Aliran has come out with a statement calling for real protection for the whistleblower in the eye of the storm:
A whistleblower’s allegation that multiple state assembly members were involved in a major corruption scandal is serious enough for the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to investigate it urgently.
What is equally important is that the whistleblower must be given protection against possible interference from these state assembly members, who have political clout.
Individuals who expose corruption and are willing to come forward with evidence must be encouraged to do so, without fear of a backlash from the alleged culprits.
The speed with which MACC responds to the whistleblower’s plea for protection would be a measure of the government’s commitment to fighting corruption in society.
Swift action will send a strong message that political leaders must put the people’s interests before theirs. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of the people’s trust.
These politicians, if found guilty of misappropriating public funds, must be brought to justice, irrespective of their political ideologies and allegiances.
Aliran executive committee
11 November 2024
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This song is dedicated to Mr Anil Netto.
Neil Young – Heart of Gold (2024)
Keep me searching
For a heart of gold
You keep me searching
And I’m growing old
Keep me searching
For a heart of gold
I’ve been a miner
For a heart of gold
Thanks, luca 🙂
Some people are more familiar with Boney M cover version
Honey M is coming to KL for concert early next year. I think only one female singer from the original lineup is still in the group. Nostalgia indeed for 70s hit – Ma Baker, Rasputin, Rivers of Babylon…
Also Mary’s Boy Child is appropriate for the coming festive season!
Jennifer Lopez performs a concert in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
ADUN Terengganu Zuraida Md Noor mahu hanya murid perempuan belum baligh buat persembahan di khalayak
WWE female wrestlers also performed at Riyadh in Crown Jewel PPV event. Kelantan YBs need to go the Saudi Arabia to open their eyes!
Malaysia prefer to benchmark Afghanistan in education matters.
Male Muslim business owners, employees, and customers in Johor are required to temporarily halt activities at business premises, including restaurant operations, during Friday prayer time.
Johor Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairperson Mohd Fared Mohd Khalid said this measure is to ensure all Muslim men fulfil their obligation to perform the Friday prayers.
Johor should emulate modern and progressive Islamic countries, not those conservative ones if it intend to become a business centre.
” Not everything govt does is popular, Anwar acknowledges ” by Zarrah Morden dd Dec 31, 2024 9:52 PM
A small glimpse of what we, the Rakyat, have to endure.
” Who are you to rebuke Umno, Akmal ticks off LGE ” by FMT Reporters
dd 31 Dec 2024, 04:59 PM
A member of the same political coalition definitely has the right to question another member of the same coalition if the other member does something that may effect the whole unity coalition.
You of all people should know this since both are in the same boat unless of course you have plans to go separate come GE16.
Should give it a try. We, the Rakyat are already somewhat disillusioned with the unity coalition and its leaders.
” TNB proposes to impose higher base tariff for Peninsular Malaysia for 2025-2027 from July next year ” By Bernama dd December 26, 2024 @ 8:35pm ======== >>> Seems like the government is only good at raising utility rates. Will the 14% increase effect we the ordinary Rakyat ? The cost of living is already high and has not decreased. Should we continue to vote for them in the upcoming GE16? Just look at the profits TNB has been making. Tenaga Nasional Bhd’s (TNB) net profit RM3.46 billion in its financial year ended December 31, 2022 (FY22) Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB) posted a net… Read more »
Tenaga Nasional Bhd’s (TNB) (KL:TENAGA) net profit for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024 (2QFY2024) jumped more than fourfold to RM1.45 billion
>>> The profits are in the billions. So, why do they need to raise rates? Is it due to greed, given the additional electricity usage from electric vehicles and data processing centers (which are energy-intensive and consume large amounts of water)? Are they looking into making hay while the sun still shines?
” Survey: Nearly two-thirds of Malaysians hold positive views of China ”
By R. Sekaran dd Thursday, 26 Dec 2024 11:42 AM MYT
Malaysians refers to all Rakyat of Malaysia, not just one or two communities. There are about 34 million Rakyat in Malaysia, not just 1,225. Can we say that this survey is flawed?
