Call for RCI on Sarawak corruption draws over 10000 signatures


An e-petition calling for a royal commission of inquiry to probe corruption in Sarawak following the Global Witness sting expose has drawn 10000 signatures already.

The e-petition can be found here.

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Jeannie Mai
Jeannie Mai
24 Mar 2013 1.16pm

Taib, if you believe Anwar is the one and the video is not true, then sue both Anwar and Global Witness. Do not simply issue denial statement and explanation. We do not trust you until you win the legal battle with these two. Once both of them proven wrong and you clear your name, then we can believe. Merely voicing out you frustration in form of denial and finger pointing is actually an outdated strategy of defense. Malaysia public is smarter than you, remember that!

23 Mar 2013 9.11pm

Even if you get the 1.1 million of ONLY SARAWAK’s registered voters to sign it. It won’t happen. People don’t get it. The only opinion that really matters for Najib is Mahathir. So long as Mahathir does not approve, he really won’t even bother to think about it. He does not even want to think about it..

23 Mar 2013 11.47am

Today the star frontpage report on BN Johor fortress under siege.
Don’t worry, I did not buy or read that scum paper, only saw its headline on mamak stall.

I think about time for Anil to reinitiate discussion on battleground Johor now that MCA is in panic mode after the arrival of LKS to steal the crown jewel of Nusajaya in Gelang Patah.

People in Johor are warming up to the series of Ceramah from Pakatan.
They are tired of Umno gangster acts of disrupting the peaceful assemblies to pusten to Pakatan.

Jeannie Mai
Jeannie Mai
24 Mar 2013 1.20pm
Reply to  nelly

How can the Johoreans be supporting BN? Just look at the bus load of pupils going to Singapore schools and the hundreds to thousand of motorcyles travelling to work everyday.

23 Mar 2013 6.05am

Every right-thinking M’sians should sign. Seeing Taib and his cousins plundering our nation’s wealth is unbearable. I am infuriated now.

SL Wong (@wong8898)
22 Mar 2013 11.58pm

Sign lah. Tunggu apa lagi. Although the RCI not that smooth or most likely will fail compare to ICI, but we still gotta try.


Gerakan K
Gerakan K
22 Mar 2013 10.01pm

One of my friend told me that an automated server can do/blast about thousands of fake signatures per hour even with human verification on (captcha, recaptcha, etc). So, with that regard, any thing that online doable is subject to manipulation unless there are open and detail verifications. Even thumbs up and down in anil blog have been manipulated in the past. Any comment that is not pro-pakatan will be thumbs down automatically until the desired count. Remember HM Andrew I[1][2] ??? RCI on corruption ??? Hmm, maybe a pro and dedicated agency like MACC is more suitable. Show us your… Read more »

23 Mar 2013 4.33am
Reply to  Gerakan K

Yes, thumb up and down have been manipulated in Anil blog and your guess is as good as mine who is the one that manipulate and hacked it in the first place. Denying is useless as God will smack you right in your face. Oop what does a liar care about as he even dare to swear in a holy place despite the fact that one has been acquitted by the court 2 times.

Who do best in cheating, lies and deceit, corruption, manipulation, scandals etc etc, well you and I know, its a well known fact

Andrew I
23 Mar 2013 10.30am
Reply to  Gerakan K

Having a long memory is good, Gherks. But having a longer memory is even better. When one commentator who was consistently getting an average of 20-30 thumbs down per comment suddenly gets a few hundred thumbs up, what does that tell you?

We’re not all stupid Gherks. Why don’t you tell us more about your knowledgeable friend?

Anyway, the person who complains about thumbs down is the one who is most affected by it. If not, why complain?