That problematic car park near Penang Hill


Some background to the controversial car park near the railway station at Penang Hill.

The RM5m car park near the Penang Hill ground station - Photograph: The Star

I think there were also some issues with the new car park built at Victoria Street in George Town. Seriously, though, we should not be wasting millions on car parks. That money would be better spent on public transport infrastructure especially with a global energy crisis looming.

Penang Hill ground station will lose its charm if the surrounding area is turned into a giant bazaar.

“Pave paradise”, put up another parking lot?

Aside from all that and the usual question of whether it was Pakatan or BN to blame, it looks as if the PDC of today is unable to oversee the construction of a proper car-park, let alone an entire township.

Is that why 103 acres of Bayan Mutiara land had to be sold off/privatised to a private developer? A far cry from the PDC of the early years which managed to build entire townships (though even then the public/green spaces were still inadequate). But even it it was incapable, it could have still managed the Bayan Mutiara development instead of selling all 103 acres to a private developer.

This is a report from the PDC about the car park:




Projek di atas adalah merupakan projek untuk meningkatkan kemudahan di Stesen Bawah Bukit Bendera yang merangkumi penyediaan kemudahan tempat letak kereta bertingkat dan juga hentian bas pelancongan.

Kemudahan-kemudahan yang perlu disediakan di tapak adalah atas kehendak serta kelulusan Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Negeri Pulau Pinang di bawah Kementerian Pelancongan. Peruntukan bagi projek ini diluluskan oleh Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia di bawah RMK9. Jumlah siling peruntukan yang diluluskan adalah berjumlah RM5.0 juta.

Projek ini pada asalnya diserahkan kepada pihak JKR dan MPPP untuk dilaksanakan. Walau bagaimanapun, mesyuarat Post EXCO Pelancongan pada September 2007 di bawah kerajaan negeri dulu, telah meminta untuk PDC bertindak sebagai agensi pelaksana.

Itulah sebabnya kerajaan negeri PR yang baru dan YAB Ketua Menteri tidak dimaklumkan tentang kemajuan atau diminta memberikan kelulusan untuk projek ini kerana “pelanggan” adalah Kementerian Pelancongan.

PDC telah melantik PDC Consultancy Sdn Bhd bagi penyediaan rekabentuk dan pelaksanaan projek. Di dalam merekebentuk, sejumlah 6 hentian bas dan 112 tempat letak kereta dapat disediakan di atas lot yang seluas 0.62 ekar.

Pelan merancang telah diluluskan pada 21 Mei 2009. Pihak PDC telah memohon untuk mendapatkan kebenaran khas untuk memulakan lewat pembinaan dan telah memperolehinya pada 3 September 2009.

Satu tender terbuka telah dipanggil pada 23 Mac 2009 dan Lembaga Perolehan Persekutuan peringkat negeri Pulau Pinang pada 24 Jun 2009 telah meluluskan projek ini ditawarkan kepada DTE Construction Sdn Bhd pada harga RM3,958,988.26 dengan tempoh binaan selama 14 bulan.

Tarikh memulakan kerja adalah pada 10 Ogos 2009 dan tarikh siap pada 9 Oktober 2010, walaupun tarikh siap sebenar adalah pada 30 Mac 2011.

Dalam proses pembinaan, pihak konsultan telah membuat beberapa perubahan ke atas rekabentuk akibat dari masalah tapak yang telah menjadi lebih kecil akibat ‘encroachment’ rumah berdekatan. PDC terpaksa berbuat demikian supaya tidak mengganggu penduduk tempatan dan menambilkira permintaan pihak Kementerian agar memperuntukkan 6 hentian bas. Justeru itu, pelan pindaan kepada pelan bangunan yang diluluskan dikemukakan pada 12 November 2010 dan ianya masih belum diluluskan.
Pihak PDC sebagai agensi yang bertanggungjawab ke atas projek tempat letak kereta bertingkat Bukit Bendera tidak akan berkompromi dari aspek keselamatan pengguna. Justeru itu atas dakwaan bahawa bangunan yang dibina tidak selamat, satu badan penyiasatan bebas iaitu pihak IKRAM dengan kepakaran geoteknikal telah dilantik untuk menyiasat secara menyeluruh keadaan struktur yang dibina. Kerja-kerja penyiasatan telah mengambil masa selama 30 hari dan pada 24 Ogos 2011, satu laporan lengkap telah dikemukakan kepada PDC.

Hasil daripada penyiasatan IKRAM telah mengenalpasti beberapa perkara struktur bangunan yang perlu dipantau dan sekiranya perlu diambil langkah memperbaiki. Langkah yang akan diambil adalah:

(i) IKRAM akan memasang ‘settlement markers’ pada 22 bilangan tiang dan akan memantau ‘settlements’ secara berkala setiap tiga (3) bulan untuk tempoh tiga (3) tahun. Dalam tempoh ini, bangunan dapat beroperasi sepenuhnya. Sekiranya hasil pemantauan ‘settlements’ adalah baik, maka langkah mengukuhkan asas bangunan dapat dikurangkan atau tidak diperlukan sama sekali.

(ii) Sekiranya hasil pemantauan ‘settlements’ menunjukkan terdapat bacaan yang tidak memberangsangkan, langkah seterusnya adalah berkemungkinan memberhentikan operasi bangunan sementara waktu dan melaksanakan ‘foundation underpinning’ yang dianggarkan berjumlah RM1.5 juta dan mengambil masa enam (6) bulan dan juga membuat pembaikan terhadap sebarang kerosakan pada bangunan.

Dalam menangani isu rekabentuk yang tidak memenuhi kehendak piawaian serta mutu rekabentuk yang rendah, pihak PDC akui terdapat kelemahan di dalam rekabentuk yang tidak seharusnya berlaku. Dan ini akan menjejaskan keselesaaan pengguna. Pihak PDC telah sebaik mungkin memperbaiki kelemahan rekabentuk khususnya mengurangkan kecuraman ‘ramp’ agar lebih landai dan boleh digunakan oleh semua jenis kenderaan.

Beberapa pemeriksaan tapak bersama pihak MPPP telah dilakukan dan tindakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini masih diusahakan. Pemeriksaan terakhir adalah pada hari ini (5 September 2011) bersama MPPP di mana beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan akan dilakukan. Kerja-kerja ini akan terus ditingkatkan sehingga pihak MPPP berpuashati untuk membenarkan OC dikeluarkan.

Kami akur dengan arahan YAB Lim Guan Eng bahawa PDC mestilah patuhi arahan yang dikeluarkan oleh MPPP dan tidak akan dapat sebarang layanan khas hanya kerana PDC adalah agensi kerajaan negeri ataupun projek ini adalah projek Kementerian Pelancongan. Atas arahan YAB Lim, kami telah adakan lawatan bersama dengan Setiausaha MPPP Ang Aing Thye pada semalam 5 September 2011. Hasil perbincangan diharap dapat dihantarkan suatu laporan muktamad kepada YAB dalam seminggu dua lagi.

Masalah-masalah yang berlaku ke atas projek ini telah menjejaskan tarikh pembukaan tempat letak kereta Bukit Bendera yang amat diperlukan. PDC ingin memohon maaf atas segala kesulitan yang timbul dan akan secepat mungkin menyelesaikan masalah ini, namun aspek keselamatan dan keselesaan pengguna akan tetap diutamakan.

Dato Rosli Jaafar
Pengurus Besar PDC

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Ong Eu Soon
9 Sep 2011 12.21pm

Now the CM said he don’t know. The PDC chairman said he don’t know. The state assemblyman said he don’t know. The MPPP also don’t know. The state government also don’t know. Great! Who is in charge? Don’t know! I also don’t know! The people also don’t know! Who know?

9 Sep 2011 7.14pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Looks like only Ah Soon knows all.
So Ah Soon must be elected the next CM. 🙂

Randy Savage
Randy Savage
10 Sep 2011 5.23pm
Reply to  wira

Ah Soon
Pls come to Bayan Baru or Bukit Bendera next GE.
Your deposits will be beneficial to the rakyat.
Cheers for your RM !

Ong Eu Soon
8 Sep 2011 1.45pm

The project may be approved by the zero KPI, but who approve the building plan? As an opposition, DAP can be a good watch dog. After assume power, don’t even know how to scrutinize and never learn from the Botanical Garden arches fiasco. Satu lagi BN project yang diutamakan oleh LGe! Ng Yan Yan also can be trusted, LGe need to have his brain scanned for damage!
8 Sep 2011 3.56pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Every new government can face failed project problem, that is a part of learning curve.

