The sad tale of High Chaparral



The old well at Kampung Buah Pala where clear fresh water reaches ground level – Photo by Anil Netto

For those of you still unfamiliar with the background to the High Chaparral issue, here’s an excellent write-up by Himanshu Bhatt in today’s Sun:

Kampung Buah Pala holds its breath

THERE is an old well said to have been dug some 100 years ago in Penang’s Kampung Buah Pala, a charming settlement of cowherds and planters, which still provides fresh groundwater for many villagers. So remarkable is this well that during the national water crisis of the late 1990s, it became the lifeline for thousands of Penangites who made a bee-line to collect its water when all other supplies failed.

Which way now… Will Kampung Buah Pala be declared a historic communal settlement or be demolished to make way for apartments?

About five years ago, the inhabitants of this settlement – who trace their ancestry to at least five generations – were shocked when told that the land on which the well and the village stood was earmarked for a development project. The venture, which included four blocks of apartments, was called “Oasis”. Full article here.

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19 Aug 2009 12.52am

No one has the guts to open the truth…..koh,Lim,MACC,POLICE or Koperasi….clearly not a 1malaysia….

a penangite
a penangite
2 Aug 2009 4.18am

well, i do have the same question as nkkhoo, but please don’t label me a “BN” for just having the same question. for me, the issue is setting up a bad precedent where the rule of law is not upheld.. there is a lot of villages in penang located next to urban areas like those in jelutong and sungai nibong, if all squatters take similar action it will be very bad for landowners as for the kg buah pala folks, i wonder, why after 200 years dwelling on that particular land, there was no effort to own the land earlier?… Read more »

28 Jul 2009 12.50pm

NKKHOO…u sounds like a BN… to me.

Shame to Penangites…

7 Jul 2009 12.43am

Jazz on July 6th, 2009 at 4.57pm


Who was actually approved the land alienation on 27 March 2008? This is a million dollar question for LGE.

6 Jul 2009 4.57pm

According to Suara Keadilan the land was alienated after Pakatan took over:

Now, after 14 months of taking over the state government, Pakatan leaders are running away from the case giving excuses that it would be sub-judice to talk about the case or that they can’t do much as the case is now before the courts. Note, however, that the land alienation actually took place on 27 March 2008, just a few weeks after Pakatan stormed into power in Penang.

6 Jul 2009 4.03pm

Anil, Well, the writings on the wall……Another neutral post from Sin Chew……Can’t help to say how relevant article…… Guys, Are we taken for a ride by BN, the developers & now some Hindraf goons Anil, Since you are a prime mover for social betterment…..Perhaps, the statement from Margeemar makes sense. I don’t think the ex- Kampung Buah Pala folk makes up the story……. Apa macam, Anil…….Should the right pressure applies to the right parties? You decide! Reminds me of Chee Soon Juan’s antics causing the whole oppositions loses big in 2001GE. Though I symphatise with Soon Juan, being forced out… Read more »

simple living high tinking
simple living high tinking
6 Jul 2009 2.07pm

“Keep a cattle ranch running in the middle of Penang City??? Is this a joke??”

Think of the joke the next time you drink milk.

Why are you so hung up about Penang being a city? What so great about it?
Aren’t you seeing what city life has done to youths today….

6 Jul 2009 1.32pm

Guys, Whom I should trust. This message taken from Margeemar. Unless Anil has certified Margeermar as incorrigible liar. Just read below! Anil, What’s your take? Still wanna entangle some more. Like or not….It’s also dealt with society’s issues. I thought it’s your priorities. Anil, I need to highlight one thing that I quote from Margeemar “this village has a chronic problem of gangsterism, drug addiction, alcoholism, unemployment and family feuds which often turns violent.” In the early days, such things are common in Singapore…..Best way, resettle them in Public Housing Guys, I will fight for tooth & nail if LGE… Read more »

6 Jul 2009 10.40am

“One thing I believe, and not just in this case, is that the economy should serve the people/communities and not the other way round. – Anil” Sounds like Communism. I dislike Welfare States, there are enough citizens to abuse the welfare system. In my opinion, the High Chaparral villagers have been having near dirt-cheap land/home rental for far too long. And the village is not worth preserving, because it looks like a slum rather than having any distinct cultural architecture. High Chaparral has no tourist value. Time for the villagers to move to low-cost housing and make way for development.… Read more »

6 Jul 2009 8.34am

I think it is not a matter of just buying over the land.

Even if this happen will this guarantee than say after 10 years or 100 years later that the owners will not sell off the land at a very high price.

Who will benefit then?

