Recent elections in Europe have revealed a seismic shift in the political landscape. They have also laid bare a growing discontent around the world.
In many nations, centrist or mainstream political parties have failed to deliver on the “people’s agenda”: affordable healthcare, adequately funded public education, as well as genuinely affordable housing, energy and nutritious food.
Instead, the priorities of these parties seem to revolve around military spending and mega-projects while social spending is constrained. Even the famed National Health Service in the UK is a pale shadow of its old self.
The ruling parties in many nations also pay lip service to the major environmental challenges of our time. These include climate change and global warming. Worse, they indulge in greenwashing and dubious schemes like carbon trading and carbon capture and storage.
The failure by mainstream parties to improve the lives of ordinary people has led to mounting public distrust of politics. Full article on Aliran website
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People’s Agenda is too idealistic since Malay Agenda will overrule everything. Aliran need to face the harsh reality.
You are right. People’s Agenda is actually no different from the DAP’s founding vision of Malaysia for Malaysians. It is unlikely to be accepted by most Malays as it is viewed as a threat to their preferential position.
” a threat to their preferential position ”
Regardless of who we are, when we were born, we were all given only a naked body at the start of our lives.
After our passage through time, even that is eventually taken away from us. Does the world we live in, truly belong to us ?
Saudi Arabia begins Chinese-language classes at schools
The decision is in line with China’s growing importance in the global economy and the thriving trade and economic ties between the two nations.
if does not belong to us why we hear there is bumi? why there are princes?
How does anything in this world belong to you? Did you bring it with you, like land titles, building titles, or other forms of ownership, when you were born?
why tell me? Go and tell who coin the special in the highest law of the land
Have you seen how a baby develops? It is amazing and magical—a process designed by the Creator. Even this body is given to you, here in this world albeit for a certain period of time.
This process is the same for all human beings, regardless of their background, whether one claims to be superior, inferior, or something else.
In the end, human beings leave without taking anything. There are no free wills in these and other related matters.
No not the same. There are those more equal than others. It is written in the highest law.
All the claims we make about ownership are simply constructs of human society.
In the grand scheme of existence, we are merely temporary caretakers of what we call our possessions, and this life is but a fleeting moment in the vastness of eternity.
rakyat,. if is temporary, why bother? Either go and enjoy our possessions as it is now or never. Do you have chance to come back again to eat the fruit in Eden?
But the point is why don’t we bother ? Why not inquire about our existence? Why not ask ourselves why we are here? What is the purpose behind the creation of this vast universe, filled with countless planets, this planet with so many life forms and perhaps even many other universes ?
so why we are here?
what is purpose?
Rakyat should spend more time on meaning of life rather than kbkb
When we gaze out of our windows — both literally and metaphorically — through the lens of our experiences, we observe the myriad dimensions of human life.
Why is it that our experiences are not uniform? Why is it that some live in wealth while others struggle in poverty? Why do we have such a spectrum of emotions, ranging from happiness to sadness, fulfillment to suffering, etc etc etc?
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said the government will not hesitate to amend and enhance legal measures to address issues of racial incitement.
He said it is the government’s duty to safeguard the country from small groups seeking to incite violence, hatred and discord among communities.
Did he say who these small groups are? Are they from the political circle or religious groups, or some NGOs, maybe some civil groups or some activist or is it from the millions of foreign workers staying here ?
Are there no current laws to address racial incitements or violence and discord ?So, what do you think this is actually all about, luca ?
With the new ketuanan already builtin by our past politicians , only time will tell whether the future generation will be integrated as we were in during our schooldays. Our politicians are a major stumbling block in race relations. Most do not have any basic leadership skills , so they use this simple card to get elected.
We see this polarisation even in schools in the country.
Social integration must start from young and teachers must be trained to think and act likewise, Bless the teachers!
Farsighted Malays have come out in droves to lend moral support to DAP vice-chairman Teresa Kok who has come under ferocious attack by UMNO Youth chief Akmal Saleh for objecting to JAKIM mooting of a mandatory halal certification for alcohol/pork-free eateries.
If only we are allowed to talk more freely, there is much to talk about on this matter. The proposing group will have much difficulty explaining it. Knowledge of religion is simply not confined to just one religious group or groups.
yes very much. from talking lead to argument, polisis, court and finally makan curry
Dr Zaliha Mustafa has hit out at Machang PAS Youth member Mohd Sharif Mohd Azhari over his statement that the recent sinkhole incident on Jalan Masjid India was due to “divine retribution”.
The Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Federal Territories) urged Sharif to base his arguments on facts.
Here is an appropriate rebuttal ;
” Minister: Can we term massive floods in Kelantan
divine retribution ? ” dd Sep 13, 2024 3:27 PM
Sorry no divine retribution of any kind. Just plain politics.
flood comes where? ground water for fom heavenly skies? politics make rain?
Notice Almighty’s law of governance regardless of who we are. They All have to age through time, sometimes have to be hospitalized being sick while growing old, some have to use walking stick or some other aid and then pass away, with some getting buried in the ground or while others choose to be cremated. Where is the so called superiority or purity here ?
The Almighty has summoned RPK.
It is amazing how people don’t seem to realize, watching friends, own relatives, etc, passing away right before their eyes and not realizing that they too will have to pass away one day.
Rakyat, you been do research on this? Where do they go after leaving this bumi?
I am still here. How to tell you where they go after they leave this world. But one thing for sure. Not all get to leave this world after they pass.
Just go to the graveyard and feel their presence, if they allow ( I think ). Now, that’s one hellish life, being neither here ( not being in a human body) nor there ( where ever that place is, in the afterlife )
I wonder what is the actual reason behind the festival of the hungry ghost.
How he sustained his lifestyle in UK is still beyond us.
there is superior -you did not read ketuanan? or you dont under bahasa?
He,he. What is that, ” you dont under bahasa? ” Comical fellow. Maybe you don’t under English or maybe you under anything much.
Maybe you understand this. Do any of the food stalls, some restaurant owners and some with multiple food stalls in their shops, pay any income tax or not.
Notice that most of the time we are made to pay cash over the counter without receiving any receipts. No receipts means no transaction records. How do they pay income tax ?
Reform in the civil service should take place immediately as there is still room for improvement, says Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
Anwar pointed to several other areas which need to be looked into.This includes the merging of several departments and agencies as well as the overlapping of positions among officials.
There is news that JAKIM officers will be placed in public government departments or civil service offices. Is this also part of the reform he is discussing?
Did he mention anything about it or explain why this change will take place? There are people who are saying that this action contravenes the constitutional law.
Yes, too many overlapping functions after 60 years. Streamlining operations, merge similar functions and eliminate redundant and outdated functions. This can actually cut headcount for better efficiency. Civil servants should have no complaint since they have been given pay rise!
Bonus, increment, or other benefit or handout for civil servants and GLC staff has been the Bolehland tradition, especially before certain festivals or elections. This is across the board, with no regard for performance. Will this improve or destroy service?
The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) has called for accountability, transparency, and justice in cases of enforced disappearances, particularly focussing on the cases of Pastor Raymond Koh, Amri Che Mat, Joshua Helmi, and Ruth Sitepu.
” Anwar ready to get tough on racial hatred ” by Mohamad Fadli dd 30 Aug 2024, 07:46 PM ======== Since his political party came to power and he assumed the role of Prime Minister, he has made numerous public statements on a wide range of subjects. I wonder if his personal secretary or assistant has taken notes on these statements so that the Prime Minister can follow up effectively. Many of these statements have become little more than glorified rhetoric, lacking concrete actions. Take, for instance, this subject on racial hatred—some political parties including the religious ones, various politicians, along with some misguided members… Read more »
What actions have been taken against those perpetuating racial hatred so far? It seems that many continue this behavior with impunity. Therefore, many of us, the Rakyat, can’t help but think, ‘Oh! Here comes another one of his popularity-driven speeches that will soon be forgotten.’
Without tangible results, skepticism about the effectiveness of this rhetoric is understandably growing. The Rakyat are becoming disenchanted.
rakyat you must speak out more. neighbour is perpetuate dislike penang and is going to sue penang over water until pants. You can be the loyar charging 2 sen to defend penang in what ever court.
Haiya, why you so interest wan in this issue. Neighbor feels he has a valid point to ask for payment because water resource from his state.
Chief says whatever come into my state, belongs to the state. Neighbor says no such thing. Chiefs says, see you in the court of law. Neighbor says, no problem, will see your there.
So, wait lah for the next chapter of a court room drama to unfold.
Late 20th and current 21st century business mantra – ” Greed is Good “. Like this , we simple ordinary Rakyat die standing or not ?
On top of all this, we have a PM who is also a FM and have also taken upon himself to be a ” Solver of Middle East ” problems. How can lah, like this all ?
Why your questions direct to us? Ask me directly? Stand for election, everyone will take note of you
Mahkota: Zahid woos Indian voters with crematoriums
by Zarrah Morden dd Sep 23, 2024 8:48 AM
Vote baiting ? Why now, during a by-election ?