” Investigations revealed that the organizer failed to adhere to regulations for organizing carnivals, particularly failing to take into account the sensitivities of the local community. ”
>>> Sensitivities of the local community ? Definitely must be more than 1,225 Rakyat. So much for their survey and numbers and % . (he,he)
” It was our first meeting, we just followed Dr M, Loke says on Batu Puteh ” by Minderjeet Kaur dd 17 Dec 2024, 04:35 PM ======== This is simply a lame excuse. Members of the cabinet are mostly seasoned politicians; many of them were also in the opposition previously. If they were unsure, they could have asked for more time to discuss the matter further. The DAP had its former leader, LKS, to rely on for guidance, and PKR had AI. We are talking about the nation’s sovereignty here. As for PM7, he had access to advice from the Attorney… Read more »
Even if a letter had already been sent the day before, it could always be recalled or withdrawn pending further discussion. We could have stated, ‘While we previously indicated that we would not pursue this issue further, there has been a change of mind, and we wish to continue our dialogue on the matter.’ Rules are not absolute. Norms can be reconsidered. Policies can be adjusted. Regulations are flexible. Remember this one, ” Nothing is etched in stone ” So, can the witch hunt stop, and can we continue the review of Batu Puteh from where we left off ?… Read more »
” State stand on Najib’s house arrest issue, DAP MP tells MCA ” by FMT Reporters dd 15 Dec 2024, 10:54 AM ======== Why is DAP asking MCA for its stance on the issue of house arrest? While MCA is part of the unity government by virtue of being a member of the BN coalition, it does not hold any position within the administration of the unity government and therefore is not obligated to take a stance on this matter. In contrast, DAP, as a member of the ruling unity government with several ministerial positions, should rightfully articulate its stance on the issue of… Read more »
” Just tell the public whether it exists or not, says Dr Wee on ‘royal addendum’ ”
By N. Trisha dd Saturday, 14 Dec 2024 dd 3:21 PM MYT
Yes, Dr. Wee. It is a matter of just saying yes or no. Still, we, the Rakyat, will wait for January 6th or 9th for the outcome on the matter.
” Govt planning to declassify special task force report on Batu Puteh ” by Faisal Asyraf dd 13 Dec 2024, 05:14 PM
Those involved in this matter are only accusing and defending one another.
So far, no one has explained why the PH government of 2018 decided to withdraw the 2017 application to review the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) decision, to award Singapore sovereignty over Batu Puteh.
No one is talking about the reason. What was the reason to withdraw the 2017 application ?
” Leave frozen, Cabinet members told to help victims ” dd Saturday, 30 Nov 2024
All the grand talk about containing the flood by the newly minted government in early 2023 seems to have fallen flat. The allocation of a couple of million here and a couple of billion there appears to have been nothing more than empty promises.
Now, it seems no one from the political side is discussing those initial proposals anymore. Instead, ministers’ leaves have been frozen, and they, along with their deputies, are directed to flood-hit areas to provide necessary assistance.
STAR is MCA mouth piece and tries to be MCA man? no wonder will lose deposit if stands for election???
Are you not sick of MCA?
Behave like opposition but still want to be unity government.
Ask uncle rakyat – he always talk about his boss Dr Wee and mouth piecr – the Star
It has come down to hands-on help, but what happened to all those flood mitigation proposals that were so prominently mentioned at the beginning of the year?
Now, the private sector has been asked to assist the government with the issue of flooding. But what has happened to all those allocations announced, amounting to millions and even billions, to solve the flood problem since 2023?
Further, we, the Rakyat, would also like to know, about all those allocations made before 2023? What was done with them to mitigate the flood problem?
” Experts propose 10 recommendations to solve flood issues ”
by Nurul Nabil Ahmad Halimy dd 03 Dec 2024 10:13am
Uncle Rakyat – what expert? As Senior, you still pay taxes or want discounts and FOCs? Those projects are not chip chip? Malay houses are used to built on silts? Below can rear ayam and itek? Why do you tell the experts the solution and instead join them kbkb? If it is a flood area, you want to build your house there? You reap what you sow. Think rather follow blindly.
Steven Sim – the next Penang CM?
Uncle rakyat – why not become an environmentalist copy and paste?
He, he. Whatever I write, it disturbs and gives you sleepless night, doesn’t it and not forgetting the pressure you are getting from your superiors.
All your replies tells me so. That means I must be saying and doing something right. Very good.
Uncle rakyat – self praise, self amused and self shiok
Indeed, your replies seem to exude a sense of envy. Additionally, you appear to have a limited understanding or perceptiveness regarding what we, the Rakyat, are expressing.
Engaging with us on any matter is akin to banging your head against a wall built from the vast and towering edifice of human knowledge, supported by a confidence that extends to the mesosphere.
Uncle rakyat. contratory, the more you write senget, you are hammering your thumb and not directly onto the nail
Enough, lah. Your statements are meaningless and waste our ( the Rakyat ) precious time.
You come across as a spoiled child throwing tantrums. Just move on and find someone else to engage with.
We, the Rakyat, have more important matters to focus on.
Uncle rakyat – are you insinuating Anil? He missing all the important things? He put up topics after topics but you senget and go and talk about other topics which is more important?
