What is Bank Negara doing in the task force?


I am not sure what Bank Negara officers are doing in the task force to investigate The Wall Street Journal’s expose that US$700m allegedly landed in Najib’s bank accounts.

In the first place, Bank Negara is an interested party in the sense that AmBank Islamic should have flagged the deposit in the account for the account holder to declare to Bank Negara what the deposits were for. Usually, anything above RM50000 warrants such a declaration.

Given the large amounts deposited in this case, were such declarations made and did Bank Negara request further clarification or conduct probes? After all, it is not everyday that more than RM2bn is deposited into a personal account.

Moreover, if Najib was really the account holder, then he should have been regarded as a politically exposed person by the banking system. This would warrant additional disclosures to the compliance division of Bank Negara as to the nature of any large deposits and any subsequent large or unusual withdrawals from the accounts within a short period of time. (And were the MACC and income tax departments alerted?)

Bank Negara itself has some serious explaining to do and evidence to provide.

Under the circumstances, how can Bank Negara be part of the task force? Moreover, the other departments (MACC, Attorney General, police) in the task force are represented by people who are ultimately answerable to the prime minister, who is also the finance minister, in one way or another.

So how independent is this task force?

Let’s get this straight: whether the money is for personal use or otherwise is not the issue (though of course Malaysians especially want to know if the money in the accounts was used for pre-election spending – for that has huge implications for the validity of the 2013 general election).

The key question is, how and why was over RM2bn deposited into these personal accounts in the first place?

Najib has not denied that the money was received into his accounts. That itself is telling. Is it normal or proper for a prime minister to receive such amounts, whatever the source or whatever the use?

We also want to know where the money came from. Public or private sources? Why were they channelled via intermediary companies before landing up in AmBank Islamic?

Can we trust this task force to give us the answers to these burning questions?

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Magic Mike
Magic Mike
11 Jul 2015 4.39pm

Major should answer three basic questions:
1) Does he own the three accounts reported by Wall Street Journal?
2) Was RM2.6 billion transferred into those accounts?
3) If yes, what happened to the money?

12 Jul 2015 11.50am
Reply to  Magic Mike

Rakyat want to know whether the USD700 million is paid into your personal account, and not whether you use it for personal purpose!

Najib likes o evade direct question.

11 Jul 2015 3.23pm

Dear Yang,

Puan Rosmah’s lawyer has confirmed that the lump sum of 2m Ringgit has indeed gone into the account of his client, Mr PM’s wife, Rosmah binti Mansor.

So, Mr Steven Yang, please do yourself a favour in the future, stop making a fool of yourself here. Tqvm !

11 Jul 2015 11.21pm
Reply to  lim

Mr. Lim. Next time open your eyes and read first before rebutting. I was referring that document is a fake or not. The document come with an old IC that start with A as such this document could.not have been produced by the bank. You are just being foolish for accepting that document as.authentic although Rosmah admitted it that. the money were deposited. The details was leak out and Sarawak Report do not have the original and instead produce a fake. Her IC could not have started with an A. I was pointing to documents presented And again I tell… Read more »

Magic Mike
Magic Mike
10 Jul 2015 8.43pm

I was directed to this blog by Google.
Not sure if the owner paid Google to direct readers here.
Anyway I have noticed many blind followers of Jib.
The writer of this blog raises valid points, yet certain readers could not be awakened to the hard truth.

Magic Mike
Magic Mike
11 Jul 2015 4.15pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

Thanks for your clarification.
Nevertheless you should be aware of the new ‘guidelines’ from MCMC on reporting 1MDB scandal in social media.

Ed G
Ed G
13 Jul 2015 8.43am
Reply to  Magic Mike

Quote ‘Anyway I have noticed many blind followers of Jib’. Unquote. Actually you can count with your fingers (of just one hand) the number of followers of Jib. You are probable mistaken by the large number of comments coming from the same set of commenters. Just check the names (of the commenters) and the coloured icon and you will know what I am talking about. Note: By the way, the coloured icon is the representative of the e-mail addressed used for a comment ie you can change your name but the coloured icon would remain the same so long as… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 4.23pm

Looks like yang is trying hard to convince his buddy tunglang to believe his PM, Mr Najib is as clean as snow !!! My ah ma’s false teeth are dropping out !!! Ha ha ha

Anil’s blog is too polluted with the filth of yang’s no wonder so many regular readers have disappeared…

10 Jul 2015 5.22pm
Reply to  lim

lim, I think you are a girlie just like Kee. When someone rebut my comment or when I replied to their, your ego start building up. Like I have said, I am not interested whether you rebut my comments or not, the comments is for the world to see and gauge. Please don`t be like a sissy or your 2 ego may be gone. I am not trying to prove Najib clean. I am trying to prove that the documents presented are fabricated. Do you understand. Up to now Phua did not want to answer because he knew the answer… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 5.58pm
Reply to  Yang

Task force oY SuperYangNars are monitoring comments in anilnetto.com, and are driving away genuine comments and possibly many followers?
Anil’s elegant silence on this learnt from PM?

