The pink diamond: When truth is stranger than fiction


How did the woman get away with the pink diamond with bumbling law enforcement officers hot on the trail? Check out this scene from The Pink Panther (above).

In real life, the pink diamond also seems to have evaporated into thin air.

Ever wondered why the controversial diamond is the colour pink? Well, the pink diamond so happens to be the one of the most coveted of diamonds in the world.

And this is Najib denying he benefited from 1MDB. Yeah, right.. Perhaps Inspector Clouseau would have better luck with M01.

Speaking of bumbling characters, this morning I was in a taxi and chatting with the driver and the conversation inevitably turned to politics. I asked him what he thought of the new cabinet and whether the ministers could make a difference.

Without a moment’s hesitation, he said, “Sure, they will be different. For one thing, they don’t have anyone like Ahmad Maslan.”

Say no more.

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22 Jun 2018 12.26pm

Najib failed as a Finance Minister or PM since he finally admitted not knowing the mismanagement of 1MDB. His father must be ashamed of him.

29 Jun 2018 5.14pm
Reply to  Nora

Najib reformed UMNO to make the country the biggest laughing stock in the world. And made the country to become kleptocracy at its worst. You singlehandedly destroyed UMNO and BN with your stunning defeat in GE14. All because of your greed and failed leadership. The country’s financial state is much worst before you became the PM. Can I say now that you are the worst PM that Malaysia has ever had? Not to mention the RM1 Billion worth of jewelries, bilkin/bijan bags, watches etc….found in your residences. All gifts? The people don’t think so.

22 Jun 2018 10.57am

Deny, deny, deny.
We will see how the denials work out in court.
Hot will be the Altantuya & unborn child murder case which should be fine-comb investigated without fear nor favour.
Btw, what is the maximum sentence for murder in Malaysia? Do remember, highly suspected are 3 more cases – …Teoh Beng Hock, Kelvin Morais & AmBank founder Hussain Najadi…
This will be a first indelible black mark in Malaysian History (allegedly) involving a PM.

22 Jun 2018 5.09pm
Reply to  tunglang

The history book will remember Najib in a very negative way. He destroyed BN, a legacy from his father.

22 Jun 2018 10.37am
28 Jun 2018 1.24pm

The ‘donor’ of ‘gift givers’ to MO1 loot must come forward, explain to MACC why they supposedly gave those valuables to Rosmah such that MO1 even not aware.

MO1 has a banker brother and should hsve told MO1 to use bank to keep money and not stashing cash in homes like ill gotten gains.

26 Jun 2018 6.52pm

Mahathir on investigations into Najib:

26 Jun 2018 11.20am

WSJ: Malaysia’s Extravagant Ex-First Lady Lands in Graft Investigators’ Sights

A $27 million pink diamond, collection of luxury handbags attest to lavish tastes of Rosmah Mansor, wife of the country’s ruler while a state fund was allegedly looted

30 Jun 2018 1.35pm
Reply to  Song

LGE said the loot to be auctioned off to pay national debt. But must consider display them first at Seri Perdana first for rakyat to witness the loot especially that Bijan bag.

25 Jun 2018 10.53am

Malaysia’s biggest money laundering probe began last week, with some 1,000 names being investigated, including former prime minister Najib Razak, his wife, Rosmah Mansor, and the wider Razak clan, sources said.

The list includes a number of BN politicians suspected to have been paid with the 1MDB monies found in Najib’s bank accounts, top civil servants, businessmen and lawyers.

“It is a long, long list. The usual suspects and a host of family members, relatives, politicians, top civil servants, etc… almost 1,000 names,” said a lawyer familiar with the probe.

26 Jun 2018 1.03pm
Reply to  Norman

It could involved certain influential people in Malaysia. So Pakatan must get strong evidence to prosecute the guilty parties. No immunity for guilty ones and Mahathir was brave in the past to counter those so called ‘untouchable ones’.

24 Jun 2018 4.38pm

Corrupted Top Five First Lady of the World

28 Jun 2018 1.25pm
Reply to  Norman

Now Rosmah even more terror than Imelda.
Malaysia book of records must acknowlege this.

24 Jun 2018 4.29pm

Altantuya Shaariibuu: A murder that still captivates the world, 12 years later

Though 12 years have passed, Altantuya’s murder continues to captivate the Malaysian public.

Eric Paulsen, executive director of human rights group Lawyers for Liberty, said reopening the case is important so that the many questions about what happened to Altantuya can finally be answered.

“This is a grisly murder. It looks like a Hollywood movie (but) the only thing is, it is true.”

Mah HS
Mah HS
23 Jun 2018 4.16pm

A month since the electrifying election, a massive clean-up is underway in Malaysia

Taken collectively, these moves show that the new government wants to quickly remove all the senior people in the system who were either overtly pro-UMNO or helped Najib by doing nothing while holding a senior position.

