Mr and Mrs Taib Mahmud


The much talked about Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud and his new wife (or wife-to-be… whatever) just days before a crackdown on activists in the state ahead of what promises to be keenly contested state elections in March.

Mr and Mrs Taib Mahmud attending a wedding in Subang Jaya on Saturday - photo in Borneo Post

Image and report in The Borneo Post here.

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29 May 2012 4.09pm

Well, left to the GE 13 be the judgement get all the high ranking corrupted, enforcement personnel like NREB dept, Safety & Health,Legal firm, Custom & Excise, Immigarantion, Police Officers, ofcourse last but not the list (of suspected) Ministers. …..The big bos pai mo..

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
24 Apr 2012 5.32pm

What a crooked, cheating incumbent government! Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar needed a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya. Deceit; gerrymandering; State-controlled media; vote buying; postal votes; useless ink, new voters from illegal immigrants + boost phantom voters … public machinery used to support votes for a government …

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
24 Apr 2012 5.29pm

…and after 31 years! your Sarawak Chief Minister is still walking and talking proud … Why are you so gullible & forgiving? For me, NOT ANOTHER HOUR! None of you have any guts. Pathetic. Tragic…. And how many are going out to BERSIH gathering?

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
24 Apr 2012 5.28pm

All these when the poor in interior Sarawak don’t even have electricity, drinking water & primary education:
Time Magazine quoted an economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore as saying that the Malaysia might have lost as much as US$100 billion since the early 1980s to corruption (RM300 billion = 300,000 million)…

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
13 Dec 2011 8.46pm

Best to corner PM Najib to the wall now! M’sia decays to African democracy & human rights levels… Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar had a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya. Gerrymandering & deceit, not democracy! Hamed … bet your bank transfers & shredding machines are working round the clock now. DUN Speaker Asfia Nassar, let’s see you continue your … antics & sabotage Opposition on the the PA system. Awang Tengah, Len Talip, Masing, you are (politically) doomed … Stephen Rundi & Idris Buang! Where are you hiding? Come & repeat those idotic remarks… Read more »

Alan Newman. NZ
Alan Newman. NZ
28 Nov 2011 5.31pm

… cheating all the way to their graves…read on:

Putrajaya only had 6,008 voters but Opposition-held Kapar had a staggering 112,224 voters, 17 times more than Putrajaya.
Gerrymandering will halt opposition’s march to power

Ng C N:‘Kapar can have 17 MPs’ “If we break down Kapar to the size of Putrajaya, you would have 17 MPs from Kapar instead of just one.”

Irene Kana: ‘ It takes only less than 20% of the total voters to ensure BN has the power to remain corrupt and has the power to plunder the nation.’

10 Jul 2011 12.09pm

Hidup Bangsa Malaysia. Know who you should vote for this GE13. Stop the plundering!!!

benjamin ak evan
benjamin ak evan
14 Mar 2011 11.39am

…vote them out……

8 Feb 2011 11.06am

I have just been inspired to take on a 2nd wife.
However, still cannot find a reason to convince my 1st wife to give the consent…

6 Feb 2011 2.28pm

If it makes both of them happy – that is great.

3 Feb 2011 11.26pm

Sarawakians don’t need a leader like him…. Tunisia and Egypt remind us of leaders who are not fit ot be leaders.

29 Jan 2011 9.29pm

Just a run ‘of the mill female… won’t give a second look… she looks forty something for a woman who is 31..

27 Jan 2011 7.17am

People of Sarawak should be inspired by … Tunisia.

Yes, anything is possible.
Show Pek Mor some true color!

21 Jan 2011 12.35am

Is Bang Taib indispensable?

21 Jan 2011 12.26am


20 Jan 2011 11.11am



…Sabah and Sarawak’s rich oil resources and revenue have been (plundered) … for 48 years. In that time (much) of … this revenue have been used to develop Malaya it is today while Sabah ad Sarawak have become 2 of the poorest states of the “federation”.

Logically if this wealth had been used for their benefit both … would have developed into modern states with a high the standard of living long ago….

Bako Boy
Bako Boy
19 Jan 2011 6.24pm

Taib’s hidden slogan:
“Keluarga saya didahulukan,
Rakyat Sarawak diabaikan”.