Uncle and Senior Rakyat – why dont you set up your own blog so that you can write what you want? Here you senget and hijack like PLO and putting your contents and totally not relate with the Caption here
Yes, shriek has a point. Please stick to the topic of the post, everyone.
” Yes, shriek has a point. ”
Sorry to say this, but I must disagree with you, Anil. Please take a moment to review the comments made by ‘shriek’ under various topics and assess their relevance to those topics. It seems that 99% of his comments are replies to my published comments, which do not pertain to the topics at hand.
Hi Rakyat, I wasn’t directing my remarks at anyone in particular. Just as a general rule, it would help if readers comment based on the topic of the post. There are many different posts in this blog under which people can surely make a relevant comment. They just need to look up the last 10-20 posts to find a relevant topic for their comment.
99% to your comments to remind you how senget they are. you still carry on just like your old days of the “carry on series” movies
Additionally, I am curious why my comments on current events seem to trouble him when they are not directly related to him. Your comment guidelines state, ” It is okay to feel strongly about issues, but please direct your rebuttal or response at the content or comment—not at the person making it.”
In a previous version of your guidelines, you also mentioned that ‘comments in tangent with the topic are allowed,’ though I notice this has since been removed.
uncle rakyat – your comments are actually questions using reporter;s news. Further you are writing like a MP in Parliament Question Time. Hardly anyone answer. Even MPs are allowed to ask a few questions. But you are like PLO hijack and play Monopoly buy all and buy big.
If you feel it is a issue, then you start your blog. You can write anything and everything in your blog. Here, many dont think it is an issue.
It is not your business to tell other readers what and how to write or give their opinions. Why so kaypoh? Just look at your replies, mostly personal which are mostly directed to my comments.
No one appointed you to police what other readers write, which is all that you do these days. And being a hypocrite, you tell others that their comments are not related to the above said topic and category.
What about what you have written above ? How is that related to the said topic ?
Uncle rakyat – even some one saId you senget. Anil put a specific issue and but you talk diameterly opposite and i have to rebluff your points because you just copy the comments and put it here. Why dont you follow siti kassim and she put her thoughts in her facebook? As her facebook, she does what she wants even if get sued by others
What is this, ‘talk diametrically opposite’ or ‘have to rebluff your points’ , you write.
The statements you make are difficult to follow. You struggle with spelling and have trouble constructing meaningful sentences.
If you say that no one cares about what I write or have no wish to reply and it is not an issue to me, why is it such an issue to you?
You should focus on this, a comment guideline for this blog, which says, ” Refrain from harassing or abusing other commenters. ”
This is what you like to do most of the time instead of giving your views or opinion on the said topic or category. No other readers do this. Only you. Not sure why, maybe inferiority complex.
Yes, everyone, please refrain from trolling other commenters here.
It is not harassing. You put your other person’s view from the newspaper or media, it attracts others to comment either to support or to disagree
When you refer to a ‘topic,’ I assume it pertains to the written article. However, could you clarify the purpose of the terms ‘Governance’ and ‘Accountability’ listed above the topic?
As long as our comments fall under those categories, shouldn’t they be acceptable? I am simply seeking clarification.
Yes governance and accountability are broad categories, perhaps too broad for all comments related to that. Much better if readers can find a suitable post to comment under.
He goes all the way to search and copy from all news media but lazy to find a suitable column to post
Next, we will wait for the house arrest bill along with the necessary rules and guidelines needed. After that, it’s all systems go.
” Najib, Irwan Serigar granted DNAA in RM6.6bil CBT case ” by Nurbaiti Hamdan dd Wednesday, 27 Nov 2024 11:46 AM MYT ======== Two more DNAA orders have been issued by the court of law in our nation under the current administration of our government, bringing the total to three to date. Have there been this many DNAAs issued during previous administrations? Got or not ? Hello PH – DAP, PKR clueless supporters. Trillions lost to corruption to date, ok or not ? Support lah some more. Just imagine, all this happening and we, the Rakyat, are referred to as crazy people. And… Read more »
Hello Uncle rakyat – you are more clueless. you dare not write in DAP facebook and rebut them. Instead you used other people’s space to further your agenda
” We’re in a ‘half-crazed era’, says PM on backlash over overseas trip costs ”
by Nora Mahpar dd 23 Nov 2024, 01:04 PM
This is because, most of the time, you do not express your public statements clearly to the Rakyat.
You could have simply stated that the cost for the government delegation was covered by the government, while the expenses for the business members from the private sector who were invited to join the delegation were borne by themselves. Simple, isn’t it? Straightforward. Not so confusing.
Our ministers still cannot communicate clearly. Lots of ambiguity leading to lots of waste of time debating.
