The PKNS sackings: The truth is somewhere out there


The sackings at PKNS have shown up the rivalry between Azmin Ali and Khalid Ibrahim in Selangor.

Azmin Ali came out with a statement this morning, which read:

PKNS sacking of contract employees illegal and inhumane

The sudden sacking of 30 employees of PKNS Holdings Sdn Bhd (PHSB) under the orders of Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is not only a violation of employment laws but is grossly inhumane.

It is completely against the principles espoused by the Pakatan Rakyat government of Selangor that all employees must be treated with dignity and compassion. While the sudden dismissal is harsh and will cause great financial loss to the employees, a severance pay of two months’ salary only adds insult to injury.

I call upon the powers concerned to immediately revoke the dismissal letters and apologise to the people of Selangor for such an inconsiderate and high-handed action. In the interest of justice and good governance, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid must stop using the PKNS as a personal weapon against his perceived political rivals.

Mohamed Azmin Ali
Deputy President

But yesterday, Malaysiakini reported on Khalid’s take of the situation:

PKNS saga: MB assumes Azmin innocent, for now
Aidila Razak

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim will “assume the innocence” of Selangor PKR chief Azmin Ali pending a probe to find out who is responsible for hiring redundant and highly-paid contract staff into the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS).

He said this after revealing that those who had their contracts terminated were hired into positions which were already filled upon recommendation of the PKNS board of directors, which then included Azmin.

By virtue of his position as menteri besar, Khalid is also the chairperson of PKNS, while other political appointees in the board are Seputeh MP Teresa Kok and now exco member Iskandar Samad.

He said PKNS whistleblowers complained that some of these contract staff did not go through interviews and received remuneration as high as RM 30,000 per month.

To a question, he said: “I assume it is not true (that Azmin hired them), and if it is true I will double check the veracity of the information.”

“People are to be assumed innocent (before proven guilty),” he told reporters.

As they say, the truth is somewhere out there.

I suppose the larger question here is, were those hirings of highly paid contract staff in PKNS justified in the first place and were they properly hired following due process?

If you are a PKNS staff, it would be interesting to hear your view from the inside.

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10 Feb 2014 12.03pm

Did any Of you guys can Prove that All staff involve earn 30k per month? What if the average those involve is only 3k per month? I m staff Of Phsb. Only 3 Of them earn more than 10k.. Y because Of three staff KI need to terminate the rest??

11 Feb 2014 12.23am
Reply to  Lm

The matter is still being INTERNALLY investigated, especially of those who got the job without interviews and ovelapping duties! RM 7 million is a lot of money to be unnecessarily squandered. Some got RM 60k severence and those who are interested to work and serve again are allowed to re-apply and go through the proper procedures. MB KI is known for being forthright and frugal so let the investigation takes its due course and use the 2 months severance to institute legal proceedings against PHSB, IF each party FEELS she/he has merit to sue `for wrongful dismissal!’ ITS sinful to… Read more »

Rufus Mallu
Rufus Mallu
8 Feb 2014 11.58am

The real truth will be covered by dirty politicians ……somehow!

The Tokong
The Tokong
8 Feb 2014 9.07am

A fair govt like PR that consist of DAP, PKR & PAS should not purge but go through by the law. If the govt is using purge than it is no different from BN UMNO, the Communist or any dictatorial regime. I find that PR especially DAP & PKR are going the same way of UMNO and dictatorial regime that using purge to get rid of their enemies within. Recent fiasco in PKR and DAP is proof

Pak Tim
Pak Tim
8 Feb 2014 12.38am

What evidence is there that AA is behind that? Are there still any Directors in state agencies from umno days? Maybe should purge those first.

7 Feb 2014 9.38pm

Very obvious that Khalid is fighting against UMNO’s culture of cronyism here. Anwar should lose Kajang.

7 Feb 2014 5.50pm

For a humongous expense of RM 7 million to hire only 30 workers – MB KI had a right to sever them! Let the matter go to court for redress, then it will be out in the open. IT reeks and smells of UMMMNO cronyism and fishy purposes. And at RM 30K per pax, if Azmin Ali is at the bottom of this – the dropping has merit! Incidentally with DAP and PAS on board – where is the verification and standard checks & balance? ITs beginning to get tiresome – when personal grudges interfere with ADMIN and EXECUTIVE! First… Read more »

7 Feb 2014 5.32pm

Is Azmin Ali related to Siti Hasmah?

Bubble Bubble Bubble
Bubble Bubble Bubble
7 Feb 2014 3.51pm

RM30K a month salary no problem to afford living in expensive super-condos anywhere in Msia !
No wonder there is demand for high end condos. So the question now is when such people lose their high paid salary, how can they sustain their lifestyle spendings ???

7 Feb 2014 3.43pm

Pakatan govt whether PKR Khalid or DAP LGE in Penang are all the same. They never really care for the people but for their lust of power to Putrajaya. To just demonize BN or UMNO is not fair as PR Khalid or LGE are just the same demon as BN UMNO. How DAP (allegedly) emotionalize the people through the Allah issue and (allegedly) tried to create fire through kangkung and fueling Malay sentiments. This is how Teresa tried to confuse the people… She has (allegedly) trespassed on the sensitivities of the Malays that they are too proud. Just like Alvini… Read more »

8 Feb 2014 2.58pm
Reply to  Ananars

Yes yes yes, pakatan never really cares for the people not like BN, kankung sudah turun harga, makan la kangkung banyak banyak, nanti badan banyak angin, pergi la 1ClinicMalaysia, nurses there and docs are very caring.

Teresa was talking about facts, which part of the video hurts you, huh? Or truth hurts indeed. While that Alwin Tan is an idiot, he is to be punished i agree but not Teresa, faham.

Malaysians are easily confused that is why they have been enslaved by Barang Naik for more than half a century, my my my, beyond me !!!

Hidup 1kangkungmalaysia !!!

8 Feb 2014 10.30pm
Reply to  kee

Teresa tried to confuse the people with Ma Lai to mean Horse come when it literally mean Malay.

7 Feb 2014 3.16pm

I am quite sure Khalid Ibrahim is not so innocent BUT as Chairperson, its within his right if he can a technical reason for it? Why is Azmin out there against it as board member only? Board members don’t have management power, they are there to make only board decisions..Clearly Azmin is simply poison, does not matter how politically bad Khalid is.

If I were in Kajang, the really tough question to ask Anwar is when is he going to get rid of Azmin and end remnant of UMNO culture in PKR, and PR..