Oxford University is being heavily criticised for extending an invitation to Sarawak Chief Minister Taib Mahmud.
British civil society groups have announced a protest rally today in front of the Saïd Business School.
They will also be issuing a joint statement to express their dismay, reports the Bruno Manser Fund group here.
Go to the Oxford website here and find out who the major, lead and associate partners for the Oxford Global Islamic Branding and Marketing Forum are.
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No second guessing how this … of Sarawak got the invitation…
Money indeed do talk !
1) Why DOES Pakatan Rakyat supporters CONDEMN Taib Mahmud’s invitation to speak in Oxford University:
ANSWER: Becos’ they are JEALOUS Lim Kit Siang or Anwar Ibrahim wasn’t invited although they had been CRAVING for such invitations since childhood.
2) Why isn’t TONY PUA joining the fray to CONDEMN???
1) Many people of all walks of life will regard OXFORD UNIVERSITY as one of the TOP higher learning institutions in the world. Graduates from OXFORD UNI. are perceived as INTELLIGENT, SMART & WISE becos’ OXFORD UNI. offers NOTHING but only the BEST. 2) Recently, our “HIGHLY RESPECTED” SARAWAK CHIEF MINISTER (Taib Mahmud) was INVITED to speak in OXFORD UNIVERSITY. I sincerely believe OXFORD UNI. (an institution of high credentials) DOES have its’ VALID reasons to INVITE a HIGHLY REPUTABLE LEADER such as TAIB MAHMUD to speak in its’ event/function. You DON’T often hear a “KUCHI-RAT WANNABE” or even “LIM… Read more »
This is the best comment of the month !!!
Salute !!!
If Oxford is so, so grand, why are there no-brainers from Oxford in the likes of KJ Rempit maurading the political theatrics much to the amusement of common people? And why are there massive protests in Oxford where it is suppose to be the holy ground of so, so intellectuals who worship money, greed and corrigibles as tools of the new world order. Some of us are still in the grips of post-posh colonialism where colonial names like Oxford makes our knees wobble and salivate in wanton glee of White Rajas worshipping… This tirade is awefully pitiful in our sincere… Read more »
I have written to Oxford ‘s Said Chair and another contributor to that chair – Loreal AG.
Money talks overrule everything …
You can do a thousand harms and the moment you give goodies , sweeties you are honoured and being hug and kiss from head to toe..
One would think a prestigious University like Oxford will be more sympathetic towards the Penan people, (whose plight has worsened under) this “infamous guest”!
Don’t the University has any moral standing?
Does Taib Mahmud, with the many reports of accumulation of massive wealth in questionable fashion, with the allegations of rapes committed against Penan girls without concrete action being taken…, with the allegations of native customary right land being stolen from their rightful owners, with the allegations of large number of dams being built by well-connected companies sans proper consideration for the environemnt and wildlife, represent what Global Islamic branding and marketing advocates? Would a typical Muslim be happy to have Taib speak as an example of Islamic branding and marketing or to supposedly present views about the same? If the… Read more »
Nowadays, malaysian make headways in international. We have the Jho Low, Zhane Low partying with Paris. We have M’sian first lady in full page in new-york press, our first gentlemen is also penning an article to be printed in US press. Now we got Taib Mahmud in Oxford!. M’sia should stand tall in international arena. But then, just like the 2 special force agent waiting to be hang for killing Altantunya, without knowing the motive behind, even after their execution. We don’t know what is the cause to lay so high? We don’t know what we don’t know! Do you?… Read more »
There is still hope, somehow…
There are still some good people around, somehow…
Anil, thanks for the good news !!!
With Oxford’s reputation at stake, it’s impossible to imagine how and why the University/Biz School did not take a punctilious check on her speakers’ background unless, it’s to take a closer look at him, learn from the man what it takes and “how to be a (wealthy) Kleptocrat”?
In the end, even the prestigeous Oxford bows to the mighty ‘$’ irrespective of whether the devil himself was invited to attend functions in its hallowed halls.
What a sad day for the learned institution.
They should vet the background of ‘learned’ statesman … especially this bloke from Sarawak…
So sad….
HalalHub? HalalFocus? Scomi? Media Prima. No wonder he got an invitation from Oxford. … have these sponsors paid Oxford to get him to speak there?
Oxford should boo the BIGGEST … of Sarawak away.
Taib Mahmud(‘s administration) like Mahathir’s has (depleted) BILLIONS of the Nation wealth.
… timber concessions have made billions, raping the forest and land of the Natives of Sarawak.
His daughter’s (lavish) home in Canada is (one of the) the most expensive in the country.
… He has ruled with iron fist like Mahathir …
Look at his face…
Long live Natives of Sarawak !
Well, i guess u have to invite someone ‘important’ from East Msia since quite a healthy number of Msian companies sponsoring the event.