We should forgive those have gut to admit their mistake and vow never repeat it again.

I condemn LGE hard because he refuses to admit kancil car park is his problem and take full accountability under his charge.

8 Sep 2011 3.56pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Soon. Please read the PDC statement fully. The original approved plan was modified and building constructed before modification approval by the relevant authority. Read this.. “Dalam proses pembinaan, pihak konsultan telah membuat beberapa perubahan ke atas rekabentuk akibat dari masalah tapak yang telah menjadi lebih kecil akibat ‘encroachment’ rumah berdekatan. PDC terpaksa berbuat demikian supaya tidak mengganggu penduduk tempatan dan menambilkira permintaan pihak Kementerian agar memperuntukkan 6 hentian bas. Justeru itu, pelan pindaan kepada pelan bangunan yang diluluskan dikemukakan pada 12 November 2010 dan ianya masih belum diluluskan.” Looks like the consultant was trying to squeeze everything in the original… Read more »
8 Sep 2011 6.12pm
Reply to  wira

Q1: The original plan was approved by who? By PDC or MPPP or NYY. The original plan was never submitted to MPPP is already an offence(?) Q2: The consultant reported to who? Obviosuly to PDC. Q3: Who should make sure proper submission of paperworks to MPPP for approval? Not the consultant, is PDC. Whatever modified plans have to submit to MPPP for re-approval, obviously PDC failed to obey this procedure. Do not blame consultant, the sole responsibility for project progress and completion is on PDC shoulder. PDC built first and then submitted plan to MPPP, are you asking MPPP to… Read more »

9 Sep 2011 6.14pm
Reply to

When airport malaysia build LCC Terminal or a new runway, MPPP must approve it? Also the all the structures in the Penang Port?
8 Sep 2011 6.16pm
Reply to  wira

Another question is this car park is not a toy in your room.

Can you enlighten me why MPPP was blinded to see such an illegal building was constructed on the foothill of Penang Hill?

Why no work stop order was issued to PDC?

Ong Eu Soon
8 Sep 2011 10.03pm
Reply to

Why the chairman of PDC who love DEVELOPMENT so much, can’t do anything to rectify the problem? He has never been briefed? Satu lagi project BN yang disukai LGe! Ng Yan Yan pun boleh pakai? The CM who is above the law, PDC no need to seek approval from MPPP, simply built knowing that the plan is a total screw up!

10 Sep 2011 3.35pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Are all those highway toll gates under Gerakan/UMNO Federal Government approved by MPPP? Is the Penang jetty terminal and bus terminal under Gerakan/UMNO Government also approved by MPPP?

8 Sep 2011 7.23am

The funds for the car park came from the Federal Govt. The PR govt administered the funds. PDC Consultancy, a subsidiary of PDC are the designers of the car park.

The CM is the Chairman. Dont tell me he was never briefed on the car park design?

If the PDc cant even manage s simple project like the car park….

8 Sep 2011 11.51am
Reply to  josephlim

PDC memang masih belajar.
Takut MNCs keluar dari FTZ Bayan Baru dan asyik ampu MNCs, sehingga gaji orang FTZ tak naik setimpal dengan fenomena barang naik !
MNCs untung berjuta-juta bayar gaji “white collar” serupa “blue collar” sehingga 6P warga asing dapat nikmat kemudahan orang tempatan.
Ini MNCs macam towkay hanya mau untung 24/7 sehingga lupa kewajipan social naik taraf hidup orang pinang yang berpelukh kuat nak beli rumah !

Syiok Syiok
Syiok Syiok
8 Sep 2011 1.55pm
Reply to  nurhaliza

certain truth in Nurhaliza’s comments.

PDC should not worry too much if let’s say Intel or Motorola threatens to relocate if certain incentives not given to them.

Think smart. If such MNCs have invested so much billions into physical structures (capital investments) do you think they will pull out so easily ? So PDC must be smart lah !
8 Sep 2011 3.50pm
Reply to  Syiok Syiok

What else MNC like Intel can go in Asia?

China? They (have problems with) stealing IP.

Indian? World-class red tape.

Indonesia? Worker will strike at anytime.

Only Philippines is real competitor to Malaysia.

Syiok Syiok
Syiok Syiok
9 Sep 2011 8.12am
Reply to

Come to think of that, may be (certain large electronics MNCs have) been asked “incentives” to run business in penang ???
worth probing in silence…..