MCA Youth: “Frequent flash floods in Penang yet local MP is still telling people to wait patiently?” By Bernie Yeo dd 21 hours ago
All this problems must be due to haphazard planning. Now, when there is a need to address flooding problems, they come up with excuses related to utilities, such as water supply pipes, TNB cables, Internet cables, etc. They now claim that it is a complex issue.
Remember the Penang airport flooding that occurred some time ago due to an improper drainage system that could not clear the rainwater?
And of course, they cannot solve these problems overnight, as these issues have been years in the making. They lack foresight, experience, and knowledge. Typical politicians, lah. That is why, in the public sphere, we have NGOs, civil groups, activists, and environmentalists advising these people, but they don’t listen. Just look at the recent project involving pylons with electric cables on both sides of the 1st Penang Bridge. The whole thing looks so haphazardly done, doesn’t it? With the electricity cables running across the bridge, isn’t it dangerous for bridge users? What would happen if some kind of accident were… Read more »
DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke has proposed Human Resources Minister Steven Sim as the Penang new state chairperson, while Deputy Finance Minister Lim Hui Ying will continue as the state secretary.
Anil can start a poll to understand the sentiments of Penang voters if they are satisfied with the “legacy” of CM Chow, and his best successor in DAP Penang, currently hot kopitiam talk is between Steven Sim and Lim Sister (another family legacy?)
Both do not impress us Rakyat much. Aside from the two, with one being a member of a family political business, don’t they have anybody else. Why always the same names proposed for anything and everything, politics.
You are always better. You talk this and that. If become one, you do better. stepping stone to take over Anwar
No need wan, lah. What for stepping stone this and that, to take over.
Your DAP with almost 99% diehard support from your own community is doing a fine job of bending over backwards to keep him in play.
Remember the tight bear hug between SG and PM or not? Good enough already.
Additionally, what does DAP, as a member of the Pakatan Harapan coalition, have to say about this statement? Is not BN/UMNO an ally of Pakatan Harapan unity government ? How come there seem to be no support for each other? Why this lack of solidarity?
There are 2 issues here. This Halal issue and Jarkim officers in civil services offices. On both issues, DAP a NM political party with some MM members and leaders has been very quiet. Silence means approval ? Correct ?
why dont you orso asked Where are the nons in PKR like Wong, Sim etc doing in PKR?
All same same lah. Toe the party line. Follow the party rules or else.
If toe the party, why you bother to mention? If you go for election, you dont need to be yes man. You can be like James Bond’s movie Dr NO. if you stand for election.
What are you talking about ? Of course, have to bother. And, am no yes man , no man, no party man and definitely, no stand for election. Am just an ordinary Rakyat.
Whatever policies these politicians introduce, if it is not good for the well being of our Rakyat, we’ll have to speak out, to give our feed back, otherwise how are they going to know if we Rakyat agree with them or not.
” Three-way tussle for top post ” by Tan Sin Chow dd Monday, 09 Sep 2024
We initially believed that the current Chief Minister was the leader we wanted, but it has turned out to be different from what we expected.
To begin with, the type of leader we need is someone who transcends race and religion, possessing the vision and capabilities to restructure the entire state’s operating system.
We require a leader who is more dynamic, inclusive, and committed to unifying all communities under a single system of governance, free from divisive elements.
rakyat, uses big words but what are they? What kind of restructuring? Penang is restructuring with development.You dont want them? Dynamic – Go for Olympic Games? like your contemporary uncle Lim? or like you kbkb with any issues?
No, no. I use only small letters, so, it equals to small words. Even this you cannot understand wan. Use of dictionary also cannot help you.
Development ? Have seen or not when coming from mainland using first bridge. From left to right the entire coastal land is dotted with horrible looking concrete pigeon hole building.
If that is not bad enough, ugly electric pylons crisscrossing the 1st Penang bridge. The whole thing manifest development madness.
small letters dont understand it is like a kechil rat. if you want to convey message, use BIG. you kbkb. If no pylons, you cant have electricity and you cant made your comments here. what is your … suggestion instead of pylons and pigeon holes?…
500 million for this project. It is only a tiny little island. Why must it need so much more electricity – now. Due to over development ?
Have cramped and squeezed in more and more brick, mortar and concrete ? Land reclamation ? Have become an industrial island ?
So, need more electricity ?
Nature’s creation not good enough ? Where is mah Pearl of an island ?
In terms of governance, the state should be managed through a system that emphasizes transparency, participation, and accountability. Policies should be developed through collaborative dialogue with the community, ensuring that they reflect the diverse needs and aspirations of the population. Furthermore, fostering an environment of trust between the government and its Rakyat is crucial for effective governance. This can be achieved through regular communication, education, and engagement, allowing the public to actively participate in shaping their future. Ultimately, we want a state where leadership is defined not just by authority, but by service—where every decision is made with the best… Read more »
fostering trust? one trust partner 100%? who do you trust 100%.gomen?
Right now, who your political party and its leaders trust ? Are your clueless party supporters happy, cheering on? If so, do not complain. Just live with it.
Top leaders representing your politically party, making statements can suddenly be said to be giving own opinion wan. Like this also got.
Ok your comments on pylons and pigeon holes. What you suggest then? you Talk small only
Oh, you are still into suggestions. Good. Now, go back through the comments made over the last 3 to 4 years and read them again.
Many suggestions have already been given.
Better still, go back to 2007 or 2008 and read again all the articles written since then on this blogsite. There have been so many suggestions made.
But before one starts reading the previous articles and comments, one needs to remove the pretentious ‘deaf and dumb’ cap from one’s head.
” Sungai Dua treatment plant to further boost Penang’s water supply ”
by FMT Reporters dd 08 Sep 2024, 05:14 PM
This is good news. But, we Rakyat would like to know, what is being done about the loss of non revenue water, which is said to be about 30% of the clean water produced. In terms of revenue what is the loss annually for the state of Penang? Also, where is SPAN on these matter ?
why not you tell everyone you are implementing rain harvesting in your house and show us your tangki?
Why not you ask how much in millions or billions is lost annually due to leakage / wastage from non revenue water ?
i dont know, you know? you have facts? you carried testing? How reliable and accurate are your tests? You have your accountant and quantity surveyor to show us the costs?
You don’t know, but do you want to know ? Your following question do not imply that you want to know. Simply kbkb type of silly pretentious questions.
How do you know is millions or millions of millions or billions? You monitor the leakage?
” Penang constitution crystal clear on limiting CM’s term, says Loke ” by Rex Tan and Osmond Mah dd 06 Sep 2024, 06:08 PM ======== What if the current Chief Minister (CM) is asked not to accept an offer for a three-year continuation in his role? Alternatively, what if he is requested to resign due to losing support in the state assembly, among other reasons? Should such a scenario unfold, the state of Penang would need an interim Chief Minister to ensure effective governance and stability during the transition period. In this potential situation, does the Penang state constitution specify whether… Read more »
” Putin on Kamala Harris’ ‘infectious’ laugh, Kursk incursion ” dd 5 Sep 2024 9:48:39 PM
Kamala Harris with a confident infectious laugh ? This means just one thing. Russia intents to continue with the Ukraine war. It has not finished with it yet.
phD? suddenly you talk about Russia and Harris? now you realised russia continue the war?
” China will ‘crush’ foreign encroachment in South China Sea, says military official ” by AFP dd 12 Sep 2024, 02:22 PM
How about this one.
They say they will crush any foreign encroachment. Staying about 3,000 km away, communist jaws are locked in, in South China Sea.
They want all of the natural resources found below the sea including the fishes. Its a big country, huge population.
They cannot afford to have an uprising for lack of food and other resources. 80 million communist vs 1.32 billion ordinary citizens. Sure lose wan.
Rakyat – you miss out they use solar? You have electricity , air conditions only for yourself? Your life here is temporary but those in China thinks more than that. Taoism tells different
” Don’t prolong water dispute, senior lawyer tells Penang, Kedah ” by Ian McIntyre dd 04 Sep 2024 7:00AM ======== State so gung ho, told the northern state to take it up in a court of law. Now the MB of that state has decided to do just that. Why blame him ? Your are right about using tax payers money ( individuals egos are massaged ). Later state will come and say, not enough funds and will try to find some way, complete with excuses, to tax our Rakyat more, just like the recent water rates hike. How much thousands of tax money was spend for the recent… Read more »
how much is spent on durian feast? how many attended and who attended? Or no no?
O, this is simple. Just use your h/phone, dial up to the chief and ask him all the question you want on the durian feast.
PM orders meeting with interfaith council over Jakim ‘misunderstanding’
by Mohamad Fadli dd 03 Sep 2024, 03:06 PM
” Government spokesman Fahmi Fadzil said Anwar ordered the two ministers to meet the Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBCHST) soon to hear their views and clear the air on the issue. “
Malaysians should be more concerned about illegitimately acquired wealth rather than engaging in unnecessary debates on halal certificates, says former minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz.
“Muslims in Malaysia, as well as our fellow Malaysians, should be more concerned about ‘non-halal money’ and wealth plundered by those with no integrity, who then distribute that illegally gotten money to charities and feed others,” she said.
I support non halal food because if not it will become extinct in Malaysia!
” Committee formed to streamline statutory bodies, says Anwar ” by Mazwin Nik Ani dd Tuesday, 03 Sep 2024 9:34 AM MYT ======== Whether we Rakyat notice it or not, an important issue is currently unfolding in our nation: the appointment of officers from a religious body to serve in the civil service. Many members of our community are voicing their concerns, yet there has been no response or explanation from our nation’s leadership regarding this significant matter. Instead, the leader speaks of how ” the people have placed their trust in the country’s leadership, including the civil service,” and asserts that “all that… Read more »
It is said that being cunning and sneaky describe behaviors that involve deceit or trickiness. Cunning refers to the ability to achieve one’s goals through some form of cleverness, skill, and often deceit. It implies devising schemes to outsmart others. Sneaky describes actions that are sly or stealthy, often attempting to avoid detection or being straightforward. It suggests a level of dishonesty and untrustworthiness, as well as a tendency to act in a hidden or covert manner. So, to our politicians, we Rakyat wish to know, what are your opinions on these two words? Do these two words resonate with… Read more »
rakyat, we can find those meanings in the dictionary no need to explain
” Harness National Day spirit to perform better, Anwar says ”
by Bernama dd Sep 2, 2024 11:40 AM
Below are some views or perspectives from some of our Rakyat, reflecting the views and sentiments of the broader community of our Rakyat.
Can the current government harness and incorporate these insights to enhance and better their policies in the spirit of improving the well-being of our Rakyat and our Nation.
” Independence means more when you are free from poverty, said Muhyiddin ” by FMT Reporters dd 30 Aug 2024, 10:50 PM ======== The Opposition party, a coalition of three or four political parties, does not seem to share consistent policies aimed at the well-being of our Rakyat and our Nation. While Bersatu makes statements that may align with the wishes of the Rakyat, the other member of the coalition, a religious political party, seems to consistently issue statements that are contrary to these sentiments. As a result, we, the Rakyat, are left confused about the direction the Opposition—specifically, Perikatan… Read more »
rakyat, you worry and care about opposition salesman? you worried they cant caro makan?
Cari Makan?
Revealing My Secret Favorite hawker Food in Georgetown Penang !
Cari makan. He he! A good one, luca. Fried Char Koay Teow looks so delicious. One of my favorite.
soon, you pay more. they want a sign a cert.why you no kbkb at pkr nons who are mps? they orso represent others too.
Cari Makan in Singapore.
M’sian TikToker, 25, Says Working As A Cleaner in S’pore Has Allowed His Family To Live Comfortably in Johor. He gets up at 5am daily to make the two-hour commute across the Causeway and now makes S$2.4K (RM8K) a month.
rakyat, what is the population of penang kias can make 8K per month? or 0,.8k per month?
Just imagine, a cleaner over there makes about RM8k just by doing cleaning work. A branch manager working here for a sundry mart makes about RM2k plus only.
If no development, how can one improves? How to add values to our resources?
I think you should take out your dictionary and check about values and resources, developments and improvements. Then come and tell us all about it. Can or not?
PAS should comment on this.
More Malays are working in 3D jobs in Singapore, dignity aside!
Honestly, don’t see anything wrong with it. It is a honest job earning your keep in a honest way. And 8k is a lot of money.
happy merdeka day to rakyat 8 and semua rakyat. happy malaysia day has to wait for another 16 days
” Ramasamy: Charging Muhyiddin for sedition might make him even more popular ” by Prof Ramasamy Palanisamy dd 3 hours ago
” Muhyiddin was charged because he is the leader of the opposition that has all the potential to unseat the present hypocritical government in the near future. ”
>>> Potential to unseat ?, maybe but most probably not. The one main reason why the PH people are so angry and dislike him so much is because of the
‘ Sheraton Move ‘ It cut short PH’s governing by 3 years.
MACC raided YTL Communications Sdn Bhd’s on Sept 4 to probe the controversial RM4 bil1BestariNet project which Muhyidin initiated when he was the education minister. It will likely make it very difficult if not impossible for the Pagoh MP to maintain his reputation as a truth teller which he had earned through the 115 SD issue.