Man Manok
Man Manok
17 Jan 2011 12.14pm

Wah, Taib make us proud. … Untonglah Ragad.. boleh makan kuaci gik. I am proud ngan Taib cos definitely he is the real winner among the VIP ….Mesti ada yang rasa tergugat….Memang Taib is still the best!!!!CONGRATULATION…..for those who intend to look for another one, learn from the best man TAIB!!!!Adios…

25 Sep 2012 1.54pm
Reply to  Man Manok

u make me … sick to my stomach. stop congratulating him for anything… (his administration) has taken our land, and shame on u for saying “Taib made us proud”. now i really understand why singaporeans and west malaysians are laughing at us. its because people like u are so backward. boleh makan kuaci gik? lets see how long this is going to last? …

Mat Ustaz
Mat Ustaz
16 Jan 2011 10.13am

Taib’s Press Secretary Jameson Ahip Nawie said, “This particular celebration will be a formal affair, where the male guests are expected to be attired in tuxedo suit.” So what happened to the formal baju Melayu? Why are guests dressed to look like ‘penguins’? Is national costume not good enough for Taib? The dress code may be a disappointment for Malaysians but one wonders also about security for the place. Taib’s daughters, sister and nieces love to show off their bling. If they are also invited to this function, then it is inevitable that we will be blinded by all the… Read more »

13 Jan 2011 8.18pm

i must admit betul betul cantik la, O, you can find from Afganistan, they said, the women there are all very cantik…

whatever, orang Sarawak, time to wake up la and vote BN out, nak bodoh bodoh sampai bila???

Ah Nang
Ah Nang
14 Jan 2011 2.08pm
Reply to  kee

Orang Sarawak have been conditioned by Umno to be easily satisfied with pre-election goodies (kacang putih) every 3-4 years while trading their natuaral wealth (timber, oil) … via the agent…

The young Sarawakians should reverse this trend and help their parents to wake up before it is too late.

11 Mar 2011 10.31pm
Reply to  Ah Nang

You should tell the Ibans about this.

21 Jan 2011 12.31am
Reply to  kee

GREAT!!!Taib is our parent. Parents are mirrors of the children, is Taib showing good example?

Bako Boy
Bako Boy
13 Jan 2011 11.05am

More relevant to draw attention to the plight of the poor as compared to fortune Taib would have thrown around on his young wife, family and cronies for the wedding. The grand wedding celebration is supposed to be on 15th Jan. This means he will be spending (a lot) to … show his generosity and wealth plus catering and chauffeuring them not to mention the big feast on 15th Jan. Lucky … to marry such a rich man. Hope she will find out … how he got rich…! While Taib and gang celebrates, it is reported that 85% of the… Read more »

11 Jan 2011 12.56pm

… I think we will see a new round of UMNO leaders’s getting new trophy wives that would look like her. Taib Mahmud has up the standard….

11 Jan 2011 12.11pm

wah, taib looks like a happy chappy who just won lottery. hey some people have it all. taib’s got good karma, he gets his cake and gets to eat it too. happy new year taib!

21 Jan 2011 12.25am
Reply to  Sewel

Murai, i totally agreed with you, but do you agree that GRANDAD is more appropriate?

11 Jan 2011 11.55am

We really must be proud of our leaders, who prove that they are man even in their golden years….!

25 Sep 2012 1.48pm
Reply to  limko1

there’s nothing to be proud of from a man who is (tainted) in the eyes of many. get real. … crony like him can’t sleep in peace and he obviously need a … massage for a peaceful sleep at night. i hate him and his generations on behalf of Sarawakians.

11 Jan 2011 1.27am

Dear Mr. Anil,

Thank you so much for posting this picture of the new Mrs Taib Mahmud…!

These are the kind of leaders from UMNO/BN. … Chuah Soi Lek, Rais Yatim, Taib Mahmud. …

Folks, are these the kind of leaders you want to lead you? …. What say you darling K? Rakyat, Bangkit! Bersama sama ganyang UMNO/BN di PRU 13! Salam Reformasi!

13 Jan 2011 10.03am
Reply to  O

Bung Mokhtar thought he got the best trophy wife among the BN flers until now….

1 Feb 2011 11.36am
Reply to  O

Sarawakians should be brave enought to emulate the people of Tunisia and Eqypt!!