Sarawak: Poverty and opulence


There are two opposite extremes in Sarawak that are worlds apart.

First, an example of the harsh reality that faces the marginalised:

Hishamuddin’s aide falls into Sarawakian marsh
November 21, 2010

KUCHING, Nov 21 — Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein was today shocked to see his special officer Datuk Firdaus Ismail fall into a marsh when a wooden bridge leading to the dilapidated home of an elderly villager in Kampung Gersik, here, collapsed. (From a Bernama report in Malaysian Insider)

Contrast that with the opulent homes, the astounding wealth and the ostentatious lifestyles of the elites there, as documented in the Sarawak Report here.

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28 Nov 2010 9.50pm

It may be a ominous for BN that its collapse is impending or the spirits of the land were disdained of the unwelcomed party. Nature has a way of dealing with people who break the law of the Universe. No white haired or black haired or orange haired are exempted. Karma is on-course.

26 Nov 2010 5.27pm

This people are so dirt poor and it just amazes me how UMNO and their lackeys keep winning votes from them. Hishammuddin’s father and Grandfather must be turning in their grave as to what UMNO has turned Malaysia into viz a raced based class concious society where the politically well connected have become ridiculously rich whilst the poor Malays and Non-Malays included suffer indignantly. WHAT HAS UMNO DONE FOR THE MALAYS BESIDE MAKING A FEW VERY RICH MALAY FAT CATS RICH!

26 Nov 2010 6.12pm
Reply to  Sewel

UMNO tells the malay folks that they can get rich by buying Amanah Saham Bumiputera, yet after all these years, they could not reach the 30% equity share. Sigh!

Andrew I
26 Nov 2010 4.32pm

According to someone, falling into the sea or marsh in this case is not a good omen.

I think I heard that one during the last by election.

26 Nov 2010 4.14pm

I wonder why Taib did not get the ‘inspiration’ at the holy city when he did his pilgrimage to realise how poor the people of Sarawak are, and he has not done much to improve their livelihood after all these years (decades?).

He should come to realisation (taubat) that his time is up as the sin could not be cleansed in the holy city.

26 Nov 2010 4.01pm

What is he shocked about? His officer falling into the marsh or the villager’s poverty?

26 Nov 2010 3.26pm

Aiyah, this bloke is just an aid, so no special attention was rendered to him…perhaps, the bridge maybe replaced, if the Ketuana UMNO … minister’s “Golden Feet” were to walk on. Hard luck Firdaus Ismail… enjoy your dip!