Public vilification of Dr Lim Mah Hui: Penang Forum responds


The Penang Forum steering committee has just released this media statement, which speaks for itself:

Penang Forum is extremely disappointed by the recent personal attacks against civil society city councillor Dr Lim Mah Hui with the highly disparaging press statement from Chief Minister of Penang YAB Lim Guan Eng on 12 March 2016.

On 29 February, the chief minister had invited Penang Forum representatives for a dialogue which was fruitful and ended amicably. There was a discussion on the illegal parking and towing of cars.

The difference with regard to the number of cars towed by the MBPP arose because the MBPP and the press did not take into account his full explanation (instead, they focused on only one part of his explanation) as clarified by Dr Lim in his press statement of 21 March 2016. Unfortunately, it has been brought to the level of press conferences and the public vilification of Dr Lim, with the use of terms like “hero with lies”.

Penang Forum holds the highest regard for Dr Lim’s professionalism. He is a professor who has taught in universities in Malaysia and the United States. As an international banker, he worked, among others, in Chemical Bank (now JP Morgan Chase) in New York, Credit Suisse First Boston in Singapore and Asian Development Bank in Manila.

He is an international speaker and his works have been published internationally. He has also authored a book on the present global financial crisis and its impact on Asia.

Dr Lim, a Penangite, has decided to share his vast knowledge and experience with corporations, governments, universities, think-tanks, and civil society groups. He is currently focussed on serving the community and civil society groups in Penang and has contributed greatly to the work of Penang Forum.

Dr Lim has chosen to return to Penang and sacrificed his time to serve the state as a city councillor for the last five years. Known for his unswerving integrity and straight talking, Dr Lim has little patience for intrigues and scheming. He speaks his mind, rights the things that he sees that are wrong and laments the wrongs that he cannot change. This is a man unlikely to misinterpret figures and reports and with too much integrity to ‘lie’. He has nothing to gain and nothing to prove.

Penang Forum was truly shocked by this frenzy and uproar over a complaint of ‘lack of enforcement’, a constant daily problem in our urban lives. Is a councillor not supposed to highlight these issues? Should he be belittled and abused for doing so based on figures presented to him? Isn’t transparency what is advocated by the state government?

Dr Lim is the epitome of the kind of Penangite that the government wishes to encourage to return and to serve the state. The belittling of Dr Lim in public is unbecoming of a government that advocates competency, accountability and transparency. Penang Forum hopes that this will be the last episode of this sort.

Moving forward, Penang Forum hopes that honest and open engagement with the state government and council will continue in the spirit of working for the betterment of Penang.

Penang Forum steering committee
22 March 2016

Mengenai kenyataan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang terhadap Dr Lim Mah Hui

Penang Forum ingin menyatakan rasa kecewa terhadap kenyataan yang berunsurkan serangan peribadi yang dinyatakan oleh YAB Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang terhadap wakil sivil Ahli Majlis Bandaran Pulau Pinang, Dr Lim Mah Hui pada 12 Mac 2016.

Pada 29 Februari lalu, Penang Forum menghadiri suatu sesi dialog, atas undangan tuan ketua menteri, yang membuahkan hasil and berakhir secara baik. Dalam sesi dialog tersebut, isu meletak kereta secara haram dan tundaan kereta telah dibincangkan.

Perbezaan angka-angka, seperti yang telah dijelaskan oleh Dr. Lim Mah Hui dalan kenyataan akbarnya pada 21 Mach 2016, adalah kerana pihak-pihak tertentu tidak mengambil kira penjelasan Dr Lim pada sesi dialog secara menyeluruh. Sebaliknya, pelbagai sidang akhbar dan fitnah telah dilemparkan terhadap Dr Lim, dan beliau digelar sebagai ‘Wira Pembohong’ (Hero with lies).

Penang Forum mengagumi tahap profesional Dr Lim Mah Hui. Beliau merupakan seorang profesor yang pernah bersyarah di university tempatan dan Amerika Syarikat. Sebagai seorang pegawai bank antarabangsa, beliau pernah bekerja di bank-bank seperti Chemical Bank (kini JP Morgan Chase) di New York, Credit Suisse First Boston di Singapura and Asian Development Bank di Manila.

Beliau juga merupakan seorang penceramah antarabangsa dan hasil kerja beliau telah diterbitkan secara global. Beliau juga baru selesai menulis sebuah buku mengenai krisis kewangan global sekarang, dan kesannya terhadap Asia.

