Cat out of the bag: MH370 was carrying lithium-ion batteries


After saying four days ago that MH370 was carrying three to four tonnes of mangosteens, the Malaysia Airlines CEO today finally admitted that the plane was carrying lithium-ion batteries, which may be flammable. But he maintained the goods were packed in line with standard safety rules recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. (Why was this information not disclosed earlier?)

The Air Traffic Management website, which says it is widely regarded as “the most influential and respected magazine within the air traffic management industry”, discusses the implications of this cargo.

And this is the IATA Lithium Battery Guidance Document for the transport of lithium metal and lithium ion batteries. (Thanks to blog visitor Loke for the link). Basically, the packing guidelines include training for the handling of dangerous goods, the classification of the batteries, limits on the weight or quantity per package, the type of packaging material, the marking and labelling of the packages, and the shipper’s declaration of dangerous goods or documentation containing the details of the consignment.

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22 Mar 2014 6.56pm

They are so used to local media covering up – as in the case of Altantunya murder.
The foreign media will continue to drill them for truth.
It takes a catastrophic event of this scale to shake up our unsuspecting public?

22 Mar 2014 4.29pm

It is really sad, in time like this, they still want to lie and cover up… I think orders from above without their approval, the kakitangan cant say anything… No wonder the Chinese shouted they cant trust the malaysian govertment…

So, lithium ion batteries look like mangoesteens, and mangoesteens look like lithium ion batteries to the mas ceo…

1Kangkong PM, therefore, 1kangkong mas ceo, all sama sama !!!

Worst is, we also have lots of 1kangkong rakyat in Anil’s blog !!!

My big sigh !!!

22 Mar 2014 6.52pm
Reply to  kee

There are mangosteen and there are lithium and there are also many cargo which MH370 is carrying. The have shipper declaration and followed International Aviation Standard. As such they are all legal. Unless you can find one or any illegality please shut up. Don`t make a fuss of something without facts but stupid idiotic comments The Chinese shouted is because they are filled with emotion when loved one still cannot be found. Whether they trust the Malaysian govt or not is another thing. The fact and truth is the Malaysian govt with Hisham and team have been asking friend and… Read more »

22 Mar 2014 12.24pm

Mangoosteen from timbutku i guess
Why cant Mas come clean?
Sure, if carryinfg of lithium is normal why the denial in the first place
Anyway our thoughts are with the 239 souls

22 Mar 2014 11.19am

I listened carefully to the words of Ahmad Jauhari several times, and these were the pertinent words: “The cargo manifest list is obviously with the investigation team… We carry some lithium-ion batteries… but they are basically approved under the ICAO… packed as recommended by ICAO… we do check them, we check them several times… done in accordance with ICAO guidelines. Airlines do this all the time…” What I heard appears to confirm what I read on an a forum – The MAS CEO was saying that MAS in general does carry lithium batteries, but he did not actually say that… Read more »

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
22 Mar 2014 10.27am

Anwar Ibrahim: The Defence Minister Must Resign If He Cannot Answer The Questions

Watch the video clip here:

najib manaukau
22 Mar 2014 8.14am

The cats are slowly coming out of the bags that if they did not carry the lithium batteries and all the Chinese passengers, more than half the plane load, MAS would have gone bust long ago. This only demonstrates the needs of the Chinese and also the others both in and outside the country. Also to impede Malaysia from going further south and from getting out of the third world Malaysia is in !

22 Mar 2014 3.15am

My questions to MAS CEO Jauhari:
1) Why MAS did not disclose earlier the consignment of this highly inflammable lithium batteries
among its cargos?
2) If no one mentioned about this hazardous cargo, would you disclose this information?
3) You claim that the packaging of this harzadous batteries was checked several times to
ensure safety before loading for shipment. Unless you youself did the checking, how do
verify that?
4) MAS carried 3 to 4 tonnes of mangosteen. I may be ignorant but what I know is there is no
mangosteen season. So please tell where the fruit come from.

22 Mar 2014 8.33am
Reply to  Rasputin

Lit-ion batteries are only flammable when in the process of charging or over-charging.
I am sure these batteries in MH370 are in storage rather than being charged while in cargo.
Unless we are silly-subscribing to politically-charged innuendoes, which does help in any way to find leads, not excuses to blame.

