Ten reasons why the second Penang bridge is not a great idea


Controversial second bridge: The site at Batu Kawan on the mainland as it looks now

  1. It will add to traffic congestion on the island. Even with an additional third lane, the existing Penang Bridge is expected to become congested again in a few years. That’s the rationale given for building a new bridge. But then, what will happen to the roads on Penang Island with all that traffic coming in? Green Lane and Scotland Road are already congested with no room for further widening. Has an independent EIA and traffic study – analysing the impact on surrounding areas and roads on the mainland and the island – been carried out for this project?
  2. We should be moving away from private vehicle transport and turning to public transport, not spending more money on infrastructure for private cars.
  3. Higher global oil prices costs will burden bridge users, what more if the bridge is more than 22-24km (17km over water) long. Oil prices will rise even further in coming years while Malaysia will become a net importer of oil in a few years.
  4. Toll charges on the second bridge are likely to be much higher than the RM7 on the existing bridge (a rate of RM9.40 has been mentioned), bearing in mind that the proposed bridge is over twice as long as the Penang Bridge. How many regular bridge users will be able to afford the higher toll and petrol charges?
  5. Higher toll rates on the new bridge will lead to hikes in the existing Penang Bridge toll (from RM7.00 to RM9.40 and no more 20 per cent discount for Touch ‘n’ Go users?) and ferry fares. (If the Penang Bridge toll and ferry fare is lower, few people will want to use the new bridge.)
  6. That would mean the tolls for the existing Penang Bridge will continue indefinitely even though the cost of the bridge has been recovered many, many times over.
  7. In July 2007, the estimated cost of the second bridge was RM2.7 billion. By October/November 2007, it had crept up to RM3 billion. By January 2008, it was between RM3 billion and RM4 billion. And now, it is at about RM4.3 billion! How much will the final cost come to upon completion of the bridge? (An expert familiar with bridge building told me that the cost of materials for a new bridge, based on the estimated built area, would quite likely be less than RM1 billion. So how do we get RM4.3 billion? Can we have a breakdown of this figure?) How were the contracts awarded to a joint-venture comprising China Harbour Engineering Corp, a unit of the state-owned China Communications Construction Group (CCCG), and United Engineers Malaysia Bhd, also a state-controlled company? The lack of open tenders could lead to inflated contract estimates. Penangites could end up saddled with the cost of the bridge and higher tolls for years to come while the toll revenues go to UEM/Putrajaya. The people of Penang could well have to stump out many times the cost of the new bridge in tolls, just as they have for the existing bridge. And what is the additional cost of making the bridge resistant to major earthquakes?
  8. The new bridge is likely to hurt the fishing industry in the southeast of the island, where fisher folks are already complaining about drastically reduced catches as a result of land reclamation. A Bernama report on 17 January said that the start of the second Penang bridge project had been delayed as the state government wanted to resolve several matters involving fishermen as well as fish and cockle breeders who would be affected by the project. Former chief minister Koh Tsu Koon said the project could affect the livelihood of 1,500 fishermen and the breeders, who were worried the project could threaten the area’s ecosystem. Will this deplete fish stocks and lead to higher seafood prices in Penang, making it affordable only to the elite? Has a study been done on the impact of the bridge on fisheries in the state?
  9. The money spent on the bridge would be better spent on quality public transport, social housing (instead of creating more high-rise slums), public health care and schools.
  10. The projected carbon footprint, the increased traffic, and the impact on global warming of this project is likely to be enormous. How many tons of raw material including metal, concrete, cable, electricity and fuel will be consumed in the construction of the bridge?

Building new roads and bridges to cope with congestion is not a viable long-term solution. Such infrastructure will rapidly get congested again, and then we are back to square one. There is a limit to the road surface area that Penang Island can take. And how much will all this cost in the long run and how will it affect the quality of life when more and wider roads are built, eating up precious green spaces?

So what is the alternative?

If at all a third link (the ferry service and the Penang Bridge are the first two) is necessary, how about a light rail link parallel to the existing Penang Bridge? This would encourage people to use public transport to commute between the island and the mainland.

This rail link could be connected by buses/trams/light rail to industrial areas and urban centres on the island and on the mainland.

The ferry services should be expanded. Bangkok makes full use of river transport, but Penang has not tapped the full potential of sea-based public transport. More ferry terminals should be set up at different points of the island and on the mainland so that ferries can criss-cross the channel instead of being confined to the Butterworth-George Town route. Buses and trams at the ferry terminals could shuttle people to their ultimate destinations.

