Batang Ai: Salcra plantations yield low dividends



Making sure the message gets across in Batang Ai – Photos by a Sarawakian


Scene from Lubok Antu

In Batang Ai and Lubok Antu, oil palm plantations are mainly under Salcra (which is Sarawak’s equivalent to Felcra, except that its record is poorer).

For an analysis of the low dividends paid to the participants of Salcra’s oil palm land development schemes, go here.

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6 Oct 2009 1.36pm

I am quite agreed with your explanation on how this palm oil plantation was operated here, I am disappointed truly because why this people act unfair to participant especially the local Dayak (Iban). If we compare with participant in semenanjung M’sia it is way too different they get more profit from the company(Felda) who runs the palantation. The company are transparent and honestly help to get the people out of the poverty. All the infrastructures like road, new township, clinic, school, dewan sebaguna, ect all done by felda. This is how the company work, the company just help in the… Read more »

3 Apr 2009 12.08pm

Ohhhaaaiii Mr Anil Netto! So, you dig on Salcra eh? Hahaha, sorry. For the record, Salcra is one of the all-time Dayak joke here in Sarawak. Mention Salcra and quickly pop-up is the name of our Deputy CM that most Dayak seems to be not really afraid nowadays, Alfred (or Afraid) J*bu. Since you take the dig on those Salcra, let me put it simply as Sarawak Plantation ….. Ok, here in Sarawak it operates mostly on two ploys or state-run agencies: 1. One under Salcra 2. One under LCDA (Let’s Chase Dayak Away) and Land Development Ministry … Both… Read more »

2 Apr 2009 6.40pm

I’ve been to Lubok Antu before and it is indeed a very small town. Living conditions need much improvement too and I’m sure the BN gang will exploit this by giving out the instant mee promises.

I hope the people will not be blinded but make the right decision! 🙂

2 Apr 2009 12.47pm

How can the poor participants of Salcra’s oil palm land development schemes match the … minds…otherwise, how to buy expensive imported cars and bungalows overseas!
What is most disgusting is, sucking the blood of hard working individuals who can just make ends meet. Is it about time, to vote for change and tell these blood sucking …, … you!

2 Apr 2009 12.22pm

Hi Anil,how come no election fever in LA!!!

Where are all the Flags and posters??

Heard that PKR is having a tough time in BI and expectingly so because of the significance of this state election the state BN is throwing a lot of money to bribe the people to vote for BN.

Let’s hope the ibans will rise up and reclaim what is righfully theirs.

2 Apr 2009 12.22pm

Hi Anil,how come no election fever in LA.

Where are all the Flags and posters??

Heard that PKR is having a tough time in BI and expectingly so because of the significance of this state election the state BN is throwing a lot of money to bribe the people to vote for BN.

Let’s hope the ibans will rise up and reclaim what is righfully theirs.

Penghuni Flat
Penghuni Flat
2 Apr 2009 11.06am

Datuk, So who is going to be in Najib’s new Cabinet? …Takkanlah Azalina… nak jadi Menteri lagi. She should not only be dropped as Minister but should be charged in court and if found guilty, spend her remaining years behind bars. I heard a strong rumour that YOUR FRIEND Jamaluddin Jarjis is seeking a come back. If indeed Najib takes him in, that will be his first mistake as Prime Minister. …Takkan orang macam ni nak masuk balik ke Cabinet. Najib spoke about transparency, getting close to rakyat and so on. If he gets these … into the Cabinet, he… Read more »