Not again, MACC! Another death…


It was only this morning that I read a report that the MACC would be installing close circuit security cameras for use during interrogation.

And now, another death at the MACC premises. A 56-year-old Customs assistant director, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, who was being probed has fallen to his death from the third floor of the MACC office.

Now, how will the Beng Hock commission of inquiry handle this? On twitter, someone wondered whether it would be better for the MACC to relocate to single-storey ground floor premises.

The Star reports:

The remains of the officer, who had been released on bail two days ago, was found at 10.15am.

It is learnt that the officer had returned to the MACC office on Wednesday to meet the investigation officer.

MACC director of investigations Datuk Mustafar Ali, who confirmed the incident, said the investigation officer had told the Customs officer to wait and went to collect the case file.

“When he came back, he found the Customs officer missing,” he added.

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7 Apr 2011 10.53am

Scientifically it is impossible to perform self-stragulation without hanging.
This is because once you lose conciousness the grip would be released, and beathing would continue

Andrew I
7 Apr 2011 12.12pm
Reply to  SamG

Stranger things have happened… as claimed by a doctor, no less.

7 Apr 2011 4.18pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Not just any doctor. A govt doctor,

7 Apr 2011 4.12pm
Reply to  SamG

Only in MACC, people can die from self strangulation as demonstrated by that clown in the inquest.

Helen Liew
Helen Liew
6 Apr 2011 9.38pm

Unfair to blame MACC for the case, they are just doing their job to catch the culprit,we all know (some) custom officers are corrupted, even auntie or uncle in coffee shop know that, if the culprit decide to (allegedly) kill themselves rather than facing the sentence, why should we bother or express our sympathy to them?

7 Apr 2011 1.15am
Reply to  Helen Liew


You seem to know Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed killed himself even before police even investigated into his death. How did you know?

He was in MACC custody and was found dead just as Teoh Beng Hock, and you say it’s unfair to blame MACC? What’s into you?

Andrew I
7 Apr 2011 10.42am
Reply to  Helen Liew

So what’s your position on girls who dress scantily and get raped?

7 Apr 2011 10.58am
Reply to  Helen Liew

So Helen, You are saying guity until proven innocent? That seems to be the 1Malaysia mentality these days.
Shoot then talk. Basic human rights violation at its best.

8 Apr 2011 8.20am
Reply to  SamG

I doubt people like Helen knows what the basic human rights are.

7 Apr 2011 3.24pm
Reply to  Helen Liew

How do you know if he is really guilty? Have you never heard of innocent until proven guilty? MACC hasn’t really prove that he is guilty. Kind of naive if you only listen MACC’s side without hearing the other side’s defense. With your mentality, one wonders why we would even have courts in the first place.

8 Apr 2011 9.15am
Reply to  Helen Liew

Helen you are very similar in mentality to those 1Malaysia NGO flers.

6 Apr 2011 9.33pm

What’s wrong with our country? It seems that those who are alleged to have commited a crime are not given due process – either the accused or witness dies during investigation/while in custody (remember Suresh Kunasekaran, Samiyati Indrayani Zulkarnain Putra, A Kugan, M Krishnan and K Sivam and of course Teoh Beng Hock), or the evidence got lost or were tainted? Is this becoming a Malaysian trademark?

6 Apr 2011 7.15pm

This whole Najib Tun Razak government sucks!

The Home Minister, IGP, MACC & Customs head – all should resign en bloc to take responsibility for MACC deaths, 62 corrupt Custom Officers arrested

… and the … sex-video expose.

What a shame, do we expect foreign investment to have the confidence in this BN government? The whole world is watching us now!

telur dua
telur dua
6 Apr 2011 6.13pm

Isn’t it strange that people like to throw themselves off upper floors of MACC buildings.

My condolence to Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed’s family.

6 Apr 2011 4.13pm

Someone suggested that MACC should change their PCs to Mac because the organisation could not handle windows.

6 Apr 2011 10.23pm
Reply to  wira

Which hard to handle window?
Window 3, Window 7 or Window 14?
But Window 14 was open in 2009 in BolehLand before it is to be launched by Bill Gates!

simon thong
simon thong
6 Apr 2011 4.10pm

If the macc comes for you, you may wish to message everyone you know: I’m going there but I won’t throw myself out of any window, so if anything happens to me, don’t believe that I killed myself. (Is this what is called a disclaimer?)