Pretty Obvious
Pretty Obvious
8 Sep 2011 1.52pm
Reply to  josephlim

tan, tanjung bungah,

Perhaps you can translate the BM portion of your comments above into English for the benefit of Ong Eu Soon, and josephlim.

Some of Anil’s readers are pretty thick …….and shameless too.
8 Sep 2011 4.00pm
Reply to  Pretty Obvious

What else PR goons can do except name calling game?

Grow up if you want your master to be elected into Putrajaya, otherwise be confined in Penang and Kelantan forever.

My bet is BN will take back Selangor and Kedah in next GE.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
8 Sep 2011 5.28pm
Reply to

Yes, you can dream.
8 Sep 2011 6.00pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

I always dream of LGE is PM for Malaysia to see how he blame ex-PMs.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
9 Sep 2011 9.42am
Reply to

Yes, so you can continue to rant and whine about him even more, which is what your are best at. Wonderful isn’t it?

8 Sep 2011 4.02pm
Reply to  Pretty Obvious

Pretty obvious.

I concur.

Either they are too quick on the trigger or they don’t understand BM well. 🙂

8 Sep 2011 3.41pm
Reply to  josephlim

No, the PR government does NOT administer the fund. All funds for federal projects are channeled through a parallel chief executive (the SDO or State Development Officer) in Penang and his “exco”, called the “Lembaga Perolehan Persekutuan peringkat negeri Pulau Pinang.” Our CM maybe the Chairman but if information does not go to him, it is not at all surprising. This is because the civil service in this country is not exactly PR friendly. Perhaps a takeover in Putra Jaya is needed to jolt them to their expected behaviour. I believe PDC is pressured to come out with this public… Read more »
8 Sep 2011 5.53pm
Reply to  wira

For your record, Rosli was appointed by LGE.

Do not tell me Rosli is an UMNO moll again who want to sabotage LGE.

9 Sep 2011 10.55am
Reply to

Lim Guan Eng may have agreed to the appointment of Rosli. However, you must remember PDC is a statutory body and Rosli is a civil servant from JPA.

He is certainly NOT a personally favoured appointee like his chief of staff Jeff Ooi or political secretary Ng Weng Aik.

12 Sep 2011 10.11am
Reply to  wira

Nope .. I was wrong.
Rosli was never appointed by Lim Guan Eng.
You can google and find references to him as GM of PDC prior to 2008.

How is this for the record, nkkhoo?

By the way, no chairman of a government statutory body can remove its GM. Job transfer is the prerogative of JPA since Rosli Jaafar is a civil servant.

So don’t blog calling for the removal of Rosli by LGE and display your glaring ignorance.
8 Sep 2011 3.45pm
Reply to  josephlim

Don’t blame LGE lah…he is just a sleeping CM like Pak Lah.

9 Sep 2011 6.09pm
Reply to  josephlim

Bill Gate talks to you about Window Operating System and you accept it is the best and without any flaws and take responsibilities for it? Otherwise you are dreaming too.

Ric Francis
Ric Francis
8 Sep 2011 6.56am

I have been told by good authority that the Federal Government stuff up again by letting a contractor of poor quality build it. Same quality as the rebuilt railway. Do it on the cheap charge at great profit.Thence blame the Local Government.
8 Sep 2011 2.09am

Lim Guan Eng is a sleeping PDC Chairman? The budget approval by previous BN government in 2007 is true. The project was carried out by PDC after March 2008 is also true. Who should be blamed for approved such a lousy building plan design in 2009? => PDC Who should be blamed for not monitoring construction work in 2010 and 2011? => MPPP The building plan only approved by PDC in 2009, and it was never submitted to MPPP as reported by The Star. MACC should nab (any) negligence PDC officials and charge them in court. LGE must be in… Read more »

8 Sep 2011 11.47am
Reply to

orang Muar jangan act pandai kritik (cuba piggyback on anil’s popularity over ?). kau harus semak (datang ke tanjunglah buat kajian) siapa kontrator tersebut barulah tegur.
Masih banyak little napoleons dekay pinang mungkin you sedar mereka ini macam you…
8 Sep 2011 3.40pm
Reply to  nurhaliza

I stay longer in Penang for more than 10 years…don’t teach me nonsense.

My blog never welcome PR and BN idiots. I like to “shiok sendiri” is not your concern.

To pick a right contractor is PDC sole responsibility, now you blame the contractor was assigned by NYY or BN, am I right?

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
9 Sep 2011 9.39am
Reply to

So you think you can shoot off your big mouth because you stayed 10 years in Pen? It is a concern when your abbrasive , pompous posts fills up valuable space for discourse.

Pretty Obvious
Pretty Obvious
8 Sep 2011 12.44pm
Reply to


You got it right. Obvious no one bothers to read this blog. That is why he is doing the same as Ah Soon piggybacking on Anil’s blog.

They are in the same league as Koh Tsu Koon – no pride and no sense of shame.
8 Sep 2011 3.43pm
Reply to  Pretty Obvious

If you think such personal attack can make me or Ah Soon frighten until sleepless, then you are very naive in nature.

BN goon tried to silent me through a court action, yet it never work.
8 Sep 2011 5.01pm
Reply to  Pretty Obvious

Anil, do you have problem for me to tag along your blog?

If not, why some … are making noise on a property not belong to them?

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
8 Sep 2011 5.27pm
Reply to

Please, don’t make such lame attempts to justify your piggybacking antics here. Either you stand up for your own posts with decent facts or shut.
BTW….can’t help but admire your kopitiam grammar. You and Ah Soon must be best friends.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
8 Sep 2011 5.24pm
Reply to

Really? Which part of the article didn’t you understand? Project was federal, read this: Kemudahan-kemudahan yang perlu disediakan di tapak adalah atas kehendak serta kelulusan Majlis Tindakan Pelancongan Negeri Pulau Pinang di bawah Kementerian Pelancongan. Peruntukan bagi projek ini diluluskan oleh Kementerian Pelancongan Malaysia di bawah RMK9. Jumlah siling peruntukan yang diluluskan adalah berjumlah RM5.0 juta. Projek ini pada asalnya diserahkan kepada pihak JKR dan MPPP untuk dilaksanakan. Walau bagaimanapun, mesyuarat Post EXCO Pelancongan pada September 2007 di bawah kerajaan negeri dulu, telah meminta untuk PDC bertindak sebagai agensi pelaksana. Itulah sebabnya kerajaan negeri PR yang baru dan YAB Ketua… Read more »
8 Sep 2011 5.49pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

The letter is full of .. 1. “PDC bertindak sebagai agensi pelaksana.” Rosli already admitted PDC is an implementation party. Don’t accept any task if you dot not want to take any responsibility in your job. Tell me which company in Penang allows me to screw up a task and do not need to answer for it. I want to join such a company. 2. “Itulah sebabnya kerajaan negeri PR yang baru dan YAB Ketua Menteri tidak dimaklumkan tentang kemajuan atau diminta memberikan kelulusan untuk projek ini kerana “pelanggan” adalah Kementerian Pelancongan” LGE as the chairmain for PDC was not… Read more »

Dr Novandri
Dr Novandri
15 Sep 2011 6.32am
Reply to

“Lembaga Perolehan Persekutuan peringkat negeri Pulau Pinang”, a federal agency, had on 24 June 2009 awarded the project to DTE Construction Sdn Bhd at a price of about RM4 millions, The issue now is the federal approval is on the plan which was proposed earlier. Modifications by the contractor was done after the approval. PDC & MPPP were supposed to monitor the project. Both agencies were under Lim Guan Eng. And I believed that “permintaan pihak Kementerian agar memperuntukkan 6 hentian bas.” was not the one of the reasons for the modification as mentioned. ‘6 hentian bas’ was in the… Read more »

Christine Yong
Christine Yong
8 Sep 2011 1.38am

Eye sore, waste time and more time to talk about what to do with this bunch of good for nothing BN politicians! …

7 Sep 2011 3.35pm

Before the structure is demolished like the ‘gateway to botanic garden’, this building could be used for film-making eg. Gerak Khas movie where villains can explode it with C4 while holding hostages. The Gerak Khas hero can rescue a bus full of hostaged tourists by maneuvering it out of this tricky building before it is blown to pieces, focusing on the signage ‘Satu lagi projet BN’. How cool.

7 Sep 2011 12.35pm

Where is that rude SDO from Federal Department who refused to repect our CM LGE.
(Does) he (have) a direct hand in this fiasco as in the Botanical issue …(?)

7 Sep 2011 11.03am

Since this carpark is a waste of public fund for its ‘dangerous’ design, don’t waste any further but turn it into a tourist souvenir centre. Sublet it for money making enterprises serving the tourism industry.
Or just covert it into medium-cost housing for the not so rich or famous.
8 Sep 2011 2.14am
Reply to  tunglang

Convert it to a budget hotel, named it PR budget hotel instead of demolish it.

What LGE know is taichi, that is why PR is not a viable choice to replace BN in Federal Government.

Both are stinky, of course a 3 year old fella is less stinky than 54 year senile.

Andrew I
Andrew I
8 Sep 2011 12.15pm
Reply to

Haha, that’s quite true.

The only way the rakyat is going to get better governance is when we break the pychological barrier of changing the federal government.

This way PR states can’t blame the BN federal government and if and when BN is federal opposition, they will have real incentive to change. Of course, that’s a big if.

The winners will be us.
8 Sep 2011 3.33pm
Reply to  Andrew I

PR will still blame anyone even you elect them to Putrajaya.

They are habitual opposition for 54 years. If they still follow opposition mindset in administering a state, let PR be forever as opposition.

LGE is a good opposition leader for his whining skill against anyone on earth. Keep him as opposition is a good service to Malaysia.

6 Sep 2011 9.25pm

I had a look at the building even before the new hill railway was opened and was wondering how on earth are the big tour buses going to manevour. Real bunch of idiots wasting rakyat’s money. Or may be there are not idiots. It will cost another 5 mil to bring it down Exactly like the leaning arches at botanical gardens which cost RM 150,000 to build and RM 40,000 to bring them down
8 Sep 2011 2.20am
Reply to  CPL

It was BN idiot for Botanical Garden arches, now is PR idiot for Kancil Car Park.

The building will collapse with full loading on upper floors in case a drunken bus driven knock down one or two super-thin pillars at the ground floor.

Can someone tell me PDC architect and civil engonner are from which university?

8 Sep 2011 5.59pm
Reply to

Which car park is design for buses going up the ramp to upper floors? If it is for buses then you do not call them car park. Call it bus park otherwise another idot.
8 Sep 2011 11.26pm
Reply to  kingkong



You are doing a good service to prove Rosli is an idiot hired by LGE to call your bus park as “TEMPAT LETAK KERETA”.

Stupidity knows boundary, you prove it to me. LOL

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
9 Sep 2011 9.36am
Reply to

You challenge others to prove this or that at your whims and fancy. Why don’t you put up some cold hard facts to prove your half baked assertions for a change?

9 Sep 2011 6.01pm
Reply to

Gerakan hired Rosli and who is making a fool

Ong Eu Soon
6 Sep 2011 12.18pm

This car park will ultimately face the same fate as the Botanical Garden Arches. This hopeless and practically unsafe car park should be demolish as soon as possible, otherwise LGe will be look badly even by his sycophant cyber troopers.

6 Sep 2011 2.06pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

No, the car park should be preserved with the usual boastful sign depicting “Satu lagi projek BN untuk rakyat Pulau Pinang.”

This will serve as a constant reminder to those who still yearn for the glaring stupidity of Putra Jaya and the previous administration.

7 Sep 2011 10.27am
Reply to  wira

ever wonder why exPKR now Kita Nibong Tebal Tan Tee Beng complaints so much about the car par at Penang Hill; knowing well it’s his BN friendly folks that approved the plan with federal fund provided indirectly via BN friendly agency to Penang State Gomen ?

Anil with his insight into this pre-election Penang Hill carpark fiasco may enlighten the readers further with factual updates and let justice flows like mighty river……

tan, tanjung bungah
tan, tanjung bungah
6 Sep 2011 2.44pm
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Hi everyone, “… . Itulah sebabnya kerajaan negeri PR yang baru dan YAB Ketua Menteri tidak dimaklumkan tentang kemajuan atau diminta memberikan kelulusan untuk projek ini kerana “pelanggan” adalah Kementerian Pelancongan.” This report clearly shows that the project had already been approved by the previous state govt, with the concurrence of the Ministry of Tourism, hence the new state govt. sworn-in in 2008 was not even consulted nor was there any request for its permission to carry out the already approved project! Nonetheless, the PDC and its clients the Ministry of Tourism must come clean on the safety of the… Read more »

7 Sep 2011 10.23am

Ah Soon just shoots LGE at every posting without knowing his responses show his biased not substantiated views; and this very likely to jeorpadise his own reputation hence losing his readers viewerships and some say he has to piggyback on Anil’s blog but have now proven to be as catastrophic as Gerakan K. What a pity as we know Ah Soon is rather a educated person turned naive simply becoz of his personal vengeace towards LGE for reasons he only knows ???

