CM: Penang can’t afford to acquire High Chaparral land


Penang Chief Minister Guan Eng makes several points:

  • The crisis was created under the previous BN administration;
  • The Buah Pala villagers should distinguish between their friends and those responsible for their predicament;

  • The Penang government has to act according to the law;
  • The Penang state government cannot afford to re-acquire the 6.5 acre plot of land, he claims: “I don’t even want to try and guess the amount.” (The previous BN state government had reportedly sold the land to the developers for only RM3.2 million or about RM11 per square foot in 2005.)

The following is a chronology of events prepared by an activist:



Tanah Kampung Buah Pala terletak di bawah Housing Trust Act 1950 dan penduduknya membayar TOL (temporary occupation licence) setiap tahun kepada Pejabat Tanah


Penduduk Kampung Buah Pala memohon Kerajaan Persekutuan untuk melindungi warisan Kampung Buah Pala sebagai kampung tradisi India


Pejabat Tanah tidak mahu menerima bayaran TOL oleh Kampung Buah Pala.

Tanah kemudian dijual sebanyak RM3.21juta kepada Koperasi Pegawai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang Berhad (KPKPP) dan Nusmetro Venture Sdn Bhd Pinang. Nusmetro dan KPKPP memberi notis pengusiran kepada penduduk-penduduk Kampung Buah Pala.

27 Mac 2008

Tanah dipindah dari tangan Kerajaan Negeri/Persekutuan (trustee) kepada Nusmetro Venture Sdn Bhd dan KPKPP. Penduduk Kampung Buah Pala membawa kes ini ke Mahkamah Tinggi

Oktober 2008

Kampung Buah Pala menang di Mahkamah Tinggi.
KPKPP membawa kes ke Mahkamah Rayuan Persekutuan.

18 Jan 2009

Perayaan Ponggal untuk merayakan warisan berusia hampir 200 tahun Kampung Buah Pala. Banyak wakil rakyat termasuk Anwar Ibrahim berjanji untuk berjuang untuk Kg Buah Pala.

11 Mei 2009

Pemaju tanah menang kes di Mahkamah Rayuan Persekutuan. Penduduk Kampung Buah Pala diberi notis pengusiran 30 hari.

6 Jun 2009

Sidang akhbar memberi nafas baru kepada isu Kampung Buah Pala.

8 Jun 2009

Mesyuarat antara Kerajaan Negeri dan Pertubuhan Penduduk-Penduduk Kg Buah Pala. Kerajaan Negeri menubuhkan jawatankuasa penyiasatan untuk isu tanah Kg Buah Pala. Penduduk-penduduk menekan bahawa mereka tidak akan menyerah tanah mereka kepada pemaju tanah.

11 Jun 2009

Hari ke-30 dari notis pengusiran. Lori penuh dengan batu konkrit datang tapi patah balik selepas gagal masuk ke Kg Buah Pala.

16 Jun 2009

Case management di Mahkamah Persekutuan

19 Jun 2009

Perhimpunan lilin di Kg Buah Pala

24 June 2009

Hearing di Mahkamah Persekutuan

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5 Aug 2009 7.02pm

Till today we have not seen the trust document by the Brown family. Since Waytha is in UK have he tried to trace the Brown family? All i have seen is we are talking about something that seems do not exist i.e. the trust document. If at all it exist then the villagers would have won the case in the courts. As for holding DAP for the promises they made during the election, has the BN delivered all the promises they made for the last 52 years? Just look at HINDRAF during the rally promises every Indian to receive USD… Read more »

Jebat musibat
Jebat musibat
1 Jul 2009 6.09pm

low cost house? the problem is.. there’s no land’s left.

1 Jul 2009 10.14am

the state government can allocate low cost house for the families? How many families are living in each house? how many low cost houses for the 200k that compensate by developer?

1 Jul 2009 9.42am

Penang should be run on their own now … Make their own rules and built a new city . Im sure many investors will go to penang for holidays like Pattaya or Bali….

anna brella
anna brella
1 Jul 2009 2.23am

Respect the Rule of Law. Yes, CM LGE, you are absolutely right there. So what is stopping you? In the legal rulebook, FRAUD is clearly against the Rule of Law. Under the Housing Act 1950 the land that is KBP was land held in trust for the villagers/residents of that village. The Federal Government took over the role of trustee at independence and as legal trustee, it had no right to dispose the land without first getting the consent of the beneficiaries under that trust, i.e. the villagers of KBP. So shouldn’t the Penang state government be supporting the villagers… Read more »

pat ling
pat ling
30 Jun 2009 9.30pm

LGE should learn how to say things like professionals do. He can demonstrate sarcasms but in subtle forms and not behave like the Bee-N hooligans. He should also check his body language. Don’t get overboard. Find the killer statement and say it no more than twice. The first time is to hit the nail on its head and the repeat is for emphasis. “Differentiating friends from enemies and truth from lies” is a good killer statement. Saying it over and over again dilutes the impact. After one and a half years he should have polished such oratory skills. Work on… Read more »

30 Jun 2009 5.51pm

All these unanswered land deals lead back to the doorstep of Koh Tsu Koon who has not even seen fit to utter a word on this.

He was, after all, the CM when all this took place.

Gerakan members should reflect on their choice of leaders.

30 Jun 2009 5.02pm

HINDRAF!! What are they??? Threats??? You think the people owe you?? Have some sense or whether they have the brains.Calling yourself as malaysian but always mentioning INDIANS as your origin.

