PM’s Department swallows RM19bn in Budget 2015


We need to put the budget for the PM’s Department under the spotlight. At a time when many Malaysians are tightening their belts with price hikes and bracing for GST, take a look at this:

PM's department budget 2015

Bear in mind that the total development budget for the country is reportedly RM50bn.

What exactly is in the PM’s Department budget and why is it growing rapidly by the year?

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27 Oct 2014 4.33pm

Class divide will be made apparent with fuel rationalization next year, as the rich and the poor can be seen segregated at petrol stations?

Like that some people may lose bin chui to be seen getting fuel subsidy?

21 Oct 2014 12.08pm

Sydney Morning Herald:
“Indonesia inaugurates the man that most voters chose to be leader, while Malaysia concludes a sham trial to destroy the man that most voters chose to be leader. Indonesia is conducting the first transfer of power from one directly elected president to another. And Malaysia? It remains under the control of the same party that has ruled continuously since independence in 1957.”

20 Oct 2014 4.48pm

Singapore recently raised the retirement age for its civil servant to 67, possibly because the government may not be able to provide for its aging population in tiem to come as lifespan has increased. I think Malaysians need to work beyond 55 years old as not many can have RM500K in savings to enjoy retirement.

20 Oct 2014 3.21pm


The AIA survey found that Singaporeans think they need about US$900,000 (S$1.15 million) on average in savings for retirement – the highest in the region.

How much do you think an average Malaysian require in savings for retirement?

seng tak
seng tak
21 Oct 2014 10.31am
Reply to  Anil Netto

With many people living on credit, declining spending power and rising level of bankruptcy, it will be a hugh challenge to save enough for retirenent. So prudent living is important, spend based on needs, not wants to keep up with bin chui seekers.

seng tak
seng tak
19 Oct 2014 11.30am

Gerakan Wanita Tan is trying to cash in on the cabinet bandwagon by singing praises to Jibby defending Sedition Act.

Gerakan Youth Tan even ‘hugged’ his deputy – a sandiwara to show all is well!

20 Oct 2014 12.06am
Reply to  seng tak

where are all the pak pandir supporting gelakan ???

20 Oct 2014 8.35am
Reply to  seng tak

Gelakan wants to ‘stand up for 1Malaysia’ but Jibby has hardly mentioned his slogan nowadays. Gelakan is ‘out of phase’? All are high at the assembly to ride on Teluk Intan factor to wrestle back Penang. Mah is adopting CSL’s tactic of reverse psychology: better performance with winnable candidates in next GE or I am out.

Xiao B
Xiao B
20 Oct 2014 10.15am
Reply to  seng tak

We can see Gerakan repeating the mistakes of MCA. They never learn and will be punished by voters once again for their arrogance after winning Teluk Intan by election.

18 Oct 2014 12.43pm

“I help you you help me” means (a) you don’t protest when I squeeze the most lucrative sources, regardless of how appropriate or fair (b) you don’t question my discretion in spending it as long as I pass you some crumbs.

18 Oct 2014 9.44am

Malaysia are 19 years behind South Korea in terms of productivity, the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry said today, naming graft, leakages, complacency and archaic labour laws as road blocks. “Putrajaya is always quick to point out that Malaysia is better than Thailand or Vietnam or Indonesia. But why is Malaysia choosing the worst to make comparisons? Just like comparing the persecution of critics with sedition charges is better than shooting them like in China – but forgot to mention China also shoots corrupt politicians. Putrajaya will be half empty if they crack down hard and shoot on… Read more »

Xiao B
Xiao B
20 Oct 2014 10.13am
Reply to  lazlo

Good point worth further discussion in this blog.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
17 Oct 2014 9.20pm

Need $$$ (lots of it) to buy political support.

17 Oct 2014 3.13pm

Permata allocated RM30.1 million to produce brilliant kids of Msia ?

Permata obtained government allocations of RM150 million in 2013, RM111 million in 2012 and RM100 million in 2011.

seng tak
seng tak
19 Oct 2014 11.32am
Reply to  LSP

Brilliant kids but later in life becoming unemployed graduates?

17 Oct 2014 12.56pm


Where is the expenses for the jet coming from ?

17 Oct 2014 3.09pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

1MDB fund ?

26 Oct 2014 1.08pm
Reply to  Anil Netto

1Malaysia Development Bhd’s (1MDB) fund-raising cost has exceeded industry norm and compounded the government’s 100%-owned entity’s ballooning debt profile, The Edge Malaysia business and investment weekly (Edge Weekly) reported in its latest October 27-November 2 issue.

Edge Weekly reported that 1MDB’s RM36 billion debt as at financial year ended March 31, 2013 (FY13) might rise to some RM40 billion in FY14. The rising debt, essentially, raises concerns on the financial sustainability of 1MDB, which invests in real estate development, and power generation operations.

18 Oct 2014 9.38am
Reply to  charleskiwi

Need to repeal OSA next as it is concealing a lot from rakyat, including wastage and mismanagement of fund?

17 Oct 2014 12.18pm

Its not just the ballooning size of the budget that is troubling but what it really means is that Najib has had to micro manage or centralized more things in order to either prevents problems or get things done politically.. It means administratively its getting less systematic i..e, its a patch jobs, plasters on problems or results are superficials. Its a sure indication of failing leadership. Its why they keep talking about lack of alternative to Najib i.e., his success or lack of failure is by default not by merit i.e, having a job because he can’t be fired or… Read more »

17 Oct 2014 10.23pm
Reply to  bigjoe99

If ever our Putrajaya leaders dare to play the Apprentice, this will be the finale parting shot from Donald Trump, son of Ali, Ah Beng & Mutu Sami: “You Are Fired From Putrajaya”.

18 Oct 2014 12.30pm
Reply to  tunglang

Malaysia are 19 years behind South Korea in terms of productivity, the Malaysian International Chamber of Commerce and Industry said today, naming graft, leakages, complacency and archaic labour laws as road blocks.

19 Oct 2014 2.41pm
Reply to  tunglang

No need to admire Donald Trumo as many local developers and housing agents are following his ways of making money via property speculation.

19 Oct 2014 7.55pm
Reply to  tunglang

So you are admitting the ‘hideous crime’ of greedy property speculators driving property prices to unaffordable levels? Thanks for the revelation, which some dare not admit it for the sake of Niau Kong’s CosmoKapitan Penang, built only for the rich & famous.

20 Oct 2014 8.27am
Reply to  tunglang

Property speculation is happening in major cities in Malaysia.
But you seem to attribute it to Cat administration, and localise the problem solely in Penang. Go to KL and Johor and update your understanding on this matter please.