Francis lashes out against corruption


The Bishop of Rome, Francis, has railed against corruption again, severely chastising those who donate to the church on the one hand while stealing from the state and the poor on the other.

Says Francis:

… the double life of a Christian does much harm, so much harm. ‘But I am a benefactor of the Church! I put my hand in my pocket and I give to the Church.’ But with the other hand, he robs: the State, the poor…he steals. He is unjust. This is the double life. And this merits – says Jesus, not myself – that a millstone be placed around his neck and thrown to the sea. He does not speak of forgiveness here.

This reminds me of cronies, including Christians, who make a great show of donating to foundations, welfare bodies and religious institutions while at the same time profiting off public assets and privatisation projects and stealing land from native communities.

This piece is from The Independent:

Pope Francis corruption fury: Tie them to a rock and throw them in the sea

Impassioned sermon condemned corruption from those who donated to the church but stole from the state

Heather Saul

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Pope Francis delivered an impassioned sermon yesterday, during which he quoted a passage from the bible that said some sinners deserve to be tied to a rock and cast into the sea.

The Argentinian religious leader said Christians who donated money to the church but stole from the state were leading a “double life” and were sinners who should be punished.

Quoting from the Gospel of St Luke in the New Testament, he said: “Jesus says ‘It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea’,” because “where there is deceit, the Spirit of God cannot be”.

Without directly mentioning corruption within the Catholic Church, in his sermon he described those involved in corrupt practices as “whitewashed tombs”, explaining that “they appear beautiful from the outside, but inside they are full of dead bones and putrefaction.” He said: “A life based on corruption is varnished putrefaction.”

His sermon came during his daily morning Mass inside Casa Santa Marta, the guest house he has lived in since being elected pontiff in March.

On Friday, he also condemned corruption, asserting parents who earned through bribes or corrupt practices had “lost their dignity”, and fed their children “unclean bread”.

He said: “Some of you might say: ‘But this man only did what everyone does!’. But no, not everyone! Some company administrators, some public administrators, some government administrators… perhaps there are not even very many. But it’s that attitude of the shortcut, of the most comfortable way to earn a living.

“These poor people who have lost their dignity in the habit of bribes take with them not the money they have earned, but only their lack of dignity!”

He compared receiving bribes as “like a drug” as people become “dependent” on the habit of bribes.

The Pope has made clear his intentions to tackle corruption within the Vatican and held a meeting with the Church’s highest ranking whistleblower in October, after telling the Church in May that it “must go forward… with a heart of poverty, not a heart of investment or of a businessman” reminding it that “St Peter did not have a bank account”.

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18 Nov 2013 4.02pm

This pope is a refreshing change indeed! Hopefully his leadership will awaken other religious leaders to their true responsibility and purpose.

15 Nov 2013 5.08pm

How do you rate Robin Hood who robbed the rich and gave to the poor?

Don Anamalai
Don Anamalai
17 Nov 2013 9.14am
Reply to  Rasputin

How do you rate a government that taxes the rakyat to pay consultants RM4 million a day?

15 Nov 2013 8.59am

Dear Global Friends, Lord Jesus Christ was so compassionate in preaching His followers and disciples “to loathe the sin, but not the sinner. Love all fairly” and “to love thy enemy”, as well as, to “forgive and forget” all bygones be bygones. No revenge or vengeance to be taken This is Heaven”s True Moral Teachings. I think the above statement might be made by some immoral human beings. and NOT Lord Jesus Christ, as He was not so cruel to say such words. The above quotation might be misinterpreted or even being manipulated, or amended by some immoral preachers. He… Read more »

Tua Lang
Tua Lang
14 Nov 2013 8.12pm

Be careful. Straight speaking, honest people will not last longer in office, see the fate of MCA Ong Tee Keat. Good luck to you!

15 Nov 2013 9.59am
Reply to  Tua Lang

PKFZ match:
Ling Liong Sik 1 Ong Tee Kiat 0
(goaless after full time, Ling scored last minute ‘golden goal’ in the injury time of extra time).