6 Apr 2011 5.30pm
Reply to  simon thong

But they can say u ‘strangle yourself’.
Or u ‘jump’ cos they didn’t allow u to join them in watching smut.

6 Apr 2011 4.03pm

well … now they can say – ‘see, someone really commit suicide, so why not Beng Hock?’
rest in peace ….

6 Apr 2011 10.13pm
Reply to  tony

any 50% mind functioning man counting his own fingers in Tanjung R. would also say the same thing.
Even math-poor kids in schools would say the same thing.
It is so obvious for one mathematical probability – jumping down from MACC buildings by those being interrogated or being questioned as witness. The why and how are close secondary.

Time for kopi-O kau kau at my favorite kopitiam to count my gold fingers.

Robert Lim
Robert Lim
6 Apr 2011 2.39pm

MACC are the guardians of people and yet, they are downloading porn. So sick. No dignity. What is shocking is only 1 or 2 got caught. I bet more download porn but it is not in the open.

What’s next?…

Robert Lim
Robert Lim
6 Apr 2011 2.25pm

What a disgrace. Already MACC is so scared to prosecute Taib despite lots of complaints. Now lagi malu. What shame. Learn from the Hong Kong Anti Corruption lah.

Somemore, MACC officers downloading porn. Lagi malu!…

Robert Teh
Robert Teh
6 Apr 2011 2.03pm

To prevent any future incidents resulting in loss of life, may I suggest that – either all MACC offices move to a single-storey building; or any person under questioning or interrogation by MACC be strapped with a parachute!

6 Apr 2011 10.26pm
Reply to  Robert Teh

What about strangulations? Or is it self suffocation?
How to prevent that?

6 Apr 2011 10.49pm
Reply to  Robert Teh

It’s time to move to another building. This one is also jinx!
Annual relocation looks like a standard practice for MACC.

8 Apr 2011 9.12am
Reply to  tunglang

The MACC building is spooked with restless souls, not even in the month of hungry ghosts, manisfeted by the guilts of its occupants.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
6 Apr 2011 1.57pm

Can we add this case to current RCI ???

6 Apr 2011 5.50pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

How many dislikes do it take to shut out you know who?

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
7 Apr 2011 12.08am
Reply to  LBJ

What is your problem ???

Andrew I
7 Apr 2011 10.38am
Reply to  Gerakan K

His problem is like all the others who thumb you down. It’s being cruel to be kind.

Gerakan K
Gerakan K
7 Apr 2011 1.13pm
Reply to  Andrew I

Karma awaiting your posted comments. I mean just your comments. It will be thumbed down by a group of anti-cyber-bullying people.

Andrew I
7 Apr 2011 2.43pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Looking forward to it. Doesn’t bother me. I’m not making a living out of this.

6 Apr 2011 5.51pm
Reply to  Gerakan K

Gerakan K

You support this in order to avoid the hanky panky way MACC under Gerakan/Umno Government is asking all the government agencies to toe their line and avoid RCI on MACC itself.

6 Apr 2011 1.55pm

No one who wanted to commit suicide would be foolish enough to jump from the 3rd floor. He would be asking for a long stay in the hospital.
Something rotten is in the state of Denmark.

6 Apr 2011 1.38pm

Jumping from the 3rd floor sounds careless – I wonder if he was hoping for a long stay in hospital?

6 Apr 2011 11.07pm
Reply to  Sean

Talking about billions, Ahmad Sarbani could be the unfortunate fall guy.
Just like the missing RMAF jet engine. There’s got to be fall guys.
Otherwise the hands of justice will be too far reaching even to the most devious of criminals.

8 Apr 2011 9.10am
Reply to  tunglang

Maybe this is done to silence Sarbani for good as he could be a key witness to the Kelang scandal?

8 Apr 2011 10.19am
Reply to  Rory

There are two possibilities with reasonable plausibilities (among a host of other possibilities, of course).

1. MACC officials who managed to extort a confession earlier were angry with his retraction…


2. The real culprit tried to do something to him through his contacts at MACC (that MACC officials extorted a confession from Sarbani earlier indicates that there is some connection between the MACC and the culprit.)

8 Apr 2011 2.27pm
Reply to  Rory

A man was silenced
The truth never to be known
The why, the how, the blame
Will linger on as Malaysians’ shame

Sound of Silence: