Even Ali Baba would have gasped at this loot


Images of the mind-boggling loot seized by police in KL have stunned Malaysians. The confiscated items, which included Birkin, Hermes and other luxury handbags and lots of other bags and boxes containing cash, foreign currency, jewellery and other valuables, have left many Malaysians dumbfounded. Some of these bags were so heavy that hefty men struggled to lift them.

To say it is a veritable treasure trove would be an understatement. And this is just the loot from one of six residences that have been searched. Ali Baba and his mates would have gasped and whistled in awe at the scale of the loot and the sheer audacity of the heist.

Without doubt, the flamboyant Rosmah Mansor, with her fetish for top-of-the-range handbags and gems, has the dubious distinction of making Imelda Marcos, with her miserable shoe collection, look like a pauper. As one observer noted, “Imelda kalah teruk!”

Yet, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Imagine, this is what Najib and Rosmah couldn’t cart away in time. What have they already taken away?

And this is just one couple. Full article on Aliran website.

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18 May 2018 2.46pm

Sri Perdana should be made a museum to house these handbags and jewelries, charge admission fees to tourists, free entry for Malaysians, pasti meletup!

19 May 2018 12.23am
Reply to  Kellie

Exhibition for limited time & after that off to auction room.
“Cash Is Urgently Needed”

Heng GS
Heng GS
18 May 2018 4.41pm

The rakyat feel the pain with kopi susu raised to RM1.70, and the extravaganza of the crooks went behind radar for years, wake up Malaysians!

Mah HS
Mah HS
18 May 2018 10.07pm
Reply to  Heng GS

No need to buy branded shoes, as Tun Mahathir has shown us that the RM11.99 Bata sandals is good enough even for a PM.


22 May 2018 12.13pm
Reply to  Heng GS

TV3’s WOW Shop: Polo Club handbag only RM129

One Rosmah’s Birkin or Hermes could buy such bag for the entire Wanita Umno members in Pekan.

22 May 2018 4.32pm
Reply to  KMF

Wanita I no should wake up by now that Rosmah has expensive taste purchasing with Rakyat money.

22 May 2018 1.05pm
Reply to  Heng GS

No Birkin: Malaysian First Lady Dr. Siti Hasmah’s RM125 handbag draws online cheers


According to online news site, Free Malaysia Today, netizens believe the bag held by Dr. Siti Hasmah was made by Marie Claire, a relatively inexpensive brand that is widely available online.

19 May 2018 12.21am

Tak Terduga! Ini Komen Chef Wan Mengenai Barang Mewah Milik Rosmah dan Najib

Chef Wan: “Eh nak tangkap perompak mesti ada bulan tertentu ke dan mengguna diplomasi dan sebagainya? How can we even put up with all this corrupt leaders yang di akhirnya menjerut leher mereka sendiri”

Chef Wan, you are right.
We have been mistreated left & right by these types of leaders who now stand accused of many wrong doings to be rightfully investigated & served them right without any sympathy nor “ahemmmm, pls treat them with soft pinky gloves”

18 May 2018 7.41pm

Uncle lim very humble, see rocket in power and the minstries are given to young turks. Uncke lim not greedy for power, frame, gliry and money.True son of malaysia

18 May 2018 7.38pm

Awang see the 40 pencuri? No wonder, we have the engineer ah soon and calvin protecting the ali and the baba

22 May 2018 12.17pm
Reply to  shriek
SL Tay
SL Tay
25 May 2018 12.59pm

Anwar Ibrahim says Najib Razak’s fall from grace “karma”

22 May 2018 11.27am

MACC must call up Zahid Hamidi for questioning to get the name or names of the Saudi Philanthropists who donated the RM2.6 billions that went into Najib’s personal bank account.

18 May 2018 11.29pm

LIVE BLOG: Paper says safe in Najib’s home forced open, cash found

1 safe opened. 8 more safes to go! Are all these safes left unopened for 20 yrs & without keys?

21 May 2018 9.50pm
Reply to  tunglang

8 safes found empty! Where have the contents gone?
Disappeared into pinky mist days before GE14???

SL Tay
SL Tay
25 May 2018 1.17pm
Reply to  tunglang

KUALA LUMPUR: Police have revealed that the total amount of cash seized from Pavilion Residences was RM114mil, said Datuk Seri Amar Singh. “A total of 72 bags were seized, and from that 72 bags, only 35 bags contained cash,” said the Federal Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director at a press conference on Friday (May 25). Comm Amar said that the cash in the 35 bags were from 26 different currencies, and it took 21 bank officials and 11 counting machines to tally the total amount seized. He added that the remaining 37 bags had contained jewellery and watches. “We… Read more »

25 May 2018 2.54pm
Reply to  tunglang

The chinese locksmiths tasked to open the Najib’s safe:

Actually Najib should be charged for not cooperating since he has claimed that the keys to the safe were missing. How then Umno could claim the money belongs to them?

26 May 2018 2.05pm
Reply to  tunglang

The serial number of the money can tell if the money is more than 20 years old. Najib likely tell lies.

Why keep cash at home? Opportunity cost of interest that can earn at his brother CIMB bank?

Looks more like money laundering to me.

18 May 2018 10.23pm

17k on political appointment contract. No wonder they are the true red beans spilling venoms are those on this payroll…. No wonder dummo introduce the gst even petronas pumping oil cannot catch up with the 17k on payroll.see paul lowest knowing how corrupt still wants to enjoy the perks. No wonder the aziz left rocket and speak behalf of mo satu…. Rakyat suffer and in return, few gets few hundreds brm1 but the appointees gets thousands per month

19 May 2018 11.11am
Reply to  shriek

The 17K Political Appointees are mostly Umno cybertroopers who ran a campaign of fear. Fear of change, fear of the ‘DAP-led opposition’, and fear of loss of Malay political power, as in the BTN propaganda.

19 May 2018 6.16pm
Reply to  Norman

They spread fake news in red bean army in GE 13 and then in GE, thsy were deep silence. No more mention by dummo

Kathireen Kalaivani Rajamanickam

Greed is so destructive. It destroys everything!

SL Tay
SL Tay
25 May 2018 1.04pm

Najib’s fate according to Mediacorp’s Channel 8 Focus report:

22 May 2018 8.46pm

Hello, Engineer (of Blue Ocean Barang Naik Strategy?).
Are you still in Malaysia of Cash Is No King???

21 May 2018 12.34pm

PM Dr Mahathir today claimed that the country’s debt has passed the RM1 trillion mark compared with RM300 billion previously.

Just how much could we recover from 1MDB loot?

22 May 2018 10.34am
Reply to  Norman

RM1,000,000,000,000 / 31.7 million Malaysians = RM31,545.74. That means, every single Malaysians from a day-old baby to a dying person has debt of RM31,545.74 to settle. This is just the principal debt sum, interest on the debt is not included yet.

19 May 2018 2.57pm

Mongolian president urges Malaysia to reopen 2006 model murder case

“As president of Mongolia, I pay special attention to the aggravated crime, that in October 18, 2006, a citizen of Mongolia and mother of two children Shaariibuu Altantuya was murdered in Malaysia,” he said in a letter to Mahathir that was also published on his office’s website.

19 May 2018 1.34pm

Najib and Rosmah are seen as delaying the investigation by refusing to open the other 8 (eight) security vaults/safes. From news, only 1 (one) security vault was successfully busted (by force). Najib and rosmah are not going to get any sympathy for this. In this investigation, the cops are way too lenient. As ordinary citizens/ suspects are often put inside the police lockup while waiting for a formal charge. Stealing the nation’s money also means betraying the citizens and the Pertuan Agong. This can be treated as treason. It is best for the Home Minister to issue a temporary house… Read more »

19 May 2018 12.29am

Thank God majority of Malaysians didn’t believe nor voted for a lying entity that denied theft of national coffer.
Otherwise, imagine another 100 Black Maria to fully contain all the loots in the future of continuing robbing from the fools!

Mah HS
Mah HS
18 May 2018 3.47pm

Polis may have to follow P. Ramlee to recite “Niat Insong Mata Kaji semar Ngiseng” as in the Ali Baba classic movie, in order to open up the safe:


26 May 2018 2.03pm

Still believe in Najib?

25 May 2018 2.27pm

UMNO said that the money was campaign contributions and party funding left over after the election and it was seized while it was in the process of being transferred to the party’s new leadership.

“As such, UMNO seeks to recover these funds and requests the police to release these funds and return them to the party after completion of all due process and investigations by the relevant authorities,” the party said.

Out of power for the first time since independence six decades ago, UMNO said it needed the money to recover from its defeat.


SL Tay
SL Tay
25 May 2018 1.09pm

Inside the Former PRIME MINISTER of MALAYSIA’s home!

25 May 2018 12.28pm

It took 22 bank officers three days to count 35 bags of cash seized from residences linked to former premier Najib, revealed commercial crimes department director Amar Singh.

“We seized 72 bags. Of this, 35 contained cash in 26 currencies,” he told a press conference in Kuala Lumpur this morning (May 25).

23 May 2018 1.21pm

Najib’s legacy to Malaysians is RM 1trillion debt!

20 May 2018 1.31pm

How big was Ali Baba’s cave?
As big as condo mewah?

21 May 2018 8.03pm
Reply to  tunglang

Condo that can rear cows today kandang kerbau has to relocate to condos

Heng GS
Heng GS
20 May 2018 10.40am

Last week theme could be Singh is king in social media of new Malaysia.
Amar Singh the police who marshals the raid on ex PM home.
Harpal Singhthe exPM lawyer.
And Gobin Singh Deo now MCMC Minister!!!

19 May 2018 5.39pm

Sirul willing to assist in Altantuya case – with a full pardon

EXCLUSIVE | Australian immigration detainee Sirul Azhar Umar says he is willing to assist the new Pakatan Harapan government to reveal what transpired in the case of Altantuya Shaariibuu – provided he is given a full pardon to travel back to Malaysia.
Sirul, 45, told Malaysiakini from his detention centre in Sydney today that this is a condition for his release, as he believes many now see him as political detainee following BN’s loss in the 14th general election.