One month after ‘city status’, section of building at Butterworth padang collapses


A section of the Dewan Dato Haji Ahmad Badawi building, barely 20 years old, at the Butterworth town field, has collapsed (see video above).

The building is believed to come under the purview of the Seberang Perai council, which exactly a month ago, received “city status” (whatever that means).

The field was once a venue for pre-independence nationalist rallies. In the 1970s local football league matches were played here as crowds of specators gathered to watch. Motorcyclists would stop their bikes by the road-side and crane their necks, their view partially blocked by tarpaulin sheets erected along the perimeter of the field to block the view of non-paying spectators.

Later, the field was narrowed when road-widening along Bagan Luar Road encroached into the field on one side. On the other side, the huge dewan was built. No more football league matches were played here. In 2013 fanatics threatened to hold a “Bible-burnng fiesta’ at this field – but thankfully that did not materalise.

Was there any shoddy construction of the building under the previous administration? Why was such a large building constructed at what was supposed to be a recreational area (around the then Butterworth Recreational Club), replacing a much smaller structure that existed last century?

Governments, past and present, spent a lot of money “beautifying” the area around this field including tacky rainbow lighting for a big “BAGAN” sign at one corner of the field.

But what kind of maintenance work was done? Apparently an “upgrade” to the hall should have been completed last year but it kept getting delayed as the cost spiralled.

No resources for maintenance – but the council now has a grand plan to build a new RM30m convention centre in Bandar Perda – to add to two other privately owned convention centres in mainland Penang.

Does the state/local council have the ability to supervise and maintain structures already constructed and or in the pipeline?

Talking about shoddy work, the state government now finds its hands full with hundreds of complaints about the workmanship at the new affordable homes at SP Chelliah Road in Penang Island.

This is what so many affordable home buyers in high-density high-rise blocks have to put up with after paying good money. Imagine their disappointment. Who is responsible for this fiasco?

The latest examples of shoddy work come almost a year after the collapse of a section of the Bukit Kukus highway, a RM300m project which comes under the Penang Island City Council. The collapse during construction on 19 October 2018 killed six Bangladeshis, two Indonesians and a Myanmarese.

It looks like the Penang state and local authorities have difficulty managing and supervising even relatively simple structures. They are so busy building and building, it seems they have little time – or lack the resources – for supervising and maintenance.
I dread to think how they are going to fare with six-lane highways tunnelling through hills, elevated light rail above the streets of Penang and massive land reclamation to create artificial islands.

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16 Oct 2019 3.59pm

Penang fishermen affected by reclamation can learn from China to have floating fish farming, as shown in this CGTN report:

17 Oct 2019 1.10pm
Reply to  Anfield

Unfortunately, Penang fihermen are in one of the worst spots on the planet. The heavy marine traffic in the Straits makes it convenient for ships to dump cargo they were paid to dump, with little chance of getting caught. The main danger is the liquid industrial compounds that get dispersed, and taken up by fish.

17 Oct 2019 6.11pm
Reply to  glissantia

It is like anil bring up the article and is the subject of discussion. But writers don’t care. They. Just dump comments and even if irrevelent they do not care

20 Oct 2019 6.42pm
Reply to  Shriek

You are just making noise with no value input.
Maybe you can syiok sendiri at Comic Museum.
Do not waste time here.

17 Oct 2019 4.13pm
Reply to  Anfield

China’s high tech fish farming unveiled:

China’s fish farms have exploded in a large scale since the industry was commercialized more than 2 decades ago. Some are so large that they have become literal floating cities.

18 Oct 2019 4.09pm
Reply to  Anfield

Even in law-abiding Scandinavia, the situation for “aquaculture” is hardly better. The issues include (a) overuse of medicines (b) resulting pollution of water (c) resistant pathogens (d) infected fish escaping to infect wild stocks (e) related plastic devices polluting the sea. In equatorial regions, destroying wetland biomes for this business also leads to these: (a) loss of natural breeding grounds for fish (b) coastal erosion (c) loss of protection from tsunamis and cyclones. Bolehland even took agricultural land forcibly from farmers; the cronies soon abandoned the project due to the pollution they had created. The next time you visit a… Read more »

19 Oct 2019 6.02pm
Reply to  glissantia

Fourty-four Kukup fishermen who suffered losses close to RM5mil after their fish died due to water pollution recently will receive two High-density polyethylene (HDPE) floating cages from YB Sim Tze Tzin.

Sim said that Kukup would be the site for the pilot project on the use of the HDPE floating cages and if successful, it would replace all traditional fish cages.

17 Oct 2019 6.08pm
Reply to  Anfield

How is it relevant to this subject? Sometimes Augustine is right to comment irrelevant. The subject is being cluttered. It seems only few can zero and discuss on the subject. The rest are irrelevant

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
18 Oct 2019 12.47pm
Reply to  Shriek

The videos are relevant to provide a solutions to fishermen in Penang affected by reclamation.

Fish farming is the future, fishermen need not go to open sea to risk their lives given the unpredictable weather today. Also can save on fuel and diesel subsidy.

18 Oct 2019 7.30pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

You mean the fishing in the sea is very relevant to the happening on land? Anil’s subject here is the 20 year old building collapse only days after being declared city status.
If this is 1MBD court case, then he will be set free.

21 Oct 2019 5.32pm
Reply to  Anfield

Now only talk when many moons ago anil brought up this for discussion. If you go to shenzhen bay crossing which is only 15 minutes by bus from HK, you can see thousands of floating structures.

17 Oct 2019 2.28pm

I rather the government use the 100 mil allocated to Penang hill to be used on 1) upgrading/face-lifting kopidiams and hawkers, maintaining standards as per half of SG standards is good enough coming with proper air and water ventilation. 2) Unclog the whole drainage systems, ie prevent foul smells and maintaining street amenities 3) Ultimately it comes to hiring more street enforcement personnel to punish and fine (harsh SG style) those who litter or pollute the environment, esp hawkers who again clog the drainage system because they lack the civic mindness on the proper ways to dispose waste ! Channel… Read more »

17 Oct 2019 6.19pm
Reply to  Nvidia

Why spend soooo much money on this? You do it today, next month have to do it again. They do care if it is chemical.
Cheaper way is to educate. Teach the young ones and they tell the older ones. How much teaching cost? Tell roadside hawkers not to dispose food waste into the drains. Rats breed.
Have campaigns gotong royong.
Same with using less car trips. Walk or cycle more.

18 Oct 2019 7.36pm
Reply to  Shriek

Wah 4 disagree withme. So education is hopeless. So they orso want gomen to spend taxpayer’s money to get more kangtao. Cash is king.

17 Oct 2019 11.50pm
Reply to  Nvidia

no no you are going against the all powerful penang forum , upgrading facelifting, cosmeticing, or whatever of the kopitiam will destroy the heritage vibes ….

18 Oct 2019 1.22pm
Reply to  Nvidia

The problem standing in the way of your suggestion is “cepat kaya”. For providing adequate municipal services — including cracking down on lawlessness — the kickback is insignificant. It is like comparing bus service to highways + bridges + tunnel + LRT.

16 Oct 2019 11.04am

Some people say everyone deserves a second chance. Well, Mahathir doesn’t even deserve HALF a chance to be PM. Can you imagine how great Malaysia would be if he wasn’t appointed the PM back then in 1981? He is the SOURCE of the horrible horrible mess we are in today. The moment he became PM he put the nation on a systematic course to destruction with his ultra-racist and crony capitalistic policies. The rot started with him. Then sensing he was getting too unpopular and losing the support he needed to remain in power, he resigned, well, at least technically.… Read more »

20 Oct 2019 12.00pm

This reminds us of the collapsed roof of the Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin stadium in Terengganu in June 2009.

The stadium has not been used since then?

16 Oct 2019 10.43am

Maintenance separate contract, more opportunity for cari makan.

Anyway, Malaysia has been ranked as the fifth-worst country in terms of protecting the personal data of its citizens, a tech study shows.

In a study of privacy and surveillance of 47 countries by British tech website Comparitech, Malaysia was placed in the “some safeguards but weakened protection” category with a score of 2.64 out of five points.

18 Oct 2019 7.43pm
Reply to  Anfield

Of course maintenance is separate contract. You want the formwork carpenter, concreter, bar bender and they are builders to carry out maintenance? You go to workshop, and expect one leg kick? The mechanic is orso the motor electrician, mudguard man and painter?

22 Oct 2019 1.11pm

Singapore has been recognised as the world’s best city for street food-obsessed travellers in 2019,” according to a survey by the CEOWORLD magazine, while Bangkok and Hong Kong placed second and third, respectively.

No Malaysian city (even Penang!) is in listed in the Top 50!

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
23 Oct 2019 4.54pm
Reply to  Pipit

What has happened to Penang street food?

I guess it is not getting publicity like before, just like the ignorance in this blog nowadays.

21 Oct 2019 9.35pm

We have a thick faced troll who is in perennial denial of his spewing of toxic personal attack in most of his comments just to spin & justify his nonsense. I don’t know whether he knows it or his common sense has just putrefied.
May God shower his heart with empathy for fellow commenters with “We can agree to disagree without resorting to attacking others’ characters”.
Anil is too accommodating BUT for other bloggers, this troll would have been thrown out the window.