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7 Sep 2011 1.45am

i dont think second penang bridge is great solution to reduce congestion between island and mainland… why not penang ferry service expand their empire.. they can set up a new ferry terminal in batu kawan and batu maung…. so fishing industry will not affected..

19 Mar 2011 4.04pm

Some countries have twin coach buses.Why not use such buses as shuttle bus.
Hong Kong is still proud of her ferry service. Penang should keep its ferry service, because it is a symbol of Penang. Just increase the number of ferries during peak hours.
I think Penang Island should practice like S’pore, where certain types of vehicles with colored number plates cannot be on the road during peak hours. To encourage more use of public transport, on condition bus service is excellent.

15 Jul 2010 4.33pm

they will never allow for better public transportation.

If they did, how are they gonna milk the public (via toll) for the next 40 years ?

Plus how could they scrap the m’s grand scheme of milo tins on wheels

so they milk us again !

19 Aug 2009 9.37am

The benefits of a second bridge will be felt fews years from now. But I do agree that the garment should exercise great care of the ecosystem during the building process. It will be great to see a monorail adjacent to the first bridge and linking many parts of the Mainland and Island. This will create many job opportunities as people can commute easily to their work place. It will invite more investors to Penang because of a more efficient public transport system, that will result in more jobs. Before the garment wishes to increase the toll charges, they must… Read more »

12 Jul 2009 7.53am

Why not building a parallel fast monorail on stilts?
Way cheaper in construction, service and NO pollution!
And, everybody comes to work in time without smelly shirts. Go to Germany and you will be convinced! But the kid is already kicked into the water. People and the island will suffer even more. The second bridge, not a great idea? I would say, it’s an absolutely stupid idea. I agree with all 10 reasons against it!

26 Jun 2009 3.45am

well as a penang citizen i feel we penang people need this bridge badly. why have build – if you have been to penang just try taking the bridge from 6.45am to 9am and from 4.30pm to 8.30pm (sometime 9.30pm).you can the world worst traffic. – if you say 4.8 billion is a lot i will say u are wrong.don’t just look short term. for people who are working in bayan lepas free trade zone and industrial zone is about 3500 people will benefit the bridge and also other that will new and shorter trip to penang airport. – this… Read more »

22 Nov 2008 5.50am

Mr anil u lil backward dont u think? no wonder penang cant be as good as she used to be.

20 Jun 2008 11.54am

1.At a cost of 4.8 billion and at a low interest rate of 4% (if you can that rate)the interest payment will amount to 190 million a year. What about the the principal amount? We may have to look at something like 250-300million a year in revenue for the bridge to be viable.Can we get that kind of traffic volume. I doubt the present bridge generates a profit of more than 100million a year.I for one, may not want to use the second bridge considering the longer drive and higher petrol price. 2. There are frequent jams following accidents on… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 12.12pm

So people, these are the 10 reasons given by someone who put the people interest/common sense first. However, when someone pushed forward his interest/family/crony/etc… first, 2nd bridge is the answer. Beside, it is an open secret that the fastest way for politicans to make money is thru the construction, not agriculture, not mining, not education, not services.Boleh buat duit jugak, tapi ada sikit slow… To UMNO people and their gang, ingat la sikit MATI. hidup tak lama, 70 atau 80 jalan, nanti tak bau syurga…menipu rakyat untuk kepentingan sendiri adalah satu DOSA yang amat besar dan kesalahan ni ALLAH tak… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 1.26pm

Dear Anil

Agreed with all your suggestions. However everyone seems to miss the main communication problem in Penang. It is the taxi service. Buses have fixed routes. Taxis take you to the doorstep. However Penang taxis are not the roaming type. They don’t use meters. Get the new state govt to force this issue with the taxi companies, or else legislate for Penang to have an alternative taxi service.

Johan T
Johan T
16 Apr 2008 1.32pm

I agree with the ideas of utilising sea-based transport as well as a light rail on the existing bridge. My only addition to this is an idea – maybe a somewhat fantastical one – of a full train system traversing underwater from mainland to island. My recent trip to Hong Kong / Kowloon probably put that idea in my head. Anyone who’s been on the very modern and fast trains there that pass below the waters of Kowloon bay will not think I’m crazy at all and may even agree with me. The difficult geography of Kowloon bay did not… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 2.01pm

I don’t understand why the 2nd bridge comes with mosque & places of attraction, don’t these all create to massive jams again?? I’m sure the costings will be cheaper if it is just solely a bridge & nothing else

moaz yusuf ahmad
moaz yusuf ahmad
16 Apr 2008 2.43pm

Anil Good observations about the Penang bridge. We can only hope that Malaysians and their government will soon develop a real planning culture and a maintenance culture…instead of building new things and having them ruined thanks to a few short years of neglect. One can only wish that the government had the foresight to include rail in the design of the original Penang bridge…however unlikely it may have been. The idea of building an LRT along the bridge is good but it misses the point. Public transportation is best left to serve dense areas and should be built where people… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 3.15pm

A high price to pay for the wrong long bridge…

HRH Raja Mongrel
HRH Raja Mongrel
17 Apr 2008 12.41am

Agree lah.