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 6.34pm
Reply to  Yang

Dear Yang

girlie, sissy, fool, blind, drunk, obsessive, sycophant.

What next? Give yourself a break. Getting upset and throwing
around too many insults is not good for your mental health ! 🙂

10 Jul 2015 6.01pm
Reply to  lim

His buddy tunglang on catch22 situation now, and better enjoy the Transformers Art and Giant models rather than being dragged into abyss set up by yang……

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 6.31pm
Reply to  lim

Dear Lim

Ah Jib Kor and his FLOM — scandal after scandal after scandal.
I wonder how many ordinary Malaysians believe him and his FLOM,
beside Yang and iSupercally and Ananars, that is ! 🙂

10 Jul 2015 10.02pm
Reply to  lim

To those who think I am chameleon type buddy-buddy for ulterior motives, you will be disappointed.
What I commented came from my own conscience & was not fabricated to win thumbs up.
What I think is wrong is wrong. You can’t change my stand on issues I care about.
No human is perfect, so the same for political divides.
Go ahead & get disappointed.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 2.06pm

Wow, the uncritically pro-Najib and pro-regime trio of
Yang (the 3-in-1), iSupercally and Ananars going into overdrive !
Thank you for your twisting and turning “He is not a crook!” “She is not a crook!” entertainment 🙂

P.S. Maybe even 5-in-1 Yang ??? 🙂 You never know !

10 Jul 2015 3.06pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Phua, so I am twisting but you are just too blind.

The IC No of Rosmah read A4200635 (Lama)

Now tell me whether the document is a fake or fabrication. Do bank now use old or new IC. Anyway prove that you are not one obsessive supporter. Tell me that the document is not a fake.

Can you tell me what wrong. You knew it but you are too obsessed with your idol.

gk ong
gk ong
10 Jul 2015 4.29pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

If 1MDB has been transparent and open in its business dealings, nobody would have questioned its operation. But we have got twisted tales and constant denials. So the credibility is non-existant. Rakyat has the right to be upset as it has caused Ringgit to plummet, lowered our purchasing power together with GST. So we do not need those defensive explanation as attempted by 5-in-1 Yang.

10 Jul 2015 1.31pm

After the 2008 crisis (around 2010), there was a brief period where the Mat Sallehs claimed to be reforming offshore banks. Those for which they demanded changes included Singapore and Labuan. No news after that, apart from some money changers here losing their licences. The cases of a few big fish all ended happily. Bolehland was no. 3 after China and Russia in illicit outflow of funds: RM68 billion in 2000, RM208 billion in 2008, RM 174 billion in 2011 (RM888 billion over 2000-2009) acccording to Global Financial Integrity of USA. When BNM responded in 2013 that the amounts were… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 11.00am

Clare Rewcastle Brown: the prober now being probed The plot thickens and we may be on the verge of seeing an even more interesting development to the 1MDB issue. Yes, the story has not ended yet. In fact, it is only beginning. So expect things to get hotter over the next few weeks. http://www.malaysia-today.net/clare-rewcastle-brown-the-prober-now-being-probed/ Look at the ““Stunning indictment of Sarawak Report““` http://www.malaysia-today.net/stunning-indictment-of-sarawak-report-2/ So before anybody believe in the web of lies and deception created by M and the opposition, read and evaluate all before making a decision. Like I said earlier, I read and see from all angles. Just… Read more »

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 2.00pm
Reply to  Yang

You believe the nonsensical and distorted things that RPK writes today ???

I am glad that when I was doing research in England a few years ago,
I did not waste my time by going down to meet him at his
Trafalgar Square demonstrations. 🙂

10 Jul 2015 3.22pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

Phua, you are drunk. The below 2 articles posted by RPK were not written by him. This one is by Wilfred Poh who write for FMT Stunning indictment of Sarawak Report This one is by Sarawak Report Millions In Cash Go Into Rosmah’s Account – How Come? EXCLUSIVE I am not interested in Wilfred Poh. I am only interested in Sarawak Report. If after reading it and you think that Rosmah has deposited the 2 millions, then you must either be drunk or your brain being soda cleanse off by the CAT. Slowly take your time and read the picture… Read more »

12 Jul 2015 2.02pm
Reply to  Yang

Why can’t pm act on simple action. His reputation been tarnished n questioned by rakyat by wsj. Issue letter of demand or Sue.