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
19 Oct 2019 6.12pm

DAP red bean armies are desperate, abusing upvote and downvotes… Don’t worry, we are just commoners protecting the interest of Penangites.

20 Oct 2019 8.50am
Reply to  Milk Tea

50 cents desperados, esp. the 2-in-1 Combo of Shrieking + He-He!!!
Desperate to the point of lying to attack to spin nonsense to undiscerning readers.
What else can they do? Shiok sendiri lah! Got 50 cents mah!

19 Oct 2019 6.44pm

Someone or 2-in-1 combo gets 50 cents for every cyber bullying! And more if he gets more +. Desperate indeed since the day PH decides an unrealistic minimum wage. might be the only blog in Malaysia where desperate trolls (allegedly) get paid by 50 cents giver for making ‘noises’ without shame of lying thro’ the teeth!!!
To those who are new here, do discern what are lying shrieking + he-he … from decent conversations or discourse of diverse views.

19 Oct 2019 8.36pm
Reply to  tunglang

Now who is attacking. Those have eyes but cannot see. Talks like black shirt and masked rioters. … They destroy MRT which carries millions of passengers per day and operate until 1.15am Now they have to stop at 10 pm
See what contributory comments he make?
Tingling, Anfield and Don go and enjoy his kbkb.

19 Oct 2019 3.52pm

A new form of Evil unprecedented in this modern time of civilised societies – forced live organ harvesting by state sanction: Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting Falun Gong was severely persecuted by China CCP in the early decade of 2000 & many of its practitioners were unaccounted in police lockups, detention centres & hospitals. In a push to persecute a health conscious following of millions (what kind of nation would want to deny its citizens a healthy lifestyle?), many were reported dead, simply vanished or missing by relatives of detained Falun Gong practitioners. On the surface,… Read more »

19 Oct 2019 6.32pm
Reply to  tunglang

In the coming decades of Red Dragon economic & infrastructure colonisation (via The Belt and Road Initiative – a global debt incurring development + investment for unwary nations like Sri Lanka)…

(Certain countries) may decide to overcome food supply scarcity thro’ another Evil – the culling & recycling of body parts of senior citizens, OKUs, prisoners of war & dissidents for meat supply to an increasing population esp. when global weather runs havoc to her agricultural outputs.

19 Oct 2019 8.54pm
Reply to  tunglang

Bankrupt of thoughts and cannot say anything about 20 years old building? The standard of discussion is only very low. Instead they hijack anil’s blog and go and bring their own agenda. Talk about fishing, lim kopi drink volkha, cendol, grumble about gomen. Yet they are throwing stones at glass houses and do not practise what they preach. They are akin to pharisees. Tulang, why don’t you orso start to use anil’s blog to condemn trump for deserting the Kurds and now the Turks are attacking them? Why silent when private business properties like star buck, maxim, 360 deg shops… Read more »

20 Oct 2019 6.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

Is it govt. policy or corrupt officials going wild? Remember, there are billions of dollars being spent on PR aginst China. You think Falun Gong ws about healthy living? Take a look into this article on the Uighur facts. On the other hand, there is no news on the alleged lucrative human organ and transplant business well established in a certain special West Asian country. NGOs like White Helmets send it organs from war victims or others deliberately lured. It believes that people other than its own are animals and can therefore be exploited. “To leave the Matrix, take… Read more »

21 Oct 2019 9.26pm
Reply to  glissantia

Hello, your is not a secured website detected by Kaspersky Internet Security. And the news is skewed to Beijing’s pleasure.
Do see this video which presented circumstantial evidence of forced organ harvesting & sudden increase in organ transplant in 2003 onwards in China.
Harvested alive -10 years investigation of Force Organ Harvesting
As for Uighurs in forced concentration camp in China, I have seen one but will confirm its authenticity before I share it here.

20 Oct 2019 9.09pm
Reply to  tunglang

See what tulang has contributed? Another kbkb. Copy from Falun gong website and paste here.
Why not orso complain HK rioters break and vandalised star buck maxim restaurants, 360 deg selling package food and bank of China. Shops have to be closed and workers lost their jobs. MRT Stn petrol bombs like terrorist attack. Workers how to go to work the next day?
Why no complain USA vacate their partnership with kurds and allow turks to attack the kurds resulting hundreds of ISIS escaping?

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
16 Oct 2019 4.34pm

Good insight. As usual, state government with their low quality work…CM Chow, please put more effort in maintaining existing buildings. And, you should transfer your crazy infrastructure plan in the island to Butterworth and mainland, they need it more.

17 Oct 2019 10.08am
Reply to  Milk Tea

Susu teh, babuk again? You move to down under oredi? Don’t shout first. It is a 20 year old built under your gilakan and Dumbo era. Must be build by you have a lot of kangtao. Now shift blame.