Dr Lim, seorang anak Pulau Pinang, telah membuat keputusan untuk berkongsi pengetahuan dan pengalamannya berurusan dengan pelbagai korporasi, kerajaan, institusi pemikir (think-tanks) dan kumpulan masyarakat sivil. Kini, beliau menumpukan perhatiannya terhadap komuniti dan kumpulan masyarakat umum (civil society) Pulau Pinang serta Penang Forum.

Dr Lim telah kembali dan meluangkan masanya dalam lima tahun yang lalu untuk berkhidmat kepada negeri Pulau Pinang sebagai Ahli Majlis Bandaran. Beliau dikenali dengan integritinya yang teguh dan jujur, serta seorang yang tidak menahan dalam isu berskema dan berkomplot. Beliau bercakap secara jujur, cuba memperbetulkan keadaan yang tidak betul, dan mengeluh terhadap keadaan tidak betul yang tidak boleh diperbaiki. Beliau tidak mungkin menyalahtafsir angka-angka dan laporan, dan mempunyai integriti untuk tidak menipu. Beliau tidak mempunyai sebarang manfaat untuk diperoleh dan dibuktikan.

Penang Forum terkejut dengan tindakan memperbesarkan suatu laporan mengenai kekurangan penguatkuasaan (lack of enforcement), suatu keadaan yang dihadapi setiap hari di Pulau Pinang. Bukankah itu tugas dan tanggungjawab seorang ahli majlis untuk membangkitkan isu-isu sebegini?

Adakah wajar beliau dimalukan dan diperkecilkan berdasarkan angka-angka dan laporan yang diberikan kepada beliau? Bukankah kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang selalu mengutamakan unsur ketelusan?

Dr Lim merupakan seorang tokoh Pulau Pinang yang mana kerajaan negeri seharusnya mengalukan untuk pulang dan berkhidmat untuk negeri kami. Penghinaan Dr Lim secara awam bukanlah suatu ciri yang patut diamalkan oleh sebuah kerajaan yang mengutamakan unsur cekap, akauntibiliti dan telus. Penang Forum berharap ini merupakan insiden sebegini yang terakhir.

Menuju kedepan, Penang Forum berharap kerjasama yang terbuka dan jujur dengan kerajaan negeri dan kerajaan tempatan akan diteruskan demi kebaikan Pulau Pinang secara menyeluruh.
Penang Forum steering committee

22 Mac 2016

(N.B. Sebarang perbezaan dan percanggahan yang mungkin timbul dalam kenyataan Bahasa Malaysia berbanding dengan Bahasa Inggeris, maka kenyataan Bahasa Inggeris akan diakui sebagai sahih dan benar)





林馬惠博士的專業表現,檳城論壇致以高度敬意。他是一位教授,曾在我國以及美國多所大學執教過。身為國際金融專員,他曾在紐約的Chemical Bank(現今的JP Morgan Chase摩根大通),新加坡的瑞士信贷第一波士顿(Credit Suisse First Boston)以及馬尼拉的亞洲發展銀行任職。他也是國際演說家,他出版的著作享譽國際。他也撰寫了一本著作分析當今的全球金融危機以及對亞洲的衝擊。








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David Loman
David Loman
2 Apr 2016 12.01pm

Information on the RM27bil Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) is now available with just a click of the mouse. The public can now secure the latest details via, said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng. He said the public could also email feedback, suggestions and complaints on PTMP via [email protected]. “We will take into account all feedback. The website also has answers to frequently asked questions about the master plan. “There are also details on the RM6.3bil undersea tunnel by Consortium Zenith BUCG and the Sky Cab project by MRCB Bhd,” he said after launching the website at Komtar yesterday.… Read more »

27 Mar 2016 12.53pm

This is a petty issue and Anil should not be manipulated by Penang Forum to blow up the matter.

Awang Selamat Ori
Awang Selamat Ori
25 Mar 2016 11.39pm

LGE is messing up Penang big time.

He will be the cause of the demise of the DAP…..

Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.

26 Mar 2016 10.18am

Demonstration against CM outside Taman Manggis

David Loman
David Loman
2 Apr 2016 12.03pm
Reply to  Don

Jual tanah awam lebih rendah nilai selepas 30 tahun, KM minta penjelasan PERDA

David Loman
David Loman
26 Mar 2016 2.22pm

Exco Perumahan PP cabar BN betulkan fakta Tmn. Manggis

26 Mar 2016 9.16pm

agree power corrupt. armno can and okay to demostrate. others have to go and eat curry.

