Xenophon plans to frame up deportation notice


Australian senator Nick Xenophon, who was deported from Malaysia yesterday, says he believes he is the first Australian MP to be deported from any country.

Malaysia boleh? The best democracy in the world?

The deportation, after subjecting Xenophon to 16 hours of detention, has created an international incident. It is another major public relations fiasco for the Najib administration – hot on the heels of the Psy gaffes.

Xenophon says he may challenge the deportation in the Malaysian courts. Meanwhile he intends to frame up the deportation notice:

Source: heraldsun.com.au
Source: heraldsun.com.au

Aliran has issued a statement saying it is appalled by the deportation. Xenophon joins an illustrious club of individuals whom the Malaysian government appears uncomfortable with e.g. Thai forensic pathologist Pornthip and French lawyer William Bourdon. (No deportation worries for the other Nick from Australia: Nick Curtis, CEO of Lynas Corp.)

Meanwhile, read about the latest reaction in Australia to Xenophon’s deportation. Prime Minister Julia Gillard has said she is disappointed with the treatment of Senator Xenophon.

Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr said: “We think it is sad for a friendly country to deport an Australian member of Parliament, who was up there for peaceful purposes.”

It is amazing – but not surprising – that the Malaysian authorities appear so worried about foreign scrutiny of the electoral process.

Does this mean the PM and his wife won’t be re-visiting Australia anytime soon for the New Year’s Eve fireworks display at Sydney harbour?

Meanwhile, the Philippines government is still seeking the extradition of scam suspect Amalilio from Malaysia. And 100 armed Filipinos remain in Lahad Datu, staking a claim on Sabah, which they say belongs to the Sulu sultanate.

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19 Feb 2013 1.12pm

Malaysians are grateful to all those including Xenophon who have exposed the attempts of the regime to suppress meaningful scrutiny of elections. It has barred volunteers including Mafrel and inter-governmental authorites. Instad, through the EC (which claims whenever convenient that it can only follow regulations), it has invited disinterested parties including NGOs which are focused on other areas or lack resources.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Feb 2013 11.40am

@Jen: I agree. Only idiot want go vote today because today is one of Malaysians big celebration day. The Jade Emperor’s birthday.

Please learn more about Malaysians cultures.

Andrew I
Andrew I
18 Feb 2013 3.21pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

It’s an assumption. Nice try, though, for lack of issues to raise, Gherks.

herman tan
herman tan
18 Feb 2013 7.24pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Do not made ridiculous statement like your Teng CY.

18 Feb 2013 10.47am

BN Insider shows that if BN call for GE13 now, BN will be defeated badly and PR will form the Federal Government:


herman tan
herman tan
18 Feb 2013 7.52pm
Reply to  Jen

BN is afraid of its own shadow.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
18 Feb 2013 10.09am

Who is that Mr X ??? A nobody. Like that 2 “Listen Listen Listen” dungus, why so excited about nothing ???

Lots of people already counting the BR1M 2.0 cash money. Who cares about this nobody X ??? Better think where to spend that BR1M money !!! Foods purchased via FREE MONEY must taste BETTER !!!

Thankyou BN for your Janji Ditepati. Truly 1Malaysia

Andrew I
Andrew I
18 Feb 2013 3.17pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Money is not free, Mr. Uneducated. And you expect people to take you seriously.

18 Feb 2013 4.44am

The EC knows that if Xenophon is allowed to examine the records and election processes,the world will soon learn that Malaysia is not and has not conducted free and fair election and therefore the legitimacy of the current and past BN government are questionable.

As for Mr. Xenophon being black listed, don’t worry, your record will soon disappear from the immigration database. Altantuya’s records are still missing. But rest assured, Pakatan will reinstate your entry after next GE.

Desmond Lee Chee Moon
18 Feb 2013 1.18am

The whole ELECTION process GE13 is a FIASCO with so many thing to hide and wrong until the Malaysian Government is so FEARFUL that the whole world might know they intend to CHEAT at all cost to win this ELECTION…!!! May the whole WORLD FREE & FAIR ELECTION observers all FLY in and see to this coming GE 13.FEW HUNDRED come and see what the Malaysian government of NAJIB, HISAP PUTIN and DIRTY EC will dare to do. Shame on Malaysian government.for going against FREE & FAIR ELECTION..

18 Feb 2013 1.10am

These are the dying days of an antiquated and corrupt regime…….the moment this regime is gone, mosques will sing the quran, church bells will ring and temples will be singing hyms of thanks to God…

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
17 Feb 2013 10.58pm

Not only that.
They also kept this Australian law-maker under detention for many hours!

This tottering regime is an utter shame to all right-thinking Malaysians.

17 Feb 2013 10.49pm

if only EC has nothing to hide.You dont need a genius to understand why EC is so quick to defend the immigration department.
Wonder Najib still dares to call this country the best democratic country.

18 Feb 2013 11.02am
Reply to  mmc

Travel advisory to foreigners coming to Malaysia to stay and work…..dont come in through LCCT or KLIA or you may be detain.You can come in by boat to Lahat Datu, Sabah.

If you come in illegally no worries because under our 6P you can be make legal!