A reader has alerted me to a creature known as the National Policy on the Environment.
It can be found on the Mida website. Just one question: do you think the PGCC complies with it – especially the bit about “ensuring the highest commitment to environmental protection and accountability by all decision-makers in the public and private sectors, resource users, non-governmental organisations and the general public in formulating, planning and implementing their activities”?
Environmental Management
To promote environmentally sound and sustainable development, the Malaysian government has established the legal and institutional framework for environmental protection. Investors are encouraged to consider the environmental factors during the early stages of their project planning. Aspects of pollution control include possible modifications in the process line to minimise waste generation, seeing pollution prevention as part of the production process, and focusing on recycling options.
The National Policy on the Environment aims at the continued economic, social, and cultural progress of Malaysia and enhancement of the quality of life of its people, through environmentally sound and sustainable development.
The Policy aims at achieving:
* A clean, safe, healthy and productive environment for present and future generations
* The conservation of the country’s unique and diverse cultural and natural heritage with effective participation by all sectors of society
* A sustainable lifestyle and pattern of consumption and productionMalaysia’s national environmental policy emphasises:
* Exercising respect and care for the environment in accordance with the highest moral and ethical standards
* Conserving the natural ecosystem to ensure the integrity of biodiversity and life support systems
* Ensuring continuous improvement in the productivity and quality of the environment while pursuing economic growth and human development objectives
* Managing natural resource utilisation to sustain the resource base and prevent degradation of the environment
*Integrating environmental dimensions in the planning and implementation of the policies, objectives and mandates of all sectors to protect the environment
* Strengthening the role of the private sector in environmental protection and management
* Ensuring the highest commitment to environmental protection and accountability by all decision-makers in the public and private sectors, resource users, non-governmental organisations and the general public in formulating, planning and implementing their activities
* Participating actively and effectively in regional and global efforts towards environmental conservation and enhancement.
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It’s quite obvious that in pursuit of greedy profits, the Penang Graveyard and Crematorium Complex is only going to bury the environment and this national policy since the proponents of PGCC are more powerful than this paper tiger policy.
Penangites will just have to act to ensure our interests are protected. So, in the next general election, let us bury the BN along with this disaster of a project in an electoral graveyard of their own making…
what laws ? what policies ? only the rich and powerful matters wake up and accept this… this is the way and the culture… no changes will ever come about… why ? simply because those who can initiate changes will not want to for fear of losing something even more valuable those who have nothing to lose can’t make much of a diffrence because they are a minority then there are those who simply prefers to migrate…the easier solution… to live in peace and remain unharassed… 1. keep quiet and pretend ignorance 2. if you need to do something, then… Read more »