10 Jul 2015 10.50am

Phua Kai Lit, If you really believed in the latest Sarawak Report posting concerning Rosmah cash deposit of RM2 millions, then you are really one obsessive supporter that does not want to know the truth that all this drama is one big fraudulant fabrication from the media SR. The document is indeed one fraudulent document. Anil please show it out for all to see. One from Malaysiakini with the phone, account and numbers blank out. Report: RM2m deposited into Rosmah’s account http://www.malaysiakini.com/news/304637 And here one from RPK blog with all the numbers intact. http://www.sarawakreport.org/2015/07/millions-in-cash-go-into-rosmahs-account-how-come-exclusive/ Why did Malaysiakini blank out all… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 2.39am

MCA Youth has reminded the DAP that it was the party that “sold the interest of the Chinese” by supporting PAS in two general elections. Its young professionals bureau chief Eric Choo said DAP’s support for PAS allowed the Islamist party to be in a strong position that it now wants to change the Federal Constitution through the purported implementation of hudud. Choo’s comment came after DAP’s Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching remarked that MCA had moved from “selling the Chinese” to “selling Malaysia” by its support for the Prime Minister. Support of the PM is fight the unsubstantiated allegation… Read more »

dabangg xxx
dabangg xxx
10 Jul 2015 9.21am
Reply to  Ananars

why play racial card ? how can you compare a multiracial party with one so focus on ethnic agenda ?

Tak habis hudud to sidetrack corruption scandals ?

10 Jul 2015 10.29am
Reply to  dabangg xxx

Read properly and see who start the racial card.

10 Jul 2015 12.13pm
Reply to  dabangg xxx

dabangg ; Your talk of multiracial make me laugh. Read carefully who Teo is referring to. She is referring to the Chinese and you call that multiracial. She is referring to race and thats the Chinese. DAP is never really a multiracial party in the true sense. Most of its seats are won in Chinese majorities areas. Now many Chinese majorities areas have quite a substantial percentage of Malay voters. They knew they will lose in the next GE in these areas with PAS breakaway which is why they now sweet talk some sweetie and sway senile old Malay into… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 2.06am

As we know the allegations by the Wall Street Journal that millions of US dollars were deposited into Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s personal bank accounts comes just after Fitch Ratings revised its financial outlook on Malaysia from “negative” to “stable”.

Was the WSJ report intentionally timed as such to negate Malaysia’s prospects.

10 Jul 2015 10.05am
Reply to  Ananars

We Malaysians have a right to question what’s gone wrong, damn-wrong in 1MDB financial fiasco. Already we are paying GST & foregoing (by force) subsidies to foot the “hell sins” of financial mismanagement of our accessible national coffer. Such undesirable financial fiascos would never ever have happened if the nation is run by those with a duty to serve, not a penchant to steal or leech the nation dry. When an allegation is thrown to the field for all to see, there in most likely circumstance is an element of truth somewhere to some degree, tampered or not. We are… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 11.20am
Reply to  tunglang

Tunglang, Yes you have the right to question but before even accusing Najib evaluate, look and think in a wider perspective. See properly whether the document are fabricated or not and how they have been fabricated to create that web of deception. Why are the documents been blanked out. Look to other sources and you will be able to know the real situation. ALL ARE THE DEVIL WITHIN and within that 4 angles WE are one part of that game. The other 3 angles are M, defacto CAT & Najib. Its only which angle you want to move to. Its… Read more »

12 Jul 2015 10.13pm
Reply to  Ananars

Simple, no guts to sue wsj since wsj stand by its report? All the NATO and all blow cow

10 Jul 2015 1.27am

We should not to create “trials” in the media, to speculate or to come to any conclusion until the task force investigating the alleged channelling of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) funds has announced its findings. In court, documents exposed in the social media cannot be accepted. A task force has been formed and it is investigating, so it’s best for all parties to wait for the outcome. The task force’s investigation can be regarded as a reliable source. Take the case of Anwar sodomy case. He was given 7 years with 14 lawyer to prove his innocence. Should not the… Read more »

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 9.23am
Reply to  Yang

Ever heard of “freedom of the press” and
“suing for libel” ???

10 Jul 2015 11.25am
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

That is the reason why I am always in support of the ISA because such freedom always led to abuse

14 Jul 2015 7.35pm
Reply to  Phua Kai Lit

You can ask Zahid Hamidi to use ISA on the the rioters at Low Yat Plaza.

