Lim vs Koh: Did they really address PGCC/Batu Kawan?


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This debate also allowed Koh Tsu Koon an opportunity to provide a public rebuttal to Guan Eng’s accusations.

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Jeffrey Chew
23 Aug 2008 6.25am

One word – the relic of BN spoke passionately of Bersih,Cekap dan Amanah in the previous administration. Obviously, this man needs guidance. He said 5 cases of possible land scam do not portray the government as corrupt. Now – now, if the government is really clean, why are there 5 out of the many “hidden cases”. I am saddened and it reinforces my worse fear – KTK was not hands on at all.

Who won in this debate?????? The people of Penang.

Lim Sang Seong
Lim Sang Seong
22 Aug 2008 11.02am

I really did not comprehend what KTK said when he mentioned that the so-called ” mistake ” made by the previous BN govt is less than 0.1 percent given that there are 99.9 percent other land deals handled by the previous BN govt. KTK should understand that all these 0.1 percent ” mistakes ” involved huge sums of money ( millions ) all belonging to the people of Penang. Most importantly these ” mistakes ” were committed by former BN Exco members and not by ordinary folks. If these Exco members were not up to something fishy, then what is… Read more »

22 Aug 2008 2.20am

Dear SH Tan, It is a bit too late in the night to debate with you on the ‘no middle ground’ positions of politics. Instead I’ll cut and paste a comment I made with regards this debate in another blog. Dear xxxxxxx, Let me try to explain my views from my understanding of the context which brought about this debate. Soon after taking office, LGE started making media declarations of land scams, missing files, etc. and at the same time complaining that KTK refuses to meet with him to explain. Isn’t this politicking and playing to the crowd when he… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 5.57pm

Did PGCC/Batu Kawan projects approved by any authorities?

LGE seems unable to provide solid facts to prove his arguments. KTK certainly knows well what is going on.

LGE should do more homework.

Vijay Kumar Murugavell
21 Aug 2008 5.28pm

I watched it live yesterday on NTV7, in my opinion…. Koh’s points there were only 7 or so scams against over 10,000 titles processed the case was before court thus it was subjudice to discuss it the approval for the quarry was given because there were surrounding quarries , thus after the land is flattened it could be used for housing development. LGE’s points If the state govt did not change the people would not know of the matter despite advice by land and survey dept and regulators the old state govt ignored procedures. no punitive action whatsoever was taken… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 4.38pm

out of the 6 scnadals that LGE mention, KSK only answered 1. He avoided the rest of it, and try to look smart and make LGE looks bad, but the problems is KSK NEVER GIVE ANY DETAILS ON THE REST OF THE LAND SCAM. Isn’t this perplexing and more suspicion on the previous government. and this is not debate, how come they can only ask only one question to the other?

SH Tan
SH Tan
21 Aug 2008 3.49pm

Romerz: “I do know the evils of UMNO but I find this unaccommodating attitudes towards previous BN supporters (non-UMNO) frightening.” In one of my articles in the run-up to Mar 8, I said that voting for MCA, Gerakan, MIC or any other BN component party is a vote for UMNO. We are voting for our children and our children’s children future. There is no such thing as accomodating in politics. Get real! You either do or don’t do. No pussyfooting in-between! “We may not win but we can still hurt you. Don’t let it come down to actions forced upon… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 2.11pm

To sitonthis, no, because that would be deemed as interfering in the internal affairs of a member nation.

An easier option might be to invite someone from Al Jazeera to moderate.

21 Aug 2008 12.06pm

i think it is an unfair debate as the title of the debate has already put BN/gerakan into guity suspect and defensive mode just like the previous debate. however BN are so stupid to engage themselve into such a debate and they have just let the rakyat see how incompetent they are. so stupid.

anyway i was fairly surprised both of them can speak bahasa very well, much better that most of the UMNO leaders!

21 Aug 2008 10.20am

KTK was still arrogant, seems like the peoples verdict has still not set into KTK mind.

Wake up GERAKAN, you have lost your way, find your way back through Pakatn Rakyat, this is your only salvation

21 Aug 2008 10.09am

The point of the debate was not to explain, it was above everything a political contest, something KTK wanted as a defense and LGE did not mind getting into because he knew he was going to win. You can’t explain complicated details in public debates. Its not like a trial with long discourse and details. Public debate is a check on the overall picture. Its useful but its no cure for any issue. In fact KTK was relying on it being easier to handle than to be in a room with LGE where more details was going to bury him… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 9.40am

The neutrals would not have been swayed by the arguments put up by either party. KTK appeared collected throughout and managed to deflect most of the attacks thrown by LGE. The senior neutrals amongst us would have probably sympathised with the “maligned gentleman” image portrayed successfully by KTK. A crafty debater would have come at his opponent from other angles when the thrust of his original argument stops making any headway. LGE failed to do that. He seemed desperate to prove his point in the latter stages of the debate after initially looking confident and strong. He never attacked nor… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 4.13am

I would like to voice my personal opinion. Can future debates be held on a neutral platform ie…in neighbouring countries,like Thailand,Singapore.Do you think the moderator was faired?