17 Oct 2019 2.07pm
Reply to  Shriek


Please bar cyber bully on your blog.

We can challenge the views, but no senseless personal attack on the person who have differing views.

17 Oct 2019 6.03pm
Reply to  Anfield

What person attack? How about people making comments to attack some administration without reading what Is posted? It is a 20 year old building. Yet he orso make personal attack that recent government is at fault. Please open your eyes and heart before shooting words. Only he can attack and shoot words? Or let him hijack?

17 Oct 2019 11.44pm
Reply to  Shriek

t is perfectly ok if you launch personal against the CM, run down the government, accuse them of corruption…other then that the self appointed moral police will rain down on you…hehe

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
18 Oct 2019 1.04pm
Reply to  Wei

When did I launch personal attack on CM? Please don’t follow Superman, spreading political propaganda in the comic books for school students…

18 Oct 2019 9.54pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

You only spread propaganda like you said you will be migrating to PAS Kelantan. The only contribution is to attack, attack, attack after a quick browse to achieve your purpose

18 Oct 2019 11.58am
Reply to  Shriek

You shriek have put no value comments purely to bully and discredit others like tunglang. Let your political party defend itself, unless you are their cyber trooper.

18 Oct 2019 7.09pm
Reply to  Tingling

Tell us what commentary value did tu lang gives? It is not what I bullied. I just let readers know what he said. He talk so much about being green but drives a 4wd. He opposes highway but yet he still drives a car. He may enjoy the highway being so convenient , save his time, wear and tear and petrol $$$ without others knowing. Then about developer and heritage houses yet moved away from heritage and buy condo. He makes so much noise yet he did the opposite. Just wanted to remind him what he said since he wants… Read more »

18 Oct 2019 10.38pm
Reply to  Tingling

Where are you? I have give alternative views and Anil himself commented me that public transport to give off peak fares can be from 9.30 to 4.00 and from 7pm to midnight to encourage more to use public transport. We have a transport expert and all he can said is to reduce car use age. How to reduce car use age? Big talk but no suggestions how? I make my contribution. One way is off peak fares as mentioned above. Second busway during peak hours for new main roads. Third is lrt. The new Sydney metro serves only a certain… Read more »

21 Oct 2019 5.26pm
Reply to  Tingling

Yes you are right. This is a forum. Why don’t you let tu lang defend himself in the first place! Talk so much to defend him. Let him defend why he cyber troop about highway when he owns a 4wd or a car? He cybertroop about against development and decline of peng land heritage but quietly move to a condo to enjoy modern living. It is same with pharisees in Jesus’ time. So much hypocrisies.

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
18 Oct 2019 12.44pm
Reply to  Anfield

I have to agree with Anfield.

Can debate on different opinions, but please refrain from personal attack. We do not need cyber bully just like we do not want to see road bullies.

Also I think it is OK for readers to post new topics just to add more variance to this blog for more diverse discussions.

18 Oct 2019 7.17pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

It is not personal attack. I am telling him if he is mabuk or in another world. The article said a 20 year old build. Yet the blame is on recent administration.
So what commentary value? Only like Nippon suicide pilot. Nothing not attack without full reading and understanding

18 Oct 2019 10.10pm
Reply to  Don Anamalai

What debate? Only complain. Complain about developments, highways, lowways, floods, hill slides but they never have a good look if they themselves set examples. Worse they want to drive a 4wd in the city and yet complain about building more highways. They themselves will enjoy the comfortable drive and save their time, wear and tear. If save their time, petrol, wear and tear, this amount to less CO2 and hence less global warming Only the blind in this blog thinks this is not a worthy comment made. Just another reminder anil commented me for the comment I made about reduced… Read more »

19 Oct 2019 9.04pm
Reply to  Anfield

As mentioned, that building is not looked after by the federal or state government. Who is cyber bulling then? Beware of what we said, it can be challenged and look stupid if we do not do research. Or like someone always kbkb but do not practise what he said.

18 Oct 2019 8.24pm
Reply to  Shriek

hehe…pathetic cry babies trying to bully the authorities with half truth but can’t win over argument accuse others of bullying….LOL

19 Oct 2019 8.58pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

Susu please go kindergarten and study again. That building is not look after by the federal or state government. You just want to kbkb.

ken fong
ken fong
15 Oct 2019 10.12pm

Penang is totally hopeless under the governance of DAPCAT and the stupid/ignorant/arrogant/useless Chxw.

17 Oct 2019 10.14am
Reply to  ken fong

Yes very useless. Peng land lang wants their cm to spend their tax payers money to look after oldies 20 years old building just like tu lang. Better if cm orso go and look after longkangs and lorong belakang mati