Plain Truth
Plain Truth
7 Sep 2011 12.35pm
Reply to  rilakkuma


Anyone who has seen Ah Soon’s behaviour in public forums will beg to differ with your contention that he is ” educated “.

7 Sep 2011 1.25pm
Reply to  Plain Truth

Ah Soon could have been “btn” brainwashed to behave so poorly with specific anti-LGE agenda even in the eyes of general public eg in public forum ?

8 Sep 2011 11.37am
Reply to  rilakkuma

btn = barang tetap naik ???

biro tata negara harus banteras gejala rasuah regime barang naik !
8 Sep 2011 2.34am
Reply to  rilakkuma

You cannot rebut him with logic and fact, then you choose to personal attack him.

I rate PR and BN supporters as a same group, living to serve their master.

8 Sep 2011 11.38am
Reply to

nkkhoo kadang kala sitting on the fence panggil orang “bigot”. kurang sopan lah.
8 Sep 2011 3.25pm
Reply to  nurhaliza

BN and PR supporters call me bigot first. I just say thank you, the bigot is their rights.

Why you blame me for returning such name calling?
8 Sep 2011 2.24am

The BM is not difficult for you to understand its contents, stop your nonsense twist.

Budget and construction plan approvals are two different things, you wanna idiot, that is fine for me.

Don’t assume Anil’s readers are all PR idiots.

The budget approval by previous BN government in 2007 is true.

The project was carried out by PDC after March 2008 is also true.

Who should be blamed for approved such a lousy building plan design in 2009?

=> PDC

Who should be blamed for not monitoring construction work in 2010 and 2011?


8 Sep 2011 11.41am
Reply to

PDC & MPPP tak harus berselindung di sebalik kerajaan negeri.

Kalau ‘lembab” (tak kisah attitude) buat kerja patut di teguh oleh rakyat yang biaya mereka.

Kalau kerja effective & effiecient, kita orang meman puji.

Macam inilah barulah CAT boleh berjaya dengan cepat !
8 Sep 2011 11.10pm
Reply to  nurhaliza

The building plan has to be submitted to MPPP before site work can be commenced. This crucial step was not followed by PDC as I read from the Rosli’s letter. If an illegal building is erected, MPPP shall stop and demolish it. MPPP should monitor any illegal building from pop-up from nowhere under its nose. Do you understand this MPPP role? Besides, MPPP and/or JKR civil engineer should inspect the safety and other specs for any buildings under their charge IF a proper plan is submitted and approved. Do you expect MPPP to give final approval for an illegal building?… Read more »

8 Sep 2011 5.53pm
Reply to


You are a down under person. Terbalek person. The final approval from from MPPP as they are the local approvaling authority. Once approved PDC has to monitor them as they will see that the contractor is not overpaid when they submit the claims.
What about the Architect? Why not lodge complain with the Board of Architects? Go and sue the Architect for being incompetenance.

8 Sep 2011 7.04pm
Reply to  kingkong

You are correct, King Kong. Once the plan is approved, it is incumbent on the architect (consultant) to build according to the approved plan. The MPPP does not monitor the contractors because, at the last gate, they will still have the final say in the issuance of CF or OC. Any variation to the plan can be a non-conformance and an issue that the consultant will have to content with MPPP when a certificate of fitness (or OC) is sought. In this instance, obviously our CM, because of safety concern, told PDC to conform to the requirements of MPPP. That’s… Read more »
8 Sep 2011 11.19pm
Reply to  wira

Show me evidence that the building plan was submitted by PDC before the site work started.

I know in other states and KL, the city council/housing board send their inspector to check the safety and other spec. of the building during different stages of construction.

Maybe MPPP is very special unlike others.

Illegal building from PDC is also alright because their big boss is Penang CM(?)