Maybe Penang should put up a train service like PATH > Nre Jersey/New York?

Royal Mongrel @ No Hole Barred

17 Apr 2008 12.20am

If Penang were to maintain the ferry service and the tramway it will be one of the most unique island in this region. I guess no other country has the tramway except England and some in Europe.

And fendi, i agree that it is not fair to compare Penang 30 years ago. But then, it is also not fair to allow Penang to be as it is today. Having increased number of population is not an excuse to allow that.

16 Apr 2008 11.29pm

The traffic situation in PG is just horrendous. Cause is simple: ppl drives, one person per vehicle. Imagine a company like, say, AGILENT, which has an amount of employees of about 3,000, whereby almost each of these workers drives their own vehicle to work everyday and then factor that with hundreds of companies nearby, you get a ridiculous amount of vehicles plying around in Free Trade Zone (FTZ) alone. Public transportation exist, but buses like Rapid Penang do not even ply crucial areas like FTZ routes in Bayan Lepas, the zone where traffic is one of the heaviest in the… Read more »

christina anne
christina anne
16 Apr 2008 10.37pm

all said and done……..i prefer that the public transport be better organised for optimum use. this will cost the rakyat less in the long run.

16 Apr 2008 9.19pm

Are we going to stand by and watch our new governent being swept away by the BN cajoling and bullying plus that of salesmen selling their wares of course!

Let not the spark of fire we saw in the Han Chiang rallies die out. We voted for you because we thought you feel the people’s strife and share the people’s spirit for change.

Are you going to go down in history as the government who did not do enough but allow the wrong long bridge to bleed the future generations of Penangites?

16 Apr 2008 9.15pm

The second bridge might not be as harmful as it seems to be stated by the author. First of all, the new bridge will eventually bring new development site in both Penang Island and Butterworth. Which means that people from the island might move to the opposite bank and buy houses there as it is cheaper. Further more, it might creates more jobs due to more development. Economically, it really benefits the state. Secondly, the building of the new bridge is the turning point of whether the state can attract new Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). This is because FDI that… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 8.55pm

A high high price to pay for the wrong long bridge… by many generations to come.

16 Apr 2008 8.37pm

“We can afford it?”. I don’t think so — no way! 1. Does anyone honestly believe that by 2011 the toll for this bridge will be in the region of RM9 as hinted somewhere? I personally see it hitting the RM20 mark or more! 2. Don’t you think that the toll for the current bridge will also naturally make a quantum leap? 3. I say generations of Penangites will be bled by this bridge to pay back for “someone’s investment” and of course, “someone’s blunder or failure to stay vigilant”. 4. Can we afford to lose what little there is… Read more »

Angela Ooi
Angela Ooi
16 Apr 2008 6.29pm

Didn’t I read somewhere in MT that China quoted 2billion for the bridge…?? The rakyat knows mega projects equals mega profits for some individuals, and the companies concerned of course!

Philip O
Philip O
16 Apr 2008 5.17pm

Very thought provoking. How I wish this was debated in public before the 2nd Bridge project was given the go ahead. Anyway since we are on a theoretical exercise, let me contribute my bits. I am from KL and have driven twice this year to Penang. The Penang Bridge is too cramped and over-used. The original planners failed to forcast the rapid growth of Penang/Prai. Hence, we either expand the existing bridge spending lesser sum by adding additional 3 lanes on each side or we go for a totally new 2nd bridge. This is to cater to ever expanding Penang… Read more »

16 Apr 2008 4.39pm

It might cost a lot to cancel the 2nd Penang Bridge contract now that UEM claims it has the plans ready. Remember, how much was it, $300 million? compensation Samy Velu approved for Gerbang Perdana, even though work had been suspended for over a year, for that crooked bridge over troubled waters leading to halfway into the Straits of Johor. So, what we should do is petition the government for an open international tender so we can be comfortable with the cost.What say you Netto? With the support of the new Penang Govt, DAP/PAS/PKR we should be able to get… Read more »