14 Nov 2013 12.36pm

For the first time i like the Pope.Straight forward to the point to punish corrupted human who use religion after robbing asking forgiveness by donating.Throw the corrupted human to the sea.

rajraman .I don’t know when the Malaysia Mufti under UMNO … they are very silent regarding corruption by the Elite and Political Trader who openly robbing Malaysian. … mendiamkan diri (?)…

15 Nov 2013 9.55am
Reply to  rajraman666

Bro Raj

MP Surendran fighting against temple demolition got 6 month parliament suspension.
Is this fair?

15 Nov 2013 6.23pm
Reply to  Mahendran

Bro Mahendran,
Surendran is doing what he knows best Human Rights and Indians rights – Temple,I/C and Human right issue about Indian.IF you ask me it’s fair – Never in History UMNO been fair to Indian.

rajraman. Indian Politician good at championing Temple and Dead Indians in custody issue openly but come to economy of Indian they are as silent as “SILENT OF THE LAMP”.They play the game to their Political Master.

15 Nov 2013 4.10pm
Reply to  rajraman666


Najib cares too hoots for the Indians. He knows they can complain all they want but at election time he will just put up a MGR front (minus the color contrast pants and shirt) which is doing a few walkabouts among a few “Little India” communities & shake hands with some Indians, go to Batu caves and make his usual false promises to the Indian committees and shout “Nambikei” a few times in speeches to the Indian community along with the barrage of false promises and that is enough to get him to secure the Indian votes.

15 Nov 2013 6.41pm
Reply to  Pritam

Pritam, Najib is a Maverick Political Trader – He can sell his Saliva all the time until he need to wipe is Red Lips many times. That’s Is Nambikai .After that … Zulkili Nordin who insulted Indian as candidate. rajraman. DAP – GELANG PATAH – The tree they promised to sow for INDIANS is broken.No branch from the tree.All Political Trader when comes to Indian Welfare sell their saliva and after election they spit the same saliva at Indians when ask for Indians economy rights.Their saliva also have name – Indian racist. Malay and Chinese openly defending their economy and… Read more »

16 Nov 2013 8.27pm
Reply to  Pritam

Pritam, Najib is a Maverick Political Trader – He can sell his Saliva all the time until he need to wipe is Red Lips many times. That’s Is Nambikai .After that … Zulkili Nordin who insulted Indian as candidate. rajraman. DAP – GELANG PATAH – The tree they promised to sow for INDIANS is broken.No branch from the tree.All Political Trader when comes to Indian Welfare sell their saliva and after election they spit the same saliva at Indians when ask for Indians economy rights.Their saliva also have name – Indian racist. (Some) Malay and Chinese openly defending their economy… Read more »

John W.
John W.
14 Nov 2013 7.10am

The Pope has a big job ahead of him? He will need all of his deciples if he comes south of the Equator.

Michael Maguire
Michael Maguire
14 Nov 2013 12.40am

Pope Francis is a man who does not mince words. He is exposing the great sins of this world:greed, corruption, the sense of entitlement. At last a significant man of God who is able to call a spade a spade and does not dress-up his words with apologetic gloss. All power to him as he addresses both the corruption, greed and pride of the Roman Catholic Church and returns the church to its true mission of following Jesus. oh you princes of gloom oh you ‘respected’ captains of industry and of church recycle your robes into curtains trade in your… Read more »

Farid Junid
Farid Junid
14 Nov 2013 12.03am

Will the Mufti of the National Mosque say the same thing! We are waiting.
Is corruption the DNA of the ketuanan Malays?

Ed G
Ed G
14 Nov 2013 2.36pm
Reply to  Farid Junid

I far as I can recall, our muftis washed their hands on the issue of corruption some time back by passing the buck to the MACC. In other words, it is outside their scope of responsibilities (or morality?).

15 Nov 2013 4.04pm
Reply to  Ed G

Speaker is afraid of MP Surendran.
MBJB is afraid of Lego mural.
Jakim is afraid of internet.

Rakyat is afraid of Barang Naik!!!