22 Mar 2014 8.34am
Reply to  tunglang

Correction: …which doesn’t help in any way to find possible leads, not excuses to blame.

23 Mar 2014 1.48am
Reply to  tunglang

Lithium ion battery are explosive due to the energy store withing the battery. Even without charging/discharging, short circuit(whether due to packaging problem, metal object fell into the package,etc) is enough to make any battery overheat, in case of lthium ion, when reaching the tipping point , it just explode and cause more chain reaction when in a bulk.

Rich Daddy
Rich Daddy
22 Mar 2014 2.28am

21 March 2014 PC (press conference) Highlights from today’s press conference: – Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein to speak to US Secretary of Defence tonight to request use of remotely-operated vehicles for possibility of deep ocean salvage. – No information yet from Australians on the object spotted in Indian Ocean. Search and rescue to continue in southern and northern corridor and will be ‘long-haul’. Hishammuddin Hussein says the ‘most sophisticated’ planes are being deployed. – Information on the pilot’s simulator has been sent to international authorities to verify. – China, Japan and UK have deployed assets. UK has offered specialist… Read more »

Rich Daddy
Rich Daddy
22 Mar 2014 1.59am

Good to hear there are tons of food there. In case of emergency, there are tons of food there for the passengers and crews. Stupid people as we can see. Time to ask ourselves, is it ILLEGAL to import and export lithium-ion battery ??? Each of our phone and laptop also contain these lithium-ion batteries. Is it ILLEGAL to bring our phone / laptop to the plane ??? 2 coalition competition in Malaysia already turns a lot of people being stupid. You are spinning hard for your favorite political party but do you think the politician care about your spinning… Read more »

22 Mar 2014 8.27am
Reply to  Rich Daddy

Rich Daddy, only idiots with emo-political highs & lows will subscribe to sensitive knee-jerk reaction to ‘unfavourable’ investigations, which btw are essential to any criminal case being pursued. This criminal case angle being looked at (as time is not on our side) is but only one of the many possibilities that may have happened to MH370. Actually, the FBI are now looking into the simulator for any possible leads to salvage the still missing plane & possibly passengers still alive some where. FBI to review missing Malaysia jet pilot’s flight simulator, attempt to retrieve deleted data Counting out a… Read more »

22 Mar 2014 1.35pm
Reply to  Rich Daddy

Exactly, is it illegal ti import and export lithium-ion battery ??? No, so what is the problem when MAS CEO has maintained that the goods were packed in line with standard safety rules recommended by the International Civil Aviation Organisation. And why was this information not disclosed earlier?. Did anybody ask??. Actually MAS or the CEO has nothing to conceal. Any consignment to be sent are all in the list and shipping declaration. Implication or whatsoever, every airline also transport such goods as long as they are in line with international safety standard. Don`t use this silly excuse to blame… Read more »

22 Mar 2014 1.47pm
Reply to  Yang

When the plane disappear the CEO cannot immediately know whatever cargo the plane is carrying as he need to check the list and declaration. Immediately after the disappearance the most important priority is to find MH370. Actually I don`t see any problem or issue with this battery when it is being transported and declared according to International Aviation Standards. Its just the opposition trying to car pasal like the radar which Anwar is complaining as not working. It was him who brought the radar when he was defence minister which was found to be a useless equipment.

Awang Selamat Ori
Awang Selamat Ori
21 Mar 2014 11.15pm

It is truly sickening to see Malaysian authorities seemingly continuing their efforts to conceal facts and datas. Just why must they conceal that the plane was carrying lithium-ion battery? Malaysian authorities must understand that the best way is to come clean as we cannot sweep facts under the carpet and hoping that the matter will be ignored. Just who is the consignor and consignee of those lithium batteries? What was the quantity transported? Even 2 pcs of lithium ion batteries are considered hazardous, what about the quantity that MAS was supposedly carrying? Malaysia must realize that it had performed very… Read more »

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
22 Mar 2014 10.48am

Another cat is out of the bag: The Raja Bomoh is affiliated to 1Malaysia so no action is taken against him as this video has shown us the evidence?