The ordeal of Kevin Morais — and how we can honour his legacy

A man places a portrait of the late Anthony Kevin Morais, the deputy public prosecutor who was murdered last month, during a mass funeral at Church of Divine Mercy in Shah Alam on 3 October 2015. Photograph: The Malaysian Insider/Najjua Zulkefli

I originally put this on my blog on 8 October. I’m putting it up again, given the widespread interest that his murder continues to generate and the developments since. Kevin paid the ultimate price for his convictions, but I firmly believe his death won’t have been in vain.

This is something I wrote for the Herald to mark the funeral of Kevin Morais on 3 October.

This weekend, we pause to reflect on the funeral of deputy public prosecutor Anthony Kevin Morais, who was abducted and then believed to have been cruelly slain.

Many did not know Kevin in life, but in death, the entire nation came to know and appreciate this unassuming man who paid the ultimate price in the crusade against corruption.

Kevin was last seen on September 4, and what was believed to be the remains of his body were found on September 16.

The scripture readings for Sunday, September 14, two days before the gruesome discovery, carry
a striking message for us.

Recall that Kevin was abducted in the middle of a busy road; he was bundled into a car without much obvious resistance.

An excerpt from the First reading from Isaiah chapter 50:

5 Lord Yahweh has opened my ear and I have not resisted, I have not turned away.
6 I have offered my back to those who struck me, my cheeks to those who plucked my beard; I have not turned my face away from insult and spitting.
7 Lord Yahweh comes to my help, this is why insult has not touched me, this is why I have set my face like flint and know that I shall not be put to shame.
8 He who grants me saving justice is near! Who will bring a case against me? Let us appear in court together! Who has a case against me? Let him approach me!

Kevin may have suffered at the hands of those men, but their words and action have left his name unscathed. If anything, he is, in death, more honoured and recognised for his integrity than in life. No insult has tarnished his name.

The responsorial psalm for that Sunday was from Psalms 116. An excerpt below:

3 The bonds of death were all round me, the snares of Sheol held me fast; distress and anguish held me in their grip,
4 I called on the name of Yahweh. Deliver me, Yahweh, I beg you.
5 Yahweh is merciful and upright, our God is tenderness.
6 Yahweh looks after the simple, when I was brought low he gave me strength.
8 He has rescued me from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling.
9 I shall pass my life in the presence of Yahweh, in the land of the living.

Yes, the bonds of death were all round Kevin during his ordeal, but today, Kevin lives in the Lord’s presence. The effects of the price he paid can be seen all around us. An entire nation was stunned and awakened to the menace of corruption. Whereas previously corruption was seen as a disease we had to live with, today, there is a fresh realisation that we cannot be fully alive, fully human as long as we have the tentacles of corruption throttling us and choking the vitality of our nation.

In the second reading from James chapter 2, we read the following verses:

17 In the same way faith, if good deeds do not go with it, is quite dead.
18 But someone may say: So you have faith and I have good deeds? Show me this faith of yours without deeds, then! It is by my deeds that I will show you my faith.

Kevin showed us through his integrity and his commitment to justice what it means to stand up for the truth in the face of real dangers in our path.

Now his death challenges all of us to live up to our faith by displaying a firm commitment to the cause of truth and justice no matter what the personal cost.

In the Gospel for that day from Mark chapter 8, Jesus reminds us that he was “destined to suffer grievously, and to be rejected … and to be put to death, and after three days to rise again”.

34 He called the people and his disciples to him and said, ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.

35 Anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, will save it.

Kevin lost his life in his work, and his gruesome murder reminds us that the cost of following our convictions could lead us to places we would rather not go. Perhaps in some strange way, his shocking death will awaken us from our stupor. Perhaps it will remind us that if we are to be true to our faith, we should be compelled to act and carry on anyway, no matter what the price, in the service of the kingdom.

Tributes have been pouring in for Kevin from his colleagues and peers. Even the Attorney General’s Chambers has honoured him by naming a moot court after him.

Solicitor General Azailiza Mohd Ahad told us clearly why we should honour Kevin: “Just as he was gentle and kind among friends, Kevin was as fierce and determined in carrying out his duties. He was a true believer in justice, fairness and fair play.

“He was always the epitome of good over evil, of light overcoming darkness, and this remains true, even in death. One should never be deceived by Kevin’s demeanour for he was, in fact, a “giant” amongst us in the legal fraternity. ”

Now, it is left to all those of us who honour Kevin, to ensure our actions speak more eloquently than words.

Here are a few simple ways the authorities and all of us can honour Kevin and carry on his legacy:

  • Cease the crackdown of opposition politicians, activists and dissidents. This year alone, over 300 people have been probed, arrested or charged, many of them for speaking up or actiing according to their conscience. Surely, this is not what Kevin stood for in his crusade for justice.
  • Take another look at all those cases of sudden deaths, whether high-profile or not.
  • Continue the investigations into all major corruption cases, without fear or favour. May a thousand Kevins rise to continue the fight against corruption.
  • Uphold the cause of truth and justice and freedom and shun corruption, money politics and abuse of power in everything we do, no matter what the personal cost.
  • Live with integrity and leave a shining legacy for those who come after us.
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3 Dec 2015 12.35pm

At Dewan Rakyat 01/12/2015, Gobind Singh Deo: Shame On The IGP, You Call People Coward When You Yourself Are Coward:

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
29 Nov 2015 11.03am

Remember the story of MacBeth and his significant other?

28 Nov 2015 6.35pm

Only one politician can commit these kind of killings bypassing apparent punitive justice in the land of “Endless Possibilities” or should I put it more precisely “Endless Murders”. Winter is coming and the ghost of Altantuya is already howling nightly with the ice-cold pan hong (northern winds) flowing down south to Malaya Nusantara. And so are the howling ghosts of TBH, Bala & others in a league of murdered souls awaiting Karma Justice. Selangor MB Azmin said staffs of Putrajaya are applying for work in his MB office. Could it be due to the spooks that crawl the corridors of… Read more »

29 Nov 2015 12.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

What is the connection of Kevin’s murder with Altantunya? Care to elaborate?

29 Nov 2015 6.14pm
Reply to  ernie

One entity stands out. You can connect the highly suspected from both murder cases.

28 Nov 2015 4.05pm

May be Kevin’s younger brother can shed more light and justice when the content of the thumbdrives being made public one day ?
We must honour those who perish upholding nothing but the Truth !

28 Nov 2015 4.59pm
Reply to  henson

Charles Morais must learn from the Bala incident, for his own safety.

It is now Datuk Kevin Morais.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
28 Nov 2015 8.13pm
Reply to  henson

Already the police are eager to get hold of the USB drive….

kuning cilik
kuning cilik
29 Nov 2015 1.50pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

Better keep it away from IGP and the police.

billy murugan
billy murugan
30 Nov 2015 1.28pm
Reply to  henson

The 2 brothers are at odds.
Reminding us of the 2 brothers of Hindraf?
Money is thicker than blood in both instances, and can be exploited by the proponents of Cash Is King?

8 Oct 2015 6.28pm

All public officers must always remember that ‘Our Values Define Us’.

29 Nov 2015 1.37pm
Reply to  benny

Including the Political Trader Benny. when Political Trader set a benchmark of integrity the servant will follows.
Currently the Voters appointed the Political Trader as their servant but the people appointed servant became the Boss.Had to call them YB although we appointed them.

rajraman. RIP Kevin Morais

Marie Chee
Marie Chee
8 Oct 2015 5.22pm

R I P Mr Kevin Morias. Justice will prevail. Your soul lives on.

8 Oct 2015 1.28pm

First of all, may the soul of Kevin rest in peace; and may the words of the good Lord comfort his family. The rest, if there is any vengence, it is the Lord’s !!!

However, one thing still lingers in my mind, ie when Kevin was in Macc, did he ever do anything at least condemn the sudden and cruel death of Beng Hock, or he was too powerless to do anything then. If you have an answer, i will most appreciate. Tq