27 Mar 2016 7.53am

LGE has refuted claims that the Taman Manggis land was earmarked for public housing. He said a 2001 layout plan submitted to the then Penang Island Municipal Council (now City Council) from the National Housing Department (a federal agency) showed the land was marked for “future development” without mention of public housing. Lim said his administration felt the land at 0.40ha was too small for public housing and allocated a bigger site in Jalan SP Chelliah at some 4.45ha which was 10 times bigger for an affordable housing project. He said an open tender was called in 2013 while work… Read more »

albert doesitmatter
albert doesitmatter
24 Mar 2016 2.50am

Did Dr Lim accept the honor and signed willingly to pledge his services to Penang Council, Mayor and CM as Dr Lim Mah Hui or as Lone Ranger? Did Dr Lim participate in Penang Forum as a Penang Councillor to advance Penang, to advance Penang Council or to advance Dr Lim and his ego? Taking out a ‘gun’ and firing blanks in a public Forum (and Malaysian press conference no less), I would have deep sympathies for Dr LIm if he pointed the ‘gun’ at his own head, but not when he aimed his ‘gun’ at his own fellow councilors… Read more »

Johan Khun Pana
Johan Khun Pana
23 Mar 2016 9.52pm

This is non political , just a matter of towing vehicles.
A small matter that could have been easily resolved.
Why is there a need to label each another as a liar.
Guan Eng seems to be impatient.

25 Mar 2016 10.08pm

Impatient = Knee-jerk Jerk.

23 Mar 2016 3.42pm

Not a good news for this blog:

IN the near future, news portals and political blogs in Malaysia may be required to register with the government – if the Communications and Multimedia Ministry has its way. Its minister Salleh Said Keruak told local press on Tuesday that the ministry had submitted suggestions to the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC) for legal amendments to be made to the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998.

23 Mar 2016 8.23pm
Reply to  Utopia

who wants to be stupid to continue to vote for one imposed restrictions and have the right to throw cheap shots?

Not Superman Not Batman either
Not Superman Not Batman either
23 Mar 2016 9.46pm
Reply to  Utopia

May be in future all comments must be submitted with real full names for traceability.

23 Mar 2016 1.37pm

yes he has a highestprofession but he fails to advise for tow cars area the council must put up it is a tow zone and hit with a heavier than fine penalty. he must also know the basic fairness to motorist.
a road signboard is more effective. if motorist will think twice or thrice before illegal park. too. much yankee edu who lost to viet in body count viet war.

23 Mar 2016 11.52am

His profile suggest he understand details, presentation, negotiation and debate BUT the lapses by Dr. Lim and his defense is AMATEURISH..He was a banker? How he got any deal done this way is beyond me..A doctorate but his arguments and presentations are very very generalized for an doctorate and academic..

LGE is impatient, and clearly capable of stupidity but its his strength is also his stubborness. So Dr. Lim got roughed up. Big deal.. Walk it off..

Plain Truth
Plain Truth
23 Mar 2016 10.02am

Not happy? Just sue the Tokong and redeem your honour.

Super Taste iWalker
Super Taste iWalker
22 Mar 2016 10.18pm
22 Mar 2016 10.01pm

I am a bit surprised by so much argument on towed car in the state. Since when all the parties involved will look into the real problem which can be solved and have been solved by our neighbors 30 years ago. I am talking about man made pollution that affect the health of everyone in the state. I am talking about something viewed as taboo by many quarter so much so we have to live with it, and give up our hope of living in the first world when it cost so little to implement. When are we going to… Read more »

Super Taste iWalker
Super Taste iWalker
23 Mar 2016 12.35am
Reply to  Lau

Wah lau eh, Getai is meant for the underworld spirits that have rightful co-existence with mortals like willing you and willing me. Careful though not mid seven yet to endure they don’t get offended with such foul words which Penang-Lang the spiritual adventurer can testify for with kopi kau kau of another dimension………

23 Mar 2016 10.22pm

soon char keow teow will get extinct. who wants their sons and daughters to folloe the father ‘ trade or the fried noddles are just cook wo skills to fill the stomach. the y gen have different aspirations as the kueh teow send the children overseas for studies

Super Taste iWalker
Super Taste iWalker
22 Mar 2016 5.22pm

Dr Kim may have high credentials hence admirable IQ, may be his EQ lets him down?

23 Mar 2016 9.08am

In order for him not to be misquoted, I suggest he keep his message straight to the point. Keep it short and simple. No need long messages as it has no correlation with IQ or EQ level.

LGE tak boleh
LGE tak boleh
22 Mar 2016 3.18pm

LGE is a burden to DAP