The problem here is Chinese newspapers (deliberately? MCA?) used controversial headlines in this matter to create false impression to readers.
Your communications minister has stated: ‘The government covered only 27% of the total cost (RM1.66 million) for the official delegation, while the private sector paid 73% (RM4.5 million), bringing the overall cost of the chartered flights to RM6.16 million.’
Why was it necessary to present this information in this manner unless the private sector agreed to absorb some of the costs for the official delegation?
So, do not blame the Rakyat; instead, take responsibility for the sometimes confusing statements issued by government leaders, both locally and internationally. Ponder over what has been said here.
” PM’s 39 official overseas trips cost RM13.7mil since 2022 ” By Hana Naz Harun
dd October 30, 2024 @ 3:32pm
For a Prime Minister who boasts about not taking any salary for his work, his 39 official visits and work trips to 22 countries since he came into power have amounted to a cost of RM13.7 million, which works out to about RM623,636.36 per month for 22 months.
As the Rakyat, we wonder if this is truly justifiable.
Uncle rakyat, you want who to answer this question? Are you a messenger of the writer who wrote in thevibes and nst or just to parrot the question here FOC?
Uncle Rakyat. Your view is just kbkb. What do you want PM to do? Frog in the well? Stay put in kampong all the time? Is that what you want?
” Flying high on corporate sponsorships: Did PMX’s overseas trips breach civil service rules? ” By Jonathan Liew dd 2 hours ago
Yep, private sector money covering for overseas trip, GLC money for donations, work for free no salary , etc etc etc . Yet, where are we now?
As for rules, we ask what rules. Most of us Rakyat know the leader is from PKR and we are also aware of the history behind the formation of PKR, which was established to support one man and family.
uncle rakyat – you asked where are we now/ – again dont use we. is you aND YOU AREthere behind the computer
More than 25 years have passed since the formation of the political party. How was it run? So, how does one think the current government will be administered?
Why does the DAP, with a strong presence of 40 parliamentary seats, continue to support it so fervently? What benefits do they gain as a political party?
Additionally, their former leader now holds two titles. What were his and his political party’s accomplishments for the well-being of our Rakyat and for our Nation ?
Uncle Rakyat. Above Not comments but questions. Each paragraph is a question. 3 paragraphs 3 questions. Here not parliament, Yuan, legistrative assembly. Understand
Uncle rakyat – DAP has a facebook. Why dont you ask them directly in front of the house. Instead you hide behind at back of the house as ask those questions.
If the current government were asked to list its achievements for the well being of our Nation and Rakyat, over the last two years, what would they include?
What we know is that the current admin has raised rates, removed some subsidies ( calling it as reforms ) and has made donations to a country in the Middle East.
Uncle rakyat – Dont tell your problem and kbkb. Tell us your solution
” We could get an ‘A’ in the future, Anwar says after Bersih’s ‘D’ ” by Faiz Zainudin dd 21 Nov 2024, 12:49 PM ======== The Bersih group may have given a ‘D,’ but we, the Rakyat, would prefer an ‘F’ for the performance over the past two years. It seems unlikely that an ‘A’ can be achieved. We, the Rakyat, are aware of some upcoming plans, including the removal of the RON 95 subsidy and the proposed house arrest bill, among others. The price of cooking oil has remained the same since TSDSP Haji Annuar bin Musa managed to reduce it from… Read more »
Uncle Rakyat – you give and not the rest of the rakyat. Who gove you consent to say we rakyat. We here refers to Uncle rakyat and who are you to represent “we”? Who gives you permission?
” All Touch ‘n Go eWallet users must complete eKYC verification from Dec 20 to maintain access ” By Angelin Yeoh dd Wednesday, 20 Nov 2024 11:35 AM MYT ======== Why do they require individuals to submit a photo of their MyKad and a selfie? Some banks also have these requirements. Just imagine if this sensitive data falls into the wrong hands. Our citizens are being forced to reveal their personal details more and more in the public digital domain. Scams and fraud have become common, and the business community is increasingly becoming untrustworthy. The federal government must ensure that options are… Read more »
uncle rakyat – simple, why use ewallet? show your power – CASH. Use CASH. another thing are you really a SEnior?….
” Don’t ditch cash yet, say advocates ” by Zazali Musa dd Friday, 22 Nov 2024
Yes, those advocating for a cashless approach in their business activities often have a limited understanding of the implications, as they adopt one-sided policies that are unfavorable to Rakyat users, particularly regarding banks and other cashless card-issuing entities.
Uncle rakyat – you dont understand and kbkb here. Whether is cask or cashless or ewallet, it is still $$$. If you dont like, you can donate via cashless transfer to Anil’s bog? If not go to bank and deposit cash into his account. Still not Happy?