9 Sep 2011 10.38am
Reply to  wira

nkkhoo. The Cantonese call your response “falling to the ground grasping a fistful of sand.” 🙂 We have described the procedure. We are telling you that it is not MPPP’s job to supervise that the building is to be built according to the submitted plan throughout the construction phase unless there is a complain about safety or matters relating to public interests. I don’t know about KL. Perhaps the unemployment rate elsewhere is very high that the local authorities employ Clerks of Works for the consultants to supervisor their contractors. If the building is not constructed to the approved plan,… Read more »

9 Sep 2011 5.57pm
Reply to  wira

Next time, this smart guy can demand building submission when (any royalty) wanted to build or extent their palaces. Also request palns for (waste) treatment plants and highway tolls buildings. This smart guy wonder why all KL MRT stations are approved as there are no toilets and the MRT station is hanging over the Gombak River. Who approve that?

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
7 Sep 2011 8.19am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Dear Eu Soon,
please brush up on your BM and read the above article before making half baked comments. At the very least get someone to translate it for you. It is a diservice to others on the site to have to read the drivel you serve out…
8 Sep 2011 2.26am
Reply to  Sze Tho

You are the one has to brush up BM.

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
8 Sep 2011 5.31pm
Reply to

Please don’t embarass yourself. You are no better than him.
8 Sep 2011 6.23pm
Reply to  Sze Tho

I already an expert in flaming war since 98.

Do not wasting time in Anil’s blog to start flame war with me…

Sze Tho
Sze Tho
9 Sep 2011 9.33am
Reply to

Oh please, don’t try to be a tough guy with me. What goes around comes around.

7 Sep 2011 8.57am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Ah Soon,

Your comment just shows the type of rubbish you have been spewing out here. You can’t even get your facts right.

Shame on you.
8 Sep 2011 2.27am
Reply to  Karma

Only Taichi master, LGE do not know what is shame.
8 Sep 2011 2.30am
Reply to  Ong Eu Soon

Keep on your good comment…there are 1/3 of voters are not BN and PR idiots and we are the king maker, not these idiots.

6 Sep 2011 11.57am

Anil your report from PDC is so much better than the rubbish I got from TheStar ( Dentist’s copy whilst I was waiting for my turn.)

6 Sep 2011 11.29am

Anil you hit the right note with the reason why i left Penang island & now live in Sungai Petani venturing out to Gunung Jerai without parking woes and have to inhale traffic ‘carbon’ fumes.
You can criticize me for abandoing Penang Island but I think I made the right choice when today i bought grade A size eggs for RM9.00 (30 pcs) – my friend in Bayan Baru bought C size eggs for RM8.99 (30 pcs).
Talking about value for money and fresh air that cannot be measured 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

6 Sep 2011 7.07pm
Reply to  TuaKee

Penang should follow HK model built more township with amenities and transport infrastructues like trams on the mainland and a trainline to the Island to ease the congestion in Penang. But Penang kias are very rich and conned by (certain) developers. Since it give the idea that those in the island like like those staying in Hong Kong island, everything has to be cost more.

7 Sep 2011 8.26am
Reply to  kingkong

Soon, Penang will be filled with the rich and famous. Businesses and hawkers will take opportunities to raise prices in the name of inflation but it will be more of heady perception of the rich to pay everything expensive so as to boost their richie egos of things branded. How can one still blame the lower rung of society for complaining for this state of richie affair? Already earning 3 meals is tough, what’s more to catch up with these richie Joneses already blessed with Au Sua (inheritance). It is not a question of upgrading ones career / earning power… Read more »

7 Sep 2011 10.50am
Reply to  TuaKee

I think Sungai Petani is an ideal place for retirees from Penang.
It is close enough to Penang (for weekly visit by bus) yet with idyllic environment that comes with lower cost of living. Certainly one can stretch the retirement ringgit to counter BN phenomenon (I mean Barang Naik). The semi-D houses are fabulously priced compared to what you can get in Penang.

9 Sep 2011 11.50pm
Reply to  TuaKee

I envy your lifestyle, TuaKee!
Gunung Jerai is one of my fantasy gunungs beside Gunung Ledang and Gunung Tahan. Full of spirits and jungle legends. I always feel them when in their pristine nature and they welcome me without malice.
Just feel good and nice even to a mushroom! They know what you are thinking and feeling!

Randy Savage
Randy Savage
10 Sep 2011 5.16pm
Reply to  tunglang

at any hills or mountains, don’t play play with inhabitants not visible to our eyes.
when i hiked up Gunong Kinabalu, my guide observed certain rituals for safe passage.