Video: Family of otters spotted in mainland Penang


First it was the dolphins, now otters have been spotted frolicking along the coastal waters of northern Butterworth.

Full report and video on the Aliran website.

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10 Dec 2020 11.52am

Otters have adapted to City living in Singapore. Could survive in Penang if no disturbance from humans.

CNA’s latest documentary on River wildlife in Singapore:

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
10 Dec 2020 4.47pm
Reply to  Mandolorian

Another reason why PTMP and the development of the three islands at the south-side of Penang needs to halted immediately. Penang do not need more ghost cities to fuel the government ego.

10 Dec 2020 9.59pm
Reply to  Mandolorian

Sinkapore has expanded its size at least 25% by land reclamation and otters find there are more playground and less playwater. But the main attraction in Sinkapore is that they do not have to swim and drink in kopi oh kau kau or teh tarik water. Lee Kuan Yew had turn the concrete jungle around and the kopi oh and teh tarik Sinkapore, Kallang River and Rochor Canal into habitant waterways. Yam Seng with Newwater while Malaysia has to struggle with contaminated water. Water, water everywhere in Malaysia but not a drop.

11 Dec 2020 3.19pm
Reply to  shriek

LKY cleanedup Rochor Canal in 80s to remove illicit thief markets and vice dens and develop tech hubs (eg Sim Lim Sq) there.
LGE failed to extend MOU with LKY’s daughter in law Temasek Holdings to enhance PDC presence in FTZ; and gave Penangites GBS Mahsuri and Mayang Mall driving out the BB Library in the process.
BB voters will shriek out in GE15 and YB Sim may have to trade BB for other constituent now that rocketeers has different vision for BB????

11 Dec 2020 8.56pm
Reply to  Ray

LKY cleaned up not the canal and the waterway at that time. The Canal stinks with rotten egg smell. He torn down part of the heritage and cultural beat of Sinkapore. All small and part time traders will bring their goods to Sungai Road and sell their merchandise and people went there for good bargains. There are new and second hand items as in a flea market which may contained items who knows where they come from. Rochor. Part of Rochor was torn down to improve the connectivity to Johor Bharu with Stage buses, express buses and taxis all to… Read more »

12 Dec 2020 7.37am
Reply to  shriek

Present GBS Mahsuri site was meant to build south west tallest building in collaboration between PDC and Temasek. When Singapore U turn (ROI not up to mark ?) then PDC instead build a 2 storey building there on precious land, while sought out sputhern seabed for reclaimation to build taller buildings – what’s the logic?????

12 Dec 2020 6.16pm
Reply to  Ray

Logic clearly spell out in Temasek multi billion Investment portfolios. They are not property developer. Further how high for a building close to the airport?

Xia Gek
Xia Gek
14 Dec 2020 2.37pm
Reply to  shriek

Temasek gave away free washable face masks to Sporeans, 3 times already.

Khazanah never give us anything. Shame.

15 Dec 2020 8.52pm
Reply to  Xia Gek

Sink gomen will give free Covid 19 vaccination by end of this year and by mid year all will be vaccinated according to South China Post.
Malaysia – no money, no time frame but plenty of water, oil and palm oil to lubricate and run the engine to nowhere. Milk Tea going to hide in Tak Pas KB?

El Barto
El Barto
17 Dec 2020 12.08pm
Reply to  shriek

Singapore’s hawker culture has made it onto a prestigious list of international treasures, alongside Indonesia’s angklung musical tradition and South Korea’s kimjang, the making and sharing of kimchi.

The decision to inscribe hawker culture in Singapore onto the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list under the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) was announced by the international body’s intergovernmental committee on Dec 16.

21 Dec 2020 2.00pm
Reply to  El Barto

Unesco video on Singapore Hawker Culture:

Penang street food a culture to be recognised?

21 Dec 2020 2.16pm
Reply to  El Barto

Al Jazeera: How Covid-19 is changing Singapore hawker food culture.

