s defence counsel was ready to cross-examine Saiful. “We do not want to be accused of delaying tactics,” said Karpal Singh. “We are prepared to carry on.”

The adjournment follows Anwar’s decision to appeal to the Court of Appeal against High Court judge Mohamad Zabidin Mohd Diah’s decision this morning not to recuse himself on the basis there was no evidence that he had been biased.

In an immediate response, Aliran president P Ramakrishnan has issued a statement here.

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R.Prem Kumar
R.Prem Kumar
19 Feb 2010 11.21am

Saiful … has everyone running to take his bait. He can sway much his poor-thing-me look. But some of us have been around longer. … once he gets to the grilling of the Lion of Jelutong, he will remember for a long time that it doesnt play to take on freedom fighters.

19 Feb 2010 7.16am

May be they are ‘preparing’ Saiful….
How to ‘prepare’ – your guess is as good as mine.

19 Feb 2010 12.30am

He is ready to be grilled. Make sure the Court does the trial and not the government controlled media. This is weird, when newspapers are allowed to run the trial. Again, stop using the media to tarnish a person’s image just because he is not in one’s political camp. The people are watching. The world is watching. The people have decided.

Fire melts Iron
Fire melts Iron
18 Feb 2010 3.48pm

Even with the best coaches, the “Lion of Jelutong” is too wily for the amateur coaches. This time he is going to tear Saiful to shreds (on the witness stand) and the time ahead for Saiful is going to be torrid! He does not know what is in store for him. … Think and think again, how can a 63 year old force himself on an athletic and strong 23 year old? … the four doctors had conclusively found that there was no penetration or defensive marks on the accuser. …. if it is consensual, why is Saiful allowed to… Read more »