Ed G
Ed G
10 Jul 2015 10.51am
Reply to  Yang

‘Take the case of Anwar sodomy case. He was given 7 years with 14 lawyer to prove his innocence’. The essence of our legal system is the presumption of innocence of the accused until proven otherwise. But since you put it that Anwar had had to prove his innocence, then for the sake of not practicing double standard, shouldn’t the same onus be placed on the PM to prove his innocence by (at minimum) answering to specific questions raised instead of issuing bare denials? Moreover, the actions and reputation of a PM has wide and far reaching implications on the… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 2.41pm
Reply to  Ed G

Ed G, What double standing are you talking. Open up your pea brain and understand the meaning of Innocent until proven guilty and Guilty until proven innocent. Why do you write until proven otherwise and not guilty. You are learning the art of twisting from the CAT to the highest level. How despicable. Evidence point to Anwar guilt and he WAS CHARGED and is innocent until he was pronounced guilty by the court and he go to jail. Do you understand this !!!! Najib has not been charged yet. There are no evidence whatsoever of his guilt all of which… Read more »

Ed G
Ed G
13 Jul 2015 10.02am
Reply to  Ed G

Yang, ‘… to prove his innocence’ is a phrase taken directly from your comment which I to took literally as your stance vis-à-vis Anwar’s Sodomy case. As for the use of the phrase ‘innocent until proven otherwise (instead of guilty), I would like to stress that it is the choice of words which generally carry the same meaning (but less blunt) unless one chooses to see it otherwise. For this reasons, I do not see how the so-called ‘the art of twisting from the CAT to the highest level’ or being despicable can be applied to my previous comments. But… Read more »

10 Jul 2015 1.13am

The National Audit Department has yet to find anything suspicious in its audit on 1MDB, Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairperson Nur Jazlan Mohamed said today.

Wonder what the opposition and their supporters would say if nothing suspicious were found by the task force. Your guess is as good as mine……..

Ed G
Ed G
10 Jul 2015 11.04am
Reply to  Yang

Perhaps all tasks forces set up by the government {for high profile issues) should be put themselves to task (pun intended) by holding public Q&A sessions so as to assure the people that no stones are left unturned (deliberately or otherwise).

10 Jul 2015 12.13am

To many they look at one angle. To me there are four angle. It’s how you look at it. In the opposition and their supporters eyes, Najib is now the guilty, but there is more to that. But such eyes will be blind to see through the other side, the M they thought is the angel but now willing to cohabitate with this devil turn angel to strike the devil which may not be such. As such I will still believed and trust Najib though he may not be the angel than the syaitan cat m

Ho Ho Ho
Ho Ho Ho
9 Jul 2015 11.12pm


Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
10 Jul 2015 9.25am
Reply to  Ho Ho Ho

Not to mention round after round of petrol price increases (oops … I mean “subsidy rationalisation”)

9 Jul 2015 10.40pm

Show us the details of the 2 AmBank account transactions between March 2013 till closing date of accounts.
If they don’t tally to what’s been ‘exposed’, they we will adopt X-Files’ “I Want to Believe” in him.
Closing of accounts lends credence to what’s been ‘exposed’.
Any right-thinking Rakyat has the birth right to be suspicious of what’s happening to our country without getting emotional or defensive.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
9 Jul 2015 9.09pm

Latest Sarawak Report postings contain “information” on the $$$ of
the Birkin Babe a.k.a. the First Lady of Bling a.k.a. the (Hand)bag Lady
a.k.a. the Diamond Dame 🙂

9 Jul 2015 6.45pm

The task force ??? Who are they in the task force??? The task force said accounts closed in 2013 and 2015 respectively, hence PM is clean ???

The cabinet and the high officials, they have to stand behind and protect their boss to ensure their own survival respectively.

Instead of probing the person with the questionable funds they are now after who leaked out the information. Instead of punishing the thief they are now threatening the
innocent guy who reported the theft???

Let us see how they are going to sue the Wall Street in America ???…

12 Jul 2015 2.09pm
Reply to  lim

Pm should go and issue letter of demand and Sue if wsj does not retract. Or we are kampong jaguh?

9 Jul 2015 3.27pm

“What is Bank Negara doing in the task force?“` To investigate the 2.6 billions is it not. Without Bank Negara how would the police, attorney, MAAC, PAC or any task force be able to pin out the intricate and insidious plan of the saboteurs from stolen, forged, tampered and fabricated banking documents and emails. Shouldn`t we be asking how did WSJ and Sarawak Report be able to hatch out all these documents and trails. Is it another one of the ball game by the former PM and opposition to bring down Najib which in the course will bring down BN… Read more »

9 Jul 2015 3.24pm

What you are seeing is Malaysia’s version of Keystone Kops.

9 Jul 2015 2.55pm

The terms of reference of this so-called task force were ambiguous from the very beginning. There were hopes at the start but all hope turned to dust when everyone realised that the task force’s job was not to verify the correctness of the expose but to plug the information leak. If this had happened in the corporate world, the perpetrator would have been sacked or at the very least, face a domestic inquiry. What a letdown but never mind, I am sure that this episode will long be remembered in the voters’ minds.

gk ong
gk ong
9 Jul 2015 2.22pm

The questions posed by Anil should be fowarded to Zeti as Soal for her to Jawap on TV3 or Astro Awani.