21 Aug 2008 3.37am

Sometimes I wonder how impartial your readers are Mr Netto. I watched the same debate these guys did and I found both sides had legitimate claims to being ‘winners’. Frankly in my honest opinion, I thought that KTK was being his honest self. Do not mistake his honesty for his reluctance to defy the evil UMNO. If we can make this distinction, then we have room to debate further. LGE had his points too concerning the lack of action against the wrongdoers but in my honest opinion, I think LGE and DAP has an issue with UMNO but unfortunately chose… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 2.00am

Obviously, when LGE asked about why land has been given to one individual despite objections from various authorities. What answer was KTK given? due to environment, kuali ni kuali tu, only single tender, blah blah… that’s why govt given to this chap? Is KTK really don’t know what is the question or pretend not to know the question ? KTK apparently very evasive on most of the questions. RM84 juta? KTK even dare to argue the figure may not be correct, could be less or asked to revalue the lost again as an accountant. The bottom line is not becos… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 1.44am

KTK did not adressed the PCCG indeed, simply he can’t because he still “KAW TAW” guy.

Again personal attacks ….mmmmm Is it a style of BN !!

5 cases …LGE brings up …… he is just addressing one ….the the biggest PCCG …. he just skip it. Pls anwser it KTK, come on explain it what’s the real story 🙂

21 Aug 2008 1.18am

Koh tried hard, very hard, to sound like the elder statesman and wise teacher. But failed miserably for lack of substance in his arguments. Rot. Pure, unadulterated rubbish. Plus ample doses of under-handed personal attacks on Guan Eng. And not a pip about his previously reported allegations that Anwar had told the Penang state govt not to act against BFSB and caused the RM9m loss by the state. I wonder if Koh’s silence had anything to do with Guan Eng’s revelation of a letter to prove Koh’s inaction over the RM9m debt? Guan Eng is not a gifted debator or… Read more »

21 Aug 2008 12.04am

Ever noticed that Anwar and Guan Eng had to take a few more steps to shake their opponents’ slimy hands at the end?

And Koh had the gall to proudly proclaim himself a gentleman for not pursuing Guan Eng for an answer to his question.

Well, the people of Penang beg to differ because it is HIM who isn’t answering the questions which he thought he would never have to answer in a thousand years.

People Power
People Power
20 Aug 2008 11.59pm

The KSK is just to pretend to be very innocent during the debate!
May be he can just get some sympathy support from some aunty only la!
Just admit the mistake that he did wrongly during his administration, don’t keep on trying to cover up and say PR govt merely make it an issue!
As a leader, with no guts to admit the mistake you ever did, how you expect to convince your followers?
Just wonder how Gerakan members expect him to lead the party in the future?!

tan, tanjong bungah
tan, tanjong bungah
20 Aug 2008 11.45pm

Hi malaysian niah,

KTK has admitted that after the first ACA report on the RM40 million land issue, he and his exco were not satisfied and that was why there was a request for a reinvestigation of the case by ACA. Isn’t this an admission by KTK that the ACA must have done a slipshod investigation in the first instance?

I’d like to ask KTK why he is so afraid to talk about the PGCC/Batu Kawan land case? Why the deafening silence when Penangites are waiting for answers from him?

20 Aug 2008 11.26pm

I think LGE is better on facts while KTK is better on delivery. Both are the winners in tonight’s debate. This is a much better quality debate than the Shaberry Chik – Anwar debate which was way lopsided. In the earlier debate, Shaberry Chik had nothing to contribute to the debate other than personal attacks. KTK showed that he is a powerful debater and had all the facts on his fingertips although he is out of the administration. However, it is quite obvious that KTK side-stepped 4 out of the 5 land scams brought up by LGE. LGE, on the… Read more »

malaysian niah ...
malaysian niah ...
20 Aug 2008 11.23pm

frankly … how bloody transparent you think the ACA isbefore the March 8 election????? really think about it. you think just by saying ACA has investigated it twice is good enough. I say the ACA must be sleeping on their a****, if you have been given full access to govt documents and yet you cannot find evidence???? my say, ACA is just another part of the big show then by UMNO/BN govt or being made use like a bloody pond to cover up the case. ACA sudah menyiasat, tak cukup bukti – tutup case. Is this justice system in Malaysia????… Read more »

20 Aug 2008 11.01pm

LGE made a good job telling Malaysians his vision of bersih cekap amanah, saying that BN may have had it since 1982 but paid lip service to the same, and that a scandal is one too many. He was the better debater of the two. Perhaps one thing that LGE let slip was KTK’s response that the RM40mil scandal was investigated and cleared by BPR so the state government’s only action against the relevant land office personnel was a warning, and the “error” happened 40 years ago. LGE merely said that the officer was not punished further to avoid double… Read more »

malaysian niah ...
malaysian niah ...
20 Aug 2008 10.58pm

i agree with fishhook but again this is the 2nd time after anwar and biribiri debate that PR has nailed those BN ….. KTK is lost for speech. he just keep harping on the 40m issue and i guess he thinks that way people will forget about the rest of the 4 other ‘scam’ deals. no way hose! people of penang has long memory and it will also very long before BN has any more chance of becoming a government. the one thing i like about PR/LGE is that he stress the need for exposure – public exposure. while TSK… Read more »

20 Aug 2008 10.56pm

KTK “explanations” on the land scams seemed to be that it should not be discussed because it might affect the on-going court case and that he wasn’t aware of the other cases that happened during his administration, otherwise he would have dealt with it. These “explanations” are lame, to say the least. If the LGE’s administration who will be handling the court case, are not worried about the impact of the discussions on the court case, why should KTK be? Times are hard. Ordinary folks, decent and hard-working, are all tightening their belts and we deserve and demand that there… Read more »