6 Jul 2009 7.01am

can the sale by the co-op to nusmetro be revoked if hanky-panky was found in the transfer from the state to the co-op? sad to say, i think not. the Adorna vs Boonsom Boonyanit case at the Federal Court has set the precedent for cases like this. Boonsom Boonyanit, a Thai national, owned some land in Penang. She eventually discovered that an impostor claiming to be her – and with supporting identification documents as well as statutory declarations – had declared that she had lost the original title and managed to obtain a replacement title from the land… Read more »

6 Jul 2009 2.25am

Perfume Spray on July 5th, 2009 at 4.20pm Anil There’s nothing DAP could do as I see it . It all boils down to incompetence . This issue was brought up during the GE and promises were made and yet nothing was done to look into this issue after he became CM . They were too engrossed with other people’s problems like the Perak fiasco and with parliament that Penang being his baby has been neglected . For 15 mths , they just sat on the issue hoping it will go away without them having to fulfill their promises made… Read more »

6 Jul 2009 2.19am

kingkong on July 5th, 2009 at 6.18pm nkkhoo, If suddenly you come the PM, do you know how the country is run? Do you know all the procedures? Gerakan & MCA hasd been so secretaive and all the time they are talking …. about lonkangs and roads. Within 2 weeks, youi must be GOd to know the land transfer prcedures and who are the developers. In this case, you must be keen if what the developers can do for you if nt nkkoo can approve the deal. === Sorry, I do not know what the heck you are talking. I… Read more »

6 Jul 2009 2.15am

Nikki Khoo……. the rice has already been cooked and become broth , how do you propose to turn it back to become rice ? Get the services of Merlin the Magician or David Copperfield ..hahahaha If the land sale is unlawful , they would have brought up the issue during the court hearings from the high court to the Court of Appeal to the Federal Court ! Please lah write something sensible ! And What makes you say the transaction is unlawful ? aiyoo and null the the land sale deal ??Please lah … the title is already in their… Read more »

5 Jul 2009 9.57pm

there are too many unqualify developer at penang.

5 Jul 2009 6.18pm

nkkhoo, If suddenly you come the PM, do you know how the country is run? Do you know all the procedures? Gerakan & MCA hasd been so secretaive and all the time they are talking …. about lonkangs and roads. Within 2 weeks, youi must be GOd to know the land transfer prcedures and who are the developers. In this case, you must be keen if what the developers can do for you if nt nkkoo can approve the deal. actually, there are more important things to do and many orang asli land has been taken… for timber, planatation etc.… Read more »

Perfume Spray
Perfume Spray
5 Jul 2009 4.20pm

Anil There’s nothing DAP could do as I see it . It all boils down to incompetence . This issue was brought up during the GE and promises were made and yet nothing was done to look into this issue after he became CM . They were too engrossed with other people’s problems like the Perak fiasco and with parliament that Penang being his baby has been neglected . For 15 mths , they just sat on the issue hoping it will go away without them having to fulfill their promises made . For 15 mths nobody within their administration… Read more »

Perfume Spray
Perfume Spray
5 Jul 2009 4.11pm

nkkhoo The villagers lost the legal suit to developer and koperasi does not mean that state government cannot issue a decree that the LAND transaction to koperasi is unlawful and then null the land sale deal. This is a separate case with lawsuit between villagers and developer and koperasi. Nikki Khoo……. the rice has already been cooked and become broth , how do you propose to turn it back to become rice ? Get the services of Merlin the Magician or David Copperfield ..hahahaha If the land sale is unlawful , they would have brought up the issue during the… Read more »

5 Jul 2009 3.45pm

In part 2, koperasi bought the land from state government is absolutely legal regardless the legality of part 1. Villager lost the lawsuit is not a surprise to me because they are suing wrong party.

5 Jul 2009 3.32pm

Let me divide the whole scandal into two parts to make people understand LGE is twsiting the whole story. Part 1: The legality of title transfer from trustee to state government, conversion to TOL and cancellation of TOL. Part 2: Land sale from state government to Koperasi. I am a loyar buruk, but i can tell you LGE is trying to jumble part 1 and part 2 as one single part by using court order in part 2 as his excuse for inaction to investigare part 1. Hindraf people and villagers are not asking LGE against court order in part… Read more »

5 Jul 2009 2.02pm

Keep a cattle ranch running in the middle of Penang City??? Is this a joke??

If you leave it to Hindraf, Penang will end up a Tamil Nadu with cows running along Taxis along Gurney drive….

5 Jul 2009 12.21pm

Kg Buah Pala is just a storm in a teacup.
This will boil over in a few weeks time.

However, if LGE uses the State’s money to buy the land, then it will be a permanent issue. One that will definately come back to bite him.

LGE has to choose wisely.

5 Jul 2009 12.15pm

This is one fine example of how the a govt’s corrupt practice can linger on for years after the govt’ has been voted out. Unfortunately it can also be used against a newly elected govt as is happening in the 4 pkr controlled states. Malaysians “muda lupa”. And voters have less “political stamina” than a 100 year old grandfather running a full marathon. Incidently this mentally is also found on our football and other sports fans. We expect instant results. When our team lost, we should be support them more, but instead we start to criticise and even abandon them.… Read more »

5 Jul 2009 11.06am

Come to think of it the (old) method to solve the problem and than the public will forgot about it after that. This is the best method.

1) hire Thugs
2) All councils standing by with Police FRU
3) Bring in bulldozers
4) Start Demolishing the area as quickly as they can , 1 day.
5) Everything gone , demolish the houses .
6) Use ISA to lock up those who starts the protest
7) Arrest them all.

Lain cerita after that.

5 Jul 2009 10.56am

‘Nil If nothing else we see now that most (not all) Chinese including LGE (who I used to respect and defend to the hilt): 1. don’t really care about poor Indians 2. despise Hindraf 3. believe that money/business/economics decides what’s right We really need to work hard to fix that. As for the case at hand; isn’t it obvious that some serious dodginess occured in the purchase of the land by the developer. So shouldn’t this issue be tied up in the courts for a long long time would would buy time for the kampung folk. I for one am… Read more »