22 Jun 2018 7.34pm

While we concentrate on 1MDB, what about corruptions in Sarawak?
Is PM going to initiate investigation of Pek Moh whose corruptions (alleged) could far outweigh 1MDB?
Sarawakians, may Karma justice come your way soon.

29 Jun 2018 11.32am
Reply to  tunglang

Action cannot be taken against Sarawak Governor Taib Mahmud for his alleged corrupt acts because there was talk on the alleged corruption but no formal report has been lodged with the MACC, said PM Tun Mahathir.

22 Jun 2018 6.36pm

Mahathir in Bloomberg interview says Malaysia will seek to recoup $4.5 billion of funds lost through 1MDB as well as fees paid to Goldman for bond sales.

22 Jun 2018 2.36pm

Najib the liar!

22 Jun 2018 1.06pm

Watching Najib is like watching a car or train wreck – more like a oblivious suffering animal. Its voyeurism.. He IS AN IDIOT but the calm stubborn demeanour says he just lives a meaningless, soulless, over-entitled life. It must be a torture for him to pretend so much. The compassionate thing to do is do what we do to hopeless suffering animal.

3 Jul 2018 5.11pm

Pasukan Petugas Khas 1MDB mengesahkan telah membuat tangkapan terhadap bekas Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak pada pukul 2.35 petang berkaitan kes SRC International Sdn Bhd.

Menurut satu kenyataan, tangkapan tersebut telah dibuat di rumahnya di Jalan Langgak Duta, Kuala Lumpur, hari ini.

Najib akan didakwa esok pada pukul 8.30 pagi di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur.

1 Jul 2018 11.43am

Najib And Rosmah – ‘Over RM100 Billion’ Stashed In Foreign Bank Accounts Business connections to the couple, has further told Sarawak Report that to their “certain knowledge” deals they have information on amounted to considerably over RM100 billion in profits, which were banked abroad. The source says they were personally involved in stashing much of the money into mainstream accounts in Hong Kong. The exposure that such devastating sums of hot money, travelled into what the source says included major Swiss and German banks, looks set to rock the global financial system for years to come, keeping the issues… Read more »

30 Jun 2018 2.18pm

Anil can consider showing this interesting cartoon from China Press relevant to this topic:

29 Jun 2018 5.05pm

Those seized jewelries and bags should be auctioned and be channeled to Tabung Harapan.

28 Jun 2018 6.54pm

‘Gifts’ can be considered bribes under the law, DAP Youth reminds Najib.

If RM686 million is divided with the number of years Najib was in service, he would have received RM19 million gifts annually, or RM1.6 million a month.

Najib is trying to fool the rakyat by saying he was keeping the jewellery worth about RM686 million for a private exhibition one day. This does not make sense at all.

29 Jun 2018 4.26pm
Reply to  Song

Check up Datin Cindy the gift giver.

Mah HS
Mah HS
23 Jun 2018 3.39pm

Gerakan quit BN to “embark on a new political journey with freedom, empowerment and an assertion in pursuing what the party believes is best for Malaysia and Malaysians.”

Weekend LOL!

26 Jun 2018 1.03pm
Reply to  Mah HS

MCA still in deny mode?

22 Jun 2018 6.25pm

China Press: Najib’s Langkawi holiday accommodations RM20K per day, equivalent to the monthly pay of Malaysian PM

22 Jun 2018 4.07pm

CNA’s Sumisha Naidu interviewed LGE:
1MDB scandal united new government led by ‘Mahathir 2.0’:

22 Jun 2018 3.48pm

Ahmad Maslan was simply too shallow to survive long as the mouthpiece of UMNO-BN. He was soon outdone by Salleh Keruak, Rahman Dahlan, Puad Zarkashi, Annuar Musa and Eric Seetho – “Lim Sian See”, with occasional barbs from Nur Jazlan 9much to my disappointment given his far better performance as head of PAC). Some of these were also just shooting blindly and loudly without much basis, and but I suspect at least one or two of that ignoble group do actually have quite good brains, and knew the statements they were making were not the truth. Hope they all can… Read more »

22 Jun 2018 5.10pm
Reply to  ktwong87

Ahmad Maslan was doomed the moment he claimed GST could reduce price of goods.

23 Jun 2018 7.21am
Reply to  Nora

IN FACT, GST increased prices of some goods: eg some car parts by 50%, eg motor oil by 20%, & not just 6% for all goods. This was cheating the Rakyat.

The more distributors a goods changed hand, the more you had to pay – multiply 6% on top of each distributor the goods passed thro before coming to you. BUT BN gomen got the inflated 6%XXXXX on time while we paid sky-high.
BN was … cheating Malaysians sky high.

22 Jun 2018 5.30am

I suspect the much talked about pink diamond courtesy of Malaysian taxpayers is hidden somewhere in Malaysia, maybe the police is looking at the wrong place or better still ask the former ‘FLOM’.