30 Jun 2009 4.18pm

Correction: Respect the rule of laws, not rule by your own laws.

30 Jun 2009 4.17pm

KB on June 30th, 2009 at 11.45am


Can the Penang govt. acquire the land by force without paying compensation to the owners as Uthayakumar claimed?


Respect the rule of laws, but rule by your own laws.

LGE shall be more vocal on this issue, not simply pointing fingers to other people again.

Does state government can reverse the ex-state government decision under the framework of laws?

If NO, LGE please explain the reasons to rakyats.

30 Jun 2009 3.55pm

Aiyoo people….

The land was sold to the Penang senior government officers cooperative and would be developed by an UMNO linked company.

30 Jun 2009 3.50pm

The same piece of land today will easily cost RM58million.
I don’t think the state government can afford this.

If the voters had kicked out Dr Koh’s administration in 2004, I don’t believe this cheap land sale would have materialised.

Land, once sold, cannot be taken back without just, market price compensation and the due process of law.
I don’t want the state government to be an arrogant tyrant.

30 Jun 2009 3.48pm

That is why LGE and his current state gov and all other PR held states should never stop digging out all the wrong doings of the past done by BN.

This is so that while the current gov try their level best to undo the wrongs, the line must be drawn clearly otherwise BN or Hindraf (as in this case) will take the opportunity to put the blame on current state gov which has nothing to do with it in the first place.

30 Jun 2009 2.54pm

Yes, i agree, why not haul out the Gerakan heads – Dr Koh, Dr Teng, etc, etc and question them abt the ISSUE. Yes, vote them back to the office in the next GE and see more cases like these to happen. I feel it is most unfair that some people just put all the blame on LGE as if he is the one who causes all the mess. Imagine i “****” and i expect u to wipe my bottom, how abt that? From what i see, not all the Penang people wanted the Pg govt to fork out millions… Read more »

30 Jun 2009 2.39pm

As said, we welcome friends – real friends that understand the issues. Not one who goes around with a mobile phone, writing seditious remarks … for this I give top marks to LGE. He prevails

30 Jun 2009 2.29pm

Can any government therefore come and take away your land by force without paying compensation?


Yes. The current government can do that. (Stronger if you control Federal government). They can come out with a law in parliament to nationalize the asset.

But do that at their owns peril, because it is as good as saying bye-bye to the future FDI. I won’t be surprised if they do that, many foreign factory will start to pack their bag and head towards other country.

30 Jun 2009 2.26pm

Please highlight what would be the estimated amount to pay NOW if Penang Govt is to acquire the land. Don’t harp on the previous RM3.2 million. Also, do highlight what would be the worst case scenario if the Penang Govt taking the step as suggested by Hindraf.

30 Jun 2009 2.19pm

sick of LGE sarcasm

30 Jun 2009 2.07pm

Wat to do……..more & more to dig on BN’s past bad & mistakes. One after another. Good for him to be sacarstic & annouce it to the public. Please dont hide..reveal. there are many more rakyat still unaware of this concequences & still blame PR playing blame game. just like the Hindraf , thinking the land scam can be resolved overnight. R they out of thier mind, pointing finger at LGE. Go demonstrate at Gerakan office or the UMNO’s MIC. Best Najib’s. LGE can never stop reveal all this FAULTS, as there are so much more to reveal on the… Read more »

30 Jun 2009 1.40pm

If Koh Tsu Koon sell the land at 3million to a developer , who are these developers ? We need to get to the bottom of things , check out who were the directors involve ? 3 million for big land?

Is he a good businessman ? Why that time nobody stand up or queries this deal?
If it’s cover up without going through any protocol than Koh Tsu Koon must be held up and be investigate for some hidden agendas. he has to explain why is he selling at this price. What is he thinking?

30 Jun 2009 1.37pm

Personnally I think Hindraf had been asking for too much.They should not hold the PR for ransom.Go ahead and vote for BN and let’s see would it get any better next general election.

Andrew I
Andrew I
30 Jun 2009 1.37pm

Whoops, quandary.

30 Jun 2009 1.33pm

“KB on June 30th, 2009 at 11.45am

Can the Penang govt. acquire the land by force without paying compensation to the owners as Uthayakumar claimed?”

Can any government therefore come and take away your land by force without paying compensation? Are you suggesting Penang gov to do just that?

30 Jun 2009 1.32pm

Why does LGE always have a sarcastic slant to his speeches and statements? Always giving that smile that mocks. And always blaming BN. We know he’s right in blaming BN, but enough already. Time to fix what’s broken, not keep pointing fingers. He can’t even enforce our Penang traffic laws after one-and-half years in office. I’m starting to think that I’ve made a bad call in voting for DAP if this is the kind of answers and governance we get. Yes, very cheong hey in repeating ‘friends and enemies’. Only dumb people who think they are smart does that. Smart… Read more »

Andrew I
Andrew I
30 Jun 2009 1.29pm

Exactly, Anil, 3.2 million. My example was with reference to the rumours of how much was paid for the swamp land which KLIA is built on. The recurring theme seems to be selling for a pittance and buying at a king’s ransom with our money. With judgement in hand, maybe the hope is to force a buy back on the state government and make a tidy profit without lifting a finger, since the controversy is unlikely to attract any takeover interests. As we are all well aware, anything is possible in this country, and for 3.2 million, instead of proceeding… Read more »