They say he died due to ‘liquid in his lungs’


Caution: Video contains graphic scenes that could disturb viewers.

Kugan Ananthan, 22, from Puchong was arrested on 15 Jan in connection with car theft cases. He collapsed and died on 20 January at the Taipan police station in Subang Jaya.

A Serdang Hospital post-mortem revealed he died due to ‘liquid in his lungs’. The family are now seeking an independent post-mortem.

Klang MP Charles Santiago was reported as saying that statistics revealed in Parliament last year showed that there were 1,535 custodial deaths in the country between 2003 and 2007.

And the government has still not yet set up an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, a key recommendation of the Royal Commission.

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1 Feb 2009 2.54am


it is my self-imposed discipline of not replying to immature kids with iodine deficiency like you. i’m sorry i broke that.

31 Jan 2009 12.55pm


WHAT IS NIAMAH? please pay more attention to you grammar, sentence structure and choice of words.”NIAMAH” IS NOT ENGLISH BAH.Please read more English books….

Don’t try to divert attention. You still did not answer our questions.

Can your detailed out how TORTURED (could have been) carried out to a 100% NOT YET proven suspect like Kugan who confessed to the POLICE on the whereabout of the hideout where the YET TO BE CRIMINALS keep the luxury cars ?

Whole Malaysia still waiting ….? I dare you don’t know how to answer.

30 Jan 2009 9.08pm

A person suspected of a crime can never be a martyr. A suspect can be a person who has been arrested at least once for a similar crime, or any crime, before. A suspect can be an ex-convict. A suspect can be a person who happens to be at the scene of crime and arouses suspicion. A suspect can be a person caught red handed. A suspect is as good as a criminal itself and the police seldom wrongly catch a suspect because there is a set of procedure and guidlines to identify a suspect. Police doesn’t simply pick a… Read more »

Joe Ngang
Joe Ngang
30 Jan 2009 9.06pm

Kugan is innocent until proven guilty unless he was shot during shootout with the police while getting away from the scene of crime or else he will escape and at large…. Just because a criminal is not (yet) sentenced in court doesn’t mean that he is innocent. Recently a statutory rapist was set free due to flaw in prosecution. He is innocent, right? Yeah, until he meets your daughter. Police are doing their jobs and sometimes they make mistakes. But they caught the criminal, that’s a relief to a lot of people especially owners of luxury cars. You alway criticise… Read more »

30 Jan 2009 8.33pm

(toned down version) I dont have even an aorta of intention to stir up racial sentiments. But some ‘malaysians from indian origin’ are turning this into a racial issue. They know that Kugan is a criminal. BUT THEY WORSHIP HIM. Criminals should be treated as criminals. But (some indians) are idolising “criminals”… Do you expect the Police to give a heavenly treatment complete with spa and jacuzzi with babes to criminals like Kugan ? How many men in blue had been killed by the criminals ?… I do have an utmost respect for the LAW, but the Criminals like Kugan… Read more »

30 Jan 2009 8.21pm

(wow.. anil didn’t approve my comment in reply to lightblurr…)

Which reply to lightblurr? – Anil

30 Jan 2009 5.42pm


i know you come from sabah. and i do understand your dilapitted living condition.
but please pay more attention to grammar, sentence structure and choice of words.

30 Jan 2009 3.06pm


I repeat my question:

Can your detailed out how TORTURED (could have been) carried out to a 100% NOT YET proven suspect like Kugan who confessed to the POLICE on the whereabout of the hideout where the YET TO BE CRIMINALS keep the luxury cars ?

Don’t try divert attention, I bet you can. The whole Malaysia is waiting….

Char Keuy Teow(CKT) why busy char keuy teow hahaha…

30 Jan 2009 2.57pm

You are angry and lost your mind. In the first place how could I “improve my England”? What do you mean by “England” ??? You better go to see your psychologist immediately or else go and see your play school teacher. Low IQ…

30 Jan 2009 1.54pm


it seems u r determined to stir up RACIAL sentiments. Furthermore, u have indicated that u have no respect for the LAW, nor human rights. This will be my final reply to you and i hope fellow commentators would refrain from replying to your baiting.

1. No one is guilty unless proven in a court of LAW.
2. PDRM does not have the right to abuse criminals/suspects/civilians.

Happy CNY to CKT and all fellow commentators.


30 Jan 2009 1.23pm

dear “concern human”,

why did you say that it is a stupid question ?

– Because the answer is obvious, that he steals car ? So you admit that Kugan is a thief/robber ?

And again, none of my family members are robbers…

How about your family ?

30 Jan 2009 1.14pm

See some pics

In Shah Alam, a car robber also cut the hand of one victim.
In Cheras, a car robber did not just rob the car, he raped the driver
Anyone fighting for them ?

Kugan is a robber. Robbery is a crime. Kugan is a criminal.

Understand ????

Concern human
Concern human
30 Jan 2009 12.10am

Dear CKT, For god sake please stop your arguments. It’s all nonsense… Kugan is death now and you can ask the stupid questions as below: Just ask them, “tell me sincerely and nicely, do they steal cars ?” Aren’t you matured enough to talk about this issue? if your answer is no means please do stop commenting in this page. Now the matter is Kugan was not sentenced as a criminal he was just a suspect. How would you feel if this situation happens to 1 of your family member? You’ll say they are criminal is it? CKT, please STOP… Read more »

29 Jan 2009 7.35pm


I give you a hint.

