Canopies mushroom around Penanti



Another by-election, another canopy settlement – for security personnel presumably – Photo courtesy of Wartawan Rasmi Laman Reformasi

These canopies have now become a regular feature in by-elections.

I am not sure how much these canopies for Penanti will cost.

The canopy bill for the Kuala Terengganu by-election came up to RM6 million. I don’t think the figures for the three by-elections on 7 April are out yet.

Are such big canopy settlements really necessary?

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16 May 2009 9.07am

Air-conditioned, full facilities canopy tens….they are not cheap even at commercial rates, and I bet PDRM pays way above commercial rates?
No prizes for guessing its probably a centralised nationwide contractor…with plenty of “cables”…?

15 May 2009 1.58am

If they haven’t decided, they will probably finance an “independent” candidate.

If that is the case, then PR should play that “UMNO is yellow” for all it’s worth.

14 May 2009 10.28am

Another “super fast and super efficient” created by umNO but fact remains that at the expence of THE PEOPLE too.

Leong Yook Kong
Leong Yook Kong
14 May 2009 10.15am

BN will deny that these six canopies are installed by them since they are not going to participate in the by-election. Already, they had said that by-election was a waste of monies.

They are going to announce that the Pakatan Rakyat are the culprits behind the installation of the canopies and wasting public funds.

Phua Kai Lit
Phua Kai Lit
14 May 2009 9.47am

Hi Anil

Perhaps you should comment on the latest example of incompetence by this government i.e. raising the price of petrol by 20 sen
(in the midst of a recession!).

14 May 2009 9.33am

did i missed any news lately? is UMNO fielding a candidate for PEnanti?

I don’t think they have decided yet. – Anil

14 May 2009 8.51am

Hi Anil, I am not a member of any political party.I casually support PR based on current issues. The present onslaught on MURUGIAH of PPP is one of JEALOUSY and ENVY. He is the ONE and ONLY INDIAN official who IS effective in his duty and efficient in his duties. I strongly believe that the PPP president feels slighted and JEALOUS that Murugiah was chosen as the best INDIAN politician or something like that. Kveeas feels that he is no more in the limelight and has DEVELOPED A VERY LOW SELF ESTEEM. Murugiah MUST BE INVITED TO JOIN ANY OF… Read more »

14 May 2009 6.50am

SIGH ! there goes our blood money again, …SIGH !!

Hjh Musalmah
Hjh Musalmah
14 May 2009 4.33am

Biasalah tu, selagi BN berkuasa apa yang di buat is an extention of kenduri kawin. “Bior pape asal begaye Yob!!! “

14 May 2009 1.18am


Another project by BN

robin hood
robin hood
14 May 2009 12.07am

Should be around 8 million bucks. Why so expensive? Inflation mah…

anna brella
anna brella
13 May 2009 11.12pm

Thanks Anil for the clarification.

And I seem to have made an error in my posting by using the £ sign instead of the MYR$ sign.

“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

13 May 2009 10.47pm

This is called stimulating the economy, UMNO style.

13 May 2009 10.45pm

rM6.0m for canopies? no wonder they “complain” election is darn expensive.

Another project by BN

13 May 2009 10.20pm

Who say By-Election is a waste of public fund??? To the canopy contractor….more election the merrier. Again talk one thing do the opposite. Btw I think NTR=no to rakyat

anna brella
anna brella
13 May 2009 10.01pm

If that’s 6 canopies at £6m each, isn’t that another whopping £36m of taxpayers toil-funds going down as waste into the taxpayers’ public toilets?

But hey, I suppose it’s only well-deserved party time again, with all expenses paid, for some exceptionally hard-working PRDM personnel posted there on “public duty” and for those…er…vfm canopy-suppliers to the unaccountable public sector I suppose.

“Imagine Power To The People” John Lennon.

The RM6 million was the total incurred for all the canopies in the Kuala Terengganu by-election. It doesn’t include other costs incurred on security, etc – Anil

13 May 2009 9.59pm

Even the RM6 million for Kuala Terengganu does not make mathematical sense to me. For what? Someone in the Parlimen must ask this.
1. Salaries. Paid for already ma.
2. Overtime. Control lah bro.
3. Allowance. Control lah bro.
4. Canopies. They need the canopies ka?
5. All other cost. Takkan so much kot?

13 May 2009 8.45pm

I am also curious as to how much the canopies would be this time…

13 May 2009 8.29pm

Someone is sure to be making a tidy fortune from this. Non Umno member need not apply.

13 May 2009 7.43pm

Nice to see the stimulus package for cronies.

1 Black Malaysia. Democracy First. Elections Now.