Two heritage sites in George Town vandalised


“It is a sad day when we see two architectural treasures within the George Town World Heritage Site, Convent Light Street and Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion, vandalised by Malaysians to make racial political statements.”

Graffiti on the perimeter wall of Convent Light Street - Photograph: Penang Heritage Trust

That’s what the Penang Heritage Trust president Khoo Salma Nasution said in a statement today. You can also see another photo on the PHT website. Shameful.

In other news snippets:

  • The recent gathering of Mat Rempit protesters has kicked up a controversy in the State Assembly.
  • The Penang State Assembly sprang a leak during a debate (The Star). Are you surprised?
  • Since no one wants to buy the old MPSP premises in Bagan, Butterworth, why not turn it into a public park instead of trying to rent it out? Butterworth has hardly any recreational green spaces for the public. Or is a public park not important for the people of Butterworth? Do we need to spend millions for a roof-top garden somewhere?
  • PDC general manager Rosli Jaafar has “resigned” as chairman of subsidiary PDC Consultancy Sdn Bhd. PDC Consultancy was reportedly responsible for the design, tender and contract management of the ‘Kancil car park’ near Penang Hill. But Guan Eng says the resignation has nothing to do with the car-park, and Rosli remains as PDC GM. An inquiry is ongoing into the car-park fiasco. Also, an announcement on the state government and PDC will be made on 11 November.
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6 Nov 2011 3.57pm

We see many parasites doing damage as they cannot survive under the CAT system.

Andrew I
Andrew I
3 Nov 2011 9.44am

Pity we can’t put this comment in the drawer like we do to Gherkin’s comments.

3 Nov 2011 7.39am

These people who vandalized apparently lack love hence felt being exploited to be felt marginalized.
They need to know their paymasters are having the luxuries of leaking policies and used them to prolong their exploitations etc.
So i dedicate this song so that they can feel the love from others in he community regardless of culture, faith and colours.

3 Nov 2011 6.40am

Vandals targeting heritage sites is not something that is new.
But this is different. This is political vandals targeting heritage sites with racist tone.
To be fair , the Pakatan side have vandals too. There are “ABU” vandals.
ABU – Anything but umno graffiti can be seen as well.
Very childish and immature act.
And we want to take actions towards the Ah Long illegal posters and stickers?

2 Nov 2011 10.13pm

Work of rempits, they have no pride in preserving any heritage left. They only know how to collect money and destroy on the word ‘Go’! What a shame. This all the product of gomen’s NEP, BTN etc.

3 Nov 2011 10.19am
Reply to  Toffee

This is definitely linked to the mat rempits who made noise recently with unreasonable demand for racing (rasis) track. It is not difficult to know who their ‘sponsors’ are. They are frustrated that their parasite livelihood is affected under the CAT system. Those mat rempits can be paid to do the damage as most of them need the money to sustain their ill habits of drugs and illegal racing.

2 Nov 2011 10.10pm

The ONLY way to genuine unity of races is to show LOVE. Love of thy fellow Malaysians, love of multi-culturalism, love of thy Malay, Chinese, Indian or Eurasian neighbors of any creed or status, love of multiculture cuisines, love of multiculture festivals, love of different languages of Malaysia, love of thy political enemies by ‘correcting’ their mistakes and ‘changing of guards’, and love of a better, sustainable future for all Malaysians by voting wisely for who you know in your hearts are capable leaders of Bangsa Malaysia. This uncalled for or is it hatched out of desperation vandalism will make… Read more »

Nazri Aziz Bukhari
Nazri Aziz Bukhari
2 Nov 2011 9.00pm

Ah…. sickening is the depth these sycophants are willing to go! It can only be the work of the three stooges in Penang politics? … looking at the way the alphabets are sprayed. And the fact that of all things they mentioned the words “TIPU MELAYU” showed that the people who sprayed those words are not Malays as the vandal/vandals wanted us to believe. These are the work of very low level … Just how low will they stoop? Come on, you cannot beat them you want to intimidate them? Never in the history of post independence have we seen… Read more »