Pls ask Kugan’s family members. Some of them are (allegedly) also car robbers/thieves.

Pls also ask the family members of two other guys who were detained together with Kugan.

Just ask them, “tell me sincerely and nicely, do they steal cars ?”

Grow up. Reality bites. Moreover if you’re an Indian.

29 Jan 2009 7.29pm

George, Aiyyohh… Again you confused yourself. You said that you’re NOT the person to state what is good Police Investigation, for you’re not police. So, similarly, you’re also NOT the person to state what is bad police investigation, for you’re not police. The police know their job better. They interrogate criminals to make sure they can catch other criminals before they rob/rape/steal/kill. Can you at least say thanks to them. And now you’re painting them as devil, and trying to idolise/godify/glorify criminals like Kugan. What happened to you guys ??? So, Can your detail out how an INVESTIGATION should be… Read more »

29 Jan 2009 6.31pm

CKT, I can well sympathise with your experiences with the criminal elements but let us not confuse the issues at hand. The police has a job to do and often it is difficult and no one wants to do it. It is also hardwork and thankless. That is their job and they had chosen this profession, for better or for worst. Because of the difficulties and the temptations that were often thrown their way they became very susceptible to taking the path of least resistance. Professionalism of the police force or lack of it then became a real challenge for… Read more »

George Aeria
George Aeria
29 Jan 2009 12.41pm

CKT, 1st of all – I am not Indian. 2nd – I have got guts enough to state my full name and be known for my views. I do not put in synonyms or abbreviations to remain anonymous 3nd – it is for the PDRM who have been “trained” to do proper investigation. Maybe they should look at some good police movies on the TV to know more. I am NOT the person to state what is good Police Investigation, for I am not police. If I did then quite a large part of the Police force should resign and… Read more »

29 Jan 2009 5.10am

Deyy George,
– For your benefit, i rephrase my question briefly:
Can your detail out how a proper and complete INVESTIGATION should be carried out ?
– I expect an answer, not strings of excuses and name-calling.

29 Jan 2009 4.51am

sabahan, you said …”MAKE you confess” – hey, they did not make him confess. If they MAKE him confess without him knowing anything, how on earth could Criminal Kugan showed them the stolen cars ? Dreaming ? sabahan, pls improve your England.. lightblurr.. err.. lighblue, Cheras Mahkota residents are NOT criminals. This Kugan is a CAR THIEF/ROBBER. See the difference ? lightblue, Yes, let the police do their job. Dealing with criminals need DIFFERENT approach than dealing with your mother-in-law. Not the same. sabahan, On your comment of January 28th, 2009 at 4.51pm, it shows that you lack thinking skill… Read more »

28 Jan 2009 6.10pm

Something for you to think about. If the police already had the evidence why the interrogation especially when you yourself say he confessed. If Kugan had really confessed to everything then why all the brutal beating? Mmmm or was it the beatings that made him confess. Can you wrap your head around that? Are you even aware that criminals have rights too. Think about that the next time you get a ticket for speeding violation. Do I expect you to understand this of course not after all you are a product of the system.

George Aeria
George Aeria
28 Jan 2009 5.17pm


As I said, when you have nothing intelligent to say, better to keep quiet then to open your mouth and to show the world how ignorant you are.

I rest my case.


28 Jan 2009 4.51pm


Can your detailed out how TORTURED (could have been) carried out to a 100% NOT YET proven suspect like Kugan who confessed to the POLICE on the whereabout of the hideout where the YET TO BE CRIMINALS keep the luxury cars ?

It will be very interesting, the whole Malaysia wanted to know. Can you do it for the sake of Royal P Of Malaysia

28 Jan 2009 4.45pm

CKT, For your info, i’m not an Indian. Ur mentality shows severe brainwashing by MSM or maybe you r what people termed “UMNO cybertroopers”? This is an issue of suspects dying whilst in Police custody. As I said to janice ng, this is not a racial issue. This issue is similar to the case of excessive force against the residents of Cheras Mahkota. I wonder where did u get the info that Kugan led the Police to the hideout of the cars? The MSM, or maybe your fellow PDRM officers? If he was indeed involved in the crime, does that… Read more »

28 Jan 2009 4.38pm


Are you saying that if KUGAN won’t give the police the detail that the LUXURY car is hiding, JUST TORTURED AND KILLED HIM ! BECUASE HE IS USELESS AND UNPRODUCTIVE MORON IN THIS COUNTRY.

I think you are VERY sick, you may have some bad experiences with some Indians but one suggestion to you. PLEASE GO AND MEET YOUR PSYCHOLOGIST IN NO TIME. OK? TAKE CARE. we are sympethised with you.

28 Jan 2009 3.09pm


You are the weird species that the country can do WITHOUT.

Wait until yours family members AND friends torture and killed …. you will knowlah.

Are you live in the communist country. This country is suppose to be a democratic and in democratic country human rights and dignity must be preserved. This is not a barbarian ruled stated.

Come onlah pleaseLAH do you want somebody to stick something in your …. to make you CONFESS! Please contemplate!