Xia Gek
Xia Gek
14 Dec 2020 2.36pm
Reply to  shriek

Shriek you got go Sungai Road thief market last time when you reached Rochor on Bus 170? Now mo more thief market becos Singapore cleaned up all the vices including the infamous Deskar Road. Bugis also no more transgender show.

15 Dec 2020 8.35pm
Reply to  Xia Gek

Transgender need not to hush hush. They have come a long way. In many areas and countries they have gain more recognition and rights. One transgender in Pak was thrown into male cell but later had her own cell by the polisi.

Xia Gek
Xia Gek
14 Dec 2020 2.33pm
Reply to  Mandolorian

Malaysia river polluted, fish die so cannot sustain ecosystem for wildlife.

Otters will compete with fishermen for fish. So likely be killed by fishermen?

16 Dec 2020 4.07pm
Reply to  Xia Gek

Aliran may highlight the plight of otters and also elephants as they are in search of food when their habitat being cleared for agriculture.
Elephants reported being shot at by farmers with AK47!!!!

29 Dec 2020 12.51pm

Those beef eaters in Malaysia are more concerned about Kangaroo than Otters.

20 Dec 2020 9.36am

We cannot discount the possibility of Anil becoming a Mayor outside Bolehland championing nature sustainability?

If that’s the case then we shall lose another merit migrating abroad.

17 Dec 2020 8.34pm

penang forum why so quiet on mining on ulu muda or never mind to pay $50m to kedah? $50m, state gomen can do so many wonders but penang forum a deep silence. Why?

Milk Tea
Milk Tea
19 Dec 2020 2.45pm
Reply to  shriek

It is called Penang forum. It’s not called Kedah forum for that I am sure…If there are serious matter at home why bother elsewhere.

22 Dec 2020 9.34pm
Reply to  Milk Tea

Peng land kias asked by Ke dah to pay $50m not 50 sen or Peng land kias get free teh tarik or want kopi o kau kau? Penang Forum usually shriek loudly over environment. So if silence agrees to Ke dah’s terms?

16 Dec 2020 9.44pm

Horray, Peng land now can have some thing to show to Sink land. Peng land has a large lizard wanting to work in a bank as reported in FMT.
Ray can bring it home and take good care of it. Lizard will not catch Covid or spread Covid.

El Barto
El Barto
16 Dec 2020 6.43pm

The Penang ferry service that ferrying both passengers and vehicles between the island and the mainland will cease operation from Jan 1 and will be replaced by speedboats carrying only pedestrians, bicycles and motorcycles.

14 Dec 2020 7.43am

Aliran may eant to do follow-up report on health status of Penang Otters.

If some lack love partners they can matchmake them with those of similar fate in Singapore? See link below :

This is one way to sustain urban wildlife to coexist with humans.

16 Dec 2020 6.33pm
Reply to  Ray

Be careful, Otters can get covid too. Nor way has to cull some animals as they are infected by virus. Some animals like lions in NY animal farm are affected too and same with a HK police dog on duty.

El Barto
El Barto
17 Dec 2020 12.44pm
Reply to  shriek

Malaysia in race to make world’s first ‘halal vaccine’

Does that mean the existing ones are not halal?

22 Dec 2020 9.37pm
Reply to  El Barto

We oredi had world’s first halal vaccine. It is chip chip. This PN guy said the cure is to drink air suam.

11 Dec 2020 3.07pm

Penang may seek Singapore zoology expertise to revive and sustain city wildlife.

MOU can be established to cross breed Penang-Spore otter species???

El Barto
El Barto
13 Dec 2020 1.13pm
Reply to  Ray

Penang can emulate Tallinn (Estonia) where free public transportation is provided to residents, in bid to achieve carbon neutrality and ease traffic congestion.

15 Dec 2020 8.39pm
Reply to  El Barto

Many countries are using hybrid cars and electric buses to reduce emissions. Here Petronas will go pokkai if PN allow the changes,

16 Dec 2020 4.09pm
Reply to  shriek

Anil can update us on Rapid30 pass for Penangites as well MCA speedboats replacing the ferries.
For those who shall miss the sight of a ferry, they can witness